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1、初中八年级英语期末试题新目标初中八年级英语期末试题第I卷(选择题共100分)I听力测试A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分)1AI usually walk to school. BShes going bike riding.CHe has a sore throat. 2AThe bus station is near the school. BHer friend is quieter than she is.CThey live ten miles from school.3ADo you have a healthy lifestyle? BDo y

2、ou enjoy going to movies?CDoes he study late every night?4AIts about fifteen kilometers. BLets go to the sports camp.CPlease eat a balanced diet. 5AWho is your best friend? BWhats your vacation plan?CWhen are you going there?B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话。请选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。(5分)6A B C7A B C8A B C9A B C10A B CC)

3、在录音中, 你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(5分)11AIn the hospital. BAt school. CAt home.12AHe has a stomachache. BHe has a cold. CHe has a sore back.13AEvery day. BTwice a week. CFour times a week.14APlaying soccer. BWatching TV. CPlaying the piano.15AFruit. BNoodles. CMeat.D)在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。

4、请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(5分)16AJack. BJohn. CThey are twins.17ABy bus. BBy boat. CBy subway.18A2 kilometers. B5 kilometers. C8 kilometers.19A30 minutes. B15 minutes. C10 minutes.20AHe walks. BHe takes the bus. CHe drives the car.II读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)21Lily goes to _ /bed/

5、early every evening.Abad Bbat Cbed Ddad22Lucy had a _ /k ld/ yesterday, so she didnt come to school.Acook Bclock Ccall Dcold 23Most of the people here like going to work by_/treIn/.Atrain Bten Cturn Dtake24I go to the movies _ /w?ns/a week.Aone Bonce Cwatch Dwish25Han Han is a _ /feIm s/ young write

6、r. Do you know him?Aphysics Bfamous Cfinish Dfestival III. 选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)26Lets go camping.Thats _ good idea.Aa Ban Cthe D/27What is your sister doing? Is _ cleaning the room?Sorry, I dont know.Ahim Bhe Cshe Dher28How do you get to school? I get to school _ foot.Aon Bin Cby Dat2

7、9Look! That animal has a long _. Yes. Its a giraffe.Aneck Bnose Carm Deye30_ are you doing for vacation?Im going hiking in the mountains.AHow BWhen CWhere DWhat31Can you swim? No, I cant. I think its too _.Aimportant Bdelicious Cdifficult Dathletic32Would you like to come to dinner tonight?Id like t

8、o, _ Im too busy.Aand Bif Cso Dbut33Tara is a good student. She is _ late for school.Aalways Bnever Cusually Doften34Mum, may I play computer games? Sure. But you _ finish your homework first.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwould35There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbages. Avegetable

9、s Bfruit Cmeat Djuice36How do you usually get to school? I _ a bike. Ahave Btake Cread Dride37_ is it from Jinan to Nanjing?Its about 600 kilometers.AHow far BHow many CHow long DHow often38Can you come over to my house to watch the video?_, I cant. I have to study for the math test.AOK BSorry CSure

10、 DExcuse me39Look at the invitation. From whom is it?AMarie BRose CJulie DLisaMarie,Can you go shopping with Rose and me on Monday at 7:00 pm.Julie40Jack is my best friend. He is _ than I am.Ashort Bmore short Coutgoing Dmore outgoing41My brother wants _ bike riding in the countryside tomorrow.Ago B

11、goes Cgoing Dto go 42Im hungry, Mum. Id like _ to eat.Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing 43When you are tired, you should eat hot yang foods to _ healthy.A. live Bgive Cstay Dleave44How long does it take you to get from your home to school?Ten minutes by bike and _ minutes on foot.Atwenty fiv

12、e Btwenty-five Ctwenty fifth Dtwenty-fifth45Max didnt go to bed until he finished _ his clothes. Awash Bwashed Cto wash Dwashing46I have a fever _ AThats OK BThanks a lot. CThat sounds good DYou should see a doctor.47Thanks for _ me to the party. Ainvite Binvites Cinviting Dto invite48The meat is to

13、o expensive and eating _ meat is bad for your health.Amuch too Btoo much Ctoo many Dso many 49I dont like this T-shirt. Can you show me _ one?Aanother Bother Cothers Dthe others50Whats your vacation plan? I _ my grandparents in Shanghai. Avisit Bvisits Cvisited Dam visiting51_ ? Its Thursday, Novemb

14、er 10. AWhats this? BWhats today? CHows it going? DHows the weather today?52How do people go to Qingdao from Jinan ?They usually _ because it is cheap and comfortable.Awalk Btake the plane Ctake the subway Dtake the train53His father often makes him _ the piano after school.Aplay Bplays Cplaying Dto

