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1、英语功能句型45类英语功能句型1.Greeting People 打招呼Hello.喂您好。Hi. 嗨您好 。(Hi!) How are you? Fine. Fine, thanks. ( 嗨! )您好(吗)?很好,谢谢。 How are things? Fine, thanks Good, All right. 近来好吗?很好,谢谢。How are you today? Fine. Fine, thanks. 今天好吗?很好。 很好,谢谢。 How are you doing?Pretty good. 过得怎么样? 挺不错。How do you do? 您好。 (首次见面 )Hello.

2、Is this Mr. Johnson ? 您好。您是 Johnson 先生吗?Hello, Fred? This is Jackie. 您好。是 Fred 吗?我是 Jackie 。Im pleased glad to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 很高兴见到您。我也很高兴见到您。Nice to meet you. Its nice to meet you. Its nice meeting you. 很高兴见到您。Nice meeting you, too. 我也很高兴见到您。2.Leave Taking 道别Bye. 再见。Bye-bye. 再见。Go

3、od-bye. 再见。See you soon.(希望很快)再见。So long. 再见。Speak to you soon. 稍后再交谈。Take care. 保重。 再见。 Take it easy. 再见。 祝你过得轻松愉快。 Have a good weekend! You, too. 祝您周末愉快!也祝您周末愉快。Have a nice day. 祝您全天愉快。Ill call back later. 稍后我将回电话。Ill call you soon. 我很快将给您打电话。Im glad we had a chance to talk. 我很高兴我们有交谈的机会。Nice seei

4、ng you. Nice seeing you, too. 很高兴见到您。我也很高兴见到您。I have to go now. I have to get going. I have to run. 我必须走了。 我得走了。 I think I should be going get going, be on my way now. I should be going, too. 我想我现在该 走了。我也该走了。Id better go now. 我最好现在就走。Ive really got to go now. Ive got to be going now. Ive got to get

5、going. Ive got to run. 我现在 真的该走了。Its been really nice seeing you again. 能与您再次见面我真高兴。Lets get together soon. 让我们不久后再相聚。Lets keep stay in touch. 让我们保持联系。3.Introductions 作介绍1)Introducing Oneself 自我介绍My name is Carlos. 我的名字是 Carlos。(Hello.) Im Kim.( 您好。 ) 我是 Kim 。Let me introduce myself. 请让我来做自我介绍。Im yo

6、ur neighbor. 我是您的邻居。2)1 ntroducing Others 介绍他人 Id like to introduce 我想介绍一下 Id like to introduce you to my husband, Michael. 请让我向您介绍我的丈夫 Michael 。Id like you to meet 我想请您认识一下Let me introduce 让我介绍一下Let me introduce you to 让我把您介绍给This is 这一位是 4.Gratitude 表达感激和赞赏1)Expressi ng 表达感激Thank you. 谢谢您。Thank yo

7、u for letting me know. 谢谢您告诉我。Thank you very much. 非常感谢。Thanks. 多谢。Thanks for warning me the warning. 谢谢您提醒我。Thanks a lot. 多谢。Thanks for telling me. 谢谢您告诉我。Thanks very much. 非常感谢。I (really) appreciate it that. 我十分感激。Thats very kind of you. 多谢您的好心。2)Respo nding to对感激、感谢的反应My pleasure. 不客气。 我很乐意。 Your

8、e welcome. 不客气。 不用谢。 3)Apologizing 道歉Excuse me. 对不起。 请原谅。 I apologize. 我很抱歉。I apologize for Im sorry for the inconvenience. 我很抱歉给您带来了不便。Sorry for the inconvenience. 很抱歉给您带来了不便。Im sorry. 很抱歉。Please accept my apology. 请接受我的道抱歉。Please forgive me. 请原谅我。Sorry. 对不起。 很抱歉。 Im sorry, but Im new here. 对不起,我是初

9、来乍到。Im sorry. I didnt know realize that. I wasnt aware of that. 对不起,我没留意到。Im sorry that I couldnt work overtime yesterday. 真对不起,昨天我没能加班。Im sorry to bother you. 我很抱歉打扰了您。 I hate to bother you. 我真不愿打扰您。 Attracting(Focusing) Attention 引起注意 Excuse me. 对不起。 劳驾。 打扰了。 Pardon me. 对不起。 劳驾。 Excuse me, but I d

10、ont think youre allowed to 对不起。不过我认为这里不允许 Honestly To be honest with you, To tell the truth, Id rather not have to call the Health Department. 说实在的,我并不情愿打电话到卫生部 (投诉 )。If you ask me, 如果您问我, In my opinion, they should have more buses on this route. 依我看, 他们本应增发这条路线的公 共汽车。As I see it, 依我看, As far as Im

