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1、编辑外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册必修15外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册(必修1-5) 必修1单词与短语Module 1【单词】1. academic adj. 学术的2. enthusiastic adj. 热心的3. amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的4. information n. 信息5. brilliant adj. 极好的6. instruction n. 指示;说明7. method n. 方法8. bored adj. 厌烦的;厌倦的9. embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的10. attitude n. 态度11. behavior n

2、. 行为;举动12. previous adj. 以前的;从前的13. amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的14. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的15. impress v. 使印象深刻16. encouragement n. 鼓励;激励17. fluency n. 流利;流畅18.misunderstanding n. 误解19. disappointed adj. 失望的20. disappointing adj. 令人失望的21. system n. 制度;体系;系统22. disappear v. 消失23. move v. 搬家24. assistant

3、 n. 助手;助理25. cover v. 包含【短语】1 in other words 换句话说2 look forward to doing期待;盼望3 at the start of 在开始的时候4 at the end of 在结束的时候5 go to college 上大学6 be divided into 被(划)分成7 take part in 参加8 the difference between A and BA和B之间的区别 be different from 不同于differ from 不同于1 be similar to 和相似1 write down 写下;记下1 n

4、othing like 一点儿也不像1 have fun 过的愉快 make fun of 取笑/嘲弄1 A+be+times+as+adj+as+B A+be+times+adj比较级+than+B A+be+times+the+noun+of+B1 the same as 和一样1 How are you doing? 你过得怎么样?1 be impressed with对印象深刻、Module 2【单词】9 amusing adj. 有趣的;可笑的10 energetic adj. 精力充沛的11 intelligent adj. 聪明的12 nervous adj. 紧张的;焦虑的13

5、 organized adj. 有组织的;有系统的14 patient adj. 耐心的15 serious adj. 严肃的16 shy adj. 害羞的;羞怯的17 strict adj. 严格的;严厉的18 impression n. 印象19 avoid v. (故意)避开20 completely adv. 十分地;完全地21 immediately adv. 立即;即刻; conj. 一就2 appreciate v. 感激2 admit v. 承认2 scientific adj. 科学的1 literature n. 文学1 loudly adv. 大声地1 wave v. 挥

6、(手);招(手)1 respect v/n. 尊敬;尊重1 period n. 一段时间1 topic n. 话题;题目1 discipline n. 纪律1 relationship n. 关系1 formal adj. 正式的1 relaxed adj. 轻松的;松懈的;宽松的1 similarly adv. 同样地;类似地1 grade n. 成绩;分数1 vacation n. 假期【短语】22 make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚23 make progress 取得进步24 as a result 结果25 in fact 事实上26 fall asleep 睡着27 be

7、 patient with sb 对有耐心28 be strict with sb in sth在某方面严格要求某人1 be popular with 受欢迎2 at any time 在任何时候;随时2 explain sth to sb 向某人解释2 be on time(for/to do sth) 准时2 in fact 实际上,事实上2 admit doing sth 承认做过某事3 avoid doing sth 避免做某事3 be true of 和情况相同 Module 3【单词】29 distance n. 距离30 abandoned adj. 被遗弃的31 desert

8、n. 沙漠32 expert n. 专家33 product n. 产品34 scenery n. 风景;景色35 journey n. 旅程36 train v/n. 训练37 seaside n. 海滨38 frighten v. 使吃惊;惊讶39 apartment n. 公寓;单元住宅40 interview n. 面试;面谈41 interviewer n. (面试)考官;面谈者42 event n. 事件43 exhausted adj. 疲惫不堪的44 downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的45 ceremony n. 仪式【短语】46 get on 上(车/船等)47

9、get off 下(车/船等)48 get into 上(小汽车)49 get out of 下(小汽车)50 take off (飞机)起飞51 be short for 是的缩写/简称52 notany more 不再53 out of date 过时54 refer to 指的是;参考refer toas 把看作3 in the 1920s (年代表达法)3 for the first time 第一次3 all the time 一直3 play with 和玩;玩4 at a speed of. 以的速度 Module 4【单词】55 survey n. 调查56 neighborh

10、ood n. 四邻;街坊57 local adj. 地方的;局部的58 suburb n. 城郊;郊区59 attractive adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的60 fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的61 pretty adv. 很;相当62 sound v. 听起来63 tourist n. 旅游者;观光者64 bother v. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦65 rent n. 租金;v 租赁66 approach v. 接近67 harbor n. 海港68 gorgeous adj. 美丽的;宜人的69 architecture n. 建筑70 starve v. 饿死71 park v

