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1、学年浙江省温州市鹿城区温州实验中学暑期达人赛2020-2021学年浙江省温州市鹿城区温州实验中学暑期达人赛温馨提醒: 全卷满分100分,考试时间为45分钟。一、单项选择(本题有25小题,每小题1分,共25分)-The Republic of South Africa is _African country.【A】a【B】an【C】the【D】/【答案】B【解析】考查冠词。根据句意,南非共和国是非洲的一个国家,并没有特指,故选B-The British _Stephen Hawking,famous for his theory of the universe,wrote a popular b

2、ook,a Brief History of Time.【A】artist【B】scientist【C】singer【D】reporter【答案】B【解析】考查冠词。根据句意,史蒂芬霍金是一个科学家,并不是画家、歌手或者新闻记者,故选B-Where is my lovely dog?I cant find it. -Maybe its hiding _the door.【A】in front of 【B】next to【C】behind【D】on【答案】C【解析】考查介词。根据句意,只能藏在门后,其他选项意思均不正确。-Through the old stories,we would be a

3、ble to _Chinese culture much better.【A】understand【B】search【C】compare【D】imagine【答案】A【解析】考查动词。根据句意,通过这些古老的故事,我们能更好地了解中国文化,B搜查,C比较,D想象与原文的意思均不相符。-After the football match,the players felt very_and sat down on the grass.【A】bored 【B】cool【C】strange【D】tired【答案】D【解析】考查形容词。根据句意,在足球比赛之后,大家都感到非常的疲倦。从后一句的坐在草地上也

4、可以看出来,我们非常疲倦。A无聊的B寒冷的C奇怪的 均与原文意思不符。-It was really cold this morning, _none of the students were late for school.【A】but 【B】and【C】so【D】or【答案】A【解析】考查连接词。根据句意,前一句,今天早上非常冷,-没有学生上学迟到。前后表示一定的转折B和C所以D或者,都没有表示转折。-The dresses are all beautiful.I cant decide which one to choose.Oh,look at the yellow one.I thin

5、k its _ .【A】beautiful 【B】more beautiful 【C】the most beautiful 【D】the least beautiful【答案】C【解析】考查最高级。根据句意,原文中降到所有的裙子都非常漂亮,我都决定不了选哪个了,选黄色那个吧,我觉得它最漂亮,最漂亮用最高级,因为beautiful音节太多本身不能变形,所以要加上the most。-Nobody in Fionas class can sing as _as her.【A】well 【B】good 【C】better【D】best【答案】A【解析】后面要用原形,这里的像他一样唱得好

6、也是副词圆形修饰sing.- We arrived in the beautiful city _a snowy morning in winter.【A】at 【B】in 【C】on【D】for【答案】C【解析】本题考查介词,在表示特定的某个日期时,我们通常on,表示上午下午的时候用in the morning/afternoon/evening,表示某个时刻时用at,比如at 8 oclock。-What do you plan to do this weekend?Im not sure.I _go to the cinema with my friends.【A】should 【B】c

7、an 【C】must【D】might【答案】D【解析】考查情态动词。根据句意,原文这周你计划做什么?我不明白,可能我会和朋友一起去看电影,这里的可能只能选might。- We checked the machine carefully and couldnt find_ wrong .【A】anything 【B】something【C】nothing【D】everything【答案】A【解析】本题考查不定代词,我们仔细检查了机器,并没有发现任何问题。在否定句中用anything,形容词要放在不定代词的后面,这题直接将后面一句改成nothing wrong也可以。-Although my gr

8、andmother is very old,she can take care of.【A】herself 【B】himself【C】itself【D】themselves【答案】A【解析】本题考查反身代词,虽然我奶奶年级大了,但是她仍然能够照顾好她自己。她自己,herself.-The old man _his cat everywhere around the village after it was missing.【A】looked after 【B】looked for【C】looked up【D】looked into【答案】B【解析】本题考查动词词组,原文中是指那位老人在帽子丢失

9、之后就在村庄的每个角落找帽子。-I saw the light of your room was still on at eleven oclock last night.oh,I _for the coming tests.【A】was preparing【B】prepared【C】am preparing【D】prepare【答案】A【解析】be on表示开着的一种状态,原文中表示那个时间点你仍然开着灯,这就是指的那个时刻正在干的事情,所以在那时选择过去进行时,我正在准备即将到来的考试。-The doctor told Mary to eat more vegetables and _me

