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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 8 Adventure导学案 北师大版必修3.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 Unit 8 Adventure导学案 北师大版必修3Book 3Unit 8Adventure1differ v不同;相异_ n不同_ adj.不同的归纳拓展(1)differ from不同于;和不同;和意见不一致differ in在方面意见不同(2)make a/no difference起/不起作用;产生/不产生影响tell the difference between A and B分清A与B(3)be different .在方面与不同Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in t

2、he degree to which they can be controlled on purpose.人的面部表情与动物表情的不同之处在于他们可以有意地控制。活学活用(1)Mutual support and trust often _.互相支持与信任往往很重要。(2)用differ的相关短语填空They are sisters but they are _ (不同) each other _ their habits and they also _ (不同) each other in many ways.But that _ (不受影响)(3)Leaves are found on a

3、ll kinds of trees,but they differ greatly_ size and shape.Aon Bfrom Cby Din2quantity n量;数量;数目,数额_ n质量归纳拓展in quantity大量Quantities of food and tents were sent to Yushu from Shandong.大量的食品和帐篷从山东运到了玉树。活学活用(1)Its a lot cheaper if you buy it _.如果你大量购买要便宜得多。(2)As a result of destroying the forests,a large

4、_ of desert _ covered the land.Anumber;hasBquantity;hasCnumber;haveDquantity;have3risk vt.冒的危险;n.风险;危险归纳拓展(1)Children need risk if they are to grow up selfsufficient and confident.如果孩子们要增长自立、自信,他们就需要冒险。(2)Tom risked losing his job to help you out of the trouble.汤姆冒着失去工作的危险去帮助你摆脱困境。活学活用(1)_ showing m

5、y ignorance,how exactly does the Internet work?也许我难免显得无知,可互联网到底是怎样运作的呢?(2)He got well prepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk_ the good opportunity.Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dbeing lost4.anxious adj.令人担心的,忧虑的,焦急的;渴望_ n焦虑;担心;渴望归纳拓展We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the results

6、 of the experiment.我们焦急地度过了几周,等待着实验结果。活学活用(1)He _ the results of the exam.他很担心考试的结果。(2)_ mothers return.我急切盼望妈妈回来。(3)I am anxious _ the results of my exam while my younger brother is anxious _ the prize of the exam. (2011许昌调研)Afor;for Babout;forCon;of Dto;of5preparation n准备,预备_ v准备归纳拓展(1)in preparat

7、ion for作为的准备make preparations for为做准备(2)prepare for sth.为某事做准备prepare sb.使(某人)为做好准备prepare sb.sth.prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备(3)be/get prepared for sth.为某事做好准备be/get prepared to do sth.能够并愿意做某事;准备做某事(1)Tannis enduring success has been part motivation,part preparation.Tanni长期的成功,其原因部分是动机,部分是准备。(2)The te

8、am has been training hard in preparation for the big game.为备战这场重大比赛,队伍一直在严格训练。活学活用(1)句型转换She prepared her father lunch.She prepared _ _ her father.(2)用prepare的相关单词或短语填空I am _ my going abroad to study,so I am attending a course which _ the students _ TOFFLE.To tell the truth,the teacher doesnt make g

9、ood _ his lessons.I have no choice but to _ to study by myself.Anyway,I have to be well _ for my ideal.(3)With the capital_ to greet even more people from around the world,Beijing is doing its best to make herself more open. (2011信阳统考)Aprepare BpreparingCprepared Dprepares6observe v观察;观测;遵守;庆祝_ n观察,

10、监视;言论归纳拓展observe sth.观察某人做过/正在做某事make an observation of对进行观察(1)The police observed him enter the bank with a shortgun.警察看到他带着短枪进了银行。(2)He has been observed to cheat at cards.他被发现打牌时作弊。活学活用(1)He has been _ the phenomenon.他一直在严密观察这一现象。(2)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese st

11、ill_ the traditional customs.Aperform BpossessCobserve Dsupport7various adj.各种各样的_ n种类,品种;多样性,变化_ v改变;使多样化;变化;不同归纳拓展注意:(1)a variety of/varieties of各种各样的,后接可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)the variety of复数名词,意为“的品种”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。His mood seems to vary according to the weather.他的情绪似乎随天气而变化。活学活用(1)He stayed on

12、the islands for five weeks,observing _ animals.(2010重庆,阅读理解D)他在这些岛上待了5个星期,观察不同的动物。(2)Teaching methods _ greatly _ school _ school.各个学校的教学方法大不相同。(3)We are told that rooms_ in size but all have televisions and telephones.(2011合肥月考)Achange BturnCvary Ddifferent8.limit n界限,限度;v.限制;限定_ adj.有限的,不多的_ n限制;局