11、concerned, 就我所关心的,I personally feel think, 我个人的感受想法是 The way I see it, 我的看法是,It seems to me (that) 依我看, Let me mention that we offer a very good installment plan. 我想说明的是,我们提供一个很优 惠的分期付款计划。Let me point out some of its special features. 让我指出它的一些独特的特点。Notice (that) the controls are all computerized. 请注

12、意,控制系统完全是电脑化的。I should (also) point out (that) an AM-FM stereo radio is included. 我还想指出, (车上 )配有调幅 -调频立体声收音机。You know, you promised to fix it several weeks ago. 要知道,几星期前您就答应过修理它的。4)Requests 表达请求Can Could you help me? 您能给我帮个忙吗? 您能帮助我吗? Could you do me a favor? 您能给我帮个忙吗? 您能帮助我吗? Could you do a favor f

13、or me? 您能给我帮个忙吗? 您能帮助我吗? Could I ask you a favor? 您能给我帮个忙吗? 您能帮助我吗? Can you show me a less expensive one? 您能给我看一种便宜点儿的吗?Could I ask you for the recipe? 能把菜谱告诉我吗?Could I possibly ask you to help me jump-start my car? 能请您帮我把汽车 (跳火 )发动吗?Could you lend me a hammer? 您能借给我一把锤子吗?Could you please give this

14、report to Mr. Lewis ? 您能把这份报告交给 Lewis 先生吗?Could you possibly lend me a cup of sugar? 您能借给我一杯糖吗?Do you think you could give me a lift downtown? 请问您能让我坐您的便车去市中心吗?If its not too much trouble. 如果不太麻烦您的话。If you dont mind. 如果您不介意 (的话)。If you wouldnt mind. 如果您不介意 (的话)。Its too bad Its a shame you didnt see

15、it. 真不巧 真可惜 您没看到它。Please ask her to call me. 请转告她让她给我打电话。Please dont play your radio on the bus. 请不要在公共汽车上播放收音机。Please give this to Mr. Hernandez (as soon as possible). 请(尽快 )把这件东西交给 Hernandez 先生。Please insure it for fifty dollars. 请把它按 50 美元的金额保险。Will Would you please do it as soon as possible. 请您尽

16、快地完成它。Would you possibly be willing to let me go with just a warning? 请求您只给我一次警告并放我走好吗?5)Responding to Requests 对请求的反应Okay. 好的。 行。 All right. 好的。 行。 Sure. 好的。 行。 Of course. 当然可以。No problem. 没问题。Certainly. 当然可以。 行。 By all means. 没问题。 我会尽力而为的。 Ill be happy glad to. 我乐意。Id be happy to Id be glad to len

17、d you a hammer. 我愿意 乐意 把锤子借给您。Offering to help 提供帮助Making an Offer 主动提出帮助Can May I help you? 我能帮您做什么吗? 需要帮忙吗? Let me help you. 让我帮您一个忙。What can I do for you? 我能帮您做什么吗? 需要帮忙吗? Would you like me to set up the conference room? 您想让我来布置会议室吗?Can I help you take out the garbage? 需要我帮您把垃圾带出去吗?Can I give you

18、 a hand taking out the garbage? 我帮您把垃圾带出去好吗?Do you want me to get that mans car? 您需要我帮您把那位先生的车开过来吗?Do you want need any help tuning up your car? 需要我帮忙把汽车保养好吗?Would you like to leave a message? 您想留下口信吗?Id be happy glad to. 我将很乐意帮忙。Id be happy glad to help. 我将很乐意帮忙。Id be happy glad to give you a hand.

19、 我将很乐意帮您一把。Id be happy to set it up. 我将很乐意去布置好。If theres anything I can do to help If I can help in any way, If I can be of any help, please let me know. 如果我能帮上什么忙的话,请告诉我好了。6)Responding to an Offer 对他人提出帮助的反应Are you sure you dont mind? 您确实不介意吗?If its no trouble. 如果不太麻烦的话,劳驾了。If you wouldnt mind. 如果您

20、不介意的话,劳驾了。No. Thats okay. 不,没问题。(Sure.) If you dont mind. ( 当然好。 ) 如果您不介意的话。Thanks. I (really) appreciate it. 谢谢。真感谢您。That would be great. 那真是太好了。Well, all right. 那么,好吧。 哦,好的。 Yes, please. 是的,请帮忙。Asking for Repetition 请求重复Would you repeat that? Would you say that again? 请您重复一遍好吗?Could you please say

21、 that again? 能请您再说一遍吗?Could you repeat the last part that part? 您能把最后一部分 那一部分 重复一遍吗? Excuse me? 请原谅。 我没听明白。 Pardon (me)? 对不起,我没听清楚。Huh? 嗯?I didnt get the last step. 我没弄明白最后一步。I forgot the last part. 我忘记最后一步了。Im sorry. Could you please repeat that the last step? 对不起,请您重复一下 最后一步 好 吗?(Im sorry.) I didn

