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1、marketingChapter 1:Introduction to global marketing1. What are the basic goals of marketing? Are these goals relevant to global marketing?Basic goals:Marketing activities center on an organization efforts to satisfy customers wants and needs with products and services that offer competitive value an

2、d the essence of marketing is to surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers.The difference between marketing and global marketing is the scope of activities. Global marketing activities are outside the home-country market. So these goals are relevant to global mark

3、eting.And the guide line is the value equation-Value = Benefits / Price (Money, Time, Effort, Etc.).Global marketing 2. What is mean by “global localization”? Is Coca-Cola a global product? Explain.In a nutshell, the phrase “global localization” means that a successful global marketer must have abil

4、ity to“Think globally, act locally.”Mixing standardization and customization in a way that minimizes costs while maximizing satisfactionEssence of segmentation (standardization :Essence of mass marketing)Most people will agree that Coca-Cola is a global product by virtue of the fact that it is avail

5、able in more than 195 countries in red cans bearing the distinctive signature style. It must be noted, however, that customer service efforts are adapted to the needs of particular markets, e.g., vending machines in Japan. Thus, Coca-Cola is both global and local.3. A companys global marketing strat

6、egy (GMS) is a crucial competitive tool. Describe some of the global marketing strategies available to companies. Give examples of companies that use the different strategies.Global marketing strategies: 1. Global marketing participation is the extent to which a company has operations in major world

7、 markets; 2. Standardization versus adaptation is the extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized or adapted in various country markets; 3. Concentration of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed in one or a few country locati

8、ons; 4. Coordination of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed interdependently around the globe; 5. Integration of competitive moves is the extent to which a firms competitive marketing tactics in different parts of world are interdependent.Exa

9、mples: 1. Coke is the best-known, strongest brand, as the Coca-Cola Company, supporting its Coke, Fanta, and Powerade brands with marketing mix elements both that are globe and local, is adapt at adapting sales promotion, distribution, and customer service efforts to local needs.;2. McDonalds busine

10、ss model is a restaurant system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world and offers core menu items-hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks-in most countries, and the company also customizes menu offerings according to local eating customs.4. Describe the difference between ethnocentric,

11、 polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric management orientationsEthnocentric orientation: Mind set home country is superior to the rest of the world, sees similarities in foreign countries, leads to aGMSstandardized or extension approach; Called domestic company and international companyPolycentri

12、c orientation:mind setthe opposite of ethnocentrism, each country in which a company does business is unique, sees differences in foreign countries, GMSleads to localized or adaptation approach.Called multinational companyThe difference between the Ethnocentric orientation and Polycentric orientatio

13、n are the mind-set,name of companies called and GMS.Regiocentric orientation: a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; managements goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy;Geocentric orientation: views the entire world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated world mar

14、ket strategies.The difference between the regiocentric orientation and Geocentric orientation are the market area. But they have lots of similarities.Market opportunities are pursued using both extension and adaptation strategies. The regiocentric and geocentric orientations are characteristic of gl

15、obal transnational companies.5. Identify and briefly describe some of the forces that have resulted in increased global integration and the growing importance of global marketing.Driving Forces: regional economic agreements, Markets needs and wants, Technology, Transportation and communication impro

16、vements. Product development costs, Quality, World economic trends, Leverage.Restraining Forces: Management myopia(目光短浅), Organizational culture, National controls(tariffs and nontariff barriers) , opposition to globalization.Chapter 2:The Global Economic Environment1. Explain the difference between

17、 market capitalism, centrally planned capitalism, centrally planned socialism, and market socialism. Give an example of a country that illustrates each type of system. The main differences across four economic systems are combinations of resource allocation( market or command )and resource ownership

18、(private or state) .Market capitalism(Anglo-Saxon Model) is an economic system in which individuals and firms allocate resources and production resources are privately owned. Consumer decide goods what they desire.Firms determine what and how much to produce. Market orientedGovernments role is to pr

19、omote competition among firms and ensure consumer protection.(US, Canada,GB)Centrally planned capitalism()is an economic system in which command resource allocation is utilized extensively in an environment of private resource ownership. (Sweden)Centrally planned socialism, in this type of economic

20、system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interests as it sees fit. States decides what goods and services are produced and in what quantities.Government owns entire industries and controls distribution, enterprises are centrally planned socialism.Little reliance on product differentiat

21、ion, advertising, pricing strategy.(Former Soviet Union)Market socialism: in such a system, market allocation policies are permitted within an overall environment of state ownership. (China)2. Why are Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) highlighted in this chapter? Identify the current stage of e

22、conomic development for each BRIC nation? These four country markets are particularly dynamic and represent important opportunities.In fiscal 2008, the software giants collective revenues grew 54%, compared with overall global revenue growth of 18%.And experts predict that the BRIC nations will be k

23、ey players in global trade even as their track records on human rights, environmental protection, and other issues come under closer scrutiny by trade partners.Brazil:upper-middle-income countryRussia:upper-middle-income countryIndia:low-income country China:lower-middle-income country 3. Mistake as

24、sumption for BOP(bottom of pyramid) In LDC(least- developed country)1.The poor have no money.2.The poor will not “waste” money on non-essential goods.3.Entering developing markets is fruitless because goods there are too cheap to make a profit.4.People in BOP (bottom of the pyramid) countries cannot

25、 use technology.5.Global companies doing business in BOP countries will be seen as exploiting the poor.Chapter 3: Social and cultural Environment1. What are some of the elements that make up culture? How do these find expression in your native culture?Culture is made up by material culture and non m

26、aterial culture and as the collective programming of mind distinguish one society from another.Material culture is referred to physical culture like clothing and tools.Non material culture includes intangibles such religion, perception,attitudes,beliefs and values. Culture is acted out in social ins

27、titutions, such as, family, education, religion, government, business.2. What is The difference between a low-context culture and a high-context culture? Give an example of a country that is an example of each type, and provide evidence for your answer.High Context:(高语境)less information is contained

28、 in the verbal part of a message.Much more Information resides in context; Emphasis on background, basic values, societal status; Less emphasis on legal paperwork; Focus on personal reputation. (Saudi Arabia, Japan)Evidence:A builder in Japan is likely to say,” What has that piece of paper got to do

29、 with the situation?If we can not trust each other enough to go ahead without it, why bother it?”Low Context:(低语境)Messages are explicit and specific; Words carry all information; Reliance on legal paperwork;Focus on non-personal documentation of credibility. (Switzerland, U.S., Germany)Evidence:In U

30、S, one tries to make the specifications so precise that the threat of legal sanction forces a builder to do a good job.3. How can Hofstedes cultural typologies help Western marketers better understand Asian culture?Hofstedes social values typology helps markets understand culture in terms of power d

31、istance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long- versus short-term orientation. As for Asian countries, they have higher power distance and lower trust in the first dimension.And companies in high PDI culture prefer sole ownership of subsidi

32、aries because it provides them with more control. In the second dimension, low individualism is the characteristic of Japanese and other Asian culture patterns. The collectivism culture makes all societys members are integrated into cohesive in groups.In the third dimension, Asian companies more prefer masculinity.Overall they like aggressive, achievement-oriented people to work for them and in the company, the leaders are almost old men.In Asia , people is more contemplative,relativistic,and tolerant.So they have high uncertainty avoidance abil

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