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1、江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校中考英语模拟试题江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校2015年中考英语模拟试题注意事项:1、本试卷共分两部分,第I卷为选择题,第II卷为非选择题。2、卷面总分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。第I卷 (选择题,共60分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. The Underground Line No. 3 has been in service for about a month. How exciting _ news is! A. a B. an C. / D. the( )2. Hav

2、e you got an iPhone 6?No, many young people now say “No” to it because of follow-up service. A. its B. it C. its D. itself( )3. Some students often enjoy music to relax themselves classes. A. among B. over C. during D. between ( )4. Look! Hes running so fast! Hard to his legs were once broken.A. kno

3、w B. imagine C. think D. understand( )5. Hanggai Band got the first prize in the competition of Sing My Song. They are very with many people who like their style.A. strict B. popular C. similar D. welcome( )6. If you develop a _ of talking with others in English, youll improve your ability in speaki

4、ng. A. plan B. habit C. way D. chance( )7. Give me another chance, _ Ill give you all a wonderful surprise.A. and B. or C. so D. but( )8. Mum, lets go shopping together. Cant you see Im so busy, dear? I _ tomorrows meeting. A. prepare B. am preparing C. was preparing D. have prepared( )9. We all kno

5、w some of thepolicesduties aretokeeporderand_thelaw. A. take out B. find out C. come out D. carry out( )10. You dont have to take a raincoat. It isnt going to rain. Well, I am not sure. It _ do. A. must B. may C. need D. would( )11. do you do Yoga exercise, Linda? Twice every week.A. How soon B. How

6、 long C. How often D. How far( )12. Can you tell me ? This afternoon. A. when we will try Nanjing Metro Line 3 B. where we can take Nanjing Metro Line 3 C. how many stations Nanjing Metro Line 3 hasD. whether Nanjing Metro Line 3 has come into use ( )13. I think Mr Brown is a nice headmaster. . He h

7、as his own ways to satisfy our teachers and students.A. Im not sure B. Im afraid not C. I dont think so D. I agree( )14. Shall we ask more friends to help raise money for charity?Good idea. As an old saying goes, . A. never too late to learn B. no pains, no gains C. many hands make light work D. don

8、t put all your eggs in one basket( )15. What are you going to do tonight? _. If I am free, I may go to the cinema with my mother. A. It all depends B. Forget it C. It doesnt matter D. Dont mention it 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In late March most US middle sch

9、ools hold a science fair. Its an 1 for students to show their inventions and use their science knowledge.Preparation 2 a science fair usually begins in the fall. A student chooses a 3 that he or she wishes to research. The student collects all the information they can about the topic in the library,

10、 in newspapers and on the Internet. A 4 study of the topic is helpful and necessary for the student to 5 a meaningful experiment or invention.The next task might be to 6 a hypothesis (假设) that the student can design an experiment to prove. Or, a student may find a common 7 to solve with a new invent

11、ion or object. Once the student designs the experiment or object, he or she 8 do some research and write down the conclusion in a report.At the science fair, students 9 presentations (展示) for their inventions. Some prove to be really 10 in our daily lives. One student finds that milk chocolate helps

12、 him to remember his dreams better than 11 chocolate. Another finds foam pillows (泡沫枕头) are healthier to sleep on than feather 12 .School winners can 13 State science fairs. President Barack Obama 14 the White House Science Fair every year to celebrate the State winners. “If youre a young person and

13、 you produce the best experiment or design, you come to the White House. You should be 15 ,” the president said.16. A. appointment B. advertisement C. opportunity D. organization17. A. of B. for C. to D. in18. A. topic B. idea C. summary D. title19. A. compete B. concept C.complete D. compare20. A.

14、Do B. expect C. prepare D. design21. A. form B. take C. produce D. make22. A. question B. Problem C. Mistake D. matter23. A. looks into B. goes to C. has to D. wants to24. A. Put B. show C. do D. make25. A. hopeful B. helpful C. wonderful D. beautiful26. A. Coffee B. white C. Dark D. light27.

