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1、模块7模块7Unit 11. 不清晰的图片2. 与某人保持联系3. 与某人取得联系4. 与某人有联系5. 一个书评家6. 无线电视传输7. 不久以后8. 为做贡献9. 对起作用,有助于10. 对负责11. 有责任做某事12. 向上级或主管部门承担责任13. 对很确信14. 彩色的15. 黑白电视机16. 现代17. 比优越18. 在某方面优越19. 允许做20. 考虑,顾及21. 接生,生出一个小孩22. 发表演讲23. 可接近,可进入,可以获得24. 把与连接/结合起来25. 上市,面市26. 上台执政27. 起效28. 回答,响应,作出反应29. 第一次录下人类的声音30. 保持记录31.

2、 给上发条,把摇上去32. 把缠绕在上33. 蜿蜒曲折34. 失控35. 四处分发36. 归还fuzzy pictureskeep in touch with sb.get in touch with in touch with sb.a book reviewer wireless TV transmissionsshortly after make contributions tocontribute tobe responsible for sb./ responsible doing sth.have responsibility to do re

3、sponsible to sb./ certain aboutin colourblackandwhite TV setsthe modern age be superior tobe superior inallow sb. to doallow doing allow for delivered of a baby=deliver a babydeliver a speech have access tocombine sth. with e onto the marketcome into powercome into effectrespond tomake

4、the first recording of a human voicekeep a record of sth.wind upwind around wind ones wayout of handhand sth. around hand back37. 留下遗产38. 上交39. 分发40. 移交41. 在手边,在附近42. 在手中,在考虑中,在控制中43. 电流44. 申请45. 因某人、某事向某单位或某人提出申请46. 把应用到上47. 专心致志于48. 向某人求援49. 一个便携的口袋大小的录音机50. 开展活动51. 发射一艘宇宙飞船52. 在接下来的几年中53. 给某人提出要求

5、54. 非常需要55. 满足某人的要求56. 要求57. 到如此地步,到程度58. 接管便携式音乐播放器市场59. 市场占有60. 突然出现,涌现61. 跳出,冲出62. 跳过63. 增加到64. 增加了65. 按时间顺序66. 使某人高兴的是67. 以为乐68. 对感到高兴69. 各种各样的70. 在18世纪80年代71. 假设某人是72. 假设73. 在某人方便时74. 某人做某事方便75. 为了方便76. 由某人决定hand sth. downhand sth. inhand sth. out hand sth. overat handin handelectric currentapp

6、ly for apply to sb. for sth.applytoapply oneself toapply to sb. for helpa portable pocketsized cassette recorderslaunch an campaignlaunch a spaceshipin the following yearsmake demand on/of great demand meet ones demand for sth.demand sth.demand thatdemand to do sth.demand sth. of such a

7、degreetake over the portable music player market market share spring upspring outspring overincrease toincrease byin order of timeto ones delighttake delight inbe delighted by/at/with sth.a variety ofin the 1980sassume sb. to beassume that at ones convenience It is convenience for sb. to dofor conve

8、nienceIts up to sb.77. 怎么回事78. 部门经理79. 在三楼工作80. 在底部81. 覆盖了一层82. 陪某人做某事83. 给某人伴奏84. 陪伴某人85. 有充足的选择余地86. 向的方向,前往,向驶去87. 站在边上,袖手旁观88. 援助某人89. 站在一边不动90. 及时赶上91. 有的能力做某事92. 最新的93. 熟悉某人或某事94. 做某事有困难95. 下降96. 留心听97. 写下,记下98. 尤其是,特别是99. 例如100. 记笔记101. 词汇量102. 提示,暗示103. 领会暗示104. 照某人尺寸,量身定制105. 把塑造成的形状106. 成的

9、形状107. 变形108. 采取措施做某事109. 为而浏览110. 适合111. 适合做某事112. 一套衣服113. 一年的保修114. 保证做某事115. 保证116. 泛泛而谈117. 无关信息118. 潜在的问题whats upsection managerwork on the third floor at the bottombe coated withaccompany sb. to doaccompany sb. at/on sth.keep sb. accompanyhave an ample selectionhead forstand bystand by sb.sta

10、nd by side in time forbe capable ofup to datebe familiar with sth./sb.have an difficulty doing sth.go downlisten for note downin particularfor example/for instancetake notes of sth.word capacityhint fortake the hintmake to ones measureshapeintoin the shape of out of shapetake measures to doscan sth.

