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1、第一学期西南交通大学英语III第1次作业答案本次作业是本门课程本学期的第1次作业,注释如下:大学英语III 第1单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. Hello, may I speak to Mr. Clinton? _(A) Yes, I am Clinton.(B) Thank you for calling me.(C) This is Clinton speaking.(D) Yes, who are you?正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 当别人打电话来找某人,而你就是别人要找的人,可直接说 Speaking. 或 Its speaking./ Th

2、is is speaking. 而不能说 I am . 或 is me. 当你想知道是谁打的电话,应该说 Who is this? 或 Whos calling?/ Whos speaking? 不能说 Who are you? B项不符合本题的对话内容。2. ABC Company, may I help you? _(A) I am Jack. May I speak to Miss Jenny?(B) This is Jack speaking. May I speak to Miss Jenny?(C) This is Jack speaking. Can I find Miss Je

3、nny?(D) I am Jack. Can I find Miss Jenny?正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B 打电话时做自我介绍,应该说 This is / Its 不能说 I am 所以A、D两项都是错误的答案。当你想让某人接听电话时应使用 May I speak to ?而Can I find ?显得不太礼貌,也不符合英语电话用语习惯。3. Hello, I need to get in contact with Mr. Fox right away. _(A) Whats the matter, please?(B) Hi, Im listening.(C) Its Fox, wh

4、o are you?(D) Hold on, please.正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D get in contact with 和联系。该题题干是表明说话者有急事找福克斯先生,只有D项符合本题,Hold on, please. 请稍等一下。4. Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department? _(A) Yes, I cant.(B) No, somebody else is on the phone.(C) Sorry, the line is busy.(D) Yes. But you should wait.正确答案

5、:C解答参考:第一单元C 该题题干是请求接线员将电话转接财务部,而选项是接线员说的话。请求时可用Would you transfer this call to (电话号码)?接线员通常回答 Yes, Ill put you through. 但尝试后接不通或对方号码占线时,应说 Sorry, the line/number is busy/engaged. 也可再加上 Will you hold on? (不要挂断电话,让我再试一下好吗?)5. Hello, may I talk to Jerry? Sorry, he is out of the office right now. _ Yes

6、, thank you. (A) Can I help you?(B) What can I do for you?(C) Would you like to hold?(D) Would you like to leave a message?正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D 依据对话中的上下文推断可知要找的人不在,而接电话的人则询问是否需要帮捎个口信,故选D。6. Hi, is Thomas there? _(A) No, he is not there.(B) Sorry, Ill call him.(C) Hold on. Ill get him.(D) Yes, Thomas is

7、me.正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 当别人打电话来找某人而此人在时,可用Hold on. Ill get him/her. 意为“请别挂断,我去叫他/她。”若此人刚好不在,可用 Im sorry. He/She isnt in. 或 He/Shes out. 接下来还可以说 Can I take a message for him/her? 请别人留言。A项不太礼貌,且不符合英语习惯。B项说法不准确。D项不是电话用语。若你就是别人要找的人,可直接说 Speaking. 或 Its Thomas speaking. 而不能说 I am Thomas. 或 Thomas is me.7. He

8、llo, Id like to speak to Mr. Wang. Hes out to lunch now. _ Sure, thank you.(A) Sorry, you cant.(B) I dont know.(C) No, you cant.(D) Would you mind calling back later?正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D 依据对话中的上下文推断可知王先生出去吃午饭了,接电话的人则询问是否介意稍后再打电话,对方表示同意。其他A,B,C项都不符合题意。8. Excuse me, is this the Sales Department? _ I am so

9、 sorry.(A) Im afraid you have the wrong number.(B) You are wrong.(C) Whats wrong with you?(D) What are you talking about?正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A 根据上下文可知打电话的人一定是拨错电话号码了。在英语中,表达对方打错电话了可用“I am afraid you have the wrong number.”自己意识到打错电话则可以用“Im sorry. I must have misdialed./Im afraid I have the wrong number.”而

