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1、精品高考英语一轮复习课件Unit19TheMerchantofVeniceUnit 19 The Merchant of Venice记忆重现考点梳理重点单词考纲单词 envy, declare, order, fortune, bargain, therefore, punish新课标单词 mercy, accuse, worthy重点词组pay back, on the condition that, go about, as far as, have mercy on, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on ones knees, any more,

2、make a bargain with sb.重点句型1.You might as well go.2.His life shall be at the mercy3.表示倍数的句型4.However, he agreed to lend Antonio the money on the condition.5.It sometimes happens that a find is not very valuable考点识记一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词1.n怜悯;仁慈2.vt& n.妒忌:羡慕3.Vt指控;指责4.Vt宣布:宣称5.adi值得的:应得的:有价值的6.vt.命令,下令7.

3、n运气:机会:大笔的钱8.vi讨价还价n交易:廉价货9.adv.因此:所以10.vt.惩罚1=1二、选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on onefs knees, any more, make a bargain with sb., envy11.My friend was busy in new business.12.I suggest that you the report and start ove

4、r again.13.He to beg for his wifefs forgiveness.14.Today is my payday. I will the money to Jim this afternoon.15.You look so beautiful. How I you!16.After three hours negotiation, she her partner finally.17.Im very full now. I dont need cakes.18. , there will be a party in Timfs house this evening19

5、.the wind and theGenerally when the ship is sailing in the sea, it is waves 20.Dont be so bitter and harsh You should those unlucky people andhelp them三、根据所给汉语意思和提示,完成下列句子21.There is nothing to do, so (我还是上床睡觉好了). (may / mightas well)22.Your son is (如此聪明的小男孩).(so +形容词+ a / an.)23. (如果我处在他的位置上),I wou

6、ld make the same choice, (standin one*s place)24.The general (命令士兵攻击敌方).(order)Key:1.mercy 2. envy 3. accuse 4. declare 5. worthy 6.order 7 fortune8. bargain 9 therefore 10. punish 11 going about 12. tear up13. went down on his knees 14 .payback 15. envy 16. made a bargain with17. any more 18. As fa

7、r as I know 19. at the mercy of 20. have mercy on21 I may as well go to bed 22. so clever a boy23. If I stood in his place 24. ordered his men to attack the enemy25. declared war on / against Germany讲练考点1. mercy n. U5 C慈悲,怜悯,宽恕【典型例句】1. She is not going to put herself at the mercy of her boyfriend.她不

8、想任由 男朋友摆布。2. We must never show mercy to the defeated enemy.我们决不可以对战败的敌 人有仁慈之心。3. The poor kid was killed without mercy by the burglar.那位可怜的孩子被窃贼 无情地杀害了。【用法提示】1. at the mercy of sb. / sth.任 摆布; 在 前毫无办法2. show mercy to sb.怜悯某人3. show no mercy to sb. (= show sb no mercy)对某人不仁慈4. have mercy on sb怜悯某人5.

9、 without mercy 无情地【及时训练】根据所给提示,完成下列句子。1 如果这是真的话,我只能对你表示同情。(express one*s sympathy with)If this is true, 2.我不想任由如此残忍的人摆布了。(at the mercy of)I should nt like to be 3我同情那位无家可归的孩子,让他住进了我的房子。(take pity on) and took him to my houseKey:1.I can only express my sympathy with the mercy of such a cruel

10、man3.I took pity on the homeless child考点2. envy vt.羡慕,忌妒;令人羡慕的事物【典型例句】1. They envied him his success.他们因为他的成就而忌妒他。2. I envy you your good luck.我羡慕你的好运。3. I envy you having such a close family.我羡慕你有如此亲密的一个家庭。4. Her beauty is the envy of her friends.她的朋友都羡慕她的美貌。【用法提示】1envy at / of sth.羡慕/忌妒某事2. envy s

11、b. (for) sth.羡慕某人的 3. the envy of sb.可羡慕的人或物4. out of envy出于嫉妒5. with envy 羡慕地【及时训练】根据句意选用envy, out of envy, with envy完成下列句子。1我羡慕你平静的心境,纯洁的良心和没有玷污过的记忆。1 your peace of mind, your clean conscience, and yourunpolluted memory.2她的羡慕之中含有妒意。Her admiration was tinged 3她由于嫉妒说了这些。She said it4.他们羡慕我拥有一辆赛车。They

