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1、富士康13连跳企业难逃干系13th Foxconn worker reportedly attempts suicide By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer William Foreman, Associated Press Writer ThuMay27, 11:09amET血汗工厂,来自英文sweatshop,英文定义为A shop or factory in which employees work long hours at low wages under poor conditions. 无非几个关键词,时间长,工资低,条件差。 G

2、UANGZHOU, China A Foxconn Technology worker tried to kill himself Thursday, becoming the 13th person to commit suicide or attempt to do so this year at the company, which makes high-tech products for industry giants such as Apple, Dell and Hewlett-Packard(“这是由一种信念衍生出来的政策和行动,这种信念是:相信任何人都愿努力地工作,并能创造性地

3、工作,只要赋予他们适宜的环境,他们一定能成功。”SA8000,ISO9000,ISO14000), state media said.Police said the man survived after cutting himself in his dormitory room at the factory, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. It said the 25-year-old man, surnamed Chen, migrated from central Hunan province and began working at

4、Foxconn two months ago.Foxconn officials and police did not immediately answer calls by The Associated Press.The 12 previous suicide attempts at Foxconn Technology Groups operations in southern China involved workers who jumped from buildings. Two survived. Another worker killed himself in January a

5、t a factory in northern China.On Wednesday night, a 23-year-old worker from the northwestern province of Gansu killed himself by leaping from a dormitory balcony. Hours earlier, Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou had led a media tour of the industrial park and promised to work harder to prevent more deaths.

6、Gou said he couldnt sleep at night and dreaded answering his phone in off hours, fearing more news about deaths.The Foxconn chairman showed off a motherboard factory, hot line center and even a swimming pool for employees. The walled-in industrial park, where 300,000 people work, looks like a small

7、city, with palm tree-lined streets, fast-food restaurants, banks and a bookstore among huge factory buildings and towering dormitories.Gou said the company would do everything possible to prevent more deaths. Safety nets were being installed on buildings and more counselors were being hired. He also

8、 said all the employees were being divided into 50-member groups, whose members would watch for signs of emotional trouble within their group.Labor activists accuse the company of having a rigid management style, a too-fast assembly line and overwork. Foxconn denies the allegations.The company, part

9、 of Taiwans Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., is the worlds largest contract maker of electronics. Its long list of big-name customers include Apple Inc., Sony Corp., Dell Inc., Nokia Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. Until Friday, this week, May 28th, another employee committed suicide by jumping from th

10、e top of a 7-floor dormitory building of the Foxconn Technology Group in Shenzhen. This is the 13th Foxconn staffer plunges this year. After May 11th, in light of one employees death, it is reported that Terry Gou, president of Foxconn, wanted to invite eminent monks from the Wutai mountain to relea

11、se the six souls from suffering and make a blessing to a peaceful future of the company.Discussions:1. Do you think monks will work in these suicidal cases?2. What is behind the recurring suicides among Foxconn employees? (Poor working conditions/low income/psychological influence/evil spirit)3. Som

12、e media said that pressure is to blame. Job stress has become a big problem for employees.Do you have any pressure-releasing methods to share?4. Recent suicides by Foxconn employees were a social problem, but the Shenzhen-based enterprise was also partly to blame because it lagged in creating a huma

13、n-oriented corporate culture. Whats your opinions on this issue of right corporate culture? 富士康11连跳 企业难逃干系 惊闻富士康又出现一起跳楼自杀事件,而郭台铭刚刚表示,“但是我们有信心,很快就会把这些状况全部稳住。”不管是否承认企业是血汗工厂,但是,屡屡出现的自杀事件,企业难咎其辞。为何同样为郭台铭的企业,在台湾的就没有那么多的自杀事件发生呢?为何同样为大型企业的国有企业就没有出现这么多的员工自杀事件呢。 因为为国外品牌做代工,富士康多年来一直处于出口200强企业的首位,去年全球500强企业排名,

14、富士康排位第109。一家从默默无闻的小企业发展成为今天这样一家雄踞世界的大型企业,工人们所作出的贡献应该是有目可睹的,尽管富士康不承认自己是血汗工厂,但是,从工人所得的报酬和享受的福利可以一斑窥豹。工人们的付出和得到是不对称的。 据媒体报道,如果不加班,每天工作8小时,每位工人每月只能拿到最低的千元左右的工资。这点工资,以目前深圳等城市的最低生活水准来说,连生存都困难,即便是加班加点,月薪可拿2000元,2000元也只不过是个人的最低生存工资而已,养家糊口都不现实。但是,为了得到这点可怜的工资,工人已经不能够称之为人了,以工人自己的话来说,除了上班就是睡觉,活得像一部机器。并且,上班的时间里,