11、 for suitable/fit for sb./ suitable/fit to doa suit of clothesa guarantee of sth.guarantee to doguarantee that+从句guarantee sb. sth. guarantee sth. to. sb.general conversationirrelevant informationpotential problem119. 提供某人某物120. 主动提出做某事121. 加大做某事的危险122. 冒险做某事123. 加倍努力124. 双人床/房间125. 双重性

12、格的人126. 说话口是心非127. 在的基础之上128. 实施129. 两倍半130. 癌症晚期131. 期末考试132. 集中注意力在某事上133. 未必,不一定134. 没有顾忌的,不小心的135. 被暴露在136. 等于,相当于137. 先前138. 指出139. 从获利140. 获利141. 不愿意做某事142. 找出相同点,类比143. 承认的事实144. 承认某人是145. 承认做某事146. 人们公认147. 与有关148. 支持某人某事149. 相信150. 支持151. 对诚实152. 说实话153. 一会儿154. 暂时155. 赞成意见或反对意见provide sth.

13、 for sb.provide sb. with sb. with sth. to/for sb.offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb.offer to do sth.double the risk of doing sth.risk doing sth./take a risk of doing sth.double ones effortsa double bed/rooma man with a double characterspeak with a double tonguebe based oncarry out

14、two and a half timesterminal cancer a terminal examinationconcentrate on/focus onnot necessary without caution be exposed tobe equal toprevious topoint outprofit frommake a profit ofbe unwilling to do sth.draw a parallel betweenandacknowledge the truth ofacknowledge sb. to beacknowledge doing sth.It

15、 is acknowledged thatbe associated withbe connected withbe linked toassociate oneself with sb./sth.have faith inbe faithful to honest with sb./be honest about be honestfor a moment for the time being/for the momentpros and consUnit 21. 在药店2. 动手术3. 操作4. 手术室5. 两种救命的药物6. 集中精力在,聚焦于7. 成为注意力

16、的中心8. 把目光聚集在9. 揭露,打开10. 打开药柜11. 有很大的可能12. 建议做某事13. 为推荐14. 由制成15. 由组成16. 制成17. 在测试中,在受审中18. 不断试验,反复摸索19. 受到审判20. 审问某人21. 开庭审理22. 某人发生某事23. 以任何形式24. 以的形式25. 以粉末状的26. 作为标准药片卖27. 最畅销的止痛药28. 减小心脏病发作的危险29. 预防中风30. 达到标准31. 满足标准32. 制定标准33. 超过标准34. 按国际标准35. 根据标准36. 暴发笑声at the chemistsoperate on sb.operate st

17、 operating theatretwo lifesaving medicinefocus onto be the focus of attentionfocus ones eyes onopen upopen up the medicine cupboard There is a high probability thatrecommend sb. (should) do sth.recommend doing sth.recommend that+从句recommend sth.recommend for made of(物理变化)be made from(化学变化

18、) be made up ofmakeintoon trial trial and error go on trial put sb. on trial come to trialsth. occurred to sb.It occurred to any shape/form in the form ofin powder formbe sold as standardized tabletthe bestselling painkiller reduce the risk of heart attacksprevent a strokecome up to the standa

19、rdmeet standardsset a standardabove the standardby international standardson a standardburst into laughterburst out laughing37. 一块38. 挡住,遮住39. 封锁,封闭40. 延长人的寿命41. 不让某人过分亲近42. 讲得详细43. 降低血糖44. 提高人们的健康标准45. 杀菌药物46. 被感染47. 被诊断为48. 在当代社会49. 任命某人为50. 以命名51. 指明道姓52. 名叫53. 以的名义54. 用的假名55. 成名56. 注意到某人做某事57. 记