12、 me owning a sports car.Key: 1 envy 2. with envy 3. out of envy 4. envy考点3. accuse vt.指控,控告;指责【典型例句】1. She accused him of stealing her watch.她控告他偷她的表。2. He accused his boss of having broken his word.他指责老板不守信。3. He was accused of murder.有人指控他谋杀。【用法提示】1. accuse sb. of sth.指控某人某事2. accuse sb. of doing

13、sth.指控某人做某事【比较辨析】accuse, charge这两个词均可作“指控”讲,但后面的介词搭配不同。accuse sb. of sth. / doing sth.指控某人某事/指控某人做某事;当面指控、指责,不一定诉诸法律。charge sb. with sth. / doing sth.指控某人某事/指控某人做某事;诉诸法律的指控。【及时训练】用accuse和charge的适当形式填空。1.1 dont think anyone can him of not being frank.2. He was with stealing3. The entered a plea of “n

14、ot guiltyKey:1.accuse 2. charged 3. charged考点4. declare vt.宣布宣告;声称,【典型例句】1.Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.英国于 1914年对德国宣战。2.The accused man declared himself innocent.被告声称他是无罪的。3.She declared that she didnt want to see him again.她宣称再也不愿见他了。4.1 have nothing to declare.我没什么要申报的。【用法提示】1. declare

15、 + that从句,宣布 ;声称 2.declare sth. (to be sth.)宣布3.declare for / against sth.声明赞成 / 反对4.declare sth.宣布;申报【及时训练】单句改错(一句只有一个错)。1. Do you have anything declare, sir?2.1 declared me innocent in the court3. She declared that she doesnt want to see him again.Key:1.在 declare 前加 to 2.将 me 改为 myself 3.将doesn*t

16、改为 didn*t令人敬仰的,受人崇敬的【典型例句】1. His behavior is worthy of praise=His behavior isworthy of being praised他的 行为值得表扬。2. The city is well worthy to be visited now.这座城市现在很值得一看了。3. He is a worthy man.他是一个值得尊敬的人。【用法提示】1. be worthy of+名词(通常为带有动作意味的名词)值得,配得上2. be worthy of being done 值得做 3. be worthy to be done

17、(主语与不定式为被动关系)值得做4. be worthy to do (主语与不定式为主动关系)应得,配得上,值得做【比较辨析】worth doing, worthy of being done两者作“值得”讲时是近义词,主要是后面的搭配不同。be worth doing sth.后面的动词要用主动形式,主动的形式表被动的意思。be worthy of being done后面的动词要用被动形式,但它还有更多的形式(如上)【及时训练】根据所给提示,完成下列句子。1. I hope I will(值得,配得上)your teaching and become aBeethoven in the

18、future, (worthy of + 名词)2.The topIO Chinese cities (值得推荐的)to the world will beselected in September or October, (worthy of being done)3.She says she (不配接受)the honour they have offered her.(worthy to do)Key: 1 be worthy of 2 worthy of being introduced3. is not worthy to accept考点6. fortune n好事或坏事的偶然发生

19、;命运;运气;成功;大笔钱【典型例句】1.He did not deserve such fortune.他不配得到这种好运气。2.No matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.无论他们是怎么做的,最后都成 功了。3.She told my fortune by reading my palm.她靠看手相给我算命。【用法提示】1.have the good fortune to do 有好运气去做2.tell sbs fortune 算命3. try ones fortune 碰碰运气4. make a fortune发迹、致富、发财5. see

20、k ones fortune寻找发迹的机会6. come into a fortune 继承一大笔财产7. a small fortune 一大笔钱8. by good fortune幸好,由于幸运9.拓展词语:fortunate adj.幸运的、幸福的fortunately adv幸运地fortuneless adj.不幸的、无财产的unfortunate adj.不幸的、倒霉的【及时训练】用fortune的适当形式填空。1. Since 1980 many people went abroad to seek their 2. We will do our best to help tho

