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1、小学六年级下册英语第一单元2020年小学六年级下册英语第一单元试卷一、找出不同类的单词。(5分)()1. A. oldB. youngC. nameD. tall()2. A. longerB. tallerC. smallD. stronger()3. A. teethB. lengthC. feetD. arm()4. A. mmB. kgC. kmD. cm()5. A. biggerB. thinner1 / 19C. fatterD. stronger二、按要求写单词。(20分)写出下列词的比较级。big _thin_fat_funny_happy_heavy _strong_sma

2、ll _tall_meter(复数)_foot(复数)_I(宾格)_do(第三人称单数)_right(同音词)_your(名词性物主代词)_tall(反义词)_2 / 19older(反义词)_mother(对应词)_centimeter(缩写形式)_it(形容词性物主代词)_三、选择填空。(10分)()1. Im two years _than you .A. youngB. shorterC. younger()2. Line up _ younger to older .A . fromB. atC. of()3. How big _ your feet ?A. isB. areC. i

3、t()4. _?80cm.A. How tall are you ?B. How long are your legs ?3 / 19C. How old are you ?()5. Which monkey do you like ?A. I like the yellow one.B. Its younger.C. Its nice .()6. How _is your best friend ?Thirteenyears old .A. oldB. tallC. heavy()7. How tall is Chen Jie?A. He is 12 years old.B. Im 157c

4、m.C. She is 153cm.()8. Im 55 kg. You are 45 kg. Im than you.A. tallerB. shorterC. heavier()9. The elephant is than the panda.A. heavyB. young4 / 19C.heavier()10.当你想表达“他的头更小。”时,你应该说A. His head is smaller.B. His head is shorter.C.Her head is smaller.四、读一读,找出对应的答语。(10分)()How heavy are you ? A. Im 47kg.

5、()How old are you ? B. I wear size 17.()How big are your feet? C. Im 165 cm.()How long are your legs?D. My legs are 76cm.()How tall are you?E. Im 13 years old.五、读对话,将句子补充完整。(10分)1. Mike:How _ _you ?Amy:Im 40kg.Mike:Im 35kg . Im_ you.2. Sarah:_ _ _you ?Liu Yun:Im 165cm.Sarah:Im 160cm. Youre_ cm_ _me.

6、六、按要求写句子。(15分)1. are, you, than, stronger, me(。)(连词成句)5 / 19_2. long, your, legs, are, how(?)(连词成句)_3. hands, are, bigger, yours, than, his(。)(连词成句)_4. My pencil is 15 cm.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is _pencil?5. Zhang Peng is 43kg. Lucy is 39 kg.(合并句子)Zhang Peng is _kg_ _ Lucy.七、阅读理解(10分)Mary, Jane and May are ve

7、ry good friends. Mary isshorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinnerthan Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12years old and May is 9 years old. They study at Qing LanPrimary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and Maylikes music. They all study hard.根据短文内容,判断

8、句子正(T)误(F)。()1.There are 3 children in the story.()2. Mary is shorter than May.()3.Mary is heavier than Jane.()4. Jane is the youngest.6 / 19()5. They are all good friends.八、作文。(20分)用本单元学习的形容词比较级介绍一下你的好朋友。他/她多大年龄?多高?多重?和你相比,谁年龄比较大?谁比较高?谁比较重?很多于五句话。_篇二一、英汉短语互译:1.a hot dog_2.three dollars and five cen

9、ts_3.多少钱_4.在12点半_5.have our favourite dish_6.在树下_7.在周四_8.去公园_9.进来_10.want to drink_二、写出下列单词的相对应形式7 / 191.know(同音词)反义词)_3.for(同音词)_4.cent(同音词)_5.dont(完全形式)_6.too(同音词)同音词)复数)_9.our(主格)_10.cola(复数)_三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Does he_(want)an apple?2.My father_(want)a cola and I_(want)somemi

10、lk.3.Do you_(want)_(eat)noodles? No.4.Can you help_(we)?5.Lets go and help_(he)。6.I want_(find)a pen friend in China.7.He and I _(be)at school now.8._(not close)the window,please.9.-What does she want to_(eat)?8 / 19-She_(want)to eat a hamburger.10.All our food_(be)very very nice.四、选择()1.Do you want

11、 some rice?A.Yes ,I want.B. Yes, I do.C. No,you dont.()2.How_hot dogs do you want?A. muchB. manyC. some()3.How_are they? Theyre12 pounds.A. muchB.manyC.any()4.-What do you want_?-A cola.A. to take()5.Amy wants three_, and you?9 / 19A. colaB. colasC. colaes()6.How much is it?-_.A. I

12、ts three dollars and seventy-five cents.B. Its three dollar and seventy-five cent.C. Its three dollars and seventy-five cent.()7.-What does the girl want?She_ a hot dog.A. wantB. wantsC.wanted.五、根据汉语意思完成句子1、你想要吃点什么?_do you_to _?2.我想要些米饭和鸡肉。I want some_and_.3.它看起来不错。It_good!4.总共是13美元25美分。Its_dollars

