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牛津译林版八年级下册《Good manners》教案.docx

1、牛津译林版八年级下册Good manners教案Good manners总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners 总课时8第 1 课时课 题Comic strip and Welcome to the unit课型New教学目标1、Understand the various manners knowledge2、talk about how to behave properly in public3、Develop the students good habit 教学重难点1、enough to 2、tooto 教学方法Situation method、task-based

2、method教具准备Pictures、tape recorder教 师 活 动Welcome to the unit Step1.lead in1、show some pictures with good manners and bad manners ,then ask: Are the people doing the right or wrong things?2、Ask: Do you want to be good citizen? How can you be good citizens? Step 2.presentation 1、show the six pictures an

3、d ask :Whos doing right and whos doing wrong ? why? 2、Do part A :Look at the pictures in part A and match them with the phrases. 3、Check the answers.Step 3、activities1、Play the tape and get the students to repeat and then get the students to read it in different roles.2、Design some scenes and get th

4、e students make new conversations according to part BComic stripStep1 .presentation1、Get the students to read comic strip and ask: Do you think Hobo will share his things with others ?what about Eddie?Encourage the students to give their opinions2、Play the tape and get the students to repeat,then an

5、swer some questions:1)D o you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo?2)What does Eddie teach Hobo?3)What does Eddie really want from Hobo?3、Get the students to read it together. Step 2 practise1、Divide the class into two groups to do role-play reading,tell them to read it emotionally .2、 Get the stu

6、dents to work in pairs ,then ask them to act it out in front of the class.Homework :1、Get the students to recite words、expressions and useful sentences2、Recite Comic strip and part B on page 653、Preview reading.二次备课教学反思总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners总课时8第 2 课时课 题Reading 1课型New教学目标Understand the intervi

7、ew about English manners Know different manners in different countries教学重难点Know the different cultures between China and England教学方法Situation method、task-based method教具准备Pictures, tape recorder教 师 活 动Step 1 Presentation1.Ask: Can you tell me what we should do and shouldnt do in these public places?2

8、.Brainstorm: how many traditional Chinese manners are there ? Encourage the students to say as many as possible Step2 Reading 1.Get the students to read the article quickly and answer the questions:1)What is the conversation about ? 2)Who is Daniel talking to ?2.Play the tape one paragraph by one pa

9、ragraph, let the students answer the following questions: 1)What is the proper way to greet people in the UK? 2)Who do they greet with a kiss? 3)How do British people start a conversation?3Let the students read the article carefully ,then fill the table Goo d manners in the UKHow to greet peopleHow

10、to start a conversationHow to behave in publicHow to behave at home Step 3 Practice1.Get the students to do part B1 , then check the answers2.Teach the students to do part B23.Play the tape and get the students to read ,then do Part B 3 4.Tell the students to work in pairs, read the conversation bet

11、ween Daniel and Jenny ,ask some pairs to act them out . Homework:1.Do exercises in 课课练2.Recite the text.教学反思总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners总课时8第 3 课时课 题Reading 2课型New教学目标 Understand the interview about English manners Know different manners in different countries教学重难点Know the different cultures between

12、 China and England教学方法Situation method、task-based method教具准备Tape recorder教 师 活 动Step.1 Presention 1.Present different scenes, help the students to say different manners in different situations.2.E ncourge the students to ask questions Step .2 Explain language points 1.some language points:1) .avoid

13、avoid doing sth 2) public in public 在公开场合=in public places the public 公众3)shake ones hand =shake hands with4)its rude to push in before others 5) in ones way 挡住某人的路 on ones way to 在去某地的途中 2 Get the students to make sentences using the phrases3.Add more exercises:choose the correct phrases to fill th

14、e well in ones way in public push shake ones hand 1.)My classmates love music ,I love it _.2.)It is impolite to _before others.3.)We should not speak loudly _4.)Chinese people usually _when they meet for the first time.5.)Please do not stand _.I am in a hurry .Step 3 activities1.Organize t

15、he students to discuss Chinese manners ,then answer the questions on part c on page 692.Get the students to make cards about Chinese manners,then ask some of them to come to the front to show their cards. Homework :1.Recite words ,phrases and sentences2.Do exercises课课练二次备课教学反思总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good ma

16、nners总课时8第 4 课时课 题Grammer 课型New教学目标1.Learn to use “enough to “to describe a persons quality and ability 2.Lear to use “tooto”教学重难点enough for sb to do sth 教学方法Practice method, Situation method教具准备Blackboard, Multi-media教 师 活 动A.Using enough to Step 1 presentation1. Ask the students to make two senten

