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2、角色朗读(可指定两组)(3)、其他同学认真听,指出朗读得不好的地方,并以自己认为好的方式来读。4、思考:(1)、这则寓言讲了一个什么故事?(生回答,师总结)(2)、寓言中,你最喜欢哪个角色?为什么?(学生各抒已见)(3)、读了这则寓言,你懂得了什么道理?(指名回答,师总结)5、总结你是怎样一步一步地读这则寓言故事的? 板书: 自由读故事生字、词语再读并归纳主要内容总结寓言所含道理(二)、运用上述方法自学神枪手打猎、麻雀排队。1、分组按以上方法学习神枪手打猎。(约10分钟)师提问:A、故事主要内容是什么?B、你最喜欢哪个人物?C、总结寓言中的道理。2、再读麻雀排队(约10分钟)(三)、师总结(约

3、2分钟)Unit 3 Science and natureReadingThe second periodLanguage points1. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can _ _ _ _,many people, _ some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind _ _ nature in this way, they may be _ _ _ _ _ a real-life Frankensteins mon

4、ster.(Lines2-7)另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人则持不同意见,他们担心如果人类用这种方式干涉自然,那就可能离制造一个现实生活中的弗兰肯斯坦怪物不远了。on (the) one handon the other (hand)一方面另一方面 On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction.(短语) at hand在手

5、边,在附近by hand亲手,手工 in hand手头现有的,正在进行,在处理 hand in hand手拉手Hands up! 举起手来! Hands off! 请勿动手!不许干涉point out 指出 He pointed out my mistake. 他指出我的错误。 point at/point to 指着,指向某人或某物(两个词组可互换使用)He pointed at/ to a picture.point at 对准,瞄准(某人用枪对准某人某物等) They pointed at her head but she was not afraid. point to 表明,指向(主

6、语为证据、时针以及宾语为某一方向时) The evidence points to him as the criminal.The hands of the clock pointed to half past three.The compass needle points to the north. toy with 戏弄;摆弄, 轻率地对待 She toyed with her pencil while she listened on the phone. You shouldnt toy with great issues. He toyed with the idea of writi

7、ng a play. on ones (the) way to doing sth. “正在做某事的过程中;即将,快要”. to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词短语 on ones/the way to something/ doing something 快要,将 (close to doing something)1) Im well on the way to completing the report. 我就快把报告写好了。3)He is on the way to becoming a doctor. 他就要成为医生了。2) More changes are on the way. 更

8、多的变化就要发生了。(短语) on ones (the) way to在去的途中 by the way顺便问问,顺便说说 by way of途经 in a way 在某种意义上,在某种程度上 in ones (the) way 挡路 in this way 用这种方式 in any way 无论怎样(练习) Ive just heard a warning _ the radio that a storm may be _ its way. A. on, on B. over, in C. on, above D. from, on2. However, in general the scie

9、ntists were praised for their wonderful scientific advance.(Line12-13)然而,总体来说,这些科学家还是因为其杰出的科学进展获得人们的赞誉。 in general 一般说来,从总体上看,大体上In general, red is the most popular color this season. (短语) in a general way 一般,通常 as a general rule 在一般情况下 generally speaking 一般来说praise (vi.&vt.&n.)表扬,赞扬,表彰 (短语)win high

10、 praise 受到高度赞扬 in praise of 赞扬(某人) beyond all praises 赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的 be loud in sb.s praise 对某人极力称赞 praise sb. for sth. 因某事而赞美/称赞某人(练习) 他因在数学考试中得了满分而受到表扬。(be praised for) He was praised for getting full marks in the Maths exam. 他做了一个赞美学校生活的演讲。He gave a speech in praise of school life. 他的基因研究受到了高度赞扬。 He

11、 was highly/greatly praised for his research on genes.3. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.(Line18-20) 但是,有些人认为怀着摧毁人类胚胎的意图来克隆人类胚胎是对人类生命的不尊重。with the intention of 为了,以为目的或意图 He has decided to go abroad to stud

12、y with the intention of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns. intention n. 意图, 目的, 打算,企图 What do you think was the authors intention in this passage? It wasnt my intention to fool you. Have you heard of her intention to resign? They have no intention of getting married at p

13、resent. I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did. (词组)without intention 无意地by intention 故意地 with good intention 善意地,诚意地 with the intention of 为了,以为目的 make ones intention clear 说清楚自己的目的 state/ announce ones intention 声明自己的意图intend v. 想要; 打算练习:为了学法语,她去了法国。 (with the in

14、tention of)She went to France with the intention of learning French.I began reading with the _ of finishing the book, but I never did. A. interview B. intention C. help D. consideration4. Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for 尽管克隆人类引起了很多不安,但对于。anxiety n. 忧虑, 焦急,

15、渴望, 热望 他焦虑地等待着他弟弟的归来.He was waiting for his brothers return with anxiety. 我急切的等着听比赛的结果。(with anxiety)I waited with anxiety to hear the results of the match.anxious adj. 担忧的, 渴望的, 盼望的be anxious to do sth. 渴望做be anxious for/about sth. 对担心他很想去参加比赛。He is anxious to enter for the competition. 他担心她的安全。He

