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1、7年级英语下单元诊断性自测题答案七年级下册英语单元诊断性自测题答案七年级英语(下)第1单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?I. 15 BCDAB 610ADBCC 1115ADCABII. 1. us 2. them 3. telling 4. swimming 5. stories 6. drums 7. Students 8. musician 9. pianos 10. peopleIII. 1. to join 2. to teach 3. write 4. call 5. wants 6. play 7. be 8. teaches

2、9. do 10. joinIV. 1. help with 2. make friends 3. play chess 4. good with 5. telling stories 6. Students Sports Center 7. old peoples home 8. play the violin 9. play the piano 10. on the weekendV. (A) 15 CDBAD (B) 610 BABAAVI.1. J 2. A 3. L 4. E 5.C 6. H 7. B 8. F 9. K 10. IVII. (One possible versio

3、n)I have two good friends. One is Peter, the other is Tom. They are both boys. Peter is good at singing and dancing. He can sing very well. He wants to join the music club. Tom likes playing chess. He is good at playing it. He wants to join the chess club.I like English very much. I am good at speak

4、ing English, so I want to join the English club. What about you?七年级英语(下)第2单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 2 What time do you go to school?I. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. CII. 1. teeth 2. funny 3. hamburgers 4. weekends 5. dressed 6. quickly 7. shower8. vegetables 9

5、. her 10. bestIII. 1. go 2. have 3. watches 4. does 5. go 6. to play/playing 7. eat 8. start 9. doesnt get 10. doIV. 1. take a walk 2. never late for 3. usually exercise 4. get to school 5. half an hour 6. quarter to 7. tastes good 8. either; or 9. half past six 10. radio stationV.15 ABBAA 6. At 6:3

6、0. 7. Yes, he does. 8. At 3:30. 9. No, he doesnt. 10. He goes to bed at a quarter to ten in the evening.VI. 1.E 2.I 3. F 4. A 5. J 6. B 7. H 8. C 9. G 10. DVII. (One possible version)On weekdays, Li Ming gets up at 6:00. He runs at 6:15. Then he takes a shower. He eats breakfast at 7:00. He gets to

7、school at about 7:30 every day. He doesnt like to be late. School starts at 8:00. He eats lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon, classes finish at 3:30. He plays soccer with his classmates at 4:00. Then he gets home at 5:00 p.m. He eats dinner at about 6:00. After that, he does his homework at 7:00 for a

8、n hour. He watches TV at 8:00. He goes to bed at about 9:30. 七年级英语(下)第12单元达标测试题参考答案I. 15 BBBAA 610 CDCCB 1115 ACDCAII. 1. stories 2. drums 3. musicians 4. pianos 5. our 6. people 7. best 8. teeth 9. healthy 10. dressedIII. 1. to go 2. speaks 3. dance 4. swimming 5. teaches 6. helping 7. play 8. join

9、 9. to ask 10. to goIV. 1. play the piano 2. good with 3. call; musician 4. helps; with 5. a lot of V. 15 ABAAB 610 BBDAD 11. They live in Paris. 12. He is a clerk. 13. At about five thirty in the afternoon. 14. They have one kid. 15. His aunt, Jerry.VI. A.(1)Six thirty (2)Goes to school (3)P.E. (4)

10、Her mother (5)Half past nineB. One possible version:Dear Lily,I usually get up at eight on Sunday morning. I eat breakfast at half past eight. Then I do my homework with my sister Alice at 9:30.In the afternoon, I go to the music club. I can play the piano well but I cant play ping-pong. Maybe you c

11、an help me with it. I have dinner at 6:30 p.m. and then I watch TV.I like watching TV very much. Then I go to bed at 9:10 at night.What about your daily life? Please write to tell me about it.Yours,Lucy七年级英语(下)第3单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 3 How do you get to school? I. 15 BCACC 610 ABDDA 1115 DDBBBII. 1. kilo

12、meters 2. quickly 3. villagers 4. exercise 5. hundred III. 1. takes 2. to go 3. to get 4. does; live 5. has 6. playing 7. walks 8. to cross 9. come 10. takes IV. 1. too quickly / fast 2. come true 3. between and 4. think of 5. leaves, village 6. bus ride 7. no bridge 8. grandparents 9. to walk 10. d

13、oing my homeworkV. A) 15 BABBA B) 15 DDCACVI. 1.D 2. I 3. B 4. J 5. H 6. C 7. F 8. D 9. A 10. EVII. (One possible version) Bob is my friend. He is a student. He lives about 2 kilometers from school. He rides his bike to school every day and it takes him about 15 minutes. But sometimes, he goes to sc

14、hool by bus. His parents work to a clothes store. Its about to kilometers from their home to the store. They usually take the bus to work. It takes them about 30 minutes.七年级英语(下)第4单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 4 Dont eat in class. I. 15 DCDDA 610 BBABC 1115 DCABCII. 1. rules 2. first 3. player 4. dishes 5. night

15、s 6. noisy 7. things 8. them 9. bus 10. really III. 1. play 2. make 3. get 4. to exercise 5. wear 6. has 7. be 8. to clean 9. to help 10. gets IV. 1. listen to 2. wear hats 3. on time 4. music player 5. on; nights 6. do; dishes 7. practice; guitar 8. make; bed 9. strict with 10. relax either V. 15 C

16、ABCD 610 ABBABVI. 1. B 2. I 3. A 4. J 5.C 6. H 7.D 8. F 9. G 10. E VII. One possible version:Dear Susan, I have lots of rules at home. I have to get up at six oclock every morning. After school, I have to get home before six oclock. I have too much homework to do after school. I cant watch TV or pla

17、y computer games on school nights. On weekends, I have to clean my room. Sometimes I go to visit my grandparents. Im always very busy, but Im very happy.Yours,Jenny七年级英语(下)第34单元达标题参考答案I. 15 CCDCC 610 BCABD 1115 CACCDII. A) 1.riding/to ride 2. not to talk 3. to learn 4. to do 5. leaves 6.(to) make 7.

