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1、英语二级考试选择题1.Their victory is out of _C_, for theyve lost too many men. A question B questions C the question D a question2.“Where is your father?” “Oh, _B_”.A he here comes B here he comes C here comes he D here does he come3.Which is the largest number of the following? _C_.A Fifty percent 50% B Two

2、 divided by three 2/3 C Zero point eight0.8 D Seventy percent70%4.The company is very famous _A_ the high quality of its products.A for B in C by D with5Our factory has_D_. A. many fire equipments B. much equipment of fireC. many equipments of fire D. much fire equipment6.My teacher was made _A_ his

3、 teaching because of his poor health A to give up B give up C given up D giving up 7.Sometimes people just say eight-fifteen _D_ a quarter past eight. A out of B ahead of C because of D instead of8.I feel very helpless to see the _B_ telephone bill.A including B increasing C declaring D decreasing9.

4、I havent seen her for years, but I could still _A_ her voice on the phone.A recognize B realize C hear D know10.When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had_B_.A sunk B fallen C dropped D lowed11.The mountain is _A_ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.A nearly B near C neat

5、D neatlyFrankly, Id rather you _A_ anything about it for the time being.A didnt do B dont do C will not do D 13.Now we may be able to say _B_ between music and noise.A that what the difference B what the difference is C the difference is what D what is the difference 14.Mary realized she_C_ , A is m

6、ade fun of B was making fun of C was being made fun of D is being made fun of15. It _A_ this wayA used to be done B is used to doing C is used to do D used to do16. I _C_ stay home than go to the cinema. A would prefer B would better C would rather D had better17. Darwin did not mean to attack抨击 peo

7、ples different religious _B_.A belief B beliefs C believes D believs18.“How did you pay the workers?” “As a rule, they are paid by _C_.”A hour B an hour C the hour D hours19. We must try to avoid these mistakes _D_A repeat B repeating C be repeated D being repeated 20. Knowledge is more precious tha

8、n _D_.A something B anything C everything D anything else21.The sports meet was _D_ because of the heavy rain. A called for B called up C called on D called offThe nearest restaurant is closed, so we must look for food _A_.A elsewhere B nowhere C somewhere D anywhere 23. _B_ the bad storm Tom delive

9、red the newspapers on time. A In favor of B In spite of C In front of D In charge of 24. How long can we_D_against these attacks?A hold back 阻碍 B hold to固执 C hold up 举起 D hold out维持25. Many colleges can _A_ free training courses to help laid-off workers. A offer 提供 B pay C receive D manage设法26.The c

10、hildren are still _B_, waiting for their mother to come back.A waken B awake形容词,醒着的 C wake D awaken27 Internet can provide you with a lot of _D_.A answer B thing C question D information 28. Mike is always losing something. He is a _C_ boy.A careful B hopeful C careless D hopeless 29. If your neighb

11、ors are too noisy you can _C_ to them.A compete B combine C complain D compare30. Dont tell me Helen is still _A_ that red-haired boy!A thinking of 思念 B thinking over思考 C thinking out思维 D thinking through思考31. The light is too _D_ for me to see.A small B dark C smart D dim 32. Under the_C_ from abro

12、ad, Japan gave in and agreed to open its rice market to other countries.A force B threat C pressure压力 D in front of 33. The girl was _D_ for cleaning the room thoroughly. A pleased B prayed 祈祷 C practiced D praised34. The meeting _A_ at midnight and we all went home late.A broke up 结束 B broke off 打断

13、 C broke out D broke down35.The small pocket dictionary was _B_ into a larger one. A. expected B. expanded C. excited D. exhausted36._B_ for the traffic jam, I should have covered fifty miles. Had it not been .A. It has not been B. Had it not been C. Had it been D. Has it not been37. Everything _A_

14、if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.A. would have been destroyed B. will be destroyed C. would be destroyed D. will have been destroyed38.I seem to have met you _D_. A. some time B. ago C. yet D. before从前39. After all, we have_C_ some knowledge at this college. A. known 已知的 B. found C. obtained

15、D. studied研究40. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _A_ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never driver C. never driving D. never drive41. We have some accidents on this line, but no accidents _B_ since last winter. A. had occurred B. have occurred C. occur D. are occurring42.Mary _A_ be in Paris be

16、cause I saw her in town just a few minutes ago.A. cant B. mustnt C. may not D. neednt 43. Seldom _A_ TV during the day. A. do they watch B. they have watched C. are they watching D.they watch44. They have _D_ out of paper. I will give them some. A. finished B. spent C. used D. run45. Even great musi

