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desperate housewives 0105.docx

1、desperate housewives 0105-1Subindex build by Linnet 1前情提要Previously on Desperate Housewives2他被分到我的班级 是因为我是唯一能制服他们的老师The boys are in my class because Im the only teacher who can handle them.4我们不能再容忍他们了We may no longer be able to accommodate them.5Ultimatums were made.6她弄了手枪来自杀 你为什么要留着它?She used this

2、to kill herself. Why would you keep it?7很多很多的疑问被提出来Questions were asked.8你还好吗?我认为他一定所隐瞒- Are you OK? - I think hes hiding something.10很多蛛丝马迹被发现了And lots of evidence was uncovered.11你想雇我来做什么?12有人把这个送给我太太What is it you hired me to do?13我想知道是谁Someone sent that note to my wife. I need to know who.14你有时间

3、吗?You like Alfred Hitchcock?15我在Eddie 家发现了这个I found it in the ruins of Edies home.16我在床底下发现了这个17这不是我的I found it under our bed. Its not mine.18说到一大堆脏衣服Talk about dirty laundry.19每个社区都会有像20Albert From 这样的女人Every neighborhood has a woman like Alberta Frome.21每个像From 夫人这样的女人And every woman like Mrs. Fro

4、me has a cat.22都会有只猫23每次去旅行时When she traveled,24她就会安排她的朋友Mrs. Frome would arrange for friends to look after her beloved pet.25照看她心爱的猫咪26而这次她只好27安排邻居Susan MayerThis time, however, she was forced to ask her neighbor, Susan Mayer.28From夫人很喜欢Susan29但她的常识告诉她Mrs. Frome liked Susan.30当坏运气降临Susan Mayer头上时Bu

5、t it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane,31喝凉水也会塞牙where Susan Mayer went, bad luck was sure to follow.32倒霉的事不断发生33从寻常的地方到非常的场合Her misfortunes ranged from the commonplace.34什么异乎寻常的事都发生了 the truly the unusual.36当她和Susan挥手告别时37她担心Susan 的坏运气会As she waved goodbye, she worried that Susan

6、s bad luck would continue.38绵绵不绝39它的猫 也因此会沾染不幸For that matter, so did her cat.40Visker 先生该吃晚饭了Mr. Whiskers. Dinner time.41猫咪猫咪猫咪?Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.42很奇怪Thats weird. Cats cant open drawers, can they?43猫能自己开抽屉,是吗?44会不会是早上你自己打开的?- You didnt leave them open? - No way.45绝不可能46哇呜,是有人闯进来了吗?W

7、ow. Do you think somebody broke in?47Visker 先生?Both Mr. Whiskers?48猫咪猫咪猫咪?49Susan Mr. Whiskers?50她不知道Though she didnt know it at the time,51Susan 时来运转的时候到了Susans luck. had finally started to change.52神秘闯入者的消息News that an intruder had breached the security of Wisteria Lane53像野火一样迅速传遍了整个社区spread like

8、wildfire.54那天晚上大家聚到一起At a Neighborhood Watch meting the next night,55来共同面对整个社区residents voiced their concerns56将变得日益危险这个问题over the increasing dangers their community faced.57Art Greenberd 夫人说Mrs. Ida Grenberg said someone was looking through her bathroom window58只要她一洗澡就有人从窗户那偷看59whenever she took a

9、shower.60Bob Fisk说Bob Fisk warned those present that a government agency61有个匿名的政府机构在偷听他们的电话62was listening in on their phone conversations.63Hellen Vail说Helen Vale spoke of a ruthless local tenage gang64有一帮当地年轻人不断骚扰她that had egged her minivan.65有三个原因导致Three factors contribute to.66当晚他们决定请警官TompsonTh

