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David Deangelo和女人约会时聊什么.docx

1、David Deangelo 和女人约会时聊什么David Deangelo - 和女人约会时聊什么。大伟, 我订阅了你的邮件,在两周前的一封邮件中,你为某人关于“什么话题能吸引女人”提供建议,我对这封信特别感兴趣,因为我发现我在跟女人约会时出现了相同的状况,与她在一起时感到无话可聊,很安静很沉闷。我知道你已经推荐了一本好书comedy writing secrets,但是有没有什么好书能教你如何讲故事呢?还有,哪些话题能吸引女人们的兴趣呢?非常期待你的回复,先谢过了。M.G GAINESVILLE, FL.我的建议:这是一个非常好的问题。和女人交谈时,有两个互相不同但都很重要的方面需要注意:

2、1、如何说。2、说什么。一、关于如何说大部分家伙都只是想知道跟女人在一起时该说什么。这只在当你该谈那些女人们感兴趣的话题时有点意义,对吗?很好,但这只是其中的一部分。实际上,更重要的是,当你在谈论这些话题的时候,是否用了正确的方式。从另一方面说,如果你不明白如何让一次交谈给你建立起吸引力,那么无论你说什么都不重要了,因为你与之交谈的女人不会对你产生任何感觉。在聊天时如何说包括以下几个方面(但并不仅仅局限于以下方面)- 你的身体语言- 眼神交流- 自大幽默型的交流方式- 调情- 发送含糊的信息- 主导交流内容- 要谈论一些大众化的问题和主题。以及很多其它的方面我的观点是,如果你在与女人聊天时经常

3、出现“让人感觉不舒服的安静”,紧张,以及其它一些常见的毛病,在考虑“聊什么”的问题之前,你可能更需要在“怎么聊”的方面下功夫。二、关于聊什么如我以前所说,有几个话题非常适合于与女人聊天时讨论。在我告诉你这些话题之前,我想让你花一分钟自己想一想。女人们愿意花钱去观看哪些方面的信息?提示:都市杂志,浪漫小说,肥皂剧,晚上的戏剧,时尚频道。等。如果你想过这些,那么关于聊什么的答案就显而易见了。不管是出于什么理由,女人们趋向于喜欢以下方面的话题- 戏剧方面的(比如韩剧,偶像剧等)- 有争议性的- 浪漫的- 明星以及他们的私生活方面的所以。跟女人聊这些话题是非常轻松容易的。我有几个比较好的点子:1、对那

4、些明星做一些业余的心理分析谈论某个明星做过的一些比较愚蠢的事,然后做心理分析。(比如,最近梁朝伟决定跟刘嘉玲结婚,就是一个非常好的话题,喜欢伟仔的年青貌美的优秀女人多于牛毛,居然还跑去跟那个被黑社会拍过裸照的爱慕虚荣的老婆娘上床,居然还把她肚子搞大了)作者举的是Michael jackson的例子,国内没多少女人感兴趣,我就懒得翻译了。这类话题都等着被心思细密具有批判性思维的大脑拿来使用。而且都很容易借这类话题来展示和发挥你的幽默。2、找一个看起来比较有意思的组合,去猜测他们环顾你的四周,找一对坐在那看起来像是第一次约会的人。然后针对那个男的动作,衣着,坐姿等来开玩笑,谈论那个女人如何会认为那

5、男的很土,以及无论那男的如何去讨好女的,他什么也得不到。分析你附近的组合是个很有趣的事情,女人们都喜欢这些。3、拿一些名人来开玩笑谈论一个超级名模如何瘦得皮包骨,脑细胞都被虫子啃了,居然还不知羞耻地在数百万电视观众面前丢人显眼。所有你得做的事情只是去阅读一些八卦杂志获取所有这类可供讥笑的材料。这些都很有趣,很好玩,女人们都喜欢听你谈这些。4、谈论他人的感情生活。后续正在翻译中,请耐心等待,翻译水平有限,如有不足之处请指正,谢谢。原文:*THIS WEEKS QUESTION*Dave, In one of the newsletters I received a couple weeks ag

6、o you gave the advice to someone to learn what topics fascinate women. I found this newsletter specifically interesting because Ive found myself in this same situation were when im on a date things get quiet and I cant find anything to say. I know you have already recommended a good book on comedy,

7、comedy writing secrets, but what is a good book explaining how to tell stories? And, what are some topics that fascinate women? Any help would be greatly appreciated.M.G. Gainesville, FL. MY COMMENTS:This is a great question.There are really two very different (and important) aspects to the conversa

8、tions with women topic:1. The HOW.2. The WHAT.THE HOWMost guys want to know what to talk about with women.It only makes sense that you should talk about things those women is interested in. Right?Well. partially.It is actually FAR MORE IMPORTANT to talk about whatever topic youre talking about in th

9、e RIGHT WAY.In other words, if you dont understand HOW to carry on a conversation that creates ATTRACTION, then it really wont matter WHAT you talk about. because the woman youre talking to wont FEEL anything towards you.The HOW of conversation includes (but is not limited to):-Your body language-Ey

10、e contact-The Cocky & Funny style of communicating-Flirting-Sending mixed messages-Directing the conversation-Dealing with common questions and topics.and many other things.My point is that if youre running into a lot of uncomfortable silences, nervousness, and other usual challenges, then you proba

