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1、江苏省南通市如皋九年级中考模拟英语卷含题目解析绝密启用前2015届江苏省如皋市九年级中考模拟英语卷(带解析)考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1. 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上分卷I分卷I 注释评卷人得分一、单选题(注释)1、 Alice, I cant find my bike. Dont worry. I saw _ black one under the tree. Is it yours?AaBanCtheD不填2、 I have _ in learnin

2、g chemistry. Could you help me with it? Sure, Id love to.AsuccessBinterestCtroubleDfun3、Please record the football game for me so that I can watch _ later after work.AitBoneCthisDthat4、 Boys, please tell me something about the new film The Hunger Games, OK? Sorry. _ Frank _ I have ever seen it.AEith

3、er; orBNot only; but alsoCBoth; andDNeither; nor5、 _ didnt Sally play the violin at the concert last night?She said that her hand hurt, but that was only an excuse. I saw her play tennis just now.AWhyBWhereCWhichDWhat6、 It seems that Mr. Wu is standing there. It _ be him because he called me from Ca

4、nada just now.AmustntBcantCneedntDshouldnt7、 Where is your father? He _ Beijing. He will be back in three days.Ahas gone to Bhas been toChas been inDhas lived in8、 So many people! Could I stand here? _. Dont you see the sign “Line up, please”?AMy pleasureBNo problemCOf courseDSorry, you cant9、 Amy,

5、your room is so clean and tidy. Thanks. Its a good habit to _ the things after using them.Aput onBput upCput awayDput out10、 What do you think of the play? I enjoy it very much. Its the _ one I have ever seen.Aworse BbetterCworstDbest11、How long did the trip from Rugao to Nanjing _ you? About three

6、hours.AcostBtakeCspendDpay12、I really enjoyed your speech, _ there were some parts I didnt quite understand. AbecauseBsinceCuntilDthough13、The children in poor areas cant afford their education. We should think _ to help them. Awhat can we do Bwhat we can doChow can we do Dhow we can do14、 Why did y

7、ou vote for Maggie?Because she is very _ . She always shares things with others.【选项】A. practical B. active C. generous D. energetic15、(2012东营) Its very convenient _ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet.A. to B. ofC. by D. for评卷人得分二、完型填空(注释)【小

8、题1】AEducationBCommunicationCPresentationDExamination【小题2】AfriendsBteachersCparentsDstudents【小题3】Asurprised BexcitedChappyDangry【小题4】AconsiderBdescribeCcauseDrequire【小题5】AloudlyBclearlyCexcitedlyDheavily【小题6】AspeakBtalkCtellDsay【小题7】AkeepBstopCtryDfinish【小题8】AdisagreeBagreeCinsistDwork【小题9】AloveBhelp

9、CrefuseDaccept【小题10】AlookedBturnedCfoughtDargued【小题11】AdroveBboughtCborrowedDlent【小题12】AwaysBplacesCsituationsDtimes【小题13】AinterestingBsurprisingCdifficultDimportant【小题14】AhobbiesBinterestsCvaluesDfeelings【小题15】AknowBcareClearnDhear【小题1】Ahomework BhouseworkCbusinessDsome shopping【小题2】Anothing Bsomet

10、hingCeverythingDsome【小题3】Aquestion BquarrelCfightDproblem【小题4】Aparents BuncleCaunt Dbrother【小题5】Ain BatCwith Don【小题6】AschoolBchurchChospitalDhome【小题7】AbecauseBsoCbutDuntil【小题8】AwhenBwhoCwhere Dthat【小题9】AfullBhungryCexcitedDbored【小题10】AsupperBbreakfastClunchDbrunch【小题11】AbookBorangeCdrinkDfood【小题12】A

11、herselfBhimselfCmyself Dthemselves【小题13】Acouldnt BdidntCmight not Dwouldnt【小题14】AcousinBauntCparentsDbrother【小题15】AmadeBgaveCbought Dsaw【小题16】AdrinkBeatCmake Dgive【小题17】AmenBwomenCadults Dteenagers【小题18】Athe same Bdifficult CdifferentDwarm-hearted【小题19】AschoolBstudyClife Dplay【小题20】AproperlyBcareles