22、t get that.( 对不起, )我没有听明白。(Im sorry.) I didnt hear you. What did you say? (对不起, )我没听清楚 (您的话 ) 。您说什么?What did you say? 您说什么?What was that? 那是什么意思? 那指的是什么 ?Whats that? 那是什么意思? 那指的是什么 ?5.Sympathizing 表达同情Im (very) sorry to hear that. 听到这件事我很难过。Im very (so) sorry. 我很遗憾 难过 。Thats What a shame! 真遗憾! 真可惜!

23、Thats too bad! 真糟糕! 太遗憾了! What a Thats a pity! 真可怜!5.Regret 表达遗憾Express ing 表达I regret that I transferred. 我很后悔调动工作。I regret transferring. 我很后悔调动工作。Im sorry about transferring. 我对调动工作很遗憾。Im sorry that I transferred. 我很遗憾我调动工作了。I wish I hadnt done it. 我真希望我没有做 (这件事 )。Im afraid Im busy. 恐怕我会很忙。2) Warn

24、ing 提醒或警告Be careful! 小心点儿! 留神! Careful! 小心点儿! 留神! Look out! 瞧着点儿! 留神! Watch out! 瞧着点儿! 留神! You might start a fire. 您有可能引起火灾的。Youd better not block the doorway! 您最好不要挡住过道。Youd better watch your step! 您最好脚下留神。6.Initiating a Topic or Conversations 引起一个话题或对话Did you hear the news? 您听到新闻了吗 ?Can I ask you

25、a question something? 我能问您一个问题 一件事 吗?Whats new (with you)? Nothing much. How about you? (您 )有什么新鲜事儿吗?不多。您 呢?Whats happening (with you)?( 您) 发生什么事儿了?Tell me, how did your parents enjoy their vacation? 告诉我,您的父母度假过得怎么样? Hello. May I please speak to Betty? 您好。 请问我能和 Betty 通话吗? Hello. Can I please speak

26、to Mrs. Jenkins? 喂。 请问我能和 Jenkins 夫人通话吗? Hello. Id like to speak to Julie, if shes there. 您好。如果 Julie 在的话,我想和她通话。 Hello, Steve? This is Carol. 喂。是 Steve 吗?我是 Carol 。Youre new here, arent you? 您是新来的,不是吗?You must be our new neighbor, 您想必是我们的新邻居, I have some good news. 我有条好消息。Im wondering 我在想rve been m

27、eaning to ask you 我一直在打算问您 Before you begin your new job, Id like to tell you about 在您开始新工作之前,我想告诉 您You know, I knocked on your door several times last week. 要知道, 上周我敲过您家的门好几 次。You seem upset. 您看上去很心烦。7.Certainty/Uncertainty 表达肯定 /不肯定1)Inquiring about 询问Are you sure (thats right)? 您能肯定 (那是对的 )吗?Are

28、you sure certain, positive about that? 您能确信 肯定 吗?Do you really think so? 您真的那样认为吗?Are you sure certain, positive you have the correct address? 您确信您的地址是对的吗?2)Expressing表示肯定/不肯定Absolutely! 当然! 绝对肯定! 毫无疑问! Definitely! 当然! 绝对肯定! 毫无疑问! Positively! 当然! 绝对肯定! 毫无疑问! I think so. 我认为如此。 我是那样想的。 I dont know (f

29、or sure). 我不敢肯定。Im sure certain. 我确信。Im Im not positive. 我敢 我不敢 肯定。Im a hundred percent sure. 我敢百分之百地肯定。 我完全确信。 Im not sure(yet). 我(还)不敢肯定。 我 (还)不能确信。 Im pretty sure (its supposed to be very warm). 我确信 ( 天气将会很暖和 )。Im sure I can learn quickly. 我相信我很快就能学会。Gee, I dont think so. 嘿,我不那样认为。I believe I was

30、 charged too much. 我敢肯定向我收的费用太高了。I dont think Im not sure, I dont know if we can afford it. 我不能肯定我们是否负担得起。I think theres a mistake on my electric bill. 我认为我的电费账单上出错了。Checking and Indicating Understanding 检查和表达是否理解Checking Another Persons Understanding 检查他人是否理解Are you following me so far? 您听明白了我所讲的吗?Are you with me so far? 上面我说的您都听懂了吗?Do you follow me? 您听明白我的意思了吗?Have you got (all) that it? 我的意思您都明白?Okay (so far)?(现在)清楚了吗?8.Checking Ones Own Understanding 检查自己是否理解A can of tuna f

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