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1、江苏省专转本英语写作必备20XX年省专转本英语写作必备 作文必备 一评分标准 2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严峻错误。5分基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严峻语言错误。 8分基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字牵强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严峻错误。 11分切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。字数不足应酌情扣分 (注: 白卷/作文与题目毫不相关/ 或只有几个孤立的词汇而无法表达思想,则给0分) 字数不足应酌情扣分: 110-119 100-1

2、09 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 49 字 数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 扣 分 ( 注: 1. 如题目中给出主题句,起始句, 结束句,均不计入所写字数 2. 规定的内容没写全者,按比列扣分 3. 如果扣为0分, 要慎重处理) 二写作思路 三段落特点 英语文章段落结构一般有三部分构成:主题句+扩展句+结尾句 四写作原则 (一)长短句原则 第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采纳先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 (二)主题句原则 特别提示:隐XX

3、主体句可是要冒险的! To begin with, you must work hrd t your lessons nd be fully prepred before the exm(主题句)。 Without sufficient preprtion, you cn hrdly expect to nswer ll the questions correctly. (三)一二三原则 1)to strt with, next, in ddition, finlly(强烈推举) 2)to begin with, then, furthermore, finlly(强烈推举) 3)first

4、nd foremost, besides, lst but not lest(强烈推举) 4)on the one hnd, on the other hnd(适用于两点的情况) 5)for one thing, for nother thing(适用于两点的情况) (四)短语优先原则 其一、用短语会使文章增加亮点 其二、关键时刻思维短路,只有凑字数,怎么办?用短语是一个办法! I cnnot ber it. 可以用短语表达:I cnnot put up with it. I wnt it. 可以用短语表达:I m looking forwrd to it. (五)多实少虚原则 比如我们说一个

5、很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous,humorous, interesting, smrt, gentle, wrm-herted, hospitl 之类的形象词。再比如: 走出房间,的词是:wlk out of the room 但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room 小孩走出房间应该说:dnce out of the room 老人走出房间应该说:stgger out of the room (六)多变句式原则 1)加法(串联) 2)转折(拐弯抹角) The cr ws quite old, yet it ws in ex

6、cellent condition. The cot ws thin, but it ws wrm. 3)因果(so, so, so) 更多短语: then, therefore, consequently, ccordingly, hence, s result, for this,reson, so tht 4)失衡句(头重脚轻,或者头轻脚重) 举例:This is wht I cn do. Whether he cn go with us or not is not sure. 同样主语、宾语、表语可以改成如下的复杂成分: When to go, Why he goes wy 5)插入语

7、(多此一举) The mn whom you met yesterdy is friend of mine. 6)排比(移山倒海句) We hve got to study hrd, to enlrge our scope of knowledge, to relize our potentils nd to py for our life. (七)挑战极限原则 特别句式和结构的运用 The wether being fine, lrge number of people went to climb the Western Hills.五写后修改 在学习写作段落和篇章之前,首先应该学习如何写好

8、句子。一篇文章写好之后也要着重看看语法是否正确,句式是否完整,表达是否简洁。 下面从句子层面看看写好文章之后该如何修改。 (1)语法知识 . There be 结构考生病句: 1. There re mny people like to go to the movies. 2. There re different kinds of vegetbles cn be bought on the mrket by people. 正确表达: 1. There re mny people who like to go to the movies. 2. There re different kind

9、s of vegetbles tht people cn buy on the mrket. 这两个例句的错误比较有普遍性,因为在历次考试中有不少考生不能正确运用there be 这一最常用的句式。 在这种结构中,there是引导词,没有实际意义。be在句中作谓语,有时态和数的变化。 b. 比较结构考生病句: 1. Compring with the bike, the cr runs much fster. 2. The climte in Wlton is colder thn other cities. 正确表达: 1. Compred with the bike, the cr run

10、s much fster. 2. The climte in Wlton is colder thn tht of other cities. 评议与分析:许多考生在作文中用compre或thn表示比较,但相当多的表达有误。 在例1中,对两个事物进行比较的句式为Compred with , B., 只能用compre的过去分词,不能用现在分词, 因为B是分词的逻辑主语,只能被比较。在例2中,考生误将天气与城市进行比较,而二者没有可比性,只有将后 者改为其他城市的天气才符合逻辑,很显然,考生的错误是受了汉语表达习惯的影响。 c. 含有it的结构考生病句: 1. s is known to ll

11、of us tht science nd technology ply n importnt role in the development of society. 2. It is known to us, prctice mkes perfect. 正确表达: 1. It is known to ll of us tht science nd technology ply n importnt role in the development of society. (或:s is known to ll of us, science.) 2. It is known to us tht p

12、rctice mkes perfect. (或:s is known to us, prctice.) 评议与分析: 很显然,两个考生混淆了it和s的用法。如果用it作形式主语,后面的主语从句必须由tht引起;如果用s,则后 面不能用tht,因为s是关系代词,代表prctice mkes perfect。 (2)意思完整 英语中完整的句子通常必须具备两个基本条件:1.表示一个完整的意思;2. 至少包括主语和谓语两个部分(祈使句除外). 如果将句子的一部分当作一个完整的句子,就会导致非完整句.非完整句缺少主语或谓语部分,因而不能表示完整的意思. 其错误通常有下面几种情况: .将从句当作句子 (误

13、)I would never forget the dy. When my mother sent me to the villge school. (正)I would never forget the dy When my mother sent me to the villge school. (误)If there is bll gme on television. Dd does not like us to wtch our progrms. (正)If there is bll gme on television, Dd does not like us to wtch our