12、slyCactuallyDSlowly评卷人得分三、阅读理解(注释)18、Every school has a notice board. Lets see what is on the notice board of an America school.School Policy(政策) uFighting, saying bad words and all other bad behavior will not be allowed.uDo not throw rocks, snowballs or sticks on the school grounds.uHand in a note

13、or telephone to school if your child will be absent for the day.uParents and visitors need to check in at the office when entering the school.After-school ProgramThe after-school program will continue for the year 2012. The program will be open from 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. every day.u3.30-4.30 Homewo

14、rk & Reading u4.30-6.00 Activities If you have any questions, feel free to call the school at 524-9752.Class Announcement (通知)uTesting Dates:The math testing is June 12-13 The science test is June 15uParents meeting:The next parents meeting is on Friday, June 22 at 7.00 p.m. in the meeting hall. uHo

15、mework:Please check the Homework Board at the school homepage to find your homework.Report Card Report card about your school life and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.MARKING KEY(评分标准)Goes beyond grade level standards 4Meets grade level standards 3Doe

16、s not meet grade level standards,making progress 2Does not meet grade level standards, not making progress1【小题1】According to School Policy, visitors have to _ when entering the school.Ahand in a noteBcall at 524-9752Ccheck in at the officeDtelephone the school【小题2】From _, students can get informatio

17、n on the parents meeting.ASchool PolicyBReport Card CAfter-school ProgramDClass Announcement【小题3】Report Card shows parents _.Achildrens school life and workBafter-school activities Cplans for classes and testsDcertain school rules【小题4】Suppose Tony doesnt do well at school but makes progress, he will

18、 get _ on the Report Card.A1 B2C3D4Ato have a picnicBto have a showerCto enjoy a two-day holidayDto make jokes【小题2】The writer thought it even worse that they _.Ahad no picnicBlost their wayCcouldnt light the fireDcouldnt know each other【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true?AIt was sunny in the mor

19、ning.BNone of them had an umbrella.CThey gave up the camping at last.DThey ran about to dry themselves.【小题4】The writer has learned the importance of _ from the trip.Amaking a decisionBworking togetherCenjoying holidaysDtaking a compassATo make companies pay for naming service.BTo help people choose

20、the best productsCTo present good images of the products.DTo prevent good images from being copied【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?AMany companies care about the cost of finding the right namesBCreative trade names can help companies to have a larger saleCThe government often does business wi

21、th naming companiesDIt is considered necessary for cars to be names after animals【小题3】Whats the best title for the passage?AThe Business of NamesBThe Development of NamesCThe Rules of Naming BusinessDThe Methods of Choosing NamesAfor children to live in a lonely placeBto let children not watch TV at

22、 homeCfor parents not to disturb their childrenDto improve childrens abilities when living alone【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A“Survival Holidays” is popular.BBeing close to nature is not good for children.CParents will pay no money for “Survival Holidays”.DChildren li

23、ve a comfortable life during “Survival Holidays”.【小题3】The underlined word “challenge” in the passage means_A建议B努力C挑战D成就【小题4】What do many people think?AThe survival skills can not be learned in class.BChildren who live in nature will always be healthy.CChildren shouldnt live a comfortable life with t

24、heir parents.DThe survival activities will be good for children in the future.【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhat children do during “Survival Holidays”.BWhy people like “Survival Holidays”.CWhat children need in their free time.DHow to educate children.分卷II分卷II 注释评卷人得分四、句型转换(注释)评卷人得分

25、五、选词填空(注释)23、从方框中选用合适的词并用其适当形式填空。radio wide excite high we24、请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。invite search continue discuss pass【小题1】 What a pity! I have missed the No. 4 bus. Dont worry. The No. 22 bus also _ here.【小题2】 How long _ you _ the maths problem? Since the teacher left the classroom.【小题3】

26、Sandy finished his project and _ to help with mine.【小题4】When there was a call, he _ for some photos of the Great Wall on the Internet.【小题5】If it is fine this weekend, I _ my friends to go hiking with me.评卷人得分六、书面表达(注释)25、社团(clubs)在学习生活中扮演着重要的角色。社团活动中,同学们可以相互学习,共同提高。假设你是学生会主席,请根据表中的提示用英语为学校的社团写一封倡议书,简述参加社团的意义,说明社团活动组织情况,并给参加社团

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