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1、最新天津中考完成句子题专项练习七至九年级按模块排序附答案超级资源:最新天津中考完成句子题专项练习(七至九年级按模块排序)附答案Module 11.我的父亲四十多岁了. My father is _ _ forty years old.2.每天上午,他穿过小公园去去上班. He _ _ the small park to work every morning.3.这条河20米深. The river is twenty_ _.4.在他看来,他总是对的. his ,he is always right.5.维多利亚瀑布是大自然奇观. The Victoria Falls are _ _.6.三峡大

2、坝为成千上万的人提供电. The Three Gorges produces electricity for _ _ people.7.他全身都湿透了. He was wet from _ to _.8.上星期天,我们在乡村公园里沿着小路散步. Last Sunday,we took a _ _ a trail in country park.9.地震的时候,墙突然向下倾斜. The wall _ _ suddenly when the earthquake happened.10.这是你的邮件,我仔细检查过了. Heres your mail, I have _ _ it.Module21我

3、们的成功取决于每个人是否努力. Our success_ _ whether every one works hard or not.他要去伦敦,他的妹妹也要去. She is going to London and her sister is going _ _.3许多的学生想加入篮球俱乐部. _ _ students want to join the basketball club.4.每个人都应该感恩于父母. Everyone should _ _ to their parents.5.他们至今已举办了两场展览,并开始把他们的作品卖到世界各地. _ _ ,they have had tw

4、o exhibitions and are starting selling their works around the world.6在七八月份的某个时候,大部分的人去度假. ost people _ a _ sometime in July or August.7.放桌子,我们要吃午饭了. _ the _,we will have lunch.8.我们通常去野餐并且玩的很开心. We usually have a picnic somewhere nice. And _ great _.9.放学后.在我们学校有各种各样的活动.There are _ _ of activities in

5、my school after school.10.老师课前让我们做一个简短的演讲,来提高我们的英语口语. Our teacher asked us to _ a short _To improve our spoken English .Module31 无论我们面对什么样的挑战,我们都永远不会放弃.No matter what challenges we face, we all never _ _.2 两个消防员为救火灾中的学生而牺牲了.Two firemen _ _ saving the students in the fire.3.看!贝蒂的妈妈正在超市里独自购物. Loook!Be

6、ttys mother is shopping_ her_.4.张继科训练如此刻苦,以至于他在伦敦奥运会获得金牌. ZhangJike trained _ hard_ he got the gold medal in London Olympic Games.5.每年有许多烟民死于肺癌. Lots of smokers _ _ lung cancer every year.6.你应该照看你的小妹妹. You should _ _ of your little sister.7.他因病而不能来了. He cant come _ _ his illness.8.他再一次的努力学习,完成了剑桥大学的

7、博士学位. _ _ she worked hard and completed her doctors degree at Cambridge University.9.他们一起设法解决问题. They _ _ solve the problems all together.10.我以我们的国家而自豪. I am _ _ our country.Module4-61、She looked as if she was _ _ cry. 她看上去好像要哭了. 2、The teacher _ a bottle _ water.老师在瓶子里注满了水. 3、Mr wu likes to _ Class

8、3 _ Class 5.吴老师喜欢拿三班和五班作比较. 4、The teacher are always _ me _ my elder sister.老师们总是拿我和姐姐作比较. 5、You ought to _ _ the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week.你应该养成每周伊始就安排好工作的习惯. 6、His television has _ _ wrong again.他的电视又出毛病了. 7、I shall be _ _ you if you break the cup.你要是打碎了杯子,我会生气的. 8、

9、The food was not nice ,but _ _ it was cheap.食物不好吃,但至少便宜. 9、It will take you _ _ twenty minutes to get there.你至少要花20分钟才能到那儿. 10、Should I _ _ repair it ?我应当支付修理费用吗?Module7-91.我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家兼思想家,而非作家. I think Id describe Confucius as a teacher and thinker a writer.2.莎士比亚的喜剧现在对我们来说也仍很有意义. Shakespeares

10、plays also a lot of to us today. 3.你将为你的所作所为付出代价. You will what you have done. 4.他看到了我,很快逃走了. When he saw me , he quickly. 5.我长大后想当一名老师. When I , I want to be a teacher.6.你知道UN 代表什么吗? Do you know what UN ?7.2001年,国家创立了一个特殊项目,用来帮助年轻运动员. In 2001, a special programme was to help young sportsmen and spo

11、rtswomen.8.尽管刘翔因脚的问题受了很多苦,但他没有放弃. LinXiang a lot his foot problem , but he never gave up . 9.如果你取得冠军,我们都将以你为荣. If you get the , well be proud of you . 10.她太小了而不能照顾好自己. She is young she cant look after herself well. 11.照片完成后,将被公布在学校网站上. When the photos are finished, theyll be on the school website. 1

12、2.每天晚上,我妈妈都在家看杂志. Every evening, my mother magazines at home. 13.在过去,书是靠手工制作的. In the old days, books were produced .14.十年前,这里有成千上万棵树. There were trees ten years ago. 15.人们经常把孩子比作早上七八点钟的太阳. People usually children the sun in the early seven or eight. Module101. 根据当地人所说,这是一个特殊而神奇的地方. _ _ the local pe

13、ople, its a special and magical place.2. 他们戴着使苍蝇远离的特别的帽子. They wear special hats that _ the flies _.3. 我不得不把它们从衣服上刷掉,尤其是我的裤子!I had to _ them _ my clothes ,especially my trousers !4.托尼的爸爸为什么给托尼看他澳大利亚的照片? Why does Tonys dad _ his photos of Australia _ Tony?5 我对它如此之大感到惊奇: 3.6千米长, 348米高! I was _ _ how b

