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1、届初三基础题复习2015届初三基础题复习基础训练1四、词汇运用1. I have no idea which one to take between the (选择).2. The students all like their English teachers (活泼的)teaching style.3. It (要紧)a lot to me that you work with me as a team.4. Suddenly, a tall man rushed into the room, breathing (沉重地).5. Im sorry, but theyre not yet

2、up to the (safe) standards.6. The pilot was very excited because his first flight was wonderfully (succeed).7. Look! Some climbers are pulling (they) up the rocks.8. Theres no clear (divide) line between what is good and and what is bad.4. The walls (paint) green next week.5. I think you can easily

3、find an excuse to avoid (go) out with your boss.7、完成句子1.选择什么样的音乐取决于个人品位。Choosing what kind of music .3. 汤姆很饿,以至于几分钟内吃光了所有的汉堡包。Tom was all the hamburgers in several minutes.4. 里奥被迫缩短了他的假期。Rio his holiday.基础训练2Sorry ,we dont have the coat you need.A.what B.who C.whom D.whichNow I prefer using Wechat t

4、o send text (消息).He loves to share his (个人的)experiences with his friends.Mistakes are parts of being human because no one acts perfectly (正确的)all the time.Tom didnt want to risk (get) wet as he had only one suit.The captain (lead) his men onto the field just now.请把那些占据了太多空间的盒子搬走。Please move away the

5、 boxes .战争一爆发,史密斯一家就离开了中国。The Smiths left China .Millie will be late unless she (leave) right now.A new bridge (build) in 2017. We all look forward to it.基础训练3 Im sorry Ive taken up so much of your (宝贵的)time.I promise that this matter (take) care of next week.The thief managed (run) off, and Dan and

6、 Rick chased after him.Do you mind (help) me with my homework, Tom?You may wonder whether colours (influence) our moods. The local snack of that places tastes (wonder) good.When are you going to clean your (tidy) bedroom?This years Academy A wards will be (报道)live.作为一名医生,你再怎么仔细也不为过。You as a doctor.基

7、础训练4The book he bought yesterday ia very interesting.A. B.why C.when D.what The woman held her baby in her arms and watched him sleeping (宁静的).Just give me a (大体的)idea of the work.It was a pity that Kitty refused (join) us in the activity.Would you please (not trouble) him when he is reading English

8、?While I was watching a football match on TV, my twin brother (prepare) for the next days trip to Qingdao.These dictionaries (not take) out of the library again by you.领导期待我们能努力工作力争高标准。The leader expects us .那件手工打造的家具很值得购买。The piece of furniture. .基础训练5Id like to tell you about the table manners you

9、 should know when you visit Korea.A.which B.who C.what D.howMy friend suggested my (get) a job in a bank.Hundreds of jobs (lose) if the factory closes.If he doesnt say sorry to you, you (be) angry with him?The workers (mistake) him for manager this morning.If you develop the idea (更进一步),I will be in

10、terested in discussing it.The eye is blind if the mind (缺席的).This prevents hackers from (窃取)information from the main page.老师让我们仔细检查作业以防出错。The teacher told me mistakes.对于我们来说注意每一个细节是非常必要的。 every detail. 基础训练64、词汇运用1. I found a few middle-aged (夫妇)at the dining hall.2. China is a developing country w

11、ith the largest (人口).3. Its (提及)in the book that reading is a great source of enjoyment.4. Youre outgoing and confident, which means you are a (天生的)leader.A party (hold) tomorrow. Some workers are busily setting the table.-I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.-Oh, Im sorry I (have

12、) dinner at my friends home.生活就像是比赛,你要么领先要么落后。Life is like a race. You .除非你承诺按时回来,否则我不会让你进去的。I wont let you go out .基础训练7-What kind of music do you like?-I like music has great lyrics.A.that B.what C.who D.whose4、词汇运用1. The government is trying to improve our living (标准).2. Who can jump (远)in the lo

13、ng jump, Eddie or Hobo?3. The cowboy had difficulty (控制)all the horses.4. Each student was reading in (寂静)in the reading room at that time.Jim is such a (care) person that no one would like to work with him. We are told that a new factory (set) up here next week.My brother doesnt mind (share) his be

14、droom with me.哥哥已经多次告诫我要三思而行。My elder brother many times.基础训练8Toshkent is a very important city in (中央的)Asia.Believe in yourself, Tony, and you are sure to (成功).The poor lady who was robbed (scream) for help when I walked past.I wondered how Kitty (dig) such a deep hole by herself.We (not hear) from

15、 Uncle Wang for long. How is he now?The teacher expected all his students (come) to school on time.Can you tell me by whom the talk (give) tomorrow.Nobody wants to make friends with him if he always (ask) for much but gives little.随着科学技术的发展,我们将能解决更多的问题。 ,well be able to solve more problems.基础训练9What

