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高中英语语法考点纵览第3章 代词.docx

1、高中英语语法考点纵览第3章 代词高中英语语法考点纵览第三章 代词一、概述代词可谓名词的化身,代词是代替名词以及起名词作用的短语,分句和句子的词,英语中代词的种类更是多种多样,总的来说,可分为八种:人称代词、物主代词、不定代词、指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、反身代词和关系代词,因为物主代词又可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,所以细分的话可分为九种。本章首先叙述代词的定义及分类,接着从代词的分类出发逐层深刻剖析。以代词的八大类为线索,一一阐述并通过大量高度概括地语言予以理论性的概括,并附有大量例子予以论证。对于每一类代词中的典型的比较重要的代词同样通过理论和实例相结合的方式进行剖析。本章重点


3、语、补语。5、指示代词:主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语(this、that=so)。6、相互代词:宾语、状语、同位语。7、疑问代词:主语、表语、宾语、定语。8、反身代词:宾语、表语、状语、同位语。9、关系代词:主语、宾语、表语(主要是在定语从句中所充当的成分,对此我们只是简要说明,在第14章“定语从句”中将进一步详细阐述)。四、各类代词的分类(范畴)极其功能人称代词1、人称代词表示人称范畴以及它们的变化形式有人称、性、数与格之分,下面通过一个表格体现。数、格 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格第一人称 I me we us第二人称 you you you you第三人称 阳性 he

4、 him 他们they 她们 它们 them 阴性 she her 中性 it it 2、下面着重介绍人称代词的特殊用法,对于在句中的一些常规用法在“各类代词在句中的成分及所起的作用中已点到,在此不再过多说明(对于人称代词it的用法,将在“it法”一章予以阐述)。(1)两个或两个以上的人称代词同时在一个句中出现的时候,若语法功能相同,代词的形式应一致。如:She and I are both admitted to that college this year.Between you and me, he is really a bad man.(2)人称代词可用来代指动物。如:The dog

5、 runs quickly in the field, because he wants to hunt the rabbit.The horse was tired out, but his master didnt give him a rest.(3)拟人化用法代指国家、机构、组织、车辆、轮船、地球、月亮、党派等,表示一种喜爱的感情。如:The earth is our mother, we just live in her breast.I love my motherland, she is great.The train makes his way on the rocky hil

6、ls.(4)人称代词偶尔可作名词用,在特定情况下,人称代词可用作形容词或限定词作定语,也可有-s复数形式,人称代词工作名词可表示“自我、极端自私的人”等义,he和she表示男性和女性或动物的雄性和雌性。如:Is the baby born just now he or she?In the population in the village, there may be more hes than shes.We shouldnt become the I.(5)关于多个人称代词的排序问题。并列的人称代词都是单数:第三人称+第二人称+第一人称(两个并列人称代词同样按照此顺序:第三人称+第二人称、

7、第三人称+第一人称、第二人称+第一人称)。但是在承担责任、承担错误、接受批评时,要把第一人称放在前面,以示礼貌,即:第一人称+第三人称+第二人称,第一人称+第二人称/第三人称。如:He, you and I are of the same football team.You and I are classmates in primary school.I and she are to blame.We and the children spoiled the plan.第一人称代词加不定代词。如:I and others take part in his birthday party.We a

8、nd nobody will take this stupid advice.父母/丈夫/妻子+第一人称+子女。如:My wife, I and our two daughters will go hiking this summer.My parents, I and my children all like this kind of music.(6)人称代词应与所代替的词在人称和数上保持一致。如:Vegetable and meet are both good food because they are good for our health.The room is full of du

9、st, it hasnt been cleared for a long time.但是-body、-one的不定代词,如:everybody、everyone、somebody、no one等需用复数第三人称代词they代替,在非正式文体中也可用he,但在正式文体中认为是错的,而-thing的不定代词,如:everything、anything、something、nothing等需用单数第三人称代词it代替。以上两种情况常出现在以下三种情况下:在一句话中后面用代词去代替前面的相应不定代词。在反意疑问句中,确定反意疑问句部分的主语。在对话中,用人称代词去代替相应的不定代词。如:Someone

10、 is knocking at the door. They must be John. He has told me that he will call on me at three oclock.Nothing is impossible, isnt it?Can anyone do the job successfully?No; they must have a good knowledge of management.(7)用在独立主格中,如:The boss gave each of us a task, I to brush the table, he to clean the