14、ig it was : 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high !Module111. 今晚我非常高兴的宣读这次摄影比赛的获胜者. Tonight I am more than happy to _ _ the winners of the phpto competition.2. 我们对本年度的比赛感到非常满意. We were very _ _ our comperition this year.3. 尽管所有的照片都很出色,但是我们只能遗憾地说我们不能给每个人都颁奖. _ _ all of the photos are excellent,we a

15、re sorry to say that we can not give prizes to everyones.4. 这个人是一个穿着女衬衫和裙子的漂亮女孩,她在保护她的书免受阵雨淋湿. It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt, and who is _ her books _ the showers.Module121. 回答这些问题来弄清楚. Answer these questions and _ _.2. 购物时你自己带包而不是要塑料袋吗?Do you take your own bag when shoppi

16、ng and not _ _ a plastic bag?3. 瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们?And what do you _ _ the bottles when they are empty ?4. 我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天制造废物,这对我们的环境是有害的. We all need a healthy environment ,but we produce waste every day ,and it is _ _ our environment.5. 照料它们以便它们会持续使用. _ _ them so that they will last.6. 回收利用意思是“将某件东西

17、变成别的东西再使用. ”Recycle means “ _ things _ something else to be reused .7. 我们每年扔掉许多垃圾,我们必须改变. We throw _ _ rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change.参考答案M1-1.more than 2.goes through 3.metres deep opinion 5.natural wonders. 6.millions of 7.topn bottom 8.walk along 9.fell away 10.loved ov

18、erM2-1.depends on well 3.Plenty of 4.give thanks 5.Since then 6.take vacation 7.Lay table 8.have fun 9.all kinds 10. make speech.M3-1.give up 2.died for 3.on own that 5.die of 6.take care 7.because of 8.Once again 9.managed to 10.proud ofM4-6-1.about to 2.filled with pare with paring with

19、5.get into 6.gone wrong 7.angry with least least to M7-9-1.more than 2.make sense 3. pay for 4. ran away 5. grow up 6.stands for 7. set up 8.suffered from 9. first prize 10 . so that 11. put up 12. looks through 13. by hand 14. thousands of 15. compare to M10-1.According to 2. keep

20、away 3. brush off 4. show to 5. surprised at out 2. pleased with 3. Even though 4. protecting againstM12-1.find out 2. ask for 3. do with 4. harmful to 5. Look afrer 6. change into 7. tons of 完成句子练习174. 他经常收到他女儿的来信. He often _ _ her daughter.75 他们相互微笑并握手 They smiled at each other and _ _.

21、71. 为保护野生大熊猫,政府正修建自然公园. The government is _ _ nature parks to protect pandas in the wild.72. 他在一个离家很远的公司上班. He works in a company _ _ his house.74. 昨天张老师指出了我家庭作业中的一些错误. Mr Zhang _ _ some mistakes in my homework yesterday.完成句子练习171. 他喜欢编造荒诞不经的故事. She enjoys _ _ tall tales.72. 妈妈正在打扫房间,收拾东西. My mum is

22、 cleaning the house and _ things _.73. 上周日人们给他们最喜爱的运动员喝彩加油. People _ their favorite players _ last Sunday.71. 听音乐可以让你身心放松,迅速入睡 Listening to music may help you relax enough to _ _74. 昨天我的新书出版了,你想看吗? Yesterday my new book _ _, would you like to read?完成句子练习175. 到目前为止,我已经学了大约60个英语单词 _ _, I have learnt a

23、bout 60 English words.71. 你近来收到TOM的来信了吗? Have you _ _ tom recently?72后来我们发现他是一个诚实的孩子 Later we _ _ that he was an honest boy.73. 我自己抬不起这张桌子 I cant _ _ this desk alone.71. 上周陈华带我们参观了天塔 Chen Hua _ us _ Tianjin TV Tower last week.74. 感谢你为我们指出北京的景点. Thank you for _ _ the sights of Beijing for us.72. 托尼的妈

24、妈想让他收拾他的房间 Tonys mum wants him to _ _ his room.完成句子练习273. 确保他身上暖和,给他盖件外套. _ _ hes warm. Cover him with a coat.72. 为了保护野生熊猫,政府在2003 年设立了自然保护区 In order to protect wild pandas, the government _ _ a nature reserve in 2003.75. 我在下一站下车 Im _ _ next stop.71你必须注意你的书写 You must _ _ to your handwriting.71. 为了纪念

25、那次战役,我们建立了一座博物馆 To remember that battle, we _ _ a museum.完成句子练习273. 我妹妹昨天从自行车上摔下来了. My sister _ _ the bike yesterday.51. 小玲的梦想很快就实现了 Xiao Lings dream will _ _ soon.52.每年冬天有几百只鸟飞到这儿. _ _ birds fly here every winter.53. 你在找什么呢? What are you _ _?54. 请不要为我担心 Dont _ _ me, please.完成句子练习255. 琳琳想试试那件红色的裙子.

26、Linlin would like to _ _ the red dress.58. 许多孩子因为吃不健康食品而发胖. Many children _ _ because of the unhealthy food.59. 胡萝卜对眼睛有好处 Carrots are _ _ your eyes.60 爷爷总是把我照顾得很好 Grandpa always _ _ me very well.63. 快点儿,我们都在等你 Hurry up, we are all _ _ you.71. 我们将在下一站下车 Well _ _ at the next bus stop.完成句子练习372.美国人遇见陌生人时不总是握手. American people do not always

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