16、 a (累人的)trip we had to Shanghai!What does he mean by (取消)his performance?She had a sleepless night because she was (worry) about her sick baby.I like watching American films, especially (west).Mike (not go) to the cinema with us as he had watched the film twice.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, the sports

17、 meet (hold) in the playground of our school.Can you teach me how (create) a new life?小男孩去了一个不为人知的地方真是很勇敢。It was brave of the boy .他太粗心了,这次没能避免犯同样的错误。He was the same mistakes this time.基础训练10Beethoven is one of the greatest (音乐家)in history.All your mistakes grew out of (粗心).Were all against (接受)Toms

18、 invitation because she is rude to us.I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw the (古代的)town with tall walls around it.You neednt worry about the (safe) of the children. They are so clever.A new hospital (build) to help more people next year.Do your parents allow you (go) to the park at the weekend?The

19、girl went to the dentists to have one bad tooth (pull) out yesterday.因为生病,凯特已经缺课三周了。Kate illness.瑞奥一回家就迫不及待地打开了电脑。Leo he became back home.爸爸鼓励我参加校队的选拔。Dad the school team.你认为那个对绘画有天赋的女孩怎么样?What do you painting?基础训练11We all speak highly of the scientist because of his great (成就).Changan was one of th

20、e (富有的)cities in the world in Tang Dynasty.All we need to know is where the (真相)lies.She (允诺)her brother that she would write to him.She tried to hide the (sad) and sorrow, but tears filled her eyes.We live on the (twenty) floor of the tall building.Many (Europe) like to take vacations in A ugust.Th

21、e visitors were forced (pay) even though the food was terrible in the restaurant.The young man (look) after carefully. Please dont worry.Everyone knows the table requires (clean).表哥真是粗心,以至于又一次把我错认成我得妹妹了。My cousin was my sister again.结果证明他与这次事故无关。It the accident.基础训练12Our teacher spent about half an

22、hour (解释)the problem to us.It was such a (surprise) result that we could hardly believe it!The young couple bought (they) a car for their honeymoon trip.A party (organize) tonight.Do you know which shop he went to (buy) the personal computer?我很难把学生们分成五组。I had 5groups.我们处于困境的时候,碰巧汤姆给我们提供了帮助。Tom when

23、we were in trouble.基础训练13I think the kid should be (表扬)for his honesty.Reading (广泛地)helps you know a lot about the world.Are you sure therere (different) between these two pictures?An operation (do) on the little dog by the doctor as soon as it is sent here.Your sister (do) her homework. Please turn

24、 down your radio.While we we re enjoying the beauty of nature, the guide (tell) us to pay attention to protecting the environment.Grace would rather go hiking than (stay) at home last Saturday.We must be careful to guard against (make) friends.你能告诉我谁在1969年成为第一个在月球上行走的人吗?Could you tell me in 1969?对我来

25、说与当地人交流没什么困难。Its not . 基础训练14-Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?-Id love to, I cant. I have a lot of homework to do.A.or B.but D.andThe place interested me most was the childrens palace.A.which B.where C.what D.whoIf you want a (持久的)change in your life, you need to change your

26、 lifestyle.Among these (乐器), he is the best at playing the violin.Harry is a thin boy with big dark eyes and (不整洁的)hair.The first year of the program is (分开)into four quarters.The housing problem (deal) with in a week.Are the family considering (travel) abroad next week?据说那儿的污染比你想象的要严重的多。Its .那些大小形状

27、不一的房子都是二十世纪八十年代建造的。The houses .基础训练15The computer last week has gone wrong.A.which I bought B.I bought C.what I bought D.I bought itI couldnt find any (地下的)parking place in the city center.I (也不)know him nor want to know him.He dreamt about (出现)at a wonderland last night.All of us have made great (进

28、步)in our english with the help of the new teacher.Do you agree that (friend) is worth more than money? Jack and John (not speak) to each other since they quarreled last year.I think about visiting new places, and I imagine (do) new things.除非你取消这次活动,否则我不会同意让你回来的。I wont agree the activity.王老师建议我们要时刻注意

29、细节。Miss Wang all the time.基础训练16From then on the excellent player had a (关系)with this club.Leo (指向)to the car under the tree and said, “ Its for my son.”Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us (patient).When I (see) him for the second time, he had grown into a tall young man.

30、Attention, please. We dont allow (swim) here.She told us she (contact) us as soon as she arrived in Paris.基础训练17The Smiths (成功的)drove back to the center of the city.What was the (人口) of Europe in 1900?The (最新的) news says that the underground will be in use in 2015.Never give up (想象)how bright your life will be.The man seems to be in his (fifty).

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