21、se people who have suffered heavylosses in the disaster.3. , the fire was discovered soon after it had startedKey:1. fortune 2. unfortunate 3. Fortunately考点7. bargain n.便宜货;交易,协议;V.讲价钱,讨价还价,洽谈(交易条件)【典型例句】1. This car is a real bargain at such a low price.这辆车价这么低,真便宜。2. He made a bargain with his wife

22、: uYou cook and Ill wash up.” 他与妻子讲 好了,说 “你做饭,我洗碗。”3. We bargained with the merchant about the price.我们同这个商人讨价还价。【用法提示】1. be a bargain 很便宜2. bargain holiday / clothes / prices etc.廉价假期/减价衣服/便宜的价钱3. make a bargain达成协议,做成交易4. drive a hard bargain使劲地讨价还价5. make the best of a bad-bargain在不利的情况下尽力而为、凑合6.

23、 bargain with sb.同某人讨价还价7. bargain that. should do 要求做到8. No bargain is good.便宜没好货。【及时训练】用bargain及其短语的适当形式填空。1. Matters have not been carried on as expected; however, we must makethe best of a bad 2. The workers that they should not have to work on Sundayafternoons 3. Management and unions have over

24、 wage increasesKey: 1. bargain 2 bargained 3. made / struck a bargain考点8. punish vt.惩罚,处罚;制裁;使吃苦头【典型例句】1 Drunken driving shall be punished severely by the law.酒后驾驶会受到法律 的严惩。2. They decided to punish him with a fine.他们决定对他处以罚款。【用法提示】punish在使用时,多用被动结构。1. be punished 受到惩罚2. punish sb. for (doing) sth.因

25、(做)某事处罚某人3. punish sb. by / with用方式处罚某人4.拓展词语:punishment n.惩罚,处罚,惩处【及时训练】单句改错(一句只有一个错)。1. They were punished with cheating in the exam2. He punished the children for their careless by making them pay for the damage Key:1 将 with改为for 2.将 careless改为 carelessness【典型例句】1 The fog gives me a chance to pay

26、 back the help that people give me when ifs sunny.这场大雾给了我机会来回报人们在晴天时给我的帮助。2. How can I pay you back for all your kindness?你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢 ?3. Well pay them back for this unfair treatment.我们将报复他们的不公正的待遇。【用法提示】1. pay back money (debts)偿还(金钱)给某人pay back sb. money (debts)偿还(金钱)给某人pay sb. back money (debts

27、)偿还(金钱)给某人2. pay back for 报复3.拓展短语:pay off还清(欠款等),得到回报;pay down付现款;pay out惩罚;payup全部付清【及时训练】根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1. All those weeks of studying w川 (见成效)when you take theexam 2. She knew how to (报复)for the trouble they had causedKey:1 pay off 2. pay them back-【典型例句】 1. She tore up the letter and threw it in

28、to the waste basket.她撕碎了信,把它扔在废纸篓里。 2. John tore up his test paper so that his father wouldnt see his low grades.约翰撕毁了他的试卷,这样他的爸爸就看不到他的低分数。 3. They tore up the agreement without any reason.他们无缘无故地取消 了协议 【用法提示】1. tear up (letter, paper, sheet etc.)撕毁(信、纸、印刷品等)2. tear up (contract etc.)撕毁 / 取消合同等【及时训练

29、】根据所给汉语,用tear up的适当形式填空。1她把他寄给她的信都撕了。She all the letters he had sent to her.2.他控告政府撕毁协议。He accused the government of the agreement.Key:1 tore up 2. tearing up考点 11You might as well go stand upon thebeach and argue with the sea. 你倒不如站在海滩上和大海争论。【用法提示】 might / may as well do sth.当一时没有更好的选择时,你提出一项供参考建议,

30、这时 就可以用这个表达。通常译为“不妨、可以、最好、还是 跟动词原形。【典型例句】 1. We might as well get round the table.我们不妨围着桌子坐下。 2. Business is terrible, I might as well pack up.生意很不好做,我还是关门算了。考点 12. However, he agreed to lend Antonio themoney on one condition.不管怎么说他答应借钱给安但有_个条件。【用法提示】on one condition,在此句中意为“有一个条件”。与之相关的另一重要句型一定要掌握 ,即on condition that意为“只要;以为条件;有一个条件,条件是;如果”。【典型例句】1.I will go abroad on condition that my husband goes with me女口果我丈夫

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