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1、版人教版新高一必修二单词知识点讲解unit2WildlifeProtectionBOOK2 UNIT 2 Wildlife Protection1.poster n.海报2.illegal adj.不合法的;非法的3.illegally adv不合法地;非法地4.hunt vt. & vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕hunt for 寻找;搜索hunt out 搜捕;搜寻hunt down追捕;捉住5.hunter n.猎人6.immediately adv.立刻7.species8.shark9.fin10.on earth11.die outn.物种n鲨鱼n.(鱼的)鳍(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟

2、;到底 灭亡;逐渐消失die of死于内因die from 死于外因die off 相继死亡die down 逐渐变弱die away 逐渐消失12.alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的13.alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心口.恐慌;警报;警报器in alaim 惊慌地sound/set off the alann 发警钟;敲警钟alanned adj.担忧的;恐慌的be alanned at/by. 因 而害怕be alanned to do.做感到恐慌14.rate n.速度;(比)率vt划分等级at any rate无论如何at this rate照这种情形;既然这样at

3、 a rate of.以速度;以比率15.rating n.等级;级别16 extinct adj.已灭绝的17.extinction n.灭绝18.mass adj.大量的;广泛的n.大量;堆;群in the mass=as a whole 总体上be a mass of. 满是 ; 遍地是 a mass of=masses of+可数名词复数或不可数名词19.habitat n,(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地20.aware adj.知道;发觉;有意识的make sb aware of.让某人知道as far as Im aware =as far as I know 据我所知an aver

4、age of.的平均数at an average price of. 平均售价为 above/below (the) average 高/低于平均水平25.prince n.王子;王孙;亲王26.make progress 取得进步27.concern vt.涉及;让担忧 n.担忧;关心have no concern with. 同 无关concern over/fbr/about.对 的担忧28.concerned adj. 担心的;关切的29.concerned about对关切的;为担忧的as far as Im concerned 就我而言be concerned with.与 有关b

5、e concenied for/about.对 关切的;为 担忧的 adj.居住的;活的;在用的 living roomn.生活;生计 earn ones livingliving“有生命的,活的:可作前置定语和表语。修饰人和物live“活着的:用于指物,一般不指人alive“活着的:可作后置定语和表语。31.adapt vi.适应vt.使适应;使适合(改编) adapt.from.根据改编(改写) adapt A for B 将A改编为B adaptation n.适应;改编本;改写本 adaptable adj.能适应的;可改编的32.adapt to 适应adapt o

6、neself to=be adapted to 使适应/适合33.measure n.指施;方法take measures to do sth采取措施做某事 in large/some measure 在很大/某种程度上 make a suit to ones measure 给 sb 量身做一套衣服 vt.测量渡量;估量measure sb for sth给某人量(衣服尺寸) measure Aby B 用 B 衡量 A measure out量出;配出34.authority n.官方;当权;权威35.pressure n.压力;要求put pressure on sb 向 sb 施压 r

7、elieve/reduce pressure 减轻压力 blood pressure 血压be under pressure from sb to do sth 面临某人要求做某事的压力36.under pressure 在压力下;承受压力37.whale n.鲸38.antelope n,羚;羚类动物39.Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊40.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)keep sth in reseive保存某物以备用a wild reseive 野生动植物保护区without reseive 毫无保留地vt.预订;预留;保留reseive the right

8、 to do sth 保留做某事的权利reservation n.预定;预留;保留reserved adj.已经预定的41.plain n.平原adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的42.make out 看清;听清;分清;理解;填写make up 化妆;构成;编造make up for弥补;补偿make it 成功make .out of. 使 变成 43.herd n.牧群;兽群44.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守obseive sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事obseive sb do sth 看到某人做了某事be obseived sb to do sth 被看到

9、做了 某事observation n.观察;注视;遵守 n.美;美人;美好的东西beautiful adj.美丽的46.remind vt.提醒;使想起47.remind sb of sb/sth使某人想起(类似的人或物);提醒某人某事remind sb (not) to do sth 提醒某人(不要)做某事remind sb that.提醒某人(后跟从句)48.fur n.毛(皮);毛皮衣服49.sacred adj.神圣的;受尊敬的50.shoot vt. & vi.(shot, shot)射杀;射伤;发射shoot at.向 射击shoot sb in the leg

10、射中某人的腿51.profit n.利润;利益 over 保护;照管;监督be on watch 在值班watch out 小心keep watch on 监视watch the time留意时间(以免耽误某事)watch out fbi-look out for 密切注意;留意 and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日up and down 上上下下ups and downs 沉浮;心衰;荣辱back and forth来来回回now and then 不 时地recover from. 从复原;康复recover oneself=calm down 镇定下来,恢复

11、冷静recovery n.恢复;康复remove. from.把 移走remove. to.把迁移到;搬到removal 11,移动法除;搬迁 removable adj.可去除的58.intend vi. & vt.打算;计划;想要intend to do/doing sth 打算做某事intend sb to do打算让某人做某事be intended to do sth/fbr sth 专门为 ;专门给 had intended to do sth= intended to have done sth 打算做某事但没做 成intention n.意图;目的;打算have the inte

12、ntion to do sth 有做某事的打算with the intention of doing sth 打算做某事59.threat n.威胁make a thi-eat against sb 对某人进行威胁threaten vt.威胁;危及tlueaten to do sth 威胁做某事tlueaten sb with.以威胁某人tlueaten (that). 威胁be tlneatened with sth 受到某物的威胁60.exist vi.存在;生存 (无被动;无进行)exist iii=lie in 在于 exist on=live on 靠 生存There exist(s

13、).(某地)有;存在existence n.存在come into existence 出现;产生in existence 存在;现存61.harmony n.和谐;融洽be in/out of harmony with.与 协调/不协调65.kangaroo n.袋鼠66.reduce vt.减少reduce . by. 减少了 【educeto 减少到 reduce sb to doing sth 迫使某人做某事reduce sb to tears/silence 使某人流泪/沉默reduce sth to aslies/niins 把某物化为灰烬/废墟67.due adj.由于;因为。预

14、定;预期;应付的;到期的be due to do sth预期做某事be due to sb应付给某人68.due to 由于;因为其他短语:owing to; thanks to; because of; ou account of; as a result of69.insect n.昆虫 n. =Internet; adj.净得的;纯的71.neighbourhood n.临近的地方;街区72.binoculars n.双筒望远镜73.bird field guide 乌类图鉴 for 搜索;查找in search of 寻找75.dolphin n.海豚76.Yangtze River dolphin 白鳍豚77.koala n.树袋熊;考拉78.stir vt.激发;搅动79.stir up 激起80.emotion n.感情;情感;情绪

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