11、floor, and you to wash the bowls.(8)当人称代词单独使用时,一般用宾格。如:John go to buy a bottle of beer.Why me?Id like to go swimming.Me, too.(9)第一人称复数we可被用来代表社团、法人等集体讲话。如:We should like to duplicate the order we sent you last month.We dont support the views expressed in this colum.(10)有没有形容词性物主代词的区别虽然仅一字之差,意义却不大相同,

12、比较:lose heart灰心 ahead of time提前lose ones heart(to)爱上 ahead of ones time(思想等)超越时代for life终生 at best至多,充其量for ones life拼命地 at ones best出色、处于最佳状态(11)“the+名词+of+宾格人称代词”的含义双重所有格由“名词+of +名词性物主代词(名词所有格)”表示,如a friend of my brothers,而不说a friend of me,但是有时候,如果这种结构中的名词前有定冠词the或其他限定词,则要用“the+名词+of+宾格人称代词”结构,这种结

13、构常表示某种感情色彩。如:Not for the life of me will I give in to my enemy.I really hate the look of the man.We shouldnt learn a skill just for the fun of it.(12)用主格还是宾格在英语中,如果人称代词作主语当然用主格。作宾语即用宾格,这是最基本的。但是在一些情况下,只能用主格或宾格或主格和宾格可互换使用。1、在动词be后作表语的人称代词在正式文体用主格。如:It is I.It is they.但是在口语中以宾格为宜,如:Its me.It is them.2

14、、在such as、the same thing as、other than、rather than、between、think ofbeing后及独立主格中一般用主格或宾格皆可,口语中更多用宾格。如:They thought of the thief being he/him.Failure is not for such as I/me.Nobody other than he/him went that way.3、在thinkto be、imagineto be、look upus等后多用宾格,因为后边紧接的成分应和动词后的宾语一致,所以多用宾格。如:I thought the fat

15、 man to be him.He imagines the beautiful noble girl to be her.4、在than和as后可用主格亦可用宾格。如:Hes younger than I (me).John is as good a student as I (me).5、有时用主格或宾格的含义不同。如:I love you more than him.(我爱你比爱他很)I love you more than he.(我爱你比他爱你很)I will visit Tom, not her.(我将拜访汤姆,而不是拜访她)I will visit Tom, not she.(我

16、而不是她将拜访汤姆)物主代词1、物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,也可称为代词属格,它分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,下面通过两个表格体现两种物主代词的形式。形容词性物主代词数人称 单数 复数第一人称 my our第二人称 your your第三人称 his、her、its their名词性物主代词数 人称 单数 复数第一人称 mine ours第二人称 yours yours第三人称 his/hers/its theirs2、形容词性物主代词只能用作定语修饰名词,但不能代替名词。名词性物主代词用来代替名词词组,可用作主语、宾语或表语可替代名词,这是它们基本的句法功能,下面看看它们还有哪些特

17、殊用法。两个不同性别的形容词性物主代词共同修饰一个名词时,男性代词要放在女性代词之前。如:Which do you think is better, his or her composition?名词性物主代词与of连用,构成所有格(在名词一章“所有格”部分已经详细阐述过)。如:That is no fault of hers.A friend of mine will come to see me tomorrow.用在of ones own结构中。We should protect things of our own during the journey.All of us want to

18、 have freedom room of our own.用在限定词the、that、this等+名词+of+名词性物主代词,表示强烈感情色彩(和前面人称代词部分一个类似的表感情色彩的结构不可混为一谈,是两种不同的结构),如:Look at big nose of his.This dog of ours never bites.指示代词1、指示代词是专门用来指出或表示人或物的一类代词,它们是:this(这个)、that(那个)、these(这些)、those(那些)。(对于指示代词it的用法在“it法”中予以阐述)2、指示代词this、that、these、those有下列用法(1)thi

19、s或that有时可以作状语,用来表示程度,意谓“这么”和“那么”,相当于very、quiet等。如:I dont want that much.Have you been that out of touch?(2)that和those常用在下列情况下:用以代替前面出现过的名词,且有后置定语,单数即用that(相当于the one),复数即用those(相当于those)。如:The population of China is larger than that of Japan.The visitors here in summer are as many as those in winter

20、.(3)为了强调而重复前面所讲的事物,多用于省略句和“主+系+表”结构中。如:Monstrous handsome young man, that!I went through the long drawing-room, a lovely room, this.They are no ordinary houses, those.She is a good lady, that woman.(4)指代前面提到过的事物,常用that或those起“承上”的作用。如:He didnt catch the first bus. Thats why he was late for class.To

