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本文(级重庆大学本科人才培养计划计算机科学与技术专业1118.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、级重庆大学本科人才培养计划计算机科学与技术专业1118计算机科学与技术专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Computer Science and Technology 一、修业年限及授予学位名称、Length of Schooling and Degree四年;工学学士。Four years; Bachelor of Engineering. 二、培养目标 、Educational Objectives本专业培养掌握计算机科学与技术基础理论知识、典型技术、以及基本科学研究能力,能在计算机理论、计算机系统及计算机应用领域,科研机构、高等

2、学校、大型企业、政府机关等部门或单位,从事计算机科学与技术相关的科研、教学、工程设计、以及系统维护等工作的高素质、创新型科学技术人才和工程技术人才。This program is designed to provide students with a grounding theoretical principle, typical technologies and basic ability of scientific research in the field of computer science and technology. The talents cultivated in this

3、 program can be prepared for any professional in the field of computer theory, computer system and computer application. Students can play an important role in research institutes, universities, famous enterprise and government, etc. Graduates can be creative and advanced talents in the field of com

4、puter science and technology and engineering technology and doers of scientific research, education, engineering design and system maintenance related with computer science and technology. 三、培养规格及要求 、Skills Profile本专业学生将主要学习计算机科学与技术的基本理论、技术和知识;并受到较系统的计算机学科方法论、科学研究基本方法和工程技术关键方法的综合素质训练;具有较强的科学分析、计算思维、

5、算法分析与设计和程序设计与实现的综合能力;并具备对大型计算机系统和大型工程的科学认知、系统分析、总体设计和应用实现的初步能力。明确要求“计算机科学与技术”专业学生在本科四年学习中应学习和掌握的知识和技能有:1 系统地学习本专业的基本理论和方法;2 了解本专业的发展动态;3具备计算机体系结构、硬件原理、网络技术等基础知识;4具备从事计算机系统工程设计和应用实施的能力;5系统地掌握计算机软件与技术的基本方法;6掌握扎实的专业基础知识;7掌握从事计算机理论和技术研究的基本方法;8具备良好的心理、外语、身体、科学实践、社会知识等综合素质。The students will mainly learn t

6、he basic theory, technology and knowledge of computer science and technology and will be trained systematically in computer methodology, basic methods of scientific research and critical method of engineering technology. Graduates can gain the overall qualities of scientific analysis, computational

7、minding, analysis and design of algorithm and programming design and implementation. In addition, undergraduates can gain the grounding ability of scientific cognition, system analysis, framework design and application for large scale computer system and complex project. In the four years education,

8、 students majoring in computer science and technology are expected to gain the knowledge and skills as follow.:1. Learning basic principle and methods of this major systematically.2. Understanding development and trend of this major3. Mastering fundamental knowledge of computer architecture, hardwar

9、e principle and network technology.4. Ability in computer system engineering design and application5. Mastering the basic methods of computer software and technology systematically6. Sound grounding in fundamental knowledge of computer science and technology7. Mastering the basic method of computer

10、theory and technical research8. Comprehensive attainment in psychology, foreign language, health, scientific practice and society. 四、主干学科和主要课程 、Major Disciplines and Courses主干学科:计算机科学与技术主要课程:离散数学,数据结构,脉冲电路与数字逻辑,计算机组成原理,操作系统,计算机网络,软件工程,面向对象程序设计,程序设计基础,编译原理,嵌入式系统及应用,算法分析与设计,数据库系统。Major Disciplines: Co

11、mputer Science & TechnologyMain Courses :Discrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Pulse Circuit and Digital Logic, Principle of ComputerOrganization, Operating System, Computer Network, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Fundamental of Programming, Compiler Principle, Embedded System an

12、d Applications, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Database System. 五、使用双语教学的课程 、Bilingual Courses算法分析与设计,数据结构,数据库系统,Java程序设计,面向对象程序设计。Analysis and Design of Algorithm, Data Structure, Database System, Programming in Java, Object Oriented Programming. 六、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分 、Hours/Credits of Course sy

13、stem and Minimum Graduate Credits课程类别学时/周数学分学分比例必 修通识教育基础8485331.5%学科大类基础116.5%专业主干5763621.4%集中实践环节29周17.510.4%选 修文化素质9663.6%通识教育基础1207.54.5%学科大类基础12884.8%专业选修4322716.1%集中实践环节4周21.2%最低毕业学分168 Type of CourseHours/WeeksCreditsPercentage (%)Required CoursesBasic Course in General Education8485331.5%Bas

14、ic Course in General Discipline116.5%Major Courses in Specialty5763621.4%Internship and Practical Training29 Weeks17.510.4%Elective CoursesCulture Elective Courses9663.6%Basic Course in General Education1207.54.5%Basic Course in General Discipline12884.8%Selective Courses in Specialty4322716.1%Inter

15、nship and Practical Training4 Weeks21.2%Minimum Graduate Credits168 七、集中实践环节及要求 、Practical Training and Requirement1、必修集中实践环节(17.5学分)1 Required Internship and Practical Training (Total credits are 17.5)(1) 电子实习(2学分,2周):完成简单的电子产品安装,初步熟悉电子元器件、安装及焊接方法;了解和学习基于芯片和板块级的集成电路和板块安装和焊接方法。(2) 课程设计(3.5学分,7周):7门必