20、录58. 注意到59. 对笔记,交换意见60. 一种透明的果冻/胶冻61. 测试这种霉62. 使纯净63. 不能做某事64. 大量生产65. 大量的66. 因而死67. 逐渐消失68. 平息下来69. 相继死去70. 为而死71. 灭绝72. 把变成73. 难怪74. 令人惊奇的是75. 减轻痛苦a block of block sth. outblock offincrease the length of peoples lifekeep sb. at arms lengthspeak at lengthreduce blood sugar levelsincrease the standa

21、rd of peoples lifebacterialkilling medicinebe infected withbe diagnosed within contemporary societyname sb. as name after by nameby the name of in the name ofunder the name ofmake a name for oneselfmake ones namenotice sb. do sth./notice sb. doing sth.take/make a note of sth.take note of pare notes

22、with sb.a special transparent jellytry this mould outmake sth. purebe unable to do sth.produce sth. in large quantitiesmass productionquantities of+不可数a quantity of+可数a number of+不可数a large amount of+不可数die fromdie awaydie down die offdie fordie outturn intoNo wonder thatIt is wonder thatbring relie

23、f to sb.76. 做某事至关重要77. 常识78. 与某人一样79. 与某人有相同的地方80. 正在做被逮个正着81. 遭遇大雨82. 瞧见,看见83. 忍受着发烧和痛苦84. 随着的发展85. 用替换86. 靠被感染的蚊子传播87. 忍受88. 辨别,区分,了解,理解,假装89. 接通电话90. 填写91. 填好92. 分开,划分93. 把人分成组94. 和某人分手95. 让某人做96. 询问97. 接通接待员98. 记下某事99. 少量的100. 一年一次的癌症会议101. 很乐意102. 根据某人意愿103. 为了消遣取乐104. 做某事是一件乐事105. 电脑显示器106. 在石

24、器时代107. 在人身上肿胀的部位打洞108. 被替代109. 代替,就坐到位110. 使液体流出肿胀部位111. 使某人解放,解脱112. 更复杂的外科手术器械113. 靠近接近114. 切题115. 指在身上116. 在生病部位插针117. 基于症状118. 历史遗迹It is fundamental to doing mon knowledgein common with sb.have sth. in common with sb. catch sb. doing sth.catch in heavy raincatch sight of have a high fever and p

25、ainswith the development ofreplace sth. with sth.spread by infected mosquitoesput up with make output through fill infill outsplit up split up sb. into groupssplit up with sb.get sb. to do sth.make an enquiry about sth.put sb. to the receptionisttake downa handful ofthe annual Cancer Conferencewith

26、pleasureat ones pleasurefor pleasureIt is a pleasure to do sth.the computer monitorsduring the Stone Agemake holes on swollen areas of the bodybe replaced bytake ones placelet liquid out of swollen partslet sb. outmore complex surgical instrumentsat the point ofto the pointpoint on the body insert n

27、eedles at or near the site of the bodybase on the symptomsa historic site119. 把脉120. 治疗烟瘾121. 血压问题122. 沉迷于123. 推动化学制剂的生产124. Unit 3促销活动1. 为说话,为辩护2. 那就是说3. 积极影响4. 被包括在任何因特网的分析中5. 有价值的6. 需要7. 时事8. 天气预报9. 求助于10. 鼠标点击11. 从保存在最大的图书馆里的信息中获取知识12. 各种各样的论题13. 某领域里的专家14. 对表示怀疑15. 做某事是浪费时间16. 增长关于兴趣爱好的知识17. 建立

28、社会关系网18. 与某人一样19. 与某人有相同的地方20. 而不是21. 不同于,除了22. 形成终身的友谊23. 与外面的世界交流24. 因特网的主要的缺点25. 针对26. 着手做27. 准确的信息28. 被卷入29. 交论文30. 影响人们的私人生活31. 沉迷于,上瘾32. 过普通的生活33. 完成学业check ones pulsestreat addictions to cigarettesblood pressure problemsbe addicted topromote the production of chemicalsa sales promotionspeak forthat is to say positive effectsbe included in any analysis of the Internetbe of value=val

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