13、andtwenty-five_.5.它真的是一只狗吗?_it_a dog?六、连词组句1. you, do, what, drink, to, want,(?)_10 / 192.cola, how much, a, is(?)_3.want, I, chicken, please, some(.)_4.what, does, eat, Daming, to, want(?)_5.dollars, cent, twenty-five, and, is, it(.)_七、改写下列句子1.Its twenty yuan.(划线部分提问)_?2.He wants two hamburgers and

14、 a cola.(划线部分提问)_ ?3.Do you want orange juice or milk?(作出回答)_.4.There is some rice in the bag.(改为否定句)_.5.The man in the car is my uncle.(划线部分提问)_?篇三11 / 19一、根据汉语意思补全单词。(10分)1f_ _tball(足球)2. b_sk_tball(篮球)3. d_ff_cult(困难的)4.h_ _vy(重的)5. sp_ _t(运动)6. g_ m_(比赛)7. p_li_eman(警察)8. pl_y_r(运动员)9. sc_r_(得分)

15、10. thr_ _(扔)二、按要求写一写。(10分)1. light反义词_2.teach过去式_3. did原形_4. easy反义词_5.buy过去式_6.think过去式_7.hit现在分词_8.ask反义词_12 / 199.win反义词_10. throw反义词_三、英汉互译。(10分)1.打篮球_2. go shopping_3. every day _4.打乒乓球_5.踢足球_6.把球打给他_7.Lets play_8.一场篮球比赛_9.太难了_10. poor Danny_四、选词填空。(10分)Buyanyheavydoplay1. Do you have _ banana

16、s?13 / 192. The basketball is_ .3. I often _ football after class.4. What did you _?5. I can _ a T-shirt.五、单项选择。(10分)()1. I play basketball _ Sunday.A inB. onC. at()2. - Would you like _ milk?-No, thanks.A. someB. anyC. a()3. -_ you have any balls?-No, I dont.A. DoB. DoesC. Did()4.-_ you watch TV ye

17、sterday?14 / 19-Yes, I did.A. DoB. DoesC. Did()5. -Did you go to Beijing_?-No, I didnt.A. last holidayB. DidC. Are()6. Yesterday they _ to the shop.A. wentB. goesC. go()7. Im ready _ play sports!A. forB. toC. with()8. Do you have _ ping-pong balls?A. someB. any15 / 19C. an()9. I dont have a T-shirt

18、_.A. tooB. toC. either()10. He plays _ a team.A. ofB. aboveC. on六、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)1. Did you play ping-pong yesterday?(作肯定回答)_2. I went to China last week.(变否定句)I _ _ to China last week.3. do what you did ?(连词成句)_4. I taught him English.(变成一般疑问句)_ you _ him English?5.Did you have any apples?(作否定回答)_1

19、6 / 196. I like football best.(改为同义句)Football is _ favourite _.7. I have some new ping-pong balls.(变为否定句)I _ have _ new ping-pong balls.9. I walked to the zoo last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to the zoo last Sunday?10.This is a T-shirt.(变为复数句)_七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Hello, Im Peter. Let me introduce my

20、Childrens Day.Last Sunday was Childrens Day. I went to the park withmy friends. We had a picnic under a tree. We ate lots ofdelicious food. We drank some juice , Tom sang a song. Katedanced. Meimei and Dongdong played games. I took somepictures and made a poster(海报)。Look, this is the poster. How hap

21、py we were!()1.Last Saturday was Childrens Day.()2.Peter and his friends went to the zoo.()3.They had a picnic under a tree.()4.Dongdong took some pictures.()5.Peter made a poster.八、读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)17 / 19One day,Li Ming was playing with his friend Danny.Theywent to the gym. It was a sunny day.“

22、Lets play ping_pong!”said Li Ming.“Okay!Can you teach me to play ping_pong ?”said Danny.“Sure!Lets go .You hit the ping_pong ball with thepaddle.” said Li Ming.“Ouch,I hit my hand.” said Danny.Poor Danny.()1 Li Ming and Danny went to the park to playping_pong.()2 It was a windy day.()3 Danny wanted

23、to learn.()4 Li Ming hit the ping_pong ball.But Danny hit hisarm.()5Danny is a good player.九、选择合适的单词填空。(5分)Withtoforat1. I always wear a T-shirt _ play soccer.2. Lets ask the clerk _ some help.3. You hit the ping-pong ball _ this paddle.4. Throw the basketball _ the net.5. I went to the zoo _ Lucy t

24、his morning.十、连线。(5分)18 / 191. What sports do you play? A. He is going to schooltomorrow.2. What did you buy yesterday? B. Thirty yuan.3. What is Li Ming going to do tomorrow? C. I playbasketball.4. How much are the runners? D. Eight players.5. How many players are there in one team? E. I boughtsome snacks yesterday.十一、书面表达。(10)请以“ Last Weekend”为题写一篇作文。要去:调理清晰,语句通顺。很多于40个单词提示:用一般过去式。_

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