21、go or not to go, that is a decision.He will forgive you. That he will.They say John is cruel, but I know he cant be that.(5)指代将要提及的事物(指后面提到的事物),常用this或these起“启下”的作用。如:Whats your opinion of this: he wants to run a hotel by himself.以上(4)(5)两点是that/those和this/these在指代时,指前与指后的区别。(6)this和these常指自己要说的话(因为

22、this/these一般指后,既然指后说明说话人提前知道要说的话),而that或these常指别人说过的话(同样可结合that/those指前进行分析理解),(7)当this和that同时指出现过的两件事时,this指“后者”而that指“前者”。如:Virtue and vice are for you to choose, this brings you misery and that brings you happiness.(8)this指朝着说话人方向过来的人或物,that指离开说话人而去的人或物。如:This is the train he rides in.他乘坐的火车开过来了。

23、That is the train he rides in.他乘坐的火车开走了。(9)this和these指的是在地点、时间等方面较近的事物,而that和those指的是地点、时间等方面的较远事物,有时也表示对比。应注意:对于以上this、that、these、those的指代区别并不是那么严格,this和that实际上都能指代上文中出现的名词词组,整个句子甚至若干句子所表达的意思。(10)this(these)和that(those)用在双重属格中,可表示各种感情色彩。如:This new pen of mine doesnt leak as the old one did.He is a

24、great scoundrel, that husband of hers.(11)用that(those)也可表示感情色彩。如:I say it is that notorious Jacob.He was one of those people who take delight in conveying disagreeable news.(12)this或that同介词连用,可表示各种特定含义。如:Since that, I had made my mind to work hard. (=since that time)Upon this, he began to work again

25、. (=and then)At this, she was very sad and even cut up. (=seeing this或hearing this)With this/that, the tiger fell into the water. (=after saying)(13)this(these)或that(those)同very连用,表示强调。如:I like that very coat of all.These very women should be taken good care of.(14)this、that同and或or连用,表示随随便便。如:He lea

26、rns this or that skill, but finally he masters nothing.Its a habit for him to fall in love with this or that girl.(15)this和that可以表示数量。如;There are only about twenty apples left, please double this number in order to serve the gusts enough.而且this(these)或that(those)还可和数词连用,在这里this和these不分单复数,that和those

27、同样不分单复数。如:this/these ten students that/those three dollars(16)this或that可以同much连用,这里作形容词,用much是代词。如:I just know this much about the traffic accident.That much I want to say.(17)要用this或these的特定场合。用来总结上文刚说过或提过的内容。如:Pride and conceit, nonchalance, and dejectionthese make Fred the man he is.指代直接引语。如:“I h

28、ad been elected manager in the foreign company,” as the man said this, all of us just cheered up.在特定的习惯用语中,要用this。如:This is Tom speaking.(电话用语)This is John my best friend.(介绍见面)Just this once.(就这一次)(18)要用that的特定场合在that he is等结构中,that代表前面所陈述的内容。如:He actually plays an important role in the game. Yes,

29、that he is.用在某些习语、词组或特殊说法中。如:That is why.That is because.That will do.那就够了。So thats that.就是那样。Thats all.就这些。What of that.那又怎样。同and连用,用作代替词,代替前面的整个句子。如:You shoud study hard and that all the time. (and you must study hard all the time.)He donated a lot of money to the poor children and that at the cos

30、t of his own life. (and he donated a lot of money to the poor children at the cost of his own life.)用在“andat that”结构中,表示强调。如:She chose a coat, and a very beautiful one at that.The young man knew little about his job, and nothing at that.(19)this day的特殊用法这种用法可以用来表示以当天为起点的向前或向后的一个周期。如:They will start

31、off this day weeks.(a week from today一周后的今天)The war broke out this day twenty years.(20年前的今天)在此要注意时态的运用,如果表示以当天为起点向后的一个周期,则动作还没发生应和将来时连用。若表示以当天为起点,向前的一个周期则动作已发生应和过去时连用。(20)that相当于when、on which、in which、where、why、for which等起关系副词的作用,且常可省略。如:This is the place that he lives. (that =in which=where)That cant act as the reason that he came late to school. (that= why)(21)that/those,this/these重复前面所讲的事物,表示强调。如:A bad boy, that (this).He sent her a lot of flowers, those (these).(22)

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