11、bly need to get the HOW handled before the WHAT.(I recommend my CD Audio Series to get this handled, by the way.)THE WHATWith that said, there are several topics that are GREAT to discuss with women.But instead of just giving them to you, I want you to do yourself a favor and THINK for a minute.What

12、 topics do women PAY to hear about?Hint: Cosmo magazine, romance novels, soap operas, nighttime dramas, the fashion channel. etc.If you think about it, the answer to this question is rather obvious.For whatever reason, WOMEN tend to LOVE:-Drama-Conflict-Romance-Famous people and their livesSo. its r

13、eally quite easy to enjoy a conversation with a woman about these topics.Here are a few ideas:1. Play amateur psychologist to the stars.Talk about how someone famous is doing something really stupid, then psycho-analyze them.For instance. right now, Michael Jackson is something like two hundred mill

14、ion dollars in debt. Even though he makes about twenty million dollars a year, he somehow manages to blow it all and then some. He has spent an unimaginable amount of time and money on plastic surgery and skin bleaching. and he reportedly just spent around seven hundred grand digitally darkening his

15、 skin tone in a recent video.This situation is all kinds of BEGGING to be picked apart with a fine-toothed critical mind.Its also PREGNANT with humor opportunities.2. Find an interesting-looking group of people and guess whats going on.Look around you, and find a couple sitting at a table that looks

16、 like theyre on their first date.Then start making fun of how the guy is acting, how hes dressed, his posture, or whatever. Talk about how the woman is thinking that hes a dork and how hes not getting any, no matter how many compliments he gives her.Analyzing whats going on with a close group of oth

17、ers is big fun, and women love it.3. Make fun of someone famous.Talk about how a super model is too skinny, or how Ozzy has killed all his brain cells and what a shame it is that hes on TV broadcasting it to millions of viewers.Make fun of Mariah Carey for gaining weight, being put in the loony bin,

18、 and putting out a sucky movie.All you have to do is read a few gossip magazines to get all kinds of great stuff to make fun of.Its fun, its funny, and its a great way to talk like youre all that.4. Talk about other peoples love lives.Talk about the problems that others are going through when it com

19、es to love and romance, then volunteer completely ridiculous theories about whats going on.Mention a friend you had who broke up with his girlfriend because she gained weight, then after youve told the story, make up a random theory about how women who gain weight are actually lesbians.But make sure

20、 its funny, whatever you invent.I think you can feel me.The point here is that women are NATURALLY fascinated and drawn to certain topics. so USE THEM.The REAL benefit of talking to women about topics that really interest them is that you can USE ALL THE OTHER IDEAS THAT YOURE LEARNING while youre t

21、alking!You can AMPLIFY THE ATTRACTION as the conversation goes on. as long as you know what else to do as you talk.Oh, by the way.Topics to avoid: Rape, kidnapping, stalking, death, chess, computers, comic books, Star Wars, monster trucks, and NSYNC. NEVER talk about topics that might really freak a

22、 woman out, or topics that make you look like the biggest loser alive in the beginning. Youll create BADVIBES that will make any attraction that youve created INSTANTLY disappear. Others to really avoid include talking negatively about yourself, talking about how desperate you are or how long its be

23、en since youve been on a date, asking if she likes you or if youre her type. and any other WUSS-BAG topic that makes you look insecure and needy.Remember, the key to success with women is creating a powerful emotional ATTRACTION between you and her.If you dont know how to do this, then NOTHING you d

24、o is going to help you very much.If you DO know how and why women feel ATTRACTION for men, then almost ANYTHING you do or talk about can amplify it.If you want to get a powerful education about how to make women feel that magical emotion of ATTRACTION for you, then Id recommend that you check out my

25、 CD Audio Series. It contains 11 CDs and a 100 page workbook that contain all of my best ideas and techniques for approaching, dating, and getting physical with women. The five guest interviews alone are worth the price of the entire series. And Of course, it comes with a 100% no-questions-asked mon

26、ey back guarantee. If youre not THRILLED with it, just ask for a refund. No questions asked. Really. Go to:And if youd like to get the basics of how ATTRACTION works, plus a good set of tools to use for meeting and dating women, then go download my eBook Double Your Dating. You can download it and b

27、e reading it in just a few minutes from right now.Its at. Ill talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D. 本帖最后由 老聂 于 2008-8-2 15:13 编辑 原文地址: 第一次约会时和女孩聊什么翻译david的原贴: . d=181068&page=1一位读者的信:dave,几周前我收到的一封信里对于什么话题可以吸引女性给了一些建议,我发现这些很有意思,因为我自己就遇到过在约会时没有话题聊的情况使得气氛很沉默。你也推荐了一本书“comedy writing secrets喜剧写作




31、式(。广告。)3。取笑名人比如讲讲超级模特都是非常瘦的,或者Ben Affleck总是跟叫 Jennifer的女孩约会你要做的就是多读些八卦的杂志就可以收集到不少这方面的信息了。这是娱乐,也是搞笑,而且这还是一个表现你自己的方法4.谈论其他人的爱情生活。谈论别人经历过的问题,尤其是感情上的,然后用些荒谬的理论来解释这些发生的事情。提到你得一个朋友跟他女友分手了,原因是那个女孩增重了,然后当你说完,就随便编一个理论出来,说如果一个女人去增重,那她一定是个les。但是,一定要注意的是故事要确保有意思,你尽可以去发挥你得创造力。有一点是,女人会很自然地陷入到某个话题中去和女人谈论他们感兴趣的话题最大的好处是你可以随时把你学到的东西运用到谈话中

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