17、cians require _C_ practice.A. convenient B. continual C. continuous D. contrary46. After ten years, all these youngsters became_B_.A. grown-up B. grown-ups C. growns-ups D. growns-up47. He would like to view difficulties _B_ a kind of challenge. A with B on C of D as48. Certainly there is no_B_evide

18、nce that living together increases the chance of sickness. A. secret B. scientific C. serious D. sensitive49. The boy lost his_B_ when he stepped on the icy road. A way B. balance C. weight D. direction50. Could you _A_me a favor by shutting the door ? A. do B. help C. get D. give 51. We looked at f

19、our cars today. The first two were far too expensive,but_C_ ones were reasonable priced. A. other B. others C. the other D. another52. China has launched a number of_B_satellites since the 1970s. A.information B. communication 通讯 C. TV D. message53. Water, when boiled, will_C_ steam. A . give away 远

20、离 B. give up C. give off D. give out54. It is an _A_ change that has taken place. A. amazing B. attempting 尝试 C. awaking 醒 D. amusing有趣55. Nothing must be allowed to _D_ with our plans for the weekend. A. influence影响 B. affect 影响 C. break D. interfere妨碍56. _C_ from the top of the hill, the city is j

21、ust like a garden. A. To see B. Having seen C. Seen D. Seeing57. _A_ night, a stranger knocked at the door. one night ,A. One B. A C. The D. /58. He died before he had _D_ his last novel in January. A. compared 比较 B. competed 竞争 C. complained D. completed59. He planned to take computer as his _C_.A.

22、 lesson B. subject C. major D. work 60. A student should _B_ good study habits if he hopes to be a top student. A. make B. develop C. discover D. get 61.I am very _D_ sitting on this old, broken chair. A. comfortably B. commonly 通常的 C. uncommonly D. uncomfortably62. Have you finished that book on ho

23、w to get yourself a_A_job? A. respectable B. capable 有才华的 C. considerable D. visible可能的63. If you dont do it for yourself, then do it for the _B_ of your parents.A. account B. sake C. purpose D. cause64. After a long discussion they still could not _B_ their teacher on the plan.A. agree to 同意 B. agr

24、ee with 同意 和。一致 C. agree at 在 D. agree on 达成一致 65. There was a free holiday for those who won the first _D_A. reward B. honor C. praise D. prize66. If you dont go, _A_ I. 如果你不去,我也不去。A. nor shall B. so dont C. neither do D. so do 67. The doctor was careful _A_ the patient the truth. be careful to do

25、sth, A. not to tell B. not having told C. not telling D. to not tell68. Youd better leave the_C_dog alone.A. sleepy B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepless69. This picture _A_ me of my school days. A. reminds B. remembers 记住 C. recalls 记忆 D. memorizes回忆70. I remember _B_ to the zoo by my father when I wa

26、s little. A. to have taken B. being taken C. taking D. have been taken 71. He _C_on offering them a ride in the heavy rain.A. went B. worked C. insisted D. spent 72.I have two novels. One is in English and _A_ is in Japanese.A. the other B. other one C. another D. other73.The group are waiting on _B

27、_ plane to take off.A. its B. their C. his D. her74. He was just about to jump up when he felt something _A_ near his feet. A. moving B. moved C. to move D. move75. Paul doesnt have to be made _C_. He always works hard.A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned76. All employees are given three week

28、s of _C_ each year. A. travel B. freedom C. vacation D. occasion77. He didnt know French, _C_ made it difficult for him to study at a university in France. A. that B. as C. which D. this78. Only when thousand of flowers bloom together _C_ here.A.spring will be considered B. spring can be considered

29、C. can spring be considered被视为 D. could spring be considering79.The reason I plan to go is _C_ if I dont. A.because she will be disappointed B. because she will have disappointmentC. that she will be disappointed D. for which she will be disappointed80. Grandma was _C_ her grandson when his mother k

30、nocked at the door.A. wearing 穿 B. putting on 穿上 C. dressing 打扮D. having on 戴81. Happiness and fun are _A_ experience. A. similar B. different C. simple D easy82. A _ B_ change takes place in paper when it burns. A. chemistry 化学过程 B. chemical 化学品 C. chemist D. medical83. Green is a_D_of blue and yellow. A. matter B. material C. mist D. mixture84. There are a few pages_C_. Please give me another copy. A. lost B. short C. missing 缺少 D. absent85.These things will be looked at before a_C_is made. A. demand B. decrease

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