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1、河南省周口市西华县中考二模英语试题2021年河南省周口市西华县中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读单选 World Meteorological DayThe World Meteorological Day was set up in 1960. It is celebrated every year on 23 March. The main purpose of the World Meteorological Day is to enable people to understand and support the activities of the World M

2、eteorological Organization, raise the attention and love of meteorological work and promote the application of meteorology in some human activities.Activities and ThemesMany different activities and events are organized for this festival. Every year, there is a special theme for people to think abou

3、t and take action to make a difference. The following are the themes of the latest years.2019. The Sun, the Earth and the Weather2018: Weather-Ready, Climate-Smart2017: Understanding Clouds2016: Hotter, Drier. Wetter. Face the FutureEvents for Children This YearTo call on the young people, especiall

4、y the children to pay more attention to the climate changes and learn more about the influences that the climate has on human beings, different events are held for the kids and parents this year.Children and parents can have discussions with some experts from all over the world.Children can act as t

5、he Secretary General to make a speech and draw weather pictures with their brushes.Children and parents can also experience different man-made weather in the labs.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1The World Meteorological Day was started_.Ain 1980 Bin 1970 Cin 1960 Din 19502The main purpose of the events for children i

6、s _.Ato find children who are good at drawing pictureBto make children know more about the climate changesCto offer more chances to children to have fun togetherDto encourage children to communicate with their parents3The events for children this year include the following EXCEPT _.Aholding a speech

7、 competition Bdrawing pictures with brushesChaving discussions with top experts Dexperiencing man-made weather in the labs4Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AA two-year-old boy will not be allowed to celebrate the festival.BThe World Meteorological Day was set up less than 50 year

8、s ago.CThe themes of the festival are different from each other every year.DThe World Meteorological Day is celebrated every year on 24 March.5Where is the text probably taken from?AA story book BA guide bookCA website DA cook bookOnJan26,peoplearoundtheworldwere shockedtohearofthesuddenpassingofKob

9、e Bryant,oneoftheNBAsmostlegendary(传奇性的)players.The41-year-old,his13-year-old daughterGiannaBryantandsevenothersdied whentheirhelicoptercrashedinCalifornia,US.People from all walks of life have paid tribute (敬意) to the late basketballsuperstar-notjust forhisachievementsonthecourt,butforhis genuine(真

10、诚的)personality and the inspiration he provided to so many people.Inthebasketballworld,Bryantranksamong thetopplayersofalltime.Fansrememberhim as the player who helped the Los Angeles Lakers win five NBA championships during his 20-year-long career. He started outas a basketballprodigy(神童)whoskippedc

11、ollege andtookhistalentsdirectlytotheNBAHis deadlyagility(敏捷)andaggressivetactics(进攻性的策略)earnedhimthenicknameBlack Mamba(进攻性极强的一种非洲毒蛇).Thatswhyhis competitivephilosophy(哲学)isknownasthe MambaMentality.“MambaMentality is youre going, youre competing, youre worried about the end result,” Bryant said. “

12、Its all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most.”Off the court, he was known as a successful businessman, buying stakes(股份)in several companies, including Alibaba and Dell. He also left footprints in the movie industry, winning an Oscar in 2018 with his story

13、 film Dear Basketball.He was also known as a proud family man. His friend, baseball star Derek Jeter, remembered him as such in an essay: “Throughout our friendship, the most meaningful conversations we had- they were always about family.”As the Los Angeles Times noted, Bryants greatness was cemente

14、d (强化) by his skill, hard work and tireless pursuit of victory. His legacy will live on long after his death.6What do we know about the crash?ANine people were killed. BThe helicopter crashed in Florida.CThe crash happened on Jan. 25. DBryant was the pilot of the helicopter.7To play basketball in th

15、e NBA, what did Bryant do?AHe choose“Black Mamba”as his nickname.BHe competed with five other players.CHe trained with a talented coach.DHe had to give up on college.8According to Byrant, “MambaMentality” means _?Acaring about the final resultBworking hard in the momentCtrusting your teammates as th

