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1、高等教育自学考试英语全国统一命题试题及答案doc加翻译2011年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)试卷Vocabulary and Structure(10points 1 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.You may use bike provided you give it back to me tomorrow morning.A. unless B. provided C. though D. because2.He could not hold back his tears on hearing that h

2、e was not admitted to the university A. hold up B. hold back C. get over D. get through3.Good parents have the ability to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth with their childrenA. on B. for C. with D. to4.The teacher required that all errors should be eliminated eliminated before the

3、 students turn in their term paper.A. deported B. eliminated C. deprived D. implemented5.A person is lucky if his career coinciders with his interest and hobby.A. concerns B. competes C. coinciders D. compares6.Out sleep influences our mood. our mood, in return affects our performance.A. in return B

4、. in vain C. in short D. in turn7.It was considerate of you not to disturb us while we were sleeping.A. considerate B. considering C. considerable D. considered8.Id appreciate it very much if you could make some remarks on my recent article at the conference.A. requests B. references C. remarks D. r

5、estrictions9.He is so absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems unaware of whats going on in the room.A. so B. each C. very D. much10.No sooner had I reached had I reached home than Michael arrived with Jane in his car.A. did I reach B.I had reached C. had I reached D.I reached.Cloze Test(10point,1

6、 point each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。It is difficult to escape the influence of television. If you fit the statistical messages, by the age of 20 you will have been at least 20,000 hours of television. You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived after

7、the age of 20 The only things Americans do more than them watch the television are work an sleep.Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours Five thousand, I am sold, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working in a bachelors degree. In 10,000 hours you cord

8、ed have learned several lauguages fluently, you could be reading Shakespeare in the original,and you could have walked around the world the world and written a book about these hours.The trouble with television is that it discourages concentrations. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life

9、requires some constructive effort .The dultest , the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem remarkable to those who never concertrate on anything .But television encourages us not to make any effort It makes the time pass without gain. 这是难以逃脱电视的影响。如果您符合统计信息,20岁的你会一直esposed.to至少20,000小时的电视。美

10、国人做的比他们更看电视是唯一的东西,你已经活过20岁后每10年工作的一个睡眠可以增加1万小时。计算了一下有什么可以做,甚至一个小时五千年的那些,我卖了,是一个典型的大学本科花费学士学位。 10,000小时绳,已掌握了lauguages流利,你可以读莎士比亚在原有的和世界的世界,你可以四处走动,并写了一本有关这些小时。电视的麻烦是,它不鼓励浓度。几乎所有的东西有趣和有益的生活中需要一些建设性的努力。dultest,至少有天赋的,我们可以实现的事情,似乎显着那些从来没有谁concertrate任何东西,但电视鼓励我们不作任何努力,这让时间过得无增益。 B. under C. for

11、D. B. from C. after D. before13.A.decades B. hours C. years D. things14.A.spends B. casts C. takes D. uses15.A.origin B. beginning C. source D. original16.A.written B. write C. wrote D. writing17.A.what B. that C. which D. why18.A.requests B. asks C. orders D. requires19.A.what B. whose C.

12、 which D. B. time C. effort D. skill.Reading Comprehension(30point,2points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage oneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Michael Stadtlander set Torontos restarant world on fire in the 1980s with his original food, and

13、eastablished a national and international fame. In 1994,however,he decided to leave the city restaurant scene and seek a quiet life in the country, where he has been preparing meals on his farm two hours borth of Toronto and asks guests to bring their own wine.Not long ago, Stadlander was charged wi

14、th selling liquer without a licence, He said when a guest asked for wine at a dinner in December, he provided two bottles from his private stock.But the customer turned out to be an undercover Ontario Provincial Police(OPP)officer who returned a few days later along with four armed officers to seize

15、 83 bottles of wine,and to search the farmhouse for records. The punishment could run as high as $100,000 in fines and a year in jail.When Mr and Mrs Smisth arrived at the farm on a weekend befre Christmas, they said that it was their annual celebrstion and asked if they could get some wine.Nobuyo,S

16、tadtlanders wife,told them the policy was thar guests peovide their own.Given the occasion, though, Stadtlander agreed to provide a bottle of white wiee from own cellar,at cost,as a favor, Later, Mr Smith asked for a second bottle and a detailed receipt that included the price of thr wine.He turned

17、out to be OPP Detective Paul Smith and “his wife,”an assistant who went as a witness.“I was shocked,”Nobuyo Stadtlander recalls.”How could thy do this to us when we did them a favor?We sold them our wine at our cost.”.But Mr.Smith say,” No.they made $20.”Stadtlander is determined to prove his innoce

18、nce and continue the business.“People who live in the area have been very supportive,” he says.”And when this is over,I want my wine back.” 在20世纪80年代,迈克尔Stadtlander设置多伦多的restarant的世界上的火,与他原来的食物,并eastablished国家和国际声誉。在1994年,然而,他决定离开这个城市餐厅现场,并在国内寻求一个安静的生活,他已经准备膳食对他的的农场2小时博思多伦多,请客人自带酒水。不久前,Stadlander被控无