10、at because she was getting fatter and fatter.【A】less 【B】more 【C】fewer 【D】much【答案】A【解析】医生告诉玛丽要多吃蔬菜,少吃肉,因为她变得越来越胖,所以填less。-Excuse me,I want to swim,but I cant find a swimming pool here.I know _near here.I can take you there.【A】this 【B】one【C】it 【D】that【答案】B【解析】这里考查代词的用法,this表示这个,one表示同类不同物,it表示上文指到过的东西

11、,that表示那个。我不能找到游泳池了,我知道有一个游泳池离这里很近,我可以带你去那里。-On the first day of Chinese New Year,people _new clothes and visit relatives and friends.【A】pick up 【B】put on 【C】take off 【D】throw away【答案】B【解析】A捡起;学一门外语;搭顺风车,B穿上C脱下D扔掉。根据原文意思这里应该填穿上。-It _outside.Please take an umbrella with you.【A】rains 【B】rained 【C】is r

12、aining 【D】was raining【答案】C【解析】外面正在下雨,请随身带一把伞。-Has your brother ever visited Wuhan?Yes,he _the city twice since he came to China.【A】has been in 【B】 has been to 【C】has gone to【D】has gone in【答案】B【解析】AD均没有这种用法,我们要特别强调 has been to 和has gone to的区别:has been to代表去了已经回来了,has gone to代表在去的路上或者去了还没有回来,这里强调去了两次了

13、,所以选B。-They got up early _they could catch the early bus.【A】so that 【B】as well as【C】because of 【D】in order to【答案】A【解析】A如此.以致于 B和. C因为. D为了,原文他们起这么早是为了赶上早班车。-Hearing the good news,Betty laughed and ran out of her room _ .【A】sadly 【B】quietly 【C】excitedly 【D】angrily【答案】C【解析】A伤心地 B安静地 C激动地 D生气地,根据题意选C。-

14、The film _for about half an hour.Oh,we have missed the beginning.What a pity!【A】has started 【B】started 【C】was on 【D】has been on【答案】D【解析】这里我们主要考察动词的延续性。这个电影已经开始了半小时,我们强调开始的变形start/begin-be on,已经开始了半小时,所以用现在完成时。- _do you usually share happiness with?My parents and my best friend.【A】When 【B】What 【C】Who

15、 【D】How【答案】C【解析】谁是你经常分享的人?根据题意我们知道选C是谁。- Can you tell me_?Sure.Next month.【A】When you will travel to London 【B】When will you travel to London【C】When you traveled to London【D】When did you travel to London【答案】A【解析】Can you tell me后面用陈述句语气而且是将来时态,所以选A。- Lets play football._ .Your leg is still broken.You

16、 need to rest in bed.【A】Are you joking? 【B】Thats nice of you【C】Youre welcome.【D】Thats a good idea.【答案】A【解析】由题意可以看出后面填的应该是你在开玩笑吗?B你真好 C欢迎 D那是好主意。二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)My kids and I were going lo the supermarket on the weekend.On the way,we noticed a man holding a piece of paper that said,_1_ my j

17、ob.Family to Feed.In this area.a_2_ like this is not usual.My 11-year-old son saw him and said how bad it must be to have to stand _3_ in the cold wind.In the store,I asked each of my kids to _4_something(they thought our “friendthere would need.They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice .Then

18、 my1 7-year-old son suggested giving him a _5_so that he could buy whatever he and his family may need.I thought about it.My husband lost a lot of money in his business this year so we were_6_on money ourselves,but.well,sometimes _7_from our need instead of our richness is just what we need to do! I

19、 told my kids our situation that we must cut down our spending m the following days if we gave him a gift card.All the kids started to_8_something they could do away with for the week.When we handed the man the bag of food,he lit up and thanked us with watery eyes.When I handed him the gift card,say

20、ing he could use it for_9_ his family might need,he was obviously grateful and burst into tears.On the way home,my kids were so _10_ that they kept talking about the man and what they would do in the future.I knew this had been a wonderful _11_for our family,and we all tasted the joy of being helpfu