18、 be 8. Listen 9. to clean 10. to exerciseB) 1. dishes 2. quickly 3.noisy 4. buses 5. grandpas III. 1. be/arrive late for 2. 11-year-old; crosses 3. too quickly for 4. drive; car 5. helps; make 6. bring; to 7. be/keep quiet 8. For; its; to get IV. 15 BAABA 610 BAACB 1115 BDEACV. 1. G 2. E 3. F 4. H 5

19、. J 6. A 7. I 8. D 9. B 10. CVI. One possible version:Mike is my friend from America. He is a student in a middle school. His school is about six kilometers from his home. He usually goes to school by bike. When it rains, he takes a bus. How about his parents? His father works in a hospital. Its ver

20、y far, so he has to drive his car to work every day. It takes him about forty minutes. His mother works in a bank. Its a little far. She often goes there by subway. 七年级英语(下)第5单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?I. 15 BDDCC 610 BCBDB 1115 AACAAII. 1. friendly 2. to see; interesting 3. really 4.

21、 well 5. first 6. her 7. legs 8. pandas; are 9. symbols 10. China III. 1. visit; to see 2. does, like; are 3. sleeps 4. doesnt like 5. is; comes 6. dance 7. has 8. helps; (to) live 9. save; not buy; made 10. walk; getIV. 1. Lets see; first; Because; very interesting 2. elephant is kind of interestin

22、g 3. walk on two legs 4. first flag; a white elephant on it5. an elephant never forgets 6. walk for a long time and never get lost 7. are in great danger 8. must save the trees; not buy; made of ivory9. Where; from; from China 10. dogs; friendly and smart V. 1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. Two. 7. They e

23、at bamboo leaves. 8. Yes, they are. 9. They live in the water. 10. Because theyre very beautiful and exciting animals. VI. 1. H 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. I 7. G 8.F 9. D 10. J VII. (One possible version) Today two new animals come to the zoo. They are a panda and a tiger. The pandas name is Yuan Yuan.

24、Its from China and its three years old. Its very friendly but shy. The name of the tiger is Molly and its from Africa. Its five years old. Its big and kind of scary.七年级英语(下)第6单元诊断性自测题答案Unit 6 Im watching TV.I. 15 BCBDD 610 BCDAB 11-15 CCCBAII. 1. America 2. children 3. photos 4. really 5. living 6.

25、swimming 7. men 8. shopping 9. America 10. ChildrensIII. A)1. Are; listening 2. is singing 3. is cleaning 4. to buy 5. look 6. are eating 7. Does; is reading 8. have 9. are talking 10. helpingB) 1. are living 2. get 3. runs 4. plays 5. is playing 6. to ride / riding 7. isnt listening 8. is reading 9

26、. read 10. is singing IV. 1. doing; homework; is writing; letter 2. There isnt 3. no place 4. watching; on 5. is makingV. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. Its five oclock in the afternoon. 7. No, they arent. 8. The soccer players are doing some exercise on the playground.9. Some swimmers are swimming at

27、the pool. 10. In the chess club. VI. 1. C 2. E 3.D 4. H 5.B 6. I 7. G 8. J 9. A 10. FVII. One possible version:This is Sams family. Look! Sams playing basketball at school. His sister is reading a book on a sofa. His brother is watching TV at home. What are his parents doing? They are making dinner.

28、七年级英语(下)第56单元诊断性自测题答案I. 15 CBDCB 610 BCDBC 1115 CBBCAII. 1. Pandas 2. forgets 3. delicious 4. children 5. American 6. pool 7. shy 8. luck 9. lazy 10. dangerous III. 1. are studying 2. go 3. is playing 4. to read/reading see 6.are 7. photos 8.friendly 9. animals 10. symbolsIV. 1. see a film 2. o

29、n the phone 3. in great danger 4. cut down 5. play withV. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. On Sundays 7. Mr. Brown 8. Drive a car 9. She is running. 10. She doesnt want to do the houseworkVI.1.C 2.K 3.H 4.E 5.L 6.G 7.F 8.D 9.B 10.A VII. One possible version: Its ten oclock in the morning now. Mike is see

30、ing animals in the zoo. He likes animals very much and his favorite animals are elephants. Tim is shopping with his father in the supermarket. Jenny likes reading. She is in the library and reading an interesting book. What about June? She is in the park and she is playing soccer with her cousin. 七年

31、级英语(下)第7单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 7 Its raining!I. 15 CCDAB 610 BDCDB 1115 ACCCA 1620BCCBDII. 1. to teach 2. speaking, speak 3. singing 4.Are, playing 5. skating 6. is sitting 7. dancing 8. talks 9. is swimming 10. to callIII. 1. cloudy 2. sunny 3. windy 4. countries 5. Russian6. clouds, cloudy 7. sports 8. musicians 9. him 10. snowmenIV. 1. sunny 2. cold 3. rainy 4. snowy / snowing 5. sounds6. cooking 7.take a message 8. tell, stories. make friends 9. tell him to call me back 10. Sounds likeV. 15 ACADC 610 ABBBAVI. 1. J 2. I 3. H 4. G 5. F 6. E 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. BVII. (One possible version)Hi, e

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