16、修专业课开设课程设计,要求学生必修这7门课的课程设计(每门课0.5学分,1周)。必修课程设计包括:1)面向对象程序设计课程设计:培养学生对面向对象程序设计方法的感性认识和运用所学C+语言知识进行软件开发的能力,通过系统的实验演示和实践指导,使学生达到能够独立运用面向对象方法设计和编写一个小软件的基本水平。2)计算机组成原理课程设计:熟悉 CPLD/FPGA应用设计及 EDA软件的使用,加深对计算机整机的综合理解和对计算机组成结构和工作机理的认识,提高学生的实际动手与创新设计能力。加强对计算机各组成部分的理解,进一步深入认识计算机系统,强化系统意识。课程设计内容包括:阵列乘法器设计,微程序设计,


18、地掌握软件工程管理过程、需求分析、系统设计、详细设计、系统测试等阶段的方法和技术;培养学生按照软件工程的原理、方法、技术、标准和规范,进行软件开发的实践能力;初步培养学生合作意识和团队协作精神。5)计算机网络课程设计:理解网络工作原理,培养学生综合运用网络知识进行网络通信系统的分析、设计和实现能力。使学生了解和掌握TCP/UDP等网络协议的原理;了解和掌握Socket编程的方法;了解和掌握应用协议设计的思想;利用Winsock API或者Java Socket API编制一个能部署在Internet上的通信系统,要求学生独立完成系统的功能设计和实现.。6)数据库系统课程设计:综合运用数据库系统

19、的理论知识和技术,包括应用需求分析、概念设计(E-R图)、逻辑设计(E-R图到关系数据模式的转化)、优化设计(模式规范化)、物理设计、安全性设计、详细设计(SQL语言描述)和实现等过程,完成一个相对完整的数据库应用系统设计,达到消化课程知识,训练动手能力和独力分析与解决问题的能力。7)编译原理课程设计:应用编译原理相关理论,设计一种简单的语言,并实现一个能够解析该语言和将其翻译为汇编代码或者二进制代码的编译程序。通过实践加深学生对词法分析、语法分析、语义分析、中间代码和汇编代码生成等知识的理解,提高学生的分析设计能力与软件开发能力。(3) 专业实习(2学分,4周):结合系统、软件和网络方面的综

20、合性应用课题,较全面地锻炼学生综合运用专业知识解决实际应用问题的能力和培养学生的团队协作精神。(4) 毕业设计(6学分,12周):针对教师科学研究中和实际应用系统的计算机工程问题,综合应用所学计算机科学与技术的基本理论、方法和工具,有效地解决科研或实际应用问题,同时全面培养学生从事科学研究的基本能力和从事软、硬件及网络工程的应用开发的能力。(5) 政治思想实践(4学分,4周):马克思主义理论实践和思想品德与法律实践是国家规定的必修实践环节。1)毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论实践(3学分,3周),由全校统一要求和统一安排。2)思想道德修养与法律基础实践(1学分, 1周),由全校统一要求

21、和统一安排。(1) Electric practice (2 credits, 2 weeks): students are required to assemble simple electric products, understand Electronic Component and method for installation and soldering, learn how to install and solder the integrated circuit based on chipsets and blocks.(2)Course project (3.5 credits,

22、 7 weeks,): students must do the course projects for seven required major courses (0.5 credit / 1 week for each course). The course projects are listed as follows.1)Course project of object-oriented programming: Students are cultivated to understand the method of object oriented programming and use

23、it for software development. With systematical experiment demo and practice guidance, students can use method of object oriented programming to develop simple software system independently.2)Course project of computer organization: Students are cultivated to understand the design of CPLD/FPGA applic

24、ation and usage of EDA software, deepen the comprehensive understanding of computer system, organization and mechanism, improve the ability he practice and innovation design, deepen the understanding of all components of computer and understand computer system for further step. The contents of this

25、course project include array multiplier design, micro-program design, combination logic controller design, cache controller design, design of computer with interruption handling model, design of computer with DMA controlling model and design of timer and counter extension.3)Course project of operati

26、ng system: four comprehensive experiments are set for supporting theory teaching. The four experiments are design and implementation of process scheduling, memory management subsystem, simulated file system and device management. Through these experiments, students can clearly understand the theory

27、knowledge and combine other courses such as advanced programming fundamental, software development engineering and data structure. As a result, students can improve their comprehensive ability by crossed knowledge of related courses.4)Course project of software engineering is a comprehensive project

28、, which is closely related with theory teaching. Through the training of software engineering, students can learn the method and technology of software engineering management procedure, requirement analysis, system design, detailed design and system test. Students are cultivated to learn the princip

29、le, method, technology, standards and specification of software engineering, learn the skills and teamwork of software development.5)Course project of computer network: Students are cultivated to understand the principle of network, analysis, design and implementation of network communication system

30、, the principle of network protocols such as TCP/IP, the method of programming with Socket and the design of application protocols. Students need to use Winsock API or Java Socket API to develop a communication system, which can be deployed on internet.(3) Professional Internship (2 credits, 4 weeks

31、): With the comprehensive project concerning system, software and network, students are cultivated to make use of their overall major knowledge to solve practical problem and learn how to cooperate with others in a team. (4) Graduation design (6 credits, 12 weeks) For a project in the research work

32、of tutors or practical application system, students are cultivated to apply the basic principle, method and tools of computer science and technology, solve some problems in scientific research or practical application. In addition, students can be trained in scientific research or application development of software, h

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