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1、Unit2Cloning学案5新人教版选修8Unit 2 Cloning单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. aloud / loud / loudly 2. obtain / acquire / gain / earn / achieve词形变化1. object vi. 不赞成;反对objection n. 不赞成;反对2. popular adj. 流行的,通俗的,广受欢迎的popularity n.普及;流行;名望popularize vt. 使普及,使流行3. resist v. 抵(反)抗,抵制resistance n. 抵抗力, 反抗resistant

2、 n. 抵抗者adj.反抗的,耐的4. decorate vt. 装饰,装璜decoration n. 装饰(品)装璜5. reason n. 原因;理性 v.分析,推论(理);劝告reasonable adj. 通情达理的;合理的unreasonable adj. 不合理的;荒唐的重点单词 1. differ vi. 不同;相异 2. undertake vt. (undertook; undertaken) 着手;从事;承担;同意,答应3. forbid vt. (forbade or forbad; forbidden) 禁止;不准;阻止妨碍4. accumulate vt.&vi. 积

3、累;聚积5. owe vt. 欠;应该把归功于;感激,感恩 6. retire vi.退休(役);退出,撤退;就寝7. bother vt. 打扰 vi. 操心 n. 烦扰8. obtain vt. (正式;尤指通过努力或计划) 获得;得到重点词组1. pay off 得到好结果,取得成功(常用主动态);偿清债款;付清工资解雇2. in favor of 赞成;支持;对有利3. be bound to do 一定;注定(做)4. be in good/poor/excellent condition 处於好的坏的极佳的状况重点句型1. The fact that she seemed to d

4、evelop normally was very encouraging.重点语法同位语从句(见语法部分)语言要点(模块) .词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. aloud / loud / loudly【解释】aloud adv. 重点在于“出声”(能被人听见,但声音不一定很大),通常与read等词连用:read aloud朗读,读出声 shout/call/laugh aloud大声叫喊笑loud作形容词时意为“大声的”,作副词时特指(谈笑等)“大声地”,常用比较级形式;loudly“大声地,吵闹地”,强调声音喧闹、不悦耳,与quietly相对【练习】用aloud,loud,lo

5、udly的适当形式填空。1). The teacher asked me to read the poem _. 2). The radio isn t _ enough. Could you turn it up a little?3). I could hear people over there talking _ with each other about the news.4). Could you speak _ ? Keys: 1). aloud 2). loud 3). loudly 4). louder 2. obtain / acquire / gain / earn /

6、achieve【解释】obtain意为“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或得达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。acquire意为“经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于对财物等的获得”,强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。gain意为“通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处;亦可指军事上的武力夺取等”。earn意为“挣得,赢得”。指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇。achieve意为“得到;获得”,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。【练习】用obtain,acquire,gain,earn,achieve的适当形式填空。1). How much do you _a week? 2). The

7、movie star _ success and wealth.3). He _ experience through practice.4). It is through learning that the individul _ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.5). An investor _ by buying stocks that go up in value.Keys: 1). earn 2). achieved 3). obtained 4). acquires 5). gains.词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)

8、1. object vi. 不赞成;反对objection n. 不赞成;反对2. popular adj. 流行的,通俗的,广受欢迎的popularity n.普及;流行;名望popularize vt. 使普及,使流行3. resist v. 抵(反)抗,抵制resistance n. 抵抗力, 反抗resistant n. 抵抗者adj.反抗的,耐的4. decorate vt. 装饰,装璜decoration n. 装饰(品)装璜5. reason n. 原因;理性 v.分析,推论(理);劝告reasonable adj. 通情达理的;合理的unreasonable adj. 不合理的

9、;荒唐的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1). I strongly object to _ (treat) like a child.2). If no one has any _ (object), I will declare the meeting closed us with hope.3). The no-smoking policy was introduced with little _ (resist) from staff. 4). When will they finish the _ (decorate) of the bathroom? 5). The bui

10、lding _ (decorate) with flags., the event was a great success.6). Dont let your boss make _ (reason) demands on you. 7). The president s _ (popular) has declined considerably. 8). The President is very _ (popularize) with Jewish voters.Keys: 1). being treated 2). objection 3). resistance 4). decorat

11、ion 5). was decorated 6). unreasonable 7). popularity 8). popular .重点词汇(旨在提供词汇综合运用所需材料)1. differ vi. 不同;相异 difference n. 不同之处 different adj. 不同的 典例1). Their house differs from mine in having no garage. 他们的房子与我的不同,区别在于他们的没有起车库。2). The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay. 双

12、方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。重点用法A differs from B in. A与B在方面不同 A differs with B about/on/over. A与B就意见相左练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). The two squares differ _ (介词) color but not _ (介词) size. 2). The husband differs _ (介词) the wife _ (介词) who is to take charge of the money.3). It doesn t make a _ (differ) to me whethe

13、r you are going to stay.4). This is a different car _ (介词) the one I drove yesterday.Keys: 1). in; in 2). with; on/about/over 3). difference 4). from2. undertake vt. (undertook; undertaken) 着手;从事;承担;同意,答应,保证(后接to do)典例1). She undertook the responsibility for these changes. 她承担了做出这些改变的责任。2). He under

14、took to pay the money back in one month. 他答应在一个月之内还钱。 练习 翻译句子。1). 他答应在周五之前完成那份工作。_2). 她负责整个项目的组织工作。_Keys: 1). He undertook to finish the work before Friday. 2). She undertook the organization work of the whole project.3. forbid vt. (forbade or forbad; forbidden) 禁止;不准;阻止妨碍典例1). The law forbids the u

15、se of chemical fertilizers. 法律禁止使用化学肥料。2). I forbid you to tell anyone. 我不准你告诉任何人。重点用法forbid sth. / doing sth. 禁止,不许(做某事) forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事练习 翻译句子。1). 飞机上禁止吸烟。_2). 他爸爸不准他和她交谈。_3). 要禁止小孩子不玩电脑游戏很难。_Keys: 1). Smoking is forbidden on the plane. 2). His father forbade him to talk to her. 3).