11、. 停车72 traffic n. 交通73 organization n. 组织74 unemployed adj. 事业的;没有工作的75 household n. 家属,家人76 occupation n. 职业77 professional adj. 专业的78 manual adj. 用手的;手的79 employment n. 就业;工作;职业80 exchange v. 交换81 fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的82 afford v. 买得起;有能力支付83 survive v. 死里逃生;大难不死84 contact v. 联络;联系(某人)31. comm

12、ittee n. 委员会【短语】85 put up 修建;张贴;提供食宿86 so far 到目前为止87 up to now 到目前为止88 till now 到目前为止89 get away from 摆脱90 a great many 许多;大量91 a number of 许多;大量92 go up 上升93 feel fortunate (in)doing sth 因有机会做某事而感到幸运4 a second又一个(注意 “a”的用法)4 cant afford (to do) sth负担不起(做)某事4 more and more + adj比较级:越来越4 make money

13、赚钱 Module 5【单词】94 liquid n. 液体95 expand v. 膨胀96 contract v. 收缩;n. 合同97 stage n. 阶段;舞台98 conclusion n. 结论99 reaction n. 反应100 electricity n. 电101 electrical adj. 电的;用电的102 equipment n. 设备103 react v. 反应104 ordinary adj. 普通的105 steam n. 蒸汽106 float v. 漂浮107 form v. 形成;n.表格;形式108 balance n. 平衡; v. 使平衡1

14、09 facility n. 设施110 lecture n. 报告;讲座111 department n. (大学里的)系112 astonished adj. 惊讶的113 substance n. 物质114 oxygen n. 氧气115 flame n. 火焰【短语】116 addto 往加入117 used to 过去(常常)118 in the area of 在领域119 be proud of 为赶到骄傲/自豪take pride in120 be supposed to 理应;应当121 in order 整齐;秩序/状况良好out of order 混乱;杂乱122 at

15、 the top/bottom of 在的顶端/底部123 do/carry out an experiment 做实验124 go ahead (表示鼓励/允许)说吧/做吧125 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事126 in the last twenty years 在过去的20年中 Module 6【单词】127 contain v. 包含;包括128 access n. 接近;通路129 source n. 来源;出处130 accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的131 defense n. 保护;防卫132 create v. 创造;发明1

16、33 design v. 设计134 document n. 文件135 invention n. 发明136 permission n. 许可137 military adj. 军事的;军队的138 definite adj. 明确的139 fantastic adj. 极好的;美妙的140 independent adj. 独立的141 pass v. 超过142 frequently adv. 频繁的143 disadvantage n. 弊端;缺点144 average adj. 平均的145 shorten v. 缩短20. software n. 软件21. data n. 数据【

17、短语】146 consist of 由组成147 as well 也148 go down 下降149 come up with 提出150 from that moment on 从那时起from now on 从现在开始from then on 从那时起1 compared with 与相比1 asas possible 尽可能的2 spend time/money on sth/(in)doing sth花费时间/金钱在某事物上/做某事3 with the help of 在的帮助下5 dont hesitate to do sth 别犹豫做某事5 take out 取出;拿出;扣除 必

18、修2单词与短语 Module 1【单词】151 diet n. 饮食;日常食物 vt. 照医生的规定饮食152 fit adj. 健康的,强健的153 rare adj. 稀少的,罕有的154 toothache n. 牙痛155 unhealthy adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的156 wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的157 rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地158 anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 159 injure vt. 伤害160 painful adj. 疼痛的161 normal adj. 正常的,一般的162 head v. 朝方向前进163 ey

19、e vt. 注视;观看164 overweight adj.(人)太胖的;超重的165 breathe vi.呼吸166 awful adj. 可怕的;吓人的167 insurance n. 保险【短语】168 be on a diet / go on a diet 节食;吃限定食物1 be fit for 适于, 适合; 胜任be fit (for sb.) to do (某人)适合做某事1 be anxious about sth 为而担忧,忧虑be anxious for sth / be anxious to do sth. 渴望1 have a pain in sth. 身体某个部位

20、疼 be in pain 疼痛,在苦恼中 No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。take pains to do sth 尽力去做某事1 return to normal 恢复常态2 head for 朝着方向走去;往去2 breathe in / out 吸入 / 呼出take/draw a deep breath 深呼吸hold ones breath 屏住呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气3 be connected with 和有联系;有关系4 would rather do 宁愿做would rather do than = would do rather t