15、 play 54Kates jeans are the same_ Annas but different_ Elsas.Aas; as Bas; like Cas; from Dlike; as55Its easy to have a _ lifestyle, and its important _ a balanced diet.Ahealthy; eat Bhealth; eat Chealth; eating Dhealthy; to eatIV完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分)ADo you want to kee

16、p healthy? Exercise 56 , please. If you usually go to work by bus, from now on you can walk to work or go 57 . If you always get up late in the 58 and only eat dinner every day, I think you should use an alarm clock. It can 59 you get up early. You can go outside to exercise 60 you get up. Its also

17、61 to eat a balanced diet. Do you like to eat 62 , for example, French fries or hamburgers? Maybe you think theyre 63 , but they are not good for you. You should eat more vegetables and fruits because 64 healthy food. I hope 65 can have a healthy lifestyle.56Aever Blittle Coften Dnever57Aby bus Bby

18、bike Cby car Dby boat58Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight59Agive Bwant Cstop Dhelp60Aafter Bbefore Cbut Dtill61Ainteresting Bdifficult Cimportant Dbeautiful62Ahealthy food Bfish and meat Cjunk food Dapples and pears63Adangerous Bdirty Cexpensive Ddelicious64Aits Bhes Cwere Dtheyre65Anobody Beverybo

19、dy Csomething DanythingBMy name is Eva. Life in my family is not 66 same as that in other families. My parents have67 interests than my classmates parents and there are always many people coming to my house. When I 68 my friends, their houses are much quieter.My mother is a little older than my fath

20、er, 69 my father is taller. Im as tall as my mother. My father has 70 hair. Its curlier than my mothers, though my mother has longer hair. My mother has small 71 . But my father has bigger ones.My parents are both very outgoing, although my dad is a bit quieter than my mother. My father likes nature

21、 and enjoys 72 time outside. He often takes us to camp. Sometimes my classmates go camping 73 us. They say its much more fun than staying at home. My mother likes going to a lot of 74 , and her clothes are often more beautiful than anyone elses at the party.I think I look like my mother. Im good at

22、painting, and I am 75 good at singing. My mother is the best singer!66Aa Ban Cthe D/67Amany Bmore Cmuch Dmost68Alook Bbelieve Cmake Dvisit69Abut Bso Cbecause Dif70Astraight Bbig Cheavy Dcurly71Afeet Bhead Cnose Dmouth72Aplaying Bspending Cdoing Dkeeping73Afrom Bat Cwith Dand74Aparties Bconcerts Csch

23、ools Dparks75Aagain Boften Conly DalsoV补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(10分)AA:Whats the matter 76 you? B:Im not 77 well. I have a 78 .A:Thats too bad. When 79 it start? B:An hour ago.A:Im sorry to hear that. I think you should see a dentist. And I hope you feel 80 soon. B:Thank you very muc

24、h. A:Youre welcome.76Awith Bto Cfor Don77Afeel Bfeeling Cfeels Dfelt78Aheadache Bfever Ctoothache Dstomachache79Adid Bis Cdo Ddoes80Abad Bnice Cbetter DbestBA:There is going to be a football match tomorrow evening. 81 B:Id like to. 82 A:About two hours.B:OK.A:Well, 83 I want you to play tennis with

25、me.B:Sorry, 84 A:Thats too bad. Maybe another time. B:You can ask Tom. 85 A:OK. 81ADo we have to watch it? BDo you often watch football games?CCan you go to watch it with me? DCan you come to my party?82AHow long does it last? BHow far is it?CHow often do you watch TV? DHow do we get there?83Awhat d

26、oes your father do? Bwhat are you doing on weekends?Cwho are you going with? Dwhat does he look like?84AI like sports very much. BWhen is it?CI have to practice the guitar. DWhat are you doing?85AHe likes playing tennis. BHe is heavier than me.CI am better at sports than him. DHe doesnt like playing

27、 tennis.VI阅读理解 (15分)A阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容,做判断正误题, 正确为A , 错误为B。Mr White teaches English in a middle school. He has two children. They are twin brothers. Their names are Mike and Dick.Jim and Alex are Mr Whites students. They often go to see the twins and play with them. Sometimes they bring something to Di

28、ck and Mike. One day they went to Mr Whites house. When the twins saw Jim and Alex, they were very happy. Jim asked Mike, “How old are you, Mike?”“Three,” Mike answered.After that Alex said to the twins, “Dick and Mike, look! Pears! Dont you want to eat them? Well, I have a question. If you can answ

29、er it, Ill give them to you. Now listen to me. I have two pears in my hand. If I eat one, how many pears do I have, then?”“One,” Dick said.“Two,” Mike answered.“Two?” Jim said. “Why?” Dick asked.“One is inside and the other is outside,” Mike said.86Mr White is a teacher.87Dicks brother is Alex. 88Jim is a student.89Mike is three years old.

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