16、was anxious for her safety. 5. I dont want to adopt someone elses child . adopt v. 收养, 领养;采用, 采纳 Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. We should adopt the consumers suggestion. They adopt new techniques in raising sheep. adoption n. 收养;采纳, 采用(比较) adopt/adapt adopt 收养,领养;采用,采纳(议案、意见等);adapt使适合,

17、使适应 adaptto;改编adaptfor She had to adapt herself to local conditions. 她必须使自己适应当地的情况。 This English novel was adapted for the stage. 这部小说被改编成了剧本。 练习: 他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。(1)As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. (2) The couple decided to _a boy because they had three girls.A. adapt

18、 B. adopt C. receive D. keep6. If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.(Line24)If I had the chance, I would clone her immediately so that I could be with her again.(Line51-52)虚拟语气基本知识与现在事实相反从句动词用过去式(be动词一般用were)主句动词用should/would/could/might+动词原形与过去事实相反从句动词用had+过去分词主句动词用should/would/

19、could/might+have+过去分词与将来事实可能相反从句动词三种形式:1用动词过去式2Were to+动词原形3Should+动词原形主句动词用should/would/could/might+动词原形学习例句:1)If I had a long enough holiday, I would visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.2) If he were here, everything would be all right.3) If my lawyer had been here last Satu

20、rday, he would have prevented me from going there. 4) You didnt let me drive. If we had driven in turn, you wouldnt have got so tired.如果if引导的虚拟条件句中,有should, (助动词)had或were时,可省略if,但从句中的主语和谓语要倒装。如:1)If you had taken my advice, you wouldnt have failed in the examination. =Had you taken my advice, you wo

21、uldnt have failed in the examination.2) If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday. =Were he to leave today, he would get there by Friday.3) If there should be a flood, what should we do? =Should there be a flood, what should we do?练习:1._ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the v

22、isit to Yangpu Bridge.A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will2. If my lawyer _ here last Sunday, he _ me from going.A. had been; would have prevented B. had been ; would preventC. were; prevent D. were; would have prevented3._ hard, he would have passed the exam.A. If he were to work B. Had he worked C.

23、Should he work D. Were he to work 7. While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby.(Line25-27)尽管克隆人类胚胎在很多国家还不合法,但许多科学家已经在加紧研究,以制造出克隆的人类婴儿。while (conj.) 当的时候,和同时(while引导的从句要表示一段时间) John came

24、in while I was typing a letter. 当我正在用打字机打一封信时,约翰进来了。(conj.) 然而,虽然,尽管 While he was hated by others, I liked him. 他虽受人恨,但我却喜欢他。练习:1. _ English can be difficult to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication. A. Because B. As C. Once D. While 2. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in

25、 fact, I was talking about my daughter. A. whom B. where C. which D. while3. _ I accept that he isnt perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unlesspush ahead with 推进,推行,毅然继续做某事It is hard to push ahead with such an unpopular policy. 这样一个不得人心的政策很难推行下去的。 (词组) push ahead/

26、forward/ on with sth. 毅然继续做某事 push sth. forward 提出某事,迫使他人考虑或注意某事 push sb./ sth. over 使某人/某物倒下;推倒某人/某物8. In China, scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, as well as cloned tissues to be used in medical treatment. focus on 把集中于 We must focus our efforts on improving education. He fo

27、cused his eyes on me. focus ones attentionthoughts on sth 集中注意力(思想)于某事as well as 在这里是“既 . 又,(除.之外)也”的意思 We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls She cancould sing as well as dance He shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys. He is courageous as well as strong. as well as还可视为as as 的结

28、构,用于副词的同等比较,可解作“和一样好”。 He can speak English as well as you can as well 也, 又I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.He is eloquent and humorous as well. What he says never fails to please us.9. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in whi

29、ch cloning can benefit mankind. (Line30-32)中国已经成功克隆出牛和山羊,并将继续研究能够造福人类的克隆方式。succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事 (反义词组)fail to do sth. After practicing more, he succeeded in passing the driving test. success (n.) successful (adj.) successfully (adv.) benefit (n.) 利益,好处;(pl.)救济金 (词组) be of benefit to 对有裨益 for

30、 the benefit of为了的利益 It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health. (vt.& vi.) 有益于 (词组) benefit sb./sth. 有益于某人/某物 benefit from/by 从中获益Such foolish behavior will not benefit you.We all benefited from her success. 10. If we toy with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences.(Line34-35)如果我们戏弄自然,我们就会不得不处理后果。 deal with 在这里是“处理, 对付”之意 The meeting will deal with these problems. He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations. dowith常用义“处置、对待”,常与what连用构成特殊疑问句。 dealwith意“处理、对付”,常与how连用,如: Whathaveyoudonewithyourwatc

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