14、progrms. b.将同位语当作句子 (误)Do you wnt to meet lice? The smrtest nd pretest girl in our school. (正)Do you wnt to meet lice, the smrtest nd pretest girl in our school. (误)New problems fce the womn entering collge. Such s budgeting her money nd time for study. (正)New problems fce the womn entering collge,

15、such s budgeting her money nd time for study. c.将短语当作句子 (误)With 7000 undergrdutes nd nerly 1000 postgrdutes. Our university hs become rther crowded. (正)With 7000 undergrdutes nd nerly 1000 postgrdutes, our university hs become rther crowded. (误)Women nd smll children in the hll. (正)There re lrge num

16、ber of women nd smll children in the hll. (误)His mbition ws to grdute t hed of his clss. nd to win stte scholrship. (正)His mbition ws to grdute t hed of his clss nd to win stte scholrship. (误)The volume grew lower nd lower. Finlly becoming so slight s to be inudible. (正)The volume grew lower nd lowe

17、r finlly, becoming so slight s to be inudible. d.将现在分词当作谓语 (误)The quntity our products incresing stedily. (正)The quntity our products is incresing stedily. (误)Thousnds upon thousnds of people sitting in the blechers wtching the bll gme. (正)Thousnds upon thousnds of people were sitting in the blecher

18、s wtching the bll gme. e.从句中缺少主语 (误)fter finished college eduction, my brother found job with construction firm. (正)fter he finished college eduction, my brother found job with construction firm. (误)The women tlked to you just now is our English techer. (正)The women who tlked to you just now is our

19、English techer. (3) 表达简洁 在英语造句时,不应使用不必要的词.只要意思得到完全表达,那么所用的词应该是越少越好.试比较下列一两组句子: : It ws blue in color. It ws smll in size. Mry is quiet nd creful womn. He returned in the erly prt of the month of ugust. B: It ws blue. It ws smll. Mry is quiet nd creful. He returned in erly ugust. 很明显,B组的四个句子与组的四个句子所表

20、达的信息完全相同,组的句子显得多余.B组的句子则简洁明了,而应幸免写那些冗赘(wordy)的句子。 六范文观察 1观点类作文 对命运的两种看法 自己的观点 结论:命运掌握在自己的手中 My View on Fte Different people hve different views on fte. Some people think tht fte is predestined nd nobody cn chnge it, while others rgue tht everybody is the mster of his fte nd he cn chnge it with his o

21、wn hnds. s fr s I m concerned, I gree with the ltter opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe ll men re born equl nd nobody is destined to lwys succeed or fil in his life. For nother, if person is diligent nd determined, he will relize his drem no mtter how poor, humble or unlucky he my be. Just thi

22、nk of Nobel, who invented dynmite fter countless experiments during which lost his brother nd got seriously injured himself. Tking ll these fctors into considertion, we my sfely come to the conclusion tht there is no such thing s destined fte in our life. Only if we hold on to our drem cn we turn it

23、 into relity, just s the sying goes, “ Everybody is the rchitect of his own fortune.” 2利弊类 家教的好处 家教的坏处 结论 dvntges nd Disdvntges of Fmily Tutoring Recently more nd more people begin to engge fmily tutors for their children. They rgue tht fmily tutoring brings severl dvntges. First, fmily tutoring cn

24、help wek students to keep up with others in clss. Second, the society is developing t high speed nd fmily tutoring cn help the child mke preprtions for the future competition. Fmily tutoring lso leds to mny problems.To begin with,students my not welcome fmily tutoring t ll becuse mny of them re lred

25、y overburdened. Besides, the qulity of the techer nd teching remins potentil problem, s the min im of most tutors is to ern money. Lst but not lest, the student my depend too much on fmily tutoring nd overlook lerning t school. From wht hs been discussed bove, we cn see clerly tht the disdvntges re

26、more obvious. Techers nd prents should help students improve efficiency both in nd out of clss experience tells us tht the best students need no fmily tutoring. 3办法类 毕业生关注找工作问题 找工作的三个解决办法 总结 How to Get Job fter Grdution The pst decde hs witnessed more nd more fierce competition in the job mrket. Con

27、sequently students voice growing concern over how to get job fter grdution. s for this problem, in my opinion, there re t lest the following pproches. First of ll, the min pproch is to tke prt in grnd recruiting firs in big cities. The students hnds in his resume nd wits for the notice of n intervie

28、w. Secondly, the student cn go over the dvertisements on newsppers, TV or the Internet to find stisfctory job. Of course, he should lso wit for reply fter sending out pplictions. Finlly, going directly to n idel compny is brve behvior, which sounds pretty rre mong the job hunters. Personlly, I would

29、 like to choose the second method in my own prctice. On the one hnd, I dont wnt to hve try t those compnies which hve not dvertised in the mss medi. The success rte is so rre tht I cnnot fford the time nd energy. On the other hnd, I would not like to go to those crowded recruiting firs, which often

30、provide only poor-pying posts which re neither chllenging nor promising. s long s I m sure of mking sufficient preprtions nd distinguishing myself during interviews, it is out of question for me to get the idel job which I hve been dreming of. 七写作结构 (一)开头部分 1.开门见山 The Best Wy to Sty Helthy The best

31、wy to sty helthy is to develop good qulity of psychology. 2.正反表态 dvntges/Disdvntges of dvertising on Television Nowdys more nd more dvertisements re seen on TV every dy. Some people think tht dvertising on TV cn bring us lot of benefits, but others hold the different opinions. In my opinion, I m in fvor of the former. 3.让步法 Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? Nowdys, young people choose to phone ech other rther writing letters. Some re worried tht letter writing w

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