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1、英语等级考试写作English Writing一、重点句子2006年12月Message:酒店前台服务员替住客留言1. Sb asked/invited you to go to +地点+to hold business talks/a meeting on job fair.某人邀请你到某地方洽谈商务/召开工作招聘会2. He/ She will pick you up at +时间+a.m.(上午)/p.m.(下午)at the hotel and then arrange/take you to visit +地点 + in the afternoon. 他明天上午开车来宾馆接你,然后安

2、排/带你下午参观3. Please contact me at +电话号码+ any time before 11 p.m. 晚上11点钟之前请电话联系2007年6月E-mail(电邮): 对网售商品的服务质量评价及推介1. Thank you for placing an order/buying for+商品名.感谢您购买2. It has been sent to you and will be received in a week/10 days. 商品已寄出,(估计)一周/10天后可以收到3. Give me your feedback on my website when you

3、receive it.收到后请在我们的网站上进行反馈4. Please give us a reply as soon as you receive it. 收到后请尽快回复5. Well be much thankful to you if you can recommend other people to buy from us for our good service. 如果贵方就我们的优质服务推荐其他客户向我方购买产品,我们会感激不尽6. In addition,well have more new goods for you to choose. 此外,我们将有更多新货供应7. Yo

4、u can get a discounted price for your new orders next time.贵方再次购买时可以享受折扣价2007年12月Notice: 工作招聘公告1. On December10, 2007, Wednesday, a job fair will be held in +地点2007年12月10日将在举办工作招聘会2. The (vacant)jobs (offered)are + 职位名称. 招聘的职位有(vacant 或offered,只需要用一个)3. Those who are interested in the fair can go to

5、/are expected to go to +地点 + at +时间+ a.m./p.m. for it. 对此招聘会感兴趣的学生请于时间到地点(参加会议)4. Whats more , do remember to carry with/bring +证件记得带上证件或:证件 + are required for this meeting /fair. 要求携带证件或: Youre required to bring your +证件名称 when you atted it. 2008年6月Note: 请假条便条1. Now Im asking for a sick leave on Fr

6、iday since most of my work has been done. 由于本周大部分工作已完成,故请病假周五一天2. Im sorry for the trouble caused by this (which brought inconvenience to our company). 很抱歉由此给公司带来不便3. I hope you can give your permission for my leave. 盼准假2008年12月AThank-you Letter: 感谢信1. How is everything going? 或:Is everything ok? 一切

7、安好?2. Thank you for your warm reception during my stay in/visit to+城市名. 非常感谢您对我在参观.城市时给以的热情接待3. I like +某样东西 very much and its so great. (如果是吃的,一般用delicious 或者tasty表示好吃.) 很喜欢,真是棒极了4. I/ve also learned a lot after visited many factories and schools,which is quite helpful to my studies/major(专业). 参观了众

8、多工厂、学校后学到了不少东西,这对于我的学业/专业大有裨益5. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 盼你的回信!或者:(Im) looking forward to meeting you again! 盼再次相见!6. 感谢信结束时再次表示感谢:Give my sincere thanks to your hospitality(热情 ) again!2009年6月E-mail Meaage电邮:接洽客户1. Im an employee/clerk of/in +公司/名称. 我是公司/部门员工2. Ive already booked a

9、(single)room/a (double) room for you in +酒店名称. 我已经为您在酒店订好了房间3. Its about +距离+from the international airport to the hotel. 国际机场到你入住的酒店仅4. Well hold a business talk in my office (或者其他地点) around 9 a.m. on the following day. 第二天上午9点在我的办公室洽谈业务5. I hope youll have a good time here. 希望您在此过得开心!6. Dont hesit

10、ate to tell me if you have trouble or need help.如有问题请尽快告知我们2009年12月A letter of Invitation:邀请函1. The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you to attend our 30th anniversary dinner party.或:Well hold a dinner party in order to celebrat(庆祝) the 30th anniversary(周年庆) of our company. 我们想邀请您参加宴会以庆祝

11、我公司成立30周年2. For the past years you have given us much help and cooperation. 贵方这些年来给了我们极大的帮助和合作3. The party is also held to express our sincere thanks to you. 借此宴会也想表达我方的谢意4. We woulld be very pleased and honored if you would be present with us at the party. 如能到会,则荣幸之至 5. The dinner party will begin

12、at +时间+ p.m. on December 10, (在此注明周几, 如: Thursday) at +酒店名称. 宴会将于时间地点举行2010年6月Notice :实验室等特定场所使用须知(通告)1. Keep clean and tidy. 保持干净、整洁2. Take away the trash(垃圾) after the meeting, and make sure you have turned off all the lights/ 结束后倒掉垃圾,关好电灯3. Close all the doors and windows when you leave the room/

13、hall. 离开时随手关好门窗4. Dont forget to let us know if you have any questions or need help. 如有问题或困难请告知我们2010年12月 A Lette of Job-Application:求职信1. Im writing to apply for the post/ position/ job of + 职位名称+in your company. 我想应聘贵公司的岗位2. Ive learned it from +(招聘)消息来源(如:a good friend of mine , who works in your

14、 company.) 我从了解到贵公司的招聘信息3. I graduated from + 大学名称with high scores and majored in (主修) +专业名称. 我以优秀成绩毕业于大学,主修专业 4. Besides, I/m quite familiar with(对熟悉) office work and Im able to use the computer very well. 我熟悉办公室工作,善于使用电脑5. Enclosed is a copy of my resume. 随函附上我的一份个人履历6. Ill be glad if you can give

15、 me an opportunity for interview. 盼面试机会2011年6月A Business Letter: 商务信件1. Thank you for ordering our latest products called +产品名称.感谢您购买我方最新产品2. If there is anything wrong with the goods , please do not hesitate to let us know. 如果商品有误,请尽快告知我们3. The goods have been delivered to you in time and may be received in a week/10 days. 商品已及时寄出,估计一周/ 10天后即可收到4. It is hoped /We do hope that we can continue to cooperate with each other.望贵我双方继续合作二、写作格式1.电子邮件E-Mail From:_(发件人的邮箱地址)To: _(收件人的邮箱地址)Subject: _(主题:用名词短语) Dear M

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