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1、考研阅读词组历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2001年)作者:宋鹏昊济南新东方国内考试部 a response to 对的回应accumulation of scientific knowledge 科学知识的积累split up 分开a series of 一系列scientific activity 科研活动be integrated into 融入之中scientific community 科学界in particular 尤其是 特别是in terms of 按照 依据research paper 研究报告only if 只有时候geological journal 地质学期刊compe

2、te with 同竞争a great deal of 大量 许多digital divide 数字鸿沟 数字分化potential consumer 潜在消费者defeat poverty 对抗贫困get over 克服 解决with respect to 关于foreign investment 国外投资industrial infrastructure 工业基础设施better off 好起来 富裕起来guard against 防范attach importance to 重视wipe out 消灭 擦净financial support 财政支持foreign capital 国外资本

3、industrial pattern 工业模式deep into 深入turn out to be 结果是 证实是factual error 事实误差combine with 联合 结合standard template 标准模式alien to 与相反at random 随机地compared with 与相比be likely to do 可能put down roots in 扎根于 定居于conventional value 传统价值观world view 世界观dedicate to 献身于 致力于get around to do 抽空做focus on 聚焦于 集中注意于all o

4、ver the world 全世界working attitude 工作态度educational background 教育背景owing to 由于go through 经历;仔细研究mergers and acquisitions 合并与兼并emerging country 新兴国家with unsurpassed might 以不可超越的力量business concentration 商业集中anticompetitive force 反竞争力量multinational corporation 跨国公司account for 解释 占比例international trade 国际

5、贸易the ultimate stability of the world economy 世界经济的最终稳定the globalization process 全球化进程be capable of 可以meet customers demand 满足顾客需求the current concentration wave 当前集中的浪潮break up 打碎 终止technical progress 工业进步on the contrary 相反地the banking industry 银行业take in 接受 吸收be certain to do 必定decide to do 决定a new

6、 international trend 新的国际趋势a passionate advocate 热情的支持者social status 社会地位economic decline 经济衰退link to 与联系at least 至少organic vegetable 有机蔬菜be eager to 渴望realize ones dream 实现梦想adventurous spirit 冒险精神economic situation 经济形势历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2002年)be relevant to 与有关help to 有助于be in sympathy with 赞同point of

7、 view 观点refer to 提到comment on 评论push aside 推到一边be in a position 设身处地attempt to do 试着cut in 插话off-the-cuff 即兴的give up 放弃make fun of 拿开玩笑laughing stock 笑料human ingenuity 人类创造力cope with 应对 处理result in 导致science fiction 科幻小说universal existence 广泛存在human labor 人类劳动力pose a challenge 提出挑战handle a specific

8、error 解决特定错误common sense 尝试a dynamic world 动态世界artificial intelligence 人工智能initial optimism 最初的乐观transistor circuit 晶体管电路extend the forecast 推迟预期nerve cell 神经细胞focus on 聚焦于 集中注意于suspicious face 可疑的面孔computer system 电脑系统manufacturing industry 制造业brain surgery 脑部手术internal structure 内在结构relevant infor

9、mation 相关信息economic decline 经济衰退crude oil 原油call up 唤起oil shock 石油危机double-digit inflation 两位数的通货膨胀suspend oil export 暂停石油出口in the short term 在短期内account for 解释;占比例the price of petrol 汽油价格retail price 零售价rich economies 富裕国家energy conservation 能源储备heavy, energy-intensive industry 能源密集型重工业oil import 石

10、油进口lose sleep 失眠commodity price index 商品价格指数supreme court 最高法院physician-assisted suicide 医生协助病人自杀carry important implication 有重要含义constitutional right 宪法赋予的权利medical principle 医学准则hasten death 加速死亡prescribe a drug 开药a legitimate medical purpose 合法的医疗目的medical community 医学界end-of-life care 临终护理system

