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1、优质小学英语外研版四年级上册五英610模块达标题五年级英语(上册)质量检测题Module 6 Shef-assessment 命题人:高密市东关小学 毛凤玲听 力 部 分(41分)一.听音选出你所听到的单词,将其代号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( )1.A.well B.will C.wheel( )2.A.see B.say C.sell ( )3.A.any C.many ( )4.A.can C.cant ( ) 5.A.tell B.tea C.team二.听音选出与你听单词属于同一类选项,将其代号填入题前括号内(5分)( )1.A.catch B.climb C

2、.really ( ) 2.A.well B.good C.bad( ) 3.A team B.control ) 4.A.our C.they ( ) 5.A.goalkeeper B.letter C.fantastic 三. 听音,选出你听到的单词的反义词或对应词。(5分)( )1、A.bad B.badly C.good D.right ( ) 2、A.up B.tall C.high D.on( ) 3、A.their B.there C.hear D.bear ( ) 4、A.last B.list C.that D.right( ) 5、A.wen

3、t B.come C.walk D.take 四、听音选出与你所听单词组成短语最合适的一项。(5分)( )1.A.the ball B.the wall ( )2.A.good B.well ( )3.A.a fantastic B.badly( ) B.jump. ( )5.A.climb up B.put up五、听音判断你听到句子与所给图意是否相符,相符写T否则写F。(10分)1. 2 3 4 5 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) 六、听音判断所听句子与下列句子意义是否相符,是写T,否写F。 (5分) ( )1.How well do you play fo

4、otball?( )2.Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.( )3.She wasnt very good at basketball in China.( )4.Can you control the ball?( )5.You cant jump really high.七、听音完成下列句子。(6分)1、Can you _the ball? Very badly,sorry.2、You can be a good _.3、You can play football_.4、Lingling is a _pupil.5、Sam can jump _high.

5、 6、I can _up any wall.笔 试 部 分(59分)一、词形转换。(10分) 1.well (同义词) _ 2.well (反义词) _ 3.catch (三单)_ 4.badly(形容词)_形式)_ 6.cant(过去式)三单)_ 8.bad(比较级)_9.good(比较级)_ 10.bad(反义词)_二、英汉互译。(6分)1.擅长_2.一位极好的守门员 3.的确跳得高 4.踢足球好 5.控制球 6. 在我们的足球队里 三、选择题。(10分) ( )1、My brother can _a good boy. A.are

6、 D.were( )2、He can _the ball well. A.catches B.catching C.catch D.caught( )3、You can play football very _. A.good B.bad C.well D.nice( )4、You were very good _basketball _China. A.for , at B.for , in , for , in( )5、She _seashells at the seashore. A.sell B.sells C.selling D.sold( )6、He was g

7、ood at _English. A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D.spoke( )7、Can you run fast? A.Yes. I cant. B.No. I can. C.No. I cant.( )8、Are you good at table tennis? A.Yes. I are. B.Yes. I am. C.No. I am.( )9、Do you want_in our football team? is B.are be( )10、I am a _pupil. A.well B.badly C.good D.r

8、eally四、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(5分)。( )1.Can he sing well? A.Yes. She can dance well.( )2.Is she good at dancing? B.No. he cant.( )3.What can they do well? C.Yes. I am.( )4.Are you good at table tennis? D.Theyre good at running. They can run fast.( )5.Is she a good footballer? E.No. She plays football badly.五、

9、你能为下列汉语句子选择合适的英语译文吗?(8分)( )1.你能跑得快吗?A.You can run fast. B.Can you run fast?( )2.我能接好球。A.I can catch the ball well. B.Can you catch the ball well?( )3.我认为我能做好那件事。A.I think I can do that badly.B.I think I can do that well.( )4.所以你能成为一位好的守门员。 A.You can be a fantastic goalkeeper. B.So you can be a good

10、goalkeeper.六、连词成句。(10分)1.Lingling, can, football, well, you, play _2.a, fantastic, Lingling, goalkeeper, is, do, to, our, you, in, football, want, be _4.can, high, but, jump, you, really, you, good, China, basketball, were, at, very, _七、阅读理解,根据短文为下面的句子标正确(T),错误(F)(10分)Miss Wang is an E

11、nglish teacher in a primary school.She tecches English very well.She often gets up early everyday.And she goes to school early.She works very hard all day.She plays ping pong with her pupils.After school,she goes home at five in the afternoon.She has dinner at six.Then she does her work in the room.

12、She has a little bird.And she loves it very much.She plays with it in the evening.( )1、Miss Wang is a teacher of English.( )2、She goes to school very late. ( ) 3、Miss Wang plays football with her pupils. ( ) 4、She has dinner at home. ( ) 5、Miss Wang has a little cat and she likes it very much.五年级(上册

13、)英语模块检测题Module7 Community命题人:高密市东关小学 曲雪听力部分(43分)一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1. A.find B.blind C.send ( )2. A.little B.letter C.let ( )3. A.hear B.bear C.there ( )4. A.these B.theres C.please ( )5. A.walk 二、听音,选出与你所听单词组成短语最合适的一项。 (5分) ( )1. A.down B.up ( )2. B.girl ( )3. A.chicks

14、 ( )4. A.they B.them( )5. A.people B.there 三、听音,判断你听到的句子与下面所给的图意是否相符,相符的在括号内写T,不符的写F。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听音为下列图片排序。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听音,完成下列句子。(7分) 1. Theres a _about dogs. Dogs are very _. 2. These _ cant find people.3. Here is your _,hot dogs.4. This little girl cant _. Her father _her.5. Th

15、ey are _.六.听音判断所听句子与下列句子意义是否相符,是写T,否写F 。(10分) ( ) 1、Theres a programme about dogs.( ) 2、Heres your dinner, hot dogs.( ) 3、Can we have a dog, please?( ) 4、They cant walk. Their mothers help them.( ) 5.This old man cant sit down.笔试部分(57分)一、选出与其它二个不同类的选项。(5分) ( )1. A.sausage B.cake C.blind ( )2.