17、ces with to be +adjective +enough +to infinitive.2.Teacher ask :What can we use this pattern to describe ? We can use this pattern to describe a persons personality and abilities.Step2 practise 1.Get the students to read the sentences on the blackboardthen do exercises on page 702.check the answers

18、,then read the six sentences together.3.Give the sentences more adjectives and to- infinitive ,ask them to make more sentences .Step3 activityAsk the students to use the sentences structure to describe his classmates quality and ability Using tooto Step 1 Presentatoion1.write the sentences “Youre ne

19、ver too old to learn ”,explain the use of “too to”2.Present more sentences with “too to”3.Explain the use of “tooto”,we use this pattern to express a negative result4.say:W e need to add for someone before the to-infinitive5.Get the students to read the sentencs on page 71 togetherStep2 practice 1.G

20、 et the students to do exercises on page 712.Check the answers.3.Add more exercises:1)这个男孩太小,不能照顾自己。2)这双鞋太小了,穿不下。3)这本书对于我们来说太难了,读不下去4)他们太慢了,赶不上了这辆公交车了。4. Finish the “Work out the rule”Homework :1.Recite words .expression and sentences 2.Make five sentences using the two sentence structure.二次备课教学反思总

21、课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners总课时8第 5 课时课 题Integrated skills 课型New教学目标1.Learn different functions of public signs 2.Learn to advise sb not to sth.教学重难点Learn to get information from listening materials教学方法Practice method, Situation method教具准备Tape recorder, Multi-media教 师 活 动A Public signs Step 1 Lead in

22、1.This unit has mentioned some bad manners in public places What are they ?What should we do in these places? Revise the knowledge learned in this unit 2.Present new words by using some pictures of public signs Step 2 listening1.Play the tape and get the students to do Part 12.Check the answers3.Pla

23、y the tape of Part A2 ,get the students to fill in the blankets,4.Let the students do Part A3 by themselves. Then check the answers Step 3 Activity 1.Show some public signs ,ask and answer with the studentsT:Where can you see this public signS:We can see it T:What does it mean?S:It meansT:What does

24、it tell to do?S:It tells us to 2.Divide the students into groups of four and get them to make some public signs with cards ,then put them up on the wall of the classroom. B.Speak up:Please dont take photosStep 1 Presentation.1.Ask: When we go to a museum .what should we pay attention to .Help them t

25、o answer :We shouldnt speak loudly .We shouldnt take photots.2.Play the tape of Part B ,and get the students to answer the following questions:1)Where are Army and Shirley 2)What does Amy want to do ?Can she do it 3)What else does Army tell Shirley?Step 2 Practice 1.Play the tape and get the student

26、s to repat.2.Ask the students to role-play the dialogue .3.Ask some pair to act it out .Homework :1.Recite words and expressions 2.Do exercises in 课课练二次备课教学反思总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners总课时8第 6 课时课 题Study skills 课型New教学目标1.Learn about English sayings 2.Learn to use English sayings in the correct sit

27、uation.教学重难点Use English sayings in the correct situation教学方法Practice method, Situation method教具准备Some pictures 教 师 活 动Step 1 Lead in 1.Revise the reading passage by asking the questions :What useful tips does Jenny offer in the school radio show ?Answer:When in Rome ,do as the Romans do .2.Ask :Do y

28、ou know the Chinese meaning of this sentences ? Today well learn more English sayingsStep 2 Presentation1.Explain what is a saying?2.Show English saying and pictures .Discuss with the students and guess the meanings.Step 3 Practice 1.Get the students to do Part A in pairs, then ask the students read

29、 the sayings and explain the meanings2.Get the whole class to read the six sentences.3.Get the students to do Part B and guess the meanings of the five sentences.4.Add more English sayings:1)A cold hand and a warm heart.2)Birds of a feather flock together.3)Dont judge people by their appearance .4)I

30、 t is better to trust the eye than the ear.Step 3.Actiyity 1.Divide the students into groups of four and try to make stories using the learned sayings 2.A sk some students to come to the front to show their stories Homework:1.Recite words. phrases and sentences 2.Do exercises in 课课练二次备课教学反思总 课 题8 B Unit 5 Good manners总课时8第7课时课 题Task 课型New教学目标1.Learn to make a list before writing 2.Learn to write articles about manners教学重难点Write articles about manners.

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