11、atic patient abuse 蓄意虐待病人历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2003年) be fascinated with 对着迷electronic spying 电子间谍活动give birth to 产生point-and-click spying 点击谍报open source intelligence 开放资源的情报hold a contest 举办竞赛mastery of the electronic world 对电子世界的把握private intelligence-analysis firm 私营情报分析公司energy-services firm 能源服务公司mutu

12、ally reinforce 相互增强information collection and distribution 信息收集和发布earn ones keep 谋生military intelligence background 军事情报背景outsider status 局外人的地位back and forth 来来回回 含糊其辞take pride in 为而自豪reliable information 可靠的信息official status 官方的地位efficient staff高效的员工a misguided cause 一个被误导的事业biomedical research 生

13、物医学研究rule out 排除可能性animal right advocate 动物权利提倡者confuse the public 迷惑大众public funding 公共基金the process of health care research 健康护理研究的过程cruelty to animals 对动物的残忍molecular biology 分子生物学call on 号召ignorance about medical science 对医学的无知indifference to epidemics 对流行病漠不关心employ hi-tech means 使用高科技首段combine

14、 with 联合 结合cause heightened concerns 引起极大关注substantial cost reduction 大幅降低成本better coordinated service 更好的协调服务threat of monopoly 垄断的威胁fierce competition 激烈竞争heavy bulk commodity 大宗货物rail industry 铁路运输行业rail company 铁路公司have the right to 有权利appeal to 向上诉federal government 联邦政府rate relief 降低费率in truly

15、 extreme cases 在极端情况下rate discrimination 费率歧视on the ground that 以为理由in the long run 长期来看average rate 平均费率in practice 实际上as a whole 作为整体operating income 运营收入cost of the transaction 交易成本be based on . 基于fair play 公平竞争supervise transactions 监管交易life expectancy 预期寿命clinical depression 临床抑郁症the aging popu

16、lation 老年人healthcare system 医疗卫生体系under ideal conditions 在理想状况下at some level 在某种程度上medical consumer 医疗消费者third-party payer 第三方支付者late-stage cancer care 晚期癌症的治疗cure the disease 治愈疾病loss of hope 失去希望aggressive treatment 大胆的治疗手段realize ones potential 发挥潜能living proof 鲜活的证据medical care 医疗护理a higher life

17、 quality 更高的生活质量medical technology 医疗技术fatal disease 致命疾病strong disapproval 强烈反对reserved consent 有保留的接受slight contempt 轻微的蔑视enthusiastic support 狂热的支持excessive demand 过多的要求历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2004年)hunt for a job 找工作job database 求职数据库personal search agent 个人搜索代理key in 输入job criteria 求职标准a matching positio

18、n 匹配的职位intellectual property 知识产权notification of an opening 空缺职位的通知in-house counsel 内部顾问time-consuming and inefficient 耗时和低效work against 对不利eliminate a possibility 排除一种可能career counseling 求职咨询tip service 提示性服务rely on 依赖于 取决于job hunter 求职者keep a close watch on 密切关注gather information 收集信息be indispensa

19、ble to 对必不可缺lack of counseling 缺乏咨询refer to 提到 指的是a taxi firm 出租车公司have a big advantage over 远胜过thumb through 翻阅 查阅phone directory 电话号码簿even if 即使dream up 虚构 空想set in 开始infant school 幼儿学校the improving question 有助提高的问题university graduation ceremony 大学毕业典礼job interview 求职面试draw up 起草lose interest 失去兴趣

20、plough through 艰难通过overlooked inequality 被忽视的不公平conspicuous bias 明显的歧视personal prejudice 个人偏见doze off 打盹word puzzle 字谜unintentional bias 无意的歧视bite ones nails 咬指甲longtime customer 长期顾客the softening economy 疲软的经济be concerned about 关心department store 百货商店sound alarms 拉响警报long-term prospect 长期前景bet-tigh

