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Unit six 重点词汇讲解 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册.docx

1、Unit six 重点词汇讲解 新目标大学英语综合教程 第一册 gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of (sth.) 积累;积聚e.g.By investing wisely, sheaccumulateda fortune.她通过明智的投资积累了一笔财富。I amaccumulatingevidence for the mans unfaithfulness to his wife.我在收集该男子对其妻子不忠的证据。 increase in number

2、or quantity 累积e.g.Dust and dirt soonaccumulateif a house is not cleaned regularly.房间如果不经常打扫,灰尘和污物很快就累积起来了。Word Family:accumulationn.积聚,累积;堆积物comfort1.n.state of being physically relaxed and feeling no pain 舒适;舒服;安逸e.g.This will enable the audience to sit incomfortwhile watching the shows.这能让观众看演出时舒服

3、地坐着。 or kindness to sb. who has been worried or unhappy 安慰;慰藉e.g.The news broughtcomfortto all of us.这条消息让我们都感到安慰。 make sb. who is worried or unhappy feel better by being kind and sympathetic to them安慰e.g.The child ran to its mother to becomforted.孩子跑到母亲身边以求得安慰。Shecomfortedherself with

4、 the thought that it would soon be spring.她用春天很快就会到了的想法安慰自己。Word Family:comfortableadj.舒适的;无忧患的;富有的comfortlessadj.不舒适的delight1.n.great pleasure; cause or source of pleasure高兴;欢乐;使人高兴的事e.g.To our greatdelight, the day turned out fine.让我们极为高兴的是,天放晴了。Her singing is adelight.她的歌声令人愉快。Collocation:takedel

5、ightin sth./ doing sth. 喜好;爱好;(尤指以做残酷的事或错事)为乐e.g. He takes greatdelightin proving others wrong.他以证明别人有错为乐。 give great pleasure to (sb.); please (sb.) greatlye.g.She has created a style of music that hasdelightedaudiences all over the world.她创立了一种为全世界听众所喜爱的音乐风格。vividadj.1.(light or color) stron

6、g and bright; intense(指光线、颜色)强烈的;耀眼的;鲜艳的e.g.avividblue sky 碧蓝的天空avividflash of lightning 一道耀眼的闪电2.creating ideas in a lively or active way; producing strong clear pictures in mind生动的;活泼的;逼真的;清晰的e.g.Jack and Mary described their journey invividdetail.杰克和玛丽用生动的细节描述了他们的旅行。The incident left avividimpres

7、sion on me.那件小事给我留下了深刻的印象。More Examples:vividdescription生动的描述vividimagination丰富的想象力vividpicture栩栩如生的画面vividgreen翡翠绿inconvenience1.n.trouble, difficulty or discomfort; person or thing that causes inconvenience麻烦;困难;不便;引起不便(麻烦)的人或事e.g.He apologized for theinconveniencehe had caused.他为自己所引起的麻烦道歉。Having

8、 to change trains is a smallinconvenience.得换乘火车是有点不方便。 cause problem or difficulty to sb./sth. 给带来不便或困难e.g.He promised to be quick so as not toinconveniencethem any further.他答应动作快点,以免给他们带来更多不便。 spent in doing a particular job, or for a particular purpose 花费;代价;消费;开支e.g. Most chil

9、dren in Britain are educated at publicexpense.英国大多数儿童享受公费教育。An annual holiday is a bigexpense.每年度假的费用是一笔大开销。Collocations:at sb.sexpense由某人付钱at theexpenseof sth. 以为代价at noexpense免费地go to theexpenseof doing sth. 花很多钱(做某事)dailyexpense日常开销expenseaccount 报销账单owetorecognize sb./sth. as the cause or source

10、 of sth.; be indebted to sb./sth. for sth. 把归因或归功于e.g. Heoweshis success moretoluck than to ability.他认为自己的成功更多靠的是运气而不是能力。Iowea debt of gratitudetoall my family.我很感激我的家人。accountn.1.statement of money paid or owed for goods or services; arrangement made with bank, firm, etc. to leave your money there