10、B,C,D三项则不够礼貌。9. Excuse me, its urgent Id like to talk to your manager. _(A) Yes, Ill make you through.(B) Sorry, can you tell me who you are?(C) Hold the line, please. Ill put you through.(D) Yes. But you have to wait.正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 只有C项符合用英语打电话的习惯,解答同4题。10. Hello, may I speak to Mike? _ Sorry, I

11、must have misdialed.(A) You are wanted on the telephone.(B) Theres nobody named Mike here.(C) Just a second, please.(D) Can I take a message for him?正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B 依据选项处的上下文来推断,一定是打错电话了,只有B项符合题意,其他三项都与上下文矛盾,故不能选。11. The accident was _ to careless driving.(A) for(B) likely(C) due(D) because正确答案:C解答

12、参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 【译文】这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。12. The news made the old lady very _.(A) sadder(B) sad(C) sadly(D) sadness正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 【译文】这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。13. He stressed that the disadvantages of the change would _ its advantages.(A) overtake(B) outweigh(C) overcome(D) b

13、eyond正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 【译文】这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。14. I cant find _.(A) a coat enough large(B) a large enough coat(C) a large coat enough(D) an enough large coat正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察enough的位置。enough adv. 足够地, 充分地,放在所修饰 的形容词后。 【译文】我找不到一件足够大的外套。15. Over a third of the population was estim

14、ated to have no _ to the health service.(A) assessment(B) assignment(C) exception(D) access正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D access to 使用,接近,或进入之途径或权利;assessment n. 估价; assignment n. 任务; exception n. 例外 【译文】估计有1/3以上的人口享受不到医疗保健服务。16. In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think. I dont agree

15、with you. Speaking is _ reading.(A) as important as(B) so important as(C) the most important(D) the same as正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A 此题考查“同等比较”的用法,句式中的“asas”结构意为“和一样”,其中的形容词或副词用原级。 【译文】 我认为英语学习中读比说重要。 .我不这么认为。说和读是同等重要的。17. His lectures on Roman history would do credit _ a real expert.(A) in(B) to(C) of(D) wi

16、th正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B do credit to 为带来光荣(荣誉) 【译文】他关于罗马史的讲座成就了他的专家美誉。18. Someone is knocking at the door _.(A) aloud(B) loud(C) loudly(D) aloudly正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察副词的辨析。aloud adv. 大声地(与cry,call,shout一类动词连用);loud adv. 高声地(与talk,speak,laugh,read等动词连用,放在动词之后);loudly adv. 响亮地, 大声地(使用范围较广,有时有“喧闹”的意味) 【译文】

17、有人在大声敲门。19. I fail to _ ever meeting her.(A) recall(B) pretend(C) plan(D) hope正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A 此题考察动词的辨析。recall 后面有宾语时,要接动名词形式;pretend假装;plan 计划;hope 希望 【译文】我想不起曾经见过她。20. I was _ by their kindness and moved to tears.(A) preoccupied(B) embarrassed(C) overwhelmed(D) counseled正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 此题考查动词意义辨

18、析。 preoccupy 使全神贯注;embarrass 使窘迫;overwhelm 使不知所措;counsel 劝告 【译文】他们的善意深深地感动了我,使我热泪盈眶。21. Doesnt the clown look _ ?(A) fun(B) laugh(C) laughter(D) funny正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D 此题考察形容词作表语。感官,感觉动词后面要求用形容词作表语,常见的有see、 appear、 look、sound、smell、taste、feel等。 【译文】这个小丑看上去不是很滑稽么?22. My camera can be _ to take picture

19、s in cloudy or sunny conditions.(A) treated(B) adjusted(C) adapted(D) remedied正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察动词意义辨析。 treat 对待,处理; adjust 调整,调节;adapt 使适应; remedy 治疗,纠正 【译文】我的照相机可以调节,不论阴天还是晴天都可以照相。23. The football game comes to you _ from New York .(A) lively(B) alive(C) live(D) living正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察形容词辨析