15、工人们在流水线前,重复着相同的动作,宛如机器上的一个零部件,企业规定,工作时间不能够交谈。人们都看过著名喜剧大师卓别林的电影,他演绎的流水线上的工人们在现实生活中,机械得看见路人牛仔裤上的扣子都当做螺帽来拧,令人心酸。 由于富士康出口总额多,纳税也多,因此很受政府部门的照顾,但是,官员们是否想到,流水线上辛勤劳作却拿着生存工资的工人们才是企业最大的功臣。 诚然,富士康不算血汗工厂,因为,富士康按月及时发放工资,不拖不欠,所以,当其他企业招工难的时候,富士康不缺工人,尽管出现了连续11次跳楼自杀事件,仍然有很多工人排队接受审核,要求进入富士康工作。这种状况的出现,不能够断定富士康就是有良知的企业

16、。倒是从另一个角度来诠释非公有制企业普遍存在的不重视用工制度的现象,难道官员们都视而不见?2003年,温家宝总理为民工熊德明讨薪,事情过去都7年了,欠薪事件在今天还是屡屡发生。 人说,富士康的员工众多,按比例来计算,不到半年时间,出现12位工人自杀,不算多。但是,郭台铭在台湾的企业为什么没有这样的事情发生?如果有,马英九政府恐怕不会轻易让其过关,而作为家属恐怕要抬尸游街了。深层次的原因恐怕就是,郭台铭在台湾的企业工人拿到的是有尊严生活的工资,让其在昨天,在今天,在明天,都可以过上有尊严的生活。 专家们认为,80、90后们的心理比较脆弱,是导致这一连串事件的原因之一。诚然,自杀还是忍受和个人的心

17、理承受能力相关。但是,当在一个人在一天中的大部分时间里,处于流水线旁,为了跟得上机器的速度,和机器同步进行机械的单一的动作,没有闲余,没有沟通。当一个人在劳累了一整天,回到10人8人同居的宿舍时,还是没有时间,没有精力和同宿舍其他人沟通,那么,其内心的寂寞和孤独已经是无法以语言来形容了。 尽管,这些年轻人周遭不乏人群,工厂流水线上缺的不是人,宿舍拥挤得没有每个人的空间。身处人群里的内心深处的孤独寂寞才是真正的孤独与寂寞,那是无法排遣的孤独和寂寞,那是可怕的孤独与寂寞。这样子的工作付出,得到却是无法过上有尊严的生活,只能够是一天算一天,他们看不到明天,他们看不到路在何方,他们只好用结束生命的方式

18、来抗争命运。 这是非常年轻的群体,他们需要沟通,他们需要交往,他们需要交流,而他们是有文化有知识的群体,他们需要有尊严的生活。于是,他们仰头问苍天,活着,意义何在? 据公开的报道,富士康作为劳动密集型企业,为国际比较知名的品牌做代工,由于自己并无知识产权,低端的竞争异常激烈,为了能够在世界范围内获得订单,只能通过压缩成本,降低报价来吸引客户。有的成本是无法压缩的,比如原材料等等,可以压缩的似乎就只有员工的工资。 我们来回顾郭台铭企业的成长历史,1974年郭台铭在台湾成立鸿海塑料企业有限公司,当时,只能生产黑白电视机的旋钮。1988年富士康在深圳的工厂,工人才百来人,到了2007年,富士康在全国

19、成熟的基地就有了13个,2001年,美国福布斯全球亿万富翁排行榜,郭台铭位居198名,成为最有尊严的台商。 我们的劳动力成本远远低于发达国家,而我们的技术水平又要高于发展中国家,从郭台铭的成长史,我们可以看出,我们低廉的劳动力给富士康带来了多么巨大的经济利益啊。富士康低廉的劳动力成本中如鱼得水。郭台铭终于成就为最有尊严的台商,但是,我们工人的尊严呢,尊严何在,没有生的尊严,只有死的尊严?郭台铭,难道你为了自己的尊严就不去顾及工人们的尊严了吗? 这是个可以批量生产富翁的国家,企业主和官员们会说,我们给年轻人提供了就业机会,这样的低工资,相比他们在农村种田要好多了,相比于大学毕业就失业要好多了。为