16、 B.chick C.sit ( )3. A.deaf B.useful C. programme ( )4. A.they B.her C.him ( )5. A.see B.hear C.firemen 二、英汉短语互译。(8分) 1.一个关于狗的节目 2. 看不见 3. 找到人们 4. 这些消防员 5. 帮助他们 6. 坐下 7. 这个小女孩 8. 这位老人 三、词形转换。(8分) 1. theres(同音词) 2.firemen(单数) 3. can(否定式) 4. find(对应词) 5. use(形容词) 6. cant hear(用一词表示) 7.cant see(用一词表示)

17、8. help(三单) 四、选择题。(8分) ( )1. The little boy cant walk.His father _him. B.helps C.helping( )2. Theres a programme _ dogs. A.on B.about C. to ( )3.These chicks _ eat. Their mother helps them. A.isnt B.arent C.cannot ( )4. Here _ your dinner, hot dogs. C. are ( )5. -_ you swim? - No, I

18、 cannot. A.Is B. Are C. Can( )6. -Can we have a dog,please? -_. A.No,you cant. B.Yes,you cant. C.No, you can. ( )7. This girl is blind.She cant _. A.hear B.laugh C.see( )8. This boy is deaf. He cant _. A.hear B.see C.listen 五、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(8分)( )1.Can Lanlan swim? A Yes, I can.( )2.Who can ride a bi

19、ke? B No, she cant.( )3.I cant stand up.Can you help me? C.Sam can ride a bike.( )4.Can you hear me? D.Yes. Sure.六. 连词成句。(10分) 1.we, have, dog, a, can, please ? 2.programme, dogs, a, there, is, about . 3.firemen, cant, people, find, these . 4. very , are , these , useful , dogs ., hot dogs, you

20、r, here, dinner_.七.根据短文内容判断句子对错,对写T,错写F。(10分) Today is Fangfangs birthday. Her father brings her a new friend. Its a doll. The doll is very interesting. It can talk. Fangfang says,“What can you do?”The doll says,“I can do many things. I can see. I can hear. I can sing and dance. I can speak Chinese

21、well. But I cant speak English well. Can you speak English well?”Fangfang says,“Yes, Im good at English. I can sing English songs well. Lets sing together.” “OK.”The doll says. They sing English songs together. They become good friends.( )1.The doll can speak English well.( )2.Fangfangs friend bring

22、s the doll to her.( )3.The doll can sing and dance.( )4.Fangfang can speak English well.( )5. The doll cant be a good friend to Fangfang.五年级(上册)英语质量检测题Module 8 School命题人:高密市东关小学 毛凤玲听力部分(44分)一、听音,将听到的单词序号填入括号中。(5分)( ) 1. A.would C.word ) 2. A.ship B.skipped C.skipping D.skips( ) 3. A.

23、take B.took D.walk( ) 4. A.wear B.near C.hear D.dear( ) 5. A.well B.will C.bell D.wheel二、听音,选出与你所听单词组成短语最合适的一项。 (5分) ( )1. A.where B.what ( )2. A.take my my ( )3. A.the classroom B.the window ( )4. )5. A.catch B.have 三、听音,判断你听到的句子与下面所给的图意是否相符,相符的在括号内写T,不符的写F。(6分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3

24、.( )4. ( ) 5 .( ) 6.( )四、听音,为你所听单词选择正确的对应词或反义词。(5分)( )1.A.start )2.A.came B.come( )3.A.find B.take( )4.up B.on( )5.A.beautiful B.before五、听音,给下列答语排序。(10分) ( ) I get up at half past seven. ( ) No ,we dont. ( ) Yes ,Id love to. ( ) They went to Beijing. ( ) OK. 六、听音,完成下列句子。(8分) 1、_you like to c

25、ome to school with us?2、My school _at nine oclock.3、Do you do _every morning.4、We play in the _ _nine oclock.5、Lets take my _rope.6、I like Amy _with me.7、The bell _at 9 oclock.七、听音,与你所听到的内容相符的写T,不符的写F。(5分) ( ) 1、What time does school finish?( ) 2、Do you do exercises every morning?( ) 3、What time do

26、you go to bed?( ).4、You can skip very well.( ) 5、We play in the playground after nine oclock.笔试部分(56分)一、选出与其它三个不同类的选项。(5分) ( )1. )2. A.cake B.tea )3. A.winter B.worker C. summer ( )4. A.get B.walk C.time( )5. A.rang B.sing C.skipped二、将下列短语译成英语。(8分) 1.什么时间_ 2.做体操_

27、3.在操场上_ 4.带着我的跳绳_5.开始上学_ 6.跟女孩们一起跳_7.走进教室_ 8.跳绳跳得非常好 三、词形转换。(8分) 1.start(三单) 2.near(反义词) 3.skip(过去式) 4.ring(过去式) 5.dont(过去式)三单) 7.get up(反义短语) 8.exercise(复数) 四、选择题。(15分) ( )1.Would you like _with me ? A.skipping B.skipped skip skipping ( )2.Amy often _to school. A.walk B.walks C.walk

28、ed D.walking ( )3.Hes _friend. A.Sams and Toms B.Sams amd Tom C.Sam and Toms D.Sam and Tom ( )4.They can play football_. A.good B.bad D.badly ( )5.She always _up at six every day.But she _up at half past six yesterday. A.get ,get ,got C.gets ,got ,gets ( )6.Lets _good friends. A.are D.being ( )7.I like Amy_with me. A.skipping B.skiping C.skip D

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