16、e timeDfocusing on school9In Jeters eyes, Byrant was a man who _.Awho loved his family very muchBwas good at doing businessCinspired many peopleDhad many genuine friends10What is the story mainly about?AHow Byrants helicopter crashed.BWhat Byrants fans did in memory of him.CWhy Byrant chose to be a

17、basketball player.DWhy so many people felt sad about Byrants death. Without our moon, life on Earth would be totally different. Days would be shorter, for instance. Without the Moon and its gravitational pull slowing down the rotation of the Earth our day might only last six to eight hours instead o

18、f 24 hours!And forget about autumn leavesthe seasons wouldnt exist. Without the Moons pull on it. Earth might create 200-kmph winds and strong storms one day, with relatively calm weather and totally different temperatures the next. Also, it would be almost extremely black every night of the year.Hu

19、man might not even exist. Thats because without the Moon, most creatures would call the ocean home. Less than half a billion years ago, all life on Earth was living in the seas. Strange and colorful creatures swam freely through the water or moved around the ocean bed. There were no treesonly plants

20、 that lived in the sea. So how did the Moon help more creatures move their home to land? The gravitational pull of the Moon creates high and low tides in the ocean. During low tide, water moves back into the ocean, and there are tide poolsshallow pools of salt water on beaches and nearby rocksin the

21、 air. Millions of years ago, some life-forms that lived in tide pools went through some changes that helped them survive the difficult situation. Finally they left the oceans to live on land. These early land explorers then became amphibians, dinosaurs, birds, insects, snakes and mammals. (Hi Humans

22、!) But without the Moon low tide wouldnt exist, and these creatures might have stayed underwater forever.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。11How long may our day last without the Moon?A6-8 hours B7-8 hours C12 hours D24 hours12Where did all life live about half a billion years ago?AOn the land. BIn the air. CIn the seas

23、. DOn the moon.13What will happen if theres no Moons gravitational pull?AThere may be a lot of strong storms. BPeople can make a man-made Moon.CThere will be more creatures on the Earth. DThe creatures are sure to stay under water forever.14What do we know according to the text?AMany animals died ou

24、t because of the Moon.BHumans will live under the sea in many years.COur day time will become less and less in the future.DLow tide exists because of the Moons gravitational pull.15Whats the best title for the text?AMore creatures BLife without the MoonCThe creatures on the Moon DHumans will stay un

25、der the water二、补全短文5选5 A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally, while a bad memory as something that cannot be changed. 16 Here are some tips for you.17We all remember the things we are interested in, and always forget the ones that bore us. This explains the reason why schoolb

26、oys remember football results easily but struggle with dates from their history lessons! Develop an active interest in what you want to remember. One way to make yourself more interested is to ask questions -the more, the better.Repeating things in chunks. Repeating things in chunks is the best way

27、to remember things for a short time. For example remembering a phone number for a few seconds. 18 The following numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember: 1692 1789 1931 8683. But look at them in groups or chunks repeatedly, and it becomes much easier: 1692 1789 1931 8683Invent a story.

28、To remember long lists, try inventing a story which includes all the things you want to remember. In experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this way. When they were tested later, they could remember about 90% of them. 19Take physical exercise.Physical exercise is important

29、for your memory, because it increases your heart rate and sends more oxygen to your brain, and that makes your memory work better. 20 As we know, too much pressure is very bad for the memory.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。ATake an interest.BExercise also lowers stress.CThe test result w

30、as really amazing.DIn fact, there is a lot that you can do to improve your memory.E.Grouping numbers may help you to remember them.三、完型填空 I have just returned from 21 16-day tour of America. What I want to share most with others, especially Chinese parents, is the American ideas of educating the you

31、th. While travelling around Utah and Idaho, I got familiar 22 Caleb, the driver of our tour bus. Caleb is a second-year 23 at a local university. He lives in a rented apartment which 24 $800 per month. Different from the students in China. Caleb makes a 25 and pays for his tuition by 26 .Knowing that most young people of his age still 27 their parents for almost everything, I asked him a lot of questions. Caleb answered my questions 28 He began to live by himsel

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