16、It is hard to forbid children (to play) computer games.4. accumulate vt.&vi. 积累;聚积 accumulation n u,c 积累典例1). By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由於投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。2). Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly. 房屋不经常打扫, 尘土很快就越积越多。练习 根据句子的意思在括号里填入所给词的适当形式。1). A thick

17、layer of dust _ (accumulate) in the room, so he had to give it a thorough cleaning. 2). Despite this _ (accumulate) of evidence, the Government persisted in doing nothing. Keys: 1). had accumulated 2). accumulation 5. owe vt. 欠;应该把归功于;感激,感恩典例1). He owes his father 50. = He owes 50 to his father. 他欠他

18、父亲50英镑。2). We owe this discovery to Newton. 我们的这一发现归功於牛顿。重点用法owe sb sth = owe sth to sb 欠(某人)债 owe sth to sb/sth将某事物归因或归功於某人/事练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词。1). How much do I owe you _ the groceries?2). He owes his success more _ luck than _ ability. 3). I owe a lot _ my wife and children. Keys: 1). for 2).

19、to; to 3). to 6. retire vi.退休(役);退出,撤退;就寝典例1). He will retire from the army next year. 他明年从部队退役。2). Our forces retired to prepared positions. 我们的部队撤退到既设阵地上。重点用法retire from. 从退休(役)/退出 retire (from.) (to.) 退下,退出,离开(尤指到僻静处)练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入所给词适当的形式或翻译。1). He _ (retire) next year after 30 years with the

20、company. 2). She was forced to _ _ _ (提前退出)teaching because of ill health. 3). He is a _ (retire) airline pilot. Keys: 1). is retiring 2). retire early from 3). retired7. bother vt. 打扰 vi. 操心 n. 烦扰 典例1). I am busy; don t bother me now. 我很忙,现在别打扰我。2). I am sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the

21、 time. 对不起,打扰了,请问现在几点? 重点用法bother with/about 一为而烦恼;因操心 bother to do / doing费神做练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). The problem has been _ (bother) me for weeks.2). 一Shall I help you with the cases? Don t _. I can manage. 3). Dont bother _ (介词) us; we will soon join you. Keys: 1). bothering 2). bother 3). abo

22、ut 8. obtain vt. (正式;尤指通过努力或计划) 获得;得到obtainable adj能得到的; 可获得的典例1). I haven t been able to obtain that record anywhere. 我到处都没买到那张唱片。2). He said that the police had obtained this information by illegal means. 他说警方是靠非法手段获得这一资料的。重点用法obtain sth from sb/sth 从获得某物练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。1). Are his records st

23、ill _ (obtain)? 2). Further information can be obtained _ (介词) head office. Keys: 1). obtainable 2). from.重点词组(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. pay off 得到好结果,取得成功(常用主动态);偿清债款;付清工资解雇 典例 1). At last, his hard work paid off. 最后,他的努力得到了回报。2). Did your plan pay off? 你的计划成功了吗?短语归纳 pay短语:pay for付的钱;为而付出代价 pay back sth. (pa

24、y sb. back sth.) 偿还pay sb. (.) for sth. 因某事而付某人 pay sb. (.) to do sth. 付某人()去做某事练习 用与pay相关的词组或所给词适当的形式填空。 1). After ten years of hard working she finally _ _ her debt. 2). Our efforts are sure to _ _.3). Her parents _ _ America.4). Have you _ the milkman this week?5). Have you _ the money _ the bank

25、 yet?6). I will _ you _ next week.7). I paid the boy ten yuan _ (clean) the window.Keys: 1). paid off 2). pay off 3). paid for 4). paid 5). paid; to 6). pay; back 7). to clean 2. in favor of 赞成;支持;对有利典例1). I am in favor of your suggestion. 我赞成你的提议。2). I talked to Susan about it, and she s all in fav

26、or of going. 我与苏珊谈了这件事,她完全赞同走。重点用法ask a favor请求帮忙 do sb. a favor = do a favor for sb. 帮某人的忙练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). Senior ministers spoke _ _ _ the proposal. 2). Would you _ _ _ _ (请你帮忙) and turn off the radio? Keys: 1). in favour of 2). do me a favor 3. be bound to do 一定;注定(做) 典例 1). The weathe

27、r is bound to get better tomorrow. 明天天气一定会变好。 2). You ve done so much work that youre bound to pass the exam. 你下了这麽大工夫, 一定能考及格。 短语归纳 练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入所给词适当的形式或短语。1). These problems were almost bound _ (arise). 2). When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes _ _ _ happen. Keys: 1). to arise 2

28、). are bound to4. be in good/poor/excellent condition 处於好的坏的极佳的状况典例 1). The ship is not in a condition/is in no condition to make a long voyage. 此船的现状不适宜远航。2). The car is still in excellent condition. 这小车状况极佳。 短语归纳 condition 短语:out of condition健康状况欠佳 working/living/syudying conditions工作、生活、学习环境on condition (that). 在条件下;倘若 on no condition 一点也不; 决不练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词。1). The car has been well maintained and is _ excellent condition. 2). He s _ excellent condition _ a man of his age. 3). I had no exercise

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