13、限归纳拓展The team performed to the limit of its capabilities.这个队已竭尽全力。活学活用(1)用limit及其派生词填空His ability has a _,but if he tries to the _,he will be able to finish the task on time.(2)Every form of art has all its _,only by the combination of them can we get the true beauty of life.Alimit BabilityCdefiniti

14、on Dlimitation9in turn轮流归纳拓展(1)The girls called out their names in turn.这些女孩们依次说出她们的名字。(2)I invited him to see a film in return for his help.为了感谢他的帮忙,我请他去看了一场电影。活学活用(1)I raised my hat to her and she bowed _.我向她举帽示意,她鞠躬答礼。(2)People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and

15、 this_creates further problems. (2011淮南月考)Ain short Bin caseCin doubt Din turn10take off(飞机)起飞;脱衣;取消;请假;(事业)腾飞归纳拓展take back取回,带回take down写下,记下take on呈现,显现;雇用take up拿起;占据(时间、空间);开始(工作、产生兴趣等)They are all different,but once you take off the outside,theyre pretty much the same on the inside. (2009陕西,完形填

16、空)它们都是不一样的,但是一旦你脱去它们的外层,它们的内在是完全一样的。活学活用(1)The show had to be _ because of small audiences.因为观众太少,演出不得不取消。(2)We eventually _ at 11 oclock and arrived in Venice at 130.Atook onBtook overCtook offDtook up11turn up出现,到场;调高(音量)归纳拓展She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. (2010北京,阅读理解A)她出现在

17、我在康沃尔的家门口了。活学活用(1)The hall was full,and hundreds of fans had to be _.大厅内挤满了人,数百名歌迷不得不被拒之门外。(2)What are you reading,Tom?Im not really reading,just_ the pages.Aturning off Bturning aroundCturning over Dturning up(3)Id like to do something for you_ everything you have done for me.(2011安阳模拟)Ain exchangi

18、ng Bin turnCin return for Din terms of12.get across使理解(某事);使通过;(把)讲清楚(to sb.)归纳拓展At first his message (意思) did not get across.起初,他的意思没有被人理解。活学活用(1)Sooner or later youll _ the shock.迟早你会从震惊中恢复过来的。(2)When did his first book _?他的第一部书是何时出版的?(3)He spoke slowly,but his meaning didnt_.Amake out Bget across

19、Bget through Dget in13run out of用完,耗尽归纳拓展So much of interest does Beijing offer that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.北京提供了如此多的有趣景点以致于大多数旅客用光了所有时间也没有看完。活学活用(1)Our supplies soon _.我们的补给很快就用完了。(2)Im still working on my project.Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is _.Arunning out

20、Bgoing outCgiving out Dlosing out14Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.译文:_句式提取:Then came.归纳拓展注意:上述结构中,当句子的主语为人称代词时,句子谓语不倒装。Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away fled the thief.(2009上海,38)听到狗的狂叫声,小偷逃掉了。活学活用(1)_ announcing the end of the class.铃响了宣布这节课结束了。(2)_!Ive been looking for you ev

21、erywhere.原来你在这儿!我到处都把你找遍了。(3)_ one by one.人们一个一个地离开了。(4)Out_ with a book in his hand.Ahe rushed Brushed heCdid he rush Dhe did rush15Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets.马可惊奇地发现在中国市场上流通的是纸币。句式提取:see Chinese people using.归纳拓展感官动词常有:see,hear,watch,feel,notice,obse

22、rve,listen to,look at,find等。能够充当它们宾语补足语的有现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式等。(1)感官动词宾语现在分词。现在分词与宾语是主动关系,表示宾语正在进行或持续的动作或状态。(2)感官动词宾语过去分词。过去分词与宾语是被动关系,表示宾语的“遭遇”。(3)感官动词宾语动词不定式。动词不定式表示一个完整的动作过程。在主动语态中,省略to;在被动语态中不能省略to。活学活用(1)句型转换I saw her go upstairs.She was seen _ _ upstairs.(2)When we arrived there, we _ her neighbors

23、.当我们到那里时,看到她在和邻居聊天。 (3)He _ take away that book.有人看见他带走了那本书。(4)As some farmers said,the mermaid (美人鱼) was last seen _ off the coast towards evening yesterday. (2011合肥月考)Ato play BplayingCto be playing Dplayed答案Unit 8Adventure课堂活动区1differencedifferent活学活用(1)make a great difference(2)different fromind

24、iffer fromdoesnt make any difference(3)Ddiffer in在方面不同