10、e evening concluded with Officer Thompson offering safety tips67来帮助他们,给他们提供安全建议and a plan of action.68你们有机会对他们进行监控.you have some control over.69你们可以签名You can sign up for daily or nightly patrols, which might seem like overkill,70申请白天或者夜间监控71我知道这看起来有些夸张but regular surveillance will deter even the mos

11、t determined criminal.72但是有规律的防范能控制73哪怕是有预谋的犯罪Are there any other questions? All right. Lets be careful out there.74有什么别的问题吗?75那么好吧,要多加小心76事实上,我确实有个问题- Actually, do you have a second? - Sure. How can I help?77你有时间吗?Um. Im the one who discovered the break-in.78当然,我能帮上什么吗?79我曾遇到过闯入者80还发现了证据- I think I

12、 found some evidence. - Evidence?81证据?This is a screwdriver left behind by the burglar. I didnt touch it.82我认为这是闯入者83做案后留下的84我没有碰过它Why didnt you give this to the investigators?85你为什么不把这个给警局调查?86我试了,但他们并不重视I tried and they laughed at me.87显然From家并没有丢失什么东西Nothing was taken from the house.88他们这样做我很抱歉I

13、apologize. That was totally unprofessional.89他们太不专业了Thank you. So you think it should be dusted for prints?90谢谢91所以你认为这确实值得重视?- Yes. And Ill make sure it gets done. - Great.92是的93我保证我一定会处理的94太好了,再见95Bye.96你们两个Boys, stop it! Go to bed!97别打了,上床睡觉- Were not tired! - Well, at least go upstairs.98我还不困99你

14、们需要到楼上去- We want to play! - Look!100嘿,我们想玩一会儿101给我,给我Gimme!102上去,去吧,去吧Go! Go!103再见Boys shout104今晚你为什么不和Mike坐在一起?So why werent you sitting with Mike? I thought you two were an item.105我还以为你们会成为一对I sort of thought so too. Getting a lot of mixed signals.106我开始也这么以为107但有很多不祥的征兆Ill tell you who wasnt giv

15、ing mixed signals. Sexy Officer Thompson.108我看到的征兆是那个性感的警官109他一晚上都在盯着你看- He stared at you all night. - You noticed that?110你注意到了吗?Honey, trust me, when theyre not staring at me, I notice.111宝贝,相信我112当他看我时,我注意到了113我真的很感谢I appreciate you guys staying and helping.114你能留下来帮我Oh, please. I would have host

16、ed it myself115哦,别这么说116我本来要自己来组织这个聚会but theres camping equipment everywhere.117但孩子们要去旅行118野营的东西扔得到处都是Its nice of you.119你太好了,既然说到这And theres something else nice that Id like you to do.120我有一些别的事想让你帮忙121你的两个孩子都上了Your kids both went to Barcliff Academy, didnt they?122Bargerla Academy,是吗?We need you t

17、o recommend Porter and Preston. We cant get an interview.123是的124我们需要让他们也去那入学125但我们甚至连面试的机会都没有You want me to recommend the twins?126你希望我帮你推荐一下127你那两个双胞胎?Yes. You can tell them how beautifully behaved the boys are.128是的,你可以告诉他们129这两个孩子表现有多么出色- So you want me to lie? - Yeah. I thought that was underst

18、ood.130你是想让我说谎?131是的,我想我说得很明白了Im very well respected at Barcliff,132呃,我和Cliff 都很受尊敬and my word wont be good there any more.133但如果我撒谎我们的声誉就毁了134是的,但在他们毕业时Yes, but by the time they realize their mistake, well be in.135我们才去入学Youre not having any more kids. What do you care?136你又不会再生孩子137你在担心什么呢?I had h

19、oped some day to get my grandchildren into Barcliff.138但我还会有孙子139这对你并不重要,不是吗?140But I suppose that doesnt matter to you, does it?141不,真的很重要It really doesnt.142Zach Weve got to get rid of it.143- Paul I said leave it alone! - No! You cant stop me!144他们又吵架了- Paul and Zach are fighting again. - The sec