11、and take some out when one need 账目;账;账户e.g.Theaccountsshow a profit of $ 9000.账目上计有9000美元的盈利。Will you pay cash or shall I charge it to youraccount?你是付现金还是记账?; description 报告;描述e.g.She gave the police a fullaccountof the accident.她向警方详细描述了该事故的情况。Keep anaccountof your daily activities.把你的日常活动记

12、录下来。Collocation:takeaccountof sth. 考虑take sth. intoaccount对加以考虑of great no/littleaccount有/无价值by/from allaccounts据说on noaccount决不onaccountof sth. 因为;由于on sb.saccount为了的缘故famen.the state of being known and talked about by many people 名声;声誉;名气e.g. The young musician rose quickly tofame.那个年轻的音乐家很快就出了名。T

13、he film earned him internationalfame.这部影片为他赢得了国际声誉。In those years he just fought forfameand fortune.那些年他只是为名利而奋斗。Word Family:famousadj.著名的biographyn.1.the story of a persons life written by sb. else 传记e.g.After reading abiographyof Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the President.他读了林肯的传

14、记后, 能讲出许多关于这位总统的故事。2.such writing as a branch of literature 传记文学e.g.I preferbiographyto fiction.我喜欢看传记,不太喜欢看小说。Word Family:biographern.传记作家biographic / biographicaladj.传记的charmingadj.1.very pleasant or attractive 迷人的;吸引人的e.g.There are manycharmingcountry cottages in his hometown.在他的家乡有很多迷人的乡村小屋。2.(o

15、f a person or their manner) very polite, friendly, and likeable 彬彬有礼的,友好的,可爱的e.g.He is acharmingyoung man.他是一个惹人喜欢的年轻男子。Antonym:charmlessadj.令人厌恶的Word Family:charmn.吸引力;魅力charmern.可爱迷人的人on condition thatused for saying that one thing will happen only if another thing also happens 在的条件下;如果e.g. I can

16、tell you the truthon condition thatyou promise to keep it a secret.如果你答应保密我就把真相告诉你。You can go outon condition thatyou wear an overcoat.你得穿上外衣才能出去。would rather thanused to say that you prefer to do or have one thing rather than another 宁愿而不愿e.g. Iwould rathertravel by trainthanby plane.我愿意坐火车而不愿意坐飞机旅

17、行。Shewould ratherdiethanlose her children.她宁可死也不愿失去孩子们。 give sth. to sb./sth. 把赋予e.g.Herbs have been used for centuries toendowa whole range of foodswithsubtle flavours.香草几个世纪以来一直被用来赋予各种食品细腻的味道。 naturally have a good feature or quality 天生具有某种好的特点e.g.She isendowed withintelligence as

18、 well as beauty.她生来聪明貌美。 give a large sum of money, property, etc. to provide a regular income 资助;捐助e.g.Heendowedthe Churchwithlands.他向教会捐赠地产。Word Family:endowmentn.资助;天赋prospectn.1.a wide view of a landscape, etc. 视野;景色e.g.a magnificentprospectof mountain peaks and lakes山峰和湖泊的壮丽景色2.the possibil

19、ity that sth. will happen 某事发生的可能性e.g.There was noprospectof a reconciliation between them.他们之间没有和解的可能性3.(prospects) chances or opportunities for future success or wealth (成功或发财)的机会;前程;前景e.g.Theprospectsfor this years wine harvest are poor.今年的葡萄酒产量前景不佳。This job has noprospects.这工作毫无前途。Word Family:pr

20、ospectiveadj.预期的;未来可能发生的 image in a mirror, on a shiny surface, on water, etc. 映像;映照出的影像e.g.Meg stared at herreflectionin the bedroom mirror.梅格注视着卧室镜子里的自己。2.a thing reflecting the nature of a person, a thing, etc. 可反映人、事物等的本质的东西e.g.Your clothes are areflectionof your personality.一个人的