15、B. them C. it D. Ones28. A. move up to B. run up to C. be up to D. put up to29. A. Attends B. Holds C. hosts D. has30. A. recorded B.realized C. reviewed D. rewarded三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 AOnce I went to my classmates home to play. When lunchtime came, my classm

16、ate said he had to call his parents and ask them where they put his lunch. But I noticed that he dialed the phone number twice as he called his parents. When he dialed the first time, he hung up after three rings. And then he dialed a second time and began to talk.“Was the line busy the first time?”

17、 I asked.“No.”“Did you forget what you were doing when you first called?”“No.”“Then I cant understand why you dialed the phone twice.”My classmate smiled. He told me: “When I call my parents, they are so eager to talk to me that they run for the phone. Once, in order to answer my phone call, my moth

18、er fell down and hit her little toe against the table leg. She couldnt walk for days. After that, I made an agreement with them: dont run to answer the phone. I call first and let the phone ring three times to give them the time to prepare.”After listening to him, my heart felt full. We often show h

19、ow we care for our parents with gifts and cards, but arent the everyday gifts the most telling of our love?( )31. Why did the writers classmate call his parents?A. Because he missed his parents.B. Because he couldnt find his lunch.C. Because he wanted to tell them he loved them.D. Because he wanted

20、to cook lunch for them.( )32. The writers classmate dialed the phone number twice because _.A. the line was busy the first timeB. he forgot what he was doing the first timeC. he wanted his parents to have time to prepareD. he dialed the wrong number the first time( )33. The story mainly talks about

21、_.A. how to be a dutiful personB. how to make good friendsC. how to dial a phone numberD. how to show everyday love to parents BHave you ever wanted to try on clothes without going to the trouble of getting undressed? If you have, heres the device for you: the virtual (虚拟的) fitting room.The technolo

22、gy, designed by Russian company AR Door, was first tried out in May. When a customer walks into a “fitting” room, theyll stand in front of a big screen that looks like a mirror. A camera in the mirror, using Microsoft Kinect, monitors a customers movement and projects a 3-D image of the clothes onto

23、 you while you stand before a screen.The room also uses augmented reality technology. “Augmented reality allows the customers to select an item of clothing without having to try it on physically,” the company told the Daily Mail. A customer can spin around to see all angles (角度) of the clothes, and

24、can control the program by pushing virtual buttons.AR Door is not the only company to be developing technology to help people with the way they look. Japanese company Shiseido recently presented its Magic Mirror, a virtual make-up mirror that allows people to get a full makeover in seconds.However,

25、the technology is not perfect. The clothes still seem to hang on the surface of the body, rather than look like the customer is actually wearing them. And people shopping for clothes are probably still better off actually trying them on. In the end, you wont know how something really looks and feels

26、.( )34. The virtual fitting room is technology that _.A. allows people to watch a movie while trying on clothesB. can help people buy clothes on the InternetC. can help people select clothes without having to try them onD. allows people to walk freely in the fitting room( )35. The virtual fitting ro

27、om was invented in_.A. Russia B. Japan C. the US D. England( )36. In the virtual fitting room, what is on the screen?A. A computer.B. A fitting room.C. A camera.D. A shop assistant.( )37. From the last paragraph, we can learn that_.A. few people shop for clothes in clothing storesB. people still nee

28、d to try on clothes before buying themC. the magic mirror is now widely usedD. the virtual fitting room is perfect CMei Qiyue, 13, of Chongqing, leaves her dorm (寝室) early every morning and doesnt return until late at night. She feels stressed in the dorm. “My roommates look down on me. When I say s

29、omething, they never agree with me. Sometimes, they even laugh at me together,” said Mei. “The dorm is like hell. I want to leave the moment I walk in.”Mei is not alone. Many middle school students have such problems. Schedules, opinions and other small differences can create conflict (冲突). “Most te

30、enagers are the only child in the family where they are the King or Queen. They cant stand other kids different ideas, so conflicts between them come out in the dorm,” said Sun Yunxiao, a professor in Beijing.According to Sun, roommate relations are important in schools, and students should take the

31、m seriously. He suggests that students be patient, sincere and cooperative in dealing with their roommates.Zou Ming, 14, of Shanxi, and his roommates didnt clean their dorm for a long time during their first semester. “Later, we began to hate each other because nobody would clean,” said Zou. “One day, we had a dorm meeting. At the meeting, we discussed the problem seriously and decided each one of us would clean for a week.” After the meeting,

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