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Unit 1 Section Ⅲ 学业分层测评.docx

1、Unit 1 Section 学业分层测评学业分层测评.单词拼写1The team has been _ (减弱) by injury.2She _(挤压) some scream onto her hands.3_(创造力)is more important than technical skill.4He used to do some research in the _(地下室)5Who is doing the _(酒席承办)for the reception?6Our hometown has a lot of places of interest, so the_(旅游) indu

2、stry brings us great profit.7From the buildings appearing in our city,we can see the_(建筑)industry is developing quickly.8Young people going in for things up to date are usually interested in the_(时装)industry.9She has contributed to many magazines for several years, which makes her outstanding in the

3、_(出版) industry.10Bill Gates is No.1 in the information_(技术)【答案】单项填空1A love marriage, however, does not necessarily _ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.Atake over Bresult inChold o

4、n D. keep to【解析】动词短语辨析。句意:然而, 恋爱结婚未必能保证双方共同分享利益和承担义务。take over 接管;接收; result in 导致;hold on 等一下;别挂断;keep to 坚持遵守 。【答案】B2It was unwise of him to_the unreliable data in his speech.Arefer to Badd toCbelong to Dpoint to【解析】考查动词短语的含义。句意:他在他的演讲中提及不可靠的数据是不明智的。refer to提及,涉及;add to加到上;belong to属于;point to指出。【

5、答案】A3You have_me in a great deal of extra work.Ainvolve BinvolvedCinvolvement Ddrawn【解析】句意:你害得我增加了一大堆额外的工作。involve sth.把某人牵扯到某事里。【答案】B4You seem to show interest in cooking.What?_,Im getting rid of it.AOn the contrary BTo the contraryCOn the other hand DTo the other hand【解析】A项意为相反的;B项意为和这相反的;C项

6、意为另一方面;D项意为到另一方面。答语所陈述的是与第一个对话者所说的相反的情况。【答案】A5The quality of education in this small school is better than _ in some larger schools.Athat BoneCit Dthis【解析】本题考查替代词的用法。句意:这所小型学校的教学质量比有些较大的学校的教学质量还要好。空格处指代the quality of education,为不可数名词,故用that。【答案】A6If children are asked to help with housework, they wi

7、ll feel needed._, they will learn to take care of themselves.AOn the contrary BIn a wordCThat is to say DWhats more【解析】句意:如果孩子们被要求帮助做家务事,他们会感到被需要,再者,他们会学会照顾自己。on the contrary相反地;in a word 总之;that is to say 也就是说;whats more 再者。【答案】D7We students are so busy with our homework that we have no time for ou

8、tdoor exercise, _ we have the desire.Awherever BwheneverCeven if Das if【解析】句意:我们学生是如此的忙于作业以至于没有时间做户外运动,即使我们有这个愿望。wherever无论在哪里;whenever无论什么时候;even if即使;as if似乎,好像。【答案】C8Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well,that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long as BunlessCas soon as Dthough【解析】a

9、s long as只要;unless除非,否则;as soon as一就;though虽然。后句句意:是吗?哦,只要你玩得开心,花多少钱不重要。【答案】A9The financial crisis has left lots of Americans_,and therefore,they have to cut down on their living costs to pay back the loans from the banks.Ain debt Bin troubleCout of fashion Din difficulty【解析】根据后面“cut down on their l

10、iving costs to pay back the loans from the banks”可知,他们现在陷入债务中。【答案】A10The house isnt big enough for me,and_,its too far from the town.Ahowever BfurthermoreCtherefore Dotherwise【解析】 句意:这栋房子对我来说不够大,而且,它离市区太远。furthermore而且,此外,符合句意。【答案】B.完形填空Lyse Doucet lives a happy life in Chicago. But recently there i

11、s some difficulty for her and her family. She and her husband have each others parents and young daughter and for that they are _1_. But she and her husband are both currently _2_. And their car is in great need of _3_. And then there is the matter of their second child, who is _4_ soon. So things a

12、re a little tense for the Doucet family these days.When Lyse and her daughter were walking through a store _5_ lot recently, Lyse picked up an envelope from the ground that _6_ $4,000 in cash. There were a _7_of different explanations that could be considered. Was this a kind of good _8_? Could it b

13、e an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from God? Lyse didnt know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelope_9_to someone else. Oh, and one other thing she knew: Her young daughter was _10_. “My kid was standing right there_11_ I found it,” Lyse

14、 told WLSTV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be _12_. And for me that was enough.”Never mind the bills that were _13_, or the car that needed to be fixed, or the baby that would come soon. And forget that when she_14_ the money over to the police she was told that there

15、 was actually nothing illegal if she _15_ it.The police were able to return the money to the person who _16_ itan old woman. And one can imagine the joy and _17_she felt when the police handed the lost envelope back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears,_18_ me,” Lyse said. “She

16、gave me a hug and an envelope with a small _19_ in it. But what was in it wasnt _20_. What mattered was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.” 【语篇解读】作者夫妻双方双双失业,第二个孩子即将出生,面临巨大经济压力,这时一次偶然的机会,作者捡到了一封装有4 000美元的信封,该如何处理?作者不是据为己有,而是交给了警察。作者身体力行,教会了女儿什么是诚实。1A.restricted BupsetCgrateful Dsensitive【解