19、牌销售liquer,他说,当一个客户问的葡萄酒晚餐12月,他提供了两瓶他的私人stock.But的顾客竟然是一名卧底安省省警( OPP)人员返回几天后,随着4名武装人员抓住酒83瓶,并搜索记录农家。高达10万美元的罚款和一年的监禁的处罚可以运行。当先生和夫人Smisth的在农场上的的周末befre圣诞节,他们说,这是其年度celebrstion,问他们是否可以得到一些wine.Nobuyo,Stadtlander的妻子,告诉他们的政策是塔尔客人peovide自己.之际,Stadtlander同意提供一瓶的白色wiee,自己的酒窖,在成本,是一种恩惠,后来,史密斯先生问的第二个瓶子和一个详细的收

20、据,其中包括苏氨酸的价格wine.He横空出世是OPP侦探保罗史密斯和他的妻子,“作为证人的助理。“我很震惊,”太太Nobuyo Stadtlander回忆说。“可能你如何做到这一点给我们时,我们对他们的忙吗?我们销售我们的葡萄酒在我们的成本。”,但史密斯先生说,“No.they提出20元。”Stadtlander决心证明自己的清白,继续经营。“谁住在该地区的人民一直非常支持,”他说,“当这一切都结束,我希望我的酒。”21.Stadtlander was accused because be sold wise to his guests without a license. Stadtlan

21、der被指控,因为他的客人们明智的无牌出售。A. be offered too much wine for a guestB. be asked guests to bring their own wineC. be charged too much for the wine offeredD. be sold wise to his guests without a license22.In the 1980s,Stadtlander made his restaurant well-known around the world. Stadtlander在20世纪80年代,他的世界各地的知名

22、餐厅。A. threw his original restaurant menu into the fineB. made his restaurant well-known around the worldC. sought for a quiet life in the central part of the cityD. opened one resyaurant after another home and abroad.23.IT turned out that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were police officers事实证明,史密斯先生和夫人是警察A. two

23、 farmersB. two witnesecs C. hasbend and wife D. police officers24.Nobuy Studtlander claimed that in the wine case they made no money Nobuy Studtlander声称,在酒的情况下,他们没有钱A.$1.20 B. no money C.$100,000 D. a lot of money25.Which of the following could be used as evidence against Stadtlander? A receipt with

24、 the wine price. 下列哪项可以使用作为对Stadtlander的证据吗?一个收到的酒的价格。A. What Stadtlanders wife said B. The second bottle of wine C. The records from the farmhouse.D.A receipt with the wine price.Passage TwoQuestions26 to 30 are based on the following passage.A recent study shows that sixteen out of every 100 Ameri

25、can couoles have violent confrontations of one sort or another during the course of a year. In six of these cases there is severe kicking, biting, punching or hitting with objects. Almost four of every 100 wives are seriously beaten by their husbands. three of every 100 children are kicked or punche

26、d by their parents. More than a third of all brothers and sisters severely attack each other.As expected, the incidence of violence is highest among the urban poor (many of them minoroties).blue-collar workers, people under 20 or without religious beliefs, families with a husband who is jobless and

27、those with four to six children. But the study also showed that violence occurs among wealthy families as well. Indeed, the wife of a university president once quietly called Straus, one of the sociologists who conducted the study, to ask what she could do about her husband, who often beat her. Stra

28、us suggested seeking assistance from marriage advisors.Steaus and his colleagues found out that there are various root causes that give rise to such behavior.“The reason are mixed psychological, sociological, situational,” says Straus.“The husband, for example, may feel under particular stress becau

29、se be has been out of work too long. Violence may also be an echo of the past,” Straus explains.“When Mummy gives her two-year-old a slap(巴掌)for putting something dirty in his mouth, he is learning from infancy that those who love you hit you.” Another reason may be the worsening economic situations

30、.“If we have a real economos decline, Its going to get worse,” economic situations.“If we have a real economic declines,its going to get worse,” says Gelles, one of Straus” colleagues.These sociologists have no easy answer to violence in the American family. While they welcome such move as the openi

31、ng of shelters for beaten wives and the establishment of a National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect, they belive that there must be more basic attack on vilolence,including the reduction of “macho”(大男子主义)themes on the television,the outlawing of physical punishment in schools and perhaps even the

32、 wlimination of death senernces.As Straus explains,“Volence is an acceptable solution to problems in American society,And that is how it is used in families.最近的一项研究表明,每100名美国couoles有16个在一年的过程中的一种或另一种的暴力对抗。在这些情况下,6脚踢,咬,冲压或打击的对象是严重的。几乎每100个妻子严重殴打自己的丈夫。每100名儿童中就有三个是脚踢或打他们的父母。超过三分之一的所有的兄弟姐妹们,严厉打击对方。正如所预期的,暴力的发生率是最高的城市贫民(许多minoroties)。蓝领工人,20岁以下或没有宗教信仰的人,与丈夫失业和四到六个孩子的家庭。但研究同时也表明,暴力发生在富裕的家庭。事实上,大学校长的妻子悄悄斯特劳斯,谁进行的研究的社会

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