21、l. For days the kids have been looking for others we can_12_!Things would have played out so_13_if I had simply said,No,we really dont have money to give more.Stepping out not just helped a brother in _14_.Besides,it gave my kids the_15_ taste of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.1.A.Lost

22、B.Changed C.Received D.Finished2.A.chance C.sight D.show3.A.outside. B.against C.opposite D.up4.A.draw B.say C.accept D.pick5.A.heavy coat B.good job meal card6.A.easy B.low C.soft D.safe7.A. giving B.saving C.spending D.paying 8.A.think about B.depend on C.learn from D.agree wi

23、th9.A.whoever B.whatever C.whichever D.however10.A. surprised B.excited C.pity D.strict11.A.experience B.example C.message D.adventure12.A.change B.produce C.expect D.help13.A.suddenly B.carefully C.differently D.perfectly14.A.peace C.need D.memory15.A.sad B.sweet C.strange D.simple【答案】1-5 A

24、C A B D 6-10 B A A B B 11-15 A D D C B 【解析】这篇短文讲述了一个帮助他人而感受到快乐的故事。我的孩子出于善意版主了需要被帮助的流浪汉,这让我的孩子们尝到了乐于助人的快乐,让我感受到的不是钱的多少而是多了一些教育意味。1.考察动词及其理解。A失去 B改变 C收到 D完成,结束。根据语境我们可以了解到时失去了工作。2.考察名词及理解。像这样的景象不多见,所以选择sight。3.察副词及理解。在冷风中站着,所以只能是在外面。B对抗 C 对面 D 上面的4.考察动词及用法:A画 B说 C接受 D 拾起,从文中可知我们是说了一些事情。5考察名词短语与语境理解:A

25、沉重的外套 B 好工作 C 热金属 D 礼物卡,可以知道这里选D6考察形容词及语义理解,根据前一句,我们可以知道,我的丈夫在今年损失了很多钱,所以我们今年的钱也不多,只能选B low7.考察动词辨析。给予我们所需要的东西才是真的珍贵。8.考察动词短语的用法以及语境理解,A仔细思考 B 依靠 C 向.学习 D同意某人(的观点)根据语义可以知道这里是开始思考了。9.根据语义他的家庭无论需要什么东西,选B10.根据语境我们可以知道孩子们都如此的兴奋。11.根据语境我们可以知道是一次无与伦比的体验。12.根据语境我们可以帮助的人。13.根据语境一切事情都进行的那么完美。A 突然地 B 仔细地 C 不同

26、地。14.根据语境需要帮助的那个兄弟。15.根据语境尝到了帮助他人的甜头。ACharlotte Bronte was an English writer and she is best known for Jane Eyre.She was bornin 1816 in England.She had two sisters,Anne and Emily.All of them were writers.When she was 31 years old,she wrote Jane Eyre.In this book,she chose a strong woman character.At

27、 this time in history,women were thought to be very emotional*beings.They could only be wives or teachers.Bronte wanted to show a different side to women.In the novel,Jane is an orphan living with her aunt and cousins.They are very bad to her and treat her terribly.Her cousin John hates her very muc

28、h.One day,they have a serious fight.Because of that.Jane is sent to a strict boarding*school(寄宿学校).There she discovers a love of learning.When she turns 18,she is invited to go to Thomfield Hall to teach a little French-girl.There she meets Mr Rochester.At first Jane does not like Mr Rochester.But t

29、hey start to grow closer and finally fall in love.Mr Rochester asks Jane to be his wife,and she accepts.However,their wedding*(婚礼)day is anything but happy.It is found that Rochester has already had a wife.called Bertha,who is insane*(精神失常的).Jane is heartbroken and runs away from Thomfield Luckily,t

30、wo sisters,Diana and Mary,and their older brother St.John help her and allow her to stay in their house.St.John finds Jane a job as a teacher in a village.One night she hears Rochesters voice calling to her.She hurries back to Thornfield Hall only to discover it has burned to the ground.Bertha loses her life in the fire,and Mr Rochester loses his sight.She finds him out,and they rebuild their relationship*(关系).They get married and live happily ever after.1.Why did Charlotte

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