20、了维持高额出口,为了资本家的利益,环境被牺牲了,青春被牺牲了,非公有制企业工人们的权益呢?工人们的前景呢?工人们生的尊严呢?谁来保障? 官员们需要一连串的数字,因为数字出官,官出数字。企业主需要财富,财富意味着富足自由的生活,有钱才有社会地位,才有话语权,才有骄人的人生,人生苦短,所以需要享乐,享乐就是要有金钱。工人们呢,工人们需要什么?有谁想过?有谁为他们考虑过?官员们和资本家们昨天在努力,今天更加努力,灿烂的明天就在招手。 如果,这一切都是以牺牲工人的利益为前提的,以牺牲工人们有尊严生活的权利为前提,我们要那么多的GDP有何用。许多中国人都读过夏衍写的包身工,那文章曾让人泣泪如雨,但是,相

21、比现在非公有制企业的工人工作生活状态,那种包身工的工作与生活真的可以忽略不计。 流水线上的工人们啊,数着手中可怜的那点工资,每月的开销所剩无几,买房子,不能够。永远的流水线,永远的集体宿舍,永远的困顿生活?似乎看不到前头,年轻还好,拼个体力,年纪大了,怎么办。有调研结果,现在一般工厂,年过40,难以就业。回家乡种田,显然不现实。 有记者在富士康7连跳后曾接触多名富士康各工种的工人,对方都称富士康的工人尤其以一线生产工人为主,工作压力非常大,平日除了上班就只有吃饭和睡觉的时间,如果说上班和吃饭睡觉的时间之外还有时间做其他活动的话,那么就只有上下班的路上的疾行了。人生啊,敢问路在何方?其实,年轻人

22、是不怕辛苦,是不怕压力的,但是,年轻人需要的是憧憬,需要的是明天,更需要今天有尊严地生活。过上有尊严的生活,难道就那么难吗?生命啊,价值何在? 连续跳楼事件的发生,资本家和政府官员都要反思,什么时候能够让工人们有尊严地生活,什么时候这种连续不断的跳楼事件才能少发生。要知道,郭台铭在台湾的企业,就没有,也不可能有这么多年轻人以选择结束生命来抗争命运。就这一点来说,富士康的11连跳,企业难逃干系。Jim Lentz Provides Progress Report to Congress on Steps Taken by Toyota to Become a More Responsive, S

23、afety-Focused OrganizationClick here for excerpts of James Lentzs testimonyThe following is written testimony of James Lentz, President and Chief Operating Officer Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc, submitted to the Committee on Energy & Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations. May 20, 20

24、10Chairman Stupak, Ranking Member Burgess, members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting me here today. My name is Jim Lentz, and I am the President and Chief Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Sales, USA.I am honored to return here to represent the 30,000 Americans who work for Toyota and the

25、many thousands more at our dealerships and suppliers who bring great dedication and spirit to their jobs each day.Three months ago, I told this Committee that Toyota is committed to strengthening our focus on safety and quality assurance and communicating effectively with our customers and regulator

26、s.In subsequent hearings, four of my senior colleagues from the U.S. and Japan including our President Akio Toyoda also pledged to improve Toyotas responsiveness on safety issues.Today, I would like to update the Committee on the substantial progress we have made in honoring those commitments. We ar

27、e taking major steps to become a more responsive, safety focused organization listening more closely to our customers, responding more quickly to their concerns and those of our regulators, and taking concrete actions to ensure that we are among the industrys leaders in safety.Quality Assurance is T

28、op PriorityMr. Toyoda has made improving quality assurance his top priority, and our entire company has mobilized to ensure that Toyota vehicles are safe and reliable for our customers, not only when they are first sold or leased, but also when they are on the road.Under Mr. Toyodas personal leaders

29、hip, we have established a Special Committee for Global Quality, which is undertaking a top-to-bottom review of our quality assurance processes in all aspects of our global operations including design, manufacturing and after-market support.Importantly, Toyota has appointed a new Chief Quality Offic

30、er for North America a U.S.executive with more than three decades of manufacturing expertise to act as the “voice of the customer” in this region. North America now has a greater say on recalls and other safety related issues that affect vehicles sold here in the United States. In fact, our Chief Qu

31、ality Officer, Mr. Steve St. Angelo, has a direct line to Mr. Toyoda when it comes to ensuring our customers safety.These changes are having a real impact, as reflected in the speed and decisiveness of our response last month when Consumer Reports identified a potential software issue with the vehic

32、le stability control system in the 2010 Lexus GX 460. We immediately suspended sales and within a week we had replicated the test, developed a software fix, communicated our findings to NHTSA and initiated a voluntary recall.Aggressively Investigating UA ReportsOur new SMART evaluation process has significantly increased the speed of our response to customer reports of unintended acceleration. SMART stands for “Swif

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