17、析】根据语境,夫妻双方都有自己的双亲和女儿,那么对此他们非常感恩。grateful 感激的。【答案】C2A.appreciated BunemployedCdisappointed Dremoved【解析】unemployed 失业的,下文表明他们遇到了经济困难,说明他们夫妻都失业了。【答案】 BprotectionCsale Drepair【解析】根据四个选项,车只能说是需要修理。第三段的第一句中有暗示。【答案】D 4A.sick BdueCdesperate Ddull【解析】due预期的,指的是第二个孩子就要出生了,前文说过他们有一个女儿。【答案】B5A.gatherin

18、g BbeggingCcleaning Dparking【解析】parking lot 停车场,她们经过一家商店的停车场,Lyse从地上捡到一个装有4 000美元现金的信封。【答案】D6A.contained BinvolvedCcharged Dpaid【解析】contain 包含;容纳,这里指的是信封里面装有钱。【答案】A7A.handful BdealCnumber Dflood【解析】a number of 很多、大量的,对于此次事件有很多不同的解释,下文就是各种解释。【答案】C8A.expense BluckChope Dprize【解析】good luck 好运,可以解释为一种好运

19、。【答案】B9A.belonged BreactedCpointed Dresponded【解析】belong to 属于,这些钱是属于某个人的。【答案】A10A.urging BaffectingClaughing Dwatching【解析】现在这一切女儿都在看着,自己如何处理将会直接影响到孩子,watch强调看的过程。【答案】D11A.before BwhenCbecause Dthough【解析】when引导的时间状语从句,当“我”发现这个信封的时候,孩子就在一边。【答案】B12A.ripe BloyalChonest Dhumorous【解析】honest 诚实的,作为父母,都想教育自

20、己的孩子要诚实。故答案选C。【答案】C13A.passing by Bgiving awayCshowing off Dpiling up【解析】pile up 堆起,这里指的是不用担心账单多,账单都能够堆起一堆了。【答案】D14A.turned BwatchedCgot Dcollected【解析】turn sth.over to 把交给,这里指把钱交给警察。【答案】A15A.checked BmadeCkept Dpromoted【解析】keep 保留,这里是指就算不上交,自己留着,也不会违反法律。【答案】C 16A.sent BlostCdisliked Dgenerated【解析】警察

21、自然是把钱归还给丢失的人。【答案】B17A.relief BanxietyCtension Drespect【解析】失而复得,自然是感到放松。relief 放松。【答案】A18A.comforting BcongratulatingCthanking Doffending【解析】失主到她家去自然是感谢她。thank 感谢。【答案】C19A.option BpresentCenvelope Damount【解析】失主给“我”拥抱,并且给“我”一封装有小数额钱的信封。【答案】D20A.important BseriousCsufficient Defficient【解析】信封里面是什么不重要,重要

22、的是“我”教给了女儿要诚实。【答案】A.阅读理解The healthcare economy is filled with unusual and even unique economic relationships.One of the least understood involves the special roles of producer or “provider” and purchaser or “consumer” in the typical doctorpatient relationship.In most areas of the economy,it is the s

23、eller who attempts to attract a potential buyer,and it is the buyer who make the decision.Such condition,however,does not exist in most of the healthcare industry.In the healthcare industry,the doctorpatient relationship is different from the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer.Once

24、an individual has chosen to see a physician,it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions:whether the patient should “return next Wednesday”,whether Xrays are needed,whether drugs should be prescribed,etc.It is a rare patient who will challenge such professional decision

25、s,especially when the disease is regarded as serious.This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care.The physician must provide evidence for the need for hospitalization,and announce when the patient may be discharged.The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions,but in th

26、e main it is the doctors judgments that are final.No wonder that in the eye of the hospital it is the physician who is the real “consumer”As a consequence,the medical staff represents the “power center” in hospital policy and decisionmaking,not the administration.Although usually there are in this s

27、ituation four participantsthe hospital,the physician,the patient,and the payer (generally an insurance carrier or government)the physician makes the essential for all of them.We estimate that about 7580 percent of healthcare expenses are determined by physicians,not patients.For this reason,economy(

28、节约) directed at patients or the general are ineffective.1The authors primary purpose is to _.Acriticize doctors for using too much control over patientsBanalyze some important economic factors in healthcareCurge hospitals to change their decisionmaking authorityDinform potential patients of their he

29、althcare rights【解析】意图态度题。通读整篇文章可以看出,作者只是以客观、中立的态度分析了医患双方这个特殊经济关系中的一些重要因素,故B项正确。作者并没有批评医生过多地掌握病人,也没有力劝医院收回决策权,更没有告诉病人他们享受医疗保险的权力。故其他三项均不是本文的写作意图。【答案】B2Doctors are able to determine hospital policies because_.Ait is doctors who bring in income for the hospital Bit is doctors who arm with professional

30、skillsCa doctor is responsible for a patients healthDa doctor is in charge of a patients hospital care 【解析】推理判断题。概括第三段第二、第三和第四这三句话的深层含义可推断出,A项表达贴近文意。C、D两项与文意不符;B项没有提及。【答案】A3The author is most probably preparing for _.Aa proposal to control medical costsBa discussion of a new medical treatmentCan analysis of the cause of the doctorpatient conflictsDa study of cases against doctors for neglecting their duty【解析】意图态度题。本章主要讲的是在医疗经济中,决定医疗费用的是医生,而不是病人,最后一句又提出了节约的问题。因此

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