21、han宁愿做而不愿做6 be crazy about sth. 对着迷,为疯狂6 take exercise 做锻炼5 translate into 把翻译成5 in ones opinion 据某人看来5 have a temperature 发烧4 lie down 躺下3 begin with 以开始2 put into 将投入2 become ill 生病 Module 2【单词】169 addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的170 reduce vt. 减少171 nearby adj. 附近的172 criminal n. 罪犯173 illegal adj. 违法的;不合

22、法的174 likely adj.可能的175 disagree vi. 不同意;意见不合176 ban vt. 禁止177 horrible adj. 令人不快的;极讨厌的178 affect vt. 影响;对有坏影响的179 recognise vt. 认识;认知;认出180 gymnastic adj. 体操的 【短语】181 break into 破门而入;182 belong to 属于183 in order to 为了184 so as to 使得,以致;如此以致于185 give up 放弃(念头希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输,3 be addicted to 对上瘾,着迷a

23、ddict oneself to 沉溺于3 in danger (of ) 在危险之中4 reduce by 减少了 reduce to 减少到5 commit a crime 犯罪7 be likely to do = It is likely that 可能做某事7 a ban on sth. 禁令,禁止 (n.)ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事6 die of / die from 死于6 be related to = be connected with 和有关6 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 提供某人某物offer

24、 to do sth. 主动提供帮助做某事,愿意做某事5 steal sth. from sb. 偷某人某物rob sb. of sth. 抢某人某物4 take / follow sb.s advice 听取某人建议3 break the law 违法3 do a survey 作调查2 in public 当众地,公开地2 arrest sb. for sth. 因为某事逮捕某人2 make a list of 列一张的单子2 instead of 代替 Module 3【单词】186 audience n. 听众187 conductor n. 指挥188 musician n. 音乐家

25、189 court n. 宫廷190 director n. 指挥191 genius n. 天才192 lose vt. 失去;丢失193 talent n. 天分;天赋;才华194 compose vt. 作曲;创作195 tour vt. 巡回演出196 catchy adj. 动人的197 complex adj. 复杂的198 influence vt. 影响199 solo adj. 独奏的200 tune n. 曲调201 record vt. 录音202 lecturer n. (大学的)讲师203 mix vt. 使混合【短语】204 lose oneself in 专注于,

26、沉浸于lose interest in 对失去兴趣lose oneself = lose ones way 迷路lost in thought 陷入沉思205 have a talent for (doing) sth. = have a gift for (doing) sth. 在某方面有天赋206 keep a record of sth. 记录,记载break a record 破纪录set a record 创纪录hold a record 保持纪录207 split up 分裂 208 be successful in sth. 在某方面成功succeed in doing sth

27、. 成功做某事209 be impressed with / by 对留下印象210 be known as = be famous as 作为而著名be known for = be famous for 因而著名be known to 为所知的211 mix with 把与混合212 make a note of 记录 Module 4【单词】213 contemporary adj. 当代的214 delightful adj. 令人愉快的; 可爱的215 traditional adj. 传统的;习俗的216 alive adj. 有活力的;有生气的217 aspect n. 方面21

28、8 imitate vt. 临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效219 observe vt. 观察; 注意到220 reality n. 真实; 现实;逼真221 style n. 风格222 adopt vt.采纳; 采用223 aim vt. 以为目标;打算;224 stand vt. 忍受225 unusual adj. 不寻常的,非凡的226 exhibition n. 展览227 expression n. 表现;表达228 landscape n. 风景; 景色; 风景画;山水画4 portrait n. 画像; 肖像; 人像4 realise vt. 领悟;了解; 实现;实行3 realis

29、tic adj. 现实主义的;写实主义的3 destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏【短语】229 with delight 高兴地to ones delight 令某人高兴的是delight sb. with sth. 用使某人高兴,喜悦2 in all aspects 从每一个角度2 observe sb. do sth. / observe sb. doing sth2 aim at (doing) sth. / aim to do sth. 以做某事为目的,目标 是做某事,打算做某事aim at 用瞄准2 have a dislike of / for 不喜欢take a dislike to 不喜欢4 be / get tired of 对厌烦be tired from 因而疲倦4 develop an interest in 对产生兴趣5 tell by 根据辨别6 be fond of 喜欢8 more than 不只,不仅仅8 a series of 一系列7 happen to 发生在某人/某物身happen to do sth.

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