20、。lively 活泼的,活跃的;alive 活着的,活泼的;live 活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的;living 活的, 起作用的, 逼真的, 现存的 【译文】这场足球赛是从纽约实况转播的。24. I try to _ a few dollars each month in order to buy a new bike.(A) set up(B) set out(C) set off(D) set aside正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D set aside 留出(专用的时间或金钱); set up建立;set out 出发,开始; set off 出发,动身 【译文】为了买一辆新

21、的自行车,我尽力每个月都留出一些钱。25. With _ three inches of rain falling in a six-month period, the farmers found it necessary to irrigate the land.(A) less than(B) fewer than(C) little than(D) less few than正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A 此题考察比较级的用法。首先排除C和D,二者都是错误的表达。只能选A,less than用在表示一定时间、数量或距离的复数名词前,意思是“少于”,属于固定搭配。 【译文】由于在六个月里

22、的降水量只有不到三英寸,农民们感到有必要灌溉农田了。26. Clark felt that his _ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.(A) apprehension(B) appreciation(C) presentation(D) participation正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D 此题考查后缀 -tion和 sion构成的名词辨析。apprehension 理解; appreciation 欣赏; presentat

23、ion 陈述; participation 参与 【译文】克拉克认为能参加有史以来最令人激动的医学实验,再苦也值得。27. He bought a _ carpet yesterday.(A) large beautiful green Chinese(B) Chinese beautiful large green(C) beautiful large green Chinese(D) Chinese green beautiful large正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察数个形容词同修饰一个名词时的排序。一般是“表示特性的词(nice, good, etc.)大小年龄形状颜色国

24、籍、地区、出处”,如:the tall young American policeman。 【译文】他昨天买了一张既美丽又宽大的绿色中国地毯。28. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he _ by then.(A) would have arrived(B) must have arrived(C) should arrive(D) arrived正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A otherwise 引出的与过去事实相反的虚拟语气 【译文】他说司机一定出事了,要不然那时他应该已经到了。29. I will

25、 give you some picture books. The _, the _.(A) more; better(B) many; better(C) most; best(D) much; better正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A 考查“The +比较级,the +比较级”结构的用法。 【译文】我会给你一些图画书。越多越好。30. Its very _ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.(A) concerned(B) careful(C) considerable(D) considerate正确答案:D解答参考:

26、第一单元D 此题考察形容词的辨析。considerate 考虑周到的;be concerned for/ about/ with 对关心; be careful of/ about/ with 对当心;considerable 相当大(多)的,值得考虑的 【译文】婴儿睡着了你就小声说话,你真是考虑的太周到了。31. Dont blame the youth. I think the young generation is _ of trust.(A) worth(B) worthy(C) worthless(D) worthwhile正确答案:B解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察相近形容词的辨析。

27、worth 值钱的,值的看中的(be worth (doing) sth.);worthy 有价值的, 应的(be worthy of sth. 应得某事物);worthless 无价值的,无益的;worthwhile 值得做的,值得出力的(its worthwhile doing/to do sth.) 【译文】不要责怪年轻人。我认为年轻一代应该得到信任。32. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and home growth food.(A) tied(B) bound(C) inv

28、olved(D) associated正确答案:D解答参考:第一单元D tie 和involve不与with搭配 bound可以做“联系”讲,但是搭配是be bound up with。 【译文】人们常常把健康的生活与开阔的乡村和自家种的食物联系在一起。33. The new edition of this book is _ expensive than the old one .(A) fewer(B) more much(C) less(D) a little正确答案:C解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察形容词比较级。 【译文】这本书的新版本比旧版本便宜。34. Being deaf has

29、nt stopped Karen _ her ambition to be a hairdresser.(A) fulfilling(B) finishes(C) fulfills(D) finishing正确答案:A解答参考:第一单元A fulfill v. 实现;finish v. 完成;stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻碍某人做某事 【译文】耳聋并没有能阻碍凯伦实现她成为一名理发师的理想。35. This street is much _ than that one.(A) straight(B) straighter(C) straightest(D) more straighter

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