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1、内蒙古巴彦淖尔市中考英语考试普通用卷2018年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市中考英语考试普通用卷 作者: 日期: 2018年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市中考英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1. -Howdoyouusuallygotoschool?-Itoschoolbybike()A. go B. went C. willgo D. wasgoing2. -_isyourfavoritesportsman?-LiuXiang()A. How B. Which C. Whom D. Who3. -Ithinkyoushouldstop_tohiminEnglish-Is

2、eeHecantunderstandEnglishatallIlltryinChinese()A. totalk B. talking C. talk D. talks4. -Excuseme,couldyoupleasetellme_?-ItsnexttothePeoplesBankofChina()A. whereisthemuseum B. wherethemuseumisC. wherewasthemuseum D. wherethemuseumwas5. -Letschatonline-_()A. Notatall B. Thankyou C. Goodidea D. Goodluc

3、k6. ThereisasportscenterinfrontofthebuildingWhichofthefollowingiscorrectfortheunderlinedword?()A. /sent/ B. /kent/ C. /sent/ D. .kent/7. PeterwillbeanelderbrotherHisparentsaregoingtohave_child()A. two B. twice C. second D. thesecond8. WeChinesepeopleareproudof_country()A. we B. us C. our D. ours9. I

4、thinkitsreally_hardworkformetofinishthejobintenminutes()A. a B. an C. the D. 不填10. -Iborrowyourdictionary?-SureHereyouare()A. Could B. Should C. Must D. Would二、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共16.0分)11. Jane: Did you go to Dr Hawkings speech last year? Li Xiang: Sorry, I didnt (1) _ a chance to go Could you tell me so

5、meting about him? Jane: Yes He was born in Oxford, England in 1942, and he wrote many valuable books Li Xiang: Ive (2) _ ( know)about A Brief History of Time It is his best-selling book Jane: Thats right Hes a great (3) _ ( science) He (4) _ ( catch)a terrible disease thirty years ago Li Xiang: What

6、s his disease like? Jane: Oh, he cant move his body, and can only speak with the (5) _ of a computer Li Xiang: Its hard to believe No wonder so (6) _ people admire him I Jane: Unfortunately, he (7) _ of illness on March 14th, 2018 Li Xiang: Oh,(8) _ a pity! Thank you for telling me so much三、阅读理解(本大题

7、共5小题,共10.0分)ATears came into this mothers eyes when she talked about waking up her son Every morning, her ten-year-old boy puts up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging for one more minute to sleep Why is he so sleepy? Because, like thousands of student early birdsin China, he has to get up

8、 before 6: 00a m every morning School students usually need eight to ten hours sleep a night But in China, its reported that 90% of the students do not get enough sleep And studies show that without a good nights sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be They cant pay attention to their

9、lessons or the traffic around them, and become upset as a result Li Ming, a student of a middle school in Linhe, said, I usually go to bed after 11: 00 pm But when I have exams coming up, I have to stay up as late as midnight Thisnight bird lifestyle has made many students nod off(打瞌睡) in class Li M

10、ing said, It is during afternoon classes that I feel most sleepy My parents are usually happy to see me studying so late They think I work very hard and they make me cups of coffee So far, the officials of the Educational Bureau of Bayannaoer City have aken many measures to reduce the studentspressu

11、re One is known as putting off (推迟) the time for going to school It has worked well in increasing the studentssleeping time Thanks to the policy, the students have enough time to sleep now However, some people doubt the correctness of itThe problem of the students pressure is still serious in our ar

12、ea, We still have a long way to go12. Although the ten-year-old boy was _ ,his mother had to wake him up before 6: 00amA. angry B. lazy C. sleepy D. ill13. School students usually need to sleep for _ a nightA. at least eight hours B. six to eight hoursC. less than eight hours D. more than ten hours1

13、4. Without enough sleep, the school students will become _ A. upset B. weakC. sleepy in class D. all the above15. Li Mings mother is _ to see him studying lateA. sorry B. angry C. happy D. worried16. Which one is True according to the passage? _ A. All the parents hope their children stay upB. All t

14、he students dont think that they are short of sleepC. The students dont have learning pressure nowD. The officials of the Educational Bureau care about the students health四、任务型阅读-简答(本大题共2小题,共18.0分)17. 阅读下面文章(1)-(3)题是四段有关如何进行演讲的材料,AD是演讲的标题,请根据材料选出相应的标题,并将答题卡内相应的字母标号涂黑You should know you and most of t

15、he people you talk to are different in many ways Maybe your listeners know what you are talking about, while others don t So speak to them on their terms, in their languageLooking at and talking to a person in the audience (听众)helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person S

16、peak to that person as long as it is comfortable with each other, usually up to 15secondsWhen you talk, pay attention to what you want to say and let your gestures or body languages take care of themselves If you always think about gestures, you will feel uncomfortablePeople in an audience have a ha