21、衣着可反映出其个性。3.thought or memory of past events; careful thought 沉思;回忆;思考e.g.After days ofreflectionshe decided to write back.认真思考了几天之后她决定回信。lost inreflection陷入沉思中Word Family:reflectiveadj.反射的;反映的;思考的;沉思的reflectv.反射;反映;考虑e.g. Their actions clearlyreflecttheir thoughts.他们的行动清楚地反映了他们的思想Collocations:refle

22、ctionon sth. 经沉思而产生的想法;反思be a (bad/poor/adverse)reflectionon sb./sth. 损害某人(某事物)的名声onreflection再三考虑preciousadj.valuable or important and not to be wasted 宝贵的;珍贵的e.g. A family break allows you to spendprecioustime together.家庭度假会让你们一起度过宝贵的时光。He has sent me mostpreciousgifts.他送给我极其珍贵的礼物。Synonyms:valuabl

23、e / throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground 分撒;撒播e.g.Theyve beenscatteringtoys everywhere.他们总是把玩具扔得到处都是。 cause (people or animals) to move quickly in different directions (使人或动物)散开e.g.The policescatteredthe crowd.警察驱散了人群。The birdsscat

24、teredat the sound of the gun.枪声一响,群鸟受惊飞散。Word Family:scatteredadj.分散的;稀疏的e.g. a thinlyscatteredpopulation分布得很稀疏的居民Collocation:scattersth. with sth. 将某物撒在某物表面e.g. scatter the lawn with grass seed把草籽撒在草坪上 leave or go out of (a place)(起身)走动e.g.She had notstirredfrom the house that evening.她那天

25、晚上没有离开过房子。Theres something you could study withoutstirringfrom this room.有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。 move a liquid or substance around with a spoon or stick in order to mix it together 搅拌,搅动;搅合e.g.Stirthe soup for a few seconds.将汤搅和几秒钟。 excite or arouse (a person or his feelings, etc.) 激励,鼓励(某人);激发(

26、某人的情感等)e.g.The storystirredthe boys imagination.故事引发了那男孩的幻想。Collocations:stirones/the blood 使某人血液沸腾;使某人激动或兴奋stirones stumps 快走;赶紧;赶快stirsth. up 惹事,滋事stirsb. up 鼓动某人采取行动 rise quickly and smoothly up into the air 升空;升腾e.g.The jetsoaredinto the air.那架喷气式飞机飞上了天空。If youre lucky, a splendid gold

27、en eagle maysoarinto view.幸运的话,会有一只光彩夺目的金雕飞入你的视野。 increase quickly to a high level 高涨e.g.Prices aresoaring.物价在飞涨。soaringtemperature迅速增高的温度 area of activity, interest, or knowledge 领域;场所e.g.Students interests are mostly limited to the academicrealm.学生们的兴趣大多限于学术领域。in therealmof literatu

28、re, science, etc.在文学、科学等领域2.kingdom 王国e.g.coins, peers, laws of therealm王国的钱币、贵族、法律Synonyms:territory / domain / field / sphere / go or gather together somewhere in large numbers 成群地去或来;群集e.g.The public haveflockedto the show.公众蜂拥而至观看演出。The criticisms will not stop peopleflockingt

29、o see the film.批评的声音阻挡不了人们涌到影院去观看这部电影。 of sheep, goats or birds of the same kind, either kept together or feeding and travelling together 一群e.g.aflockof wild geese一群雁flocksof sheep and herds of cattle牛群和羊群3.n.a large crowd of people 一大群人e.g.These cases all attractedflocksof famous writers.这些案件都吸引了大批知名作家的关注CF:flock, herd, swarm 这些名词都有“群”之意。flock: 主要指鸟群、羊群等较小的动物群;也可指人群。e.g. Aflockof birds flew towards us slowly from far away.一群鸟儿从远处朝我们缓缓飞来。herd:

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