21、tening 紧缩开支in despair 处于绝望own fortune 个人财富home price 房价hold steady 保持稳定real-estate broker 房产经纪人silver lining 一线希望potential home buyer 潜在购房者stock-market swings 股市波动engage in 参加 从事stock exchange 股票交易venture investment 风险投资purchasing power 购买力place a high value on 对给予高度评价practical education 实用教育for the

22、 sake of 为起见 为了的利益intellectual pursuit 对才智的追求be vulnerable to 易受伤害participate in 参加a second-rate county 二流国家unnatural restraint 不自然的限制innate goodness 内在的优秀品质educational system 教育体系education reform 教育改革in favor of 支持 赞同历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2005年)a reputation for 一个的名声all too human 人之常情underlying assumption

23、潜在假设be capable of 有能力的 可以的good-natured 性情温和的goods and services 物品与服务exchange for 把换成in return for 作为的交换markedly different 明显不同luxury goods 奢侈品be reluctant to 不情愿social emotion 社会情感in the wild 在野外stem from 源于common ancestor 共同祖先an unanswered question 一个尚未解答的问题pose a contrast 提出一个对比justify an assumpti

24、on 证明一个假设是合理的make a comparison 作出比较explain a phenomenon 解释一个现象be jealous of 嫉妒be inclined to 倾向于for sure 毫无疑问way of life 生活方式out to do 决定做某事upsetting parallels 令人心烦的类似情况in one wave after another 一阵一阵地global warming 全球变暖get moving 采取行动a prudent people 一个谨慎的民族insurance policy 保险措施a majority of 大多数take

25、 seriously 认真对待a classic case of 一个的典型案例paralysis by analysis 分析性瘫痪take the initiative 采取主动conservation measures 保护措施financial incentives 经济刺激政策private industry 私营企业a promising start 一个有前景的开端power plant 发电厂meet a need 满足需求scientific evidence 科学证据careful investigations 仔细的调查raise public awareness of

26、提高公众的意识be applicable to 应用于take some legislative measures 采取法律措施the component of 构成的因素within our control 处于我们的控制之中revolutionary theory 革命性的理论unconscious desires and fears 潜意识的欲望和恐惧switch to 转向random byproduct 随机的副产品neural-repair work 神经修复工作off-line 离线bring under control 控制brain imaging 脑成像rapid eye

27、movement sleep 快速眼动睡眠vivid dreams 生动的梦境limbic system 边缘系统prefrontal cortex 前额皮层wake up 醒来be occupied with 被占据daily life 日常生活exercise control over 对进行控制pay attention to 关注 集中注意于persistent nightmares 持续的噩梦seek help 寻求帮助be susceptible to 易受影响的the relation of 的关系belong to 属于avoid anxiety 避免焦虑no longer 不

28、再public figure 公众人物skill and gift 技巧和天赋aspire to 渴望well regarded 受到推崇的since then 从此之后triumph over 战胜think straight 正确思考talk proper 讲话得体grieve over 为伤痛历年考研阅读必备短语大集合(2006年)in spite of 尽管a culture of consumption 消费文化dress and discourse 衣着和服饰department store 百货商店cater to 迎合的需求regardless of 不管 不顾mass med

29、ia 大众传媒fit into 适应common culture 大众文化indices of assimilation 同化指数resistant to 抵抗prior to 先于 优于a majority of 大多数immigrant family 移民家庭home ownership rate 住房拥有率rate of intermarriage 通婚率remote village 遥远的村庄immune to 不受影响turbulent past 动荡的过去social indices 社会指数social environment 社会环境exert a great influenc

30、e on 对有很大影响as we all know 众所周知distinctly separate 泾渭分明increasingly hostile 越来越敌对live off 依靠生活on the side 另外take in 参观sight-seeing 观光playgoer 戏迷sightseer 观光者attendance record 上座率in a row 连续drive away 赶走short of 缺乏on and off stage 台上台下on good terms 关系好short of 缺乏ticket price 票价a detached attitude 超然的态度prehistoric man 史前人类become extinct 灭绝actual biomass 实际生物量long-fis

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