17、rd time to understand what they hear They need your help Slow down, pause and guide the audience through your talk Remember that your goal is to help the audience understand what you are saying, not to tell your in formation in record Time A Take it slow and easy B Try not to think about your hands

18、and facial expressions C Put yourself in your listener s place D Speak to one person at a time18. Folk music is a kind of popular music It comes from the people of any country Folk singers sing songs from centuries ago, and they also write songs They want to express their feelings about new things i

19、n the world today The wordfolk means people Folk songs tell stories about people For example, the songs tell about their jobs and work, their friends, and their lives They also express ideas such as love and war The words in the songs are an important part of the music In the United States and Europ

20、e, folk music became very popular during the 1960s Fans listened to folk singers perform at concerts The singer told stories, sang, and played the guitar Fans listened to the music and often sang along with the performer Some of the folk singers during this time were the Kingston Trio; Peter, Paul a

21、nd Mary; Pete Seeger, and the Weavers Later, people began to play this kind of music themselves at schools, at parties, and at home alone Today fans can still hear folk music at concerts They can also buy CDs and DVDs by new folk performers They can listen to folk music on the IntemetWhen did folk m

22、usic begin? _ Why do people want to write folk songs? _ Are the words important in folk songs? _ Where did people enjoy folk music in the 1960s? _ Can people hear folk songs on the Internet? Whose folk songs do you like best? _ 五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共29.0分)19. Withthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,great



25、ofdangerevenweturnbacktotheStoneAge20. 下面是LiHong同学在校园QQ群中的留言请你根据LiHong的留言和所给的提示,以Kangkan的名义用英语回复她的问题提示:1学好英语并不难,但学习方法很重要; 2根据你自己的体会给她提几条建议(不少于三条) 3鼓励她坚持做下去要求:1必须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥2文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息 3词数80左右(开头己给出,不计入总词数)答案和解析1.【答案】A【解析】考查一般现在时根据题干How do you usually go to school?可知句子是一般现在时,主语是I,第一人称单数,应

26、说我骑自行车上学go to school去上学 故选:A你通常怎么去上学? -我骑自行车上学仔细分析句子的结构,掌握一般现在时的用法和短语go to school去上学2.【答案】D【解析】how怎样,如何;which哪一个;whom谁,一般作宾语;who 谁,做主语此题根据语境,谁是你最喜欢的运动员?-刘翔,可知提问主语谁,用who故选:D-谁是你最喜欢的运动员? -刘翔此题考查疑问代词,在熟知所给疑问代词意思和用法的基础上,结合具体题目,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案3.【答案】B【解析】stop doing sth停止做某事,stop to do sth停下来,做另一件事情;根据句意可知,要

27、用stop doing sth 故选:B-我认为你应该停止和他说英语 -我明白了他根本不懂英语我要用汉语试一试考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案4.【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句句意-打扰下,你能告诉我博物馆在哪里吗?-它在中国人民银行旁边这里是宾语从句从句通常用陈述语序A,C不正确一般现在时态,D不正确 故选:B-打扰下,你能告诉我博物馆在哪里吗? -它在中国人民银行旁边宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,关于引导词的区分需结合引导词的基本含义及其在句子中所承担的句子成分进行具体分析宾语从句的时态和主句没有必然的联系,需结合语境具体分析5.【答案】C【解析】Not a

28、t all一点也不不客气Thank you谢谢;Good luck好运,Good idea 好主意,此题表示提建议,lets do ,回答好主意故选:C让我们网上聊天吧 好主意此题考查情景对话,在熟知所给短语意思基础上,结合语境,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案6.【答案】C【解析】划线词语center的音标是 sent,因此可知这句话的意思是在这座楼前面有一个运动中心 故选:C在这座楼前面有一个运动中心下面哪一个是划线词语的发音首先要掌握这个词的发音,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案7.【答案】D【解析】分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是彼得将是一个哥哥,他的父母将生第二个孩子这里表示第二个,用

29、序数词,前面通常用定冠词 故选:D彼得将是一个哥哥,他的父母将生第二个孩子解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答8.【答案】C【解析】答案:C 考查物主代词句意我们中国人以我们的祖国而骄傲be proud of以而骄傲题中country是名词,国家的意思前面应该用形容词性物主代词故选C我们中国人以我们的祖国而骄傲了解句子意思,以及物主代词的用法,再结合具体语境进行选择9.【答案】D【解析】分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是我认为对我来说在10分钟内完成这项工作是很困难的后面work是一个不可数名词,不需要冠词故选:D我认为对我来说在10分钟内完成这项工作是很困难的解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答10.【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词A可以B应该C必须D将会结合语境-我_借用一下你的

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