20、ond time this week.145这个星期已经是第二次了They never fought when Mary Alice was alive.146当Mary Alice 在世的时候147根本不是这样的Its a shame. They used to be such a happy family.148多么不幸的一家!149有些家庭不打架Just because you didnt hear them fighting, doesnt mean they were happy.150但并不意味着他们就很幸福151第二天当整个社区都在巡逻The next day, as resid

21、ents began to patrol Wisteria Lane152防犯潜在的盗窃者时in the hopes of foiling potential burglars,153Gabrielle遇到了自己家的一个Gabrielle was about to experience a home invasion of her own.154不请自来的闯入者155Solis 妈妈Mama Solis! What are you doing here?156你来在这里做什么?157我来看我的儿子和媳妇I came to visit my son and daughter-in-law. Wh

22、at does it look like?158看看他长什么样了?Does Carlos know youre coming?159Carlos 知道你要来吗?160不知道,他喜欢惊喜No. He likes to be surprised.161过来,Gabrielle,过来Now come.162Gabrielle. Come.163一家人应该多拥抱Family should always hug.164不管她是否喜欢对方whispering. regardless of how they feel about each other.165哇呜,这艘船真漂亮Wow. Shes a beau

23、ty. 30-footer?16630 英尺高?32.167太棒了,开起来肯定Sweet. I sail. Ive got a Flying Scott.168感觉像飞一样169Bargerla Academy有很多优秀的班级We have several yachting enthusiasts here.170我要介绍给你们一些- I could introduce them to you. - That sounds great.171那太好了.if we decide to enroll your children.172好极了173如果我们决定174收你们的孩子的话175Scavo夫

24、妇,老实说To be honest, Mr. And Mrs. Scavo,176你们孩子的教育背景很普通your childrens educational background177is a bit more common than we would prefer.178但Van De Kamp提到他们是双胞胎?But Mrs. Van De Kamp said they were identical twins?179是的,真正的同卵双生Yes. You cant tell them apart. Theyre like book ends.180你很将他俩难区分开来181Bargerl

25、a Academy有We do strive for diversity at Barcliff.182自己的研究学院Identical twins could be interesting.183双胞胎会是很有意思的素材184是的,他们非常独特The boys are fascinating. They even have their own twin secret language.185甚至有自己的双胞胎秘密语言186是吗,Tom?- Yeah, its pretty scary. - Not so much scary as highly developed.187是的,非常惊人188

26、不是太惊人,他们的智商很高189他们讨价还价,互相辩论Yeah, they bark and growl at each other.190不好意思,他只是随便举个例子Tom, Mr. Lentz was trying to say something. Go ahead, Mr. Lentz.191您请说,Lens先生Id love to meet these twins of yours. I tell you what.192我想见见这对双胞胎193知道为什么吗?Im going to put them on our must-meet list.194我要把他们列人Masterme名单

27、195棒极了- Terrific! - Thank you so much.196太感谢您了197什么是Masterme名单?- What is a must-meet list? - We bring them in for observation.198我对他们进行观察199观察?Observation?200看看他们怎么和其它孩子玩耍Mm. To see how they play with the other children, how they respond to authority,201对权威有什么反应,就是这样202that sort of thing.203很好- Grea

28、t. - That sounds wonderful.204好极了205嗨- Hey. - Hi!206Hi- Kids ready? - Almost. Thanks for driving them.207孩子们准备好了吗?208差不多了209他们呆会将被送到车站210很好,我想念他们Happy to do it. I miss them.211你听到一天晚上Did you hear there was a break-in at Mrs. Fromes?212有人闯进From夫人家的事吗?213听说了Yeah. I heard they didnt take anything.214好像什么也没拿走215这并不说明没什么危险Its still frightening. He could have been a sexual predator.216可能是想性侵犯217想侵犯From夫人?And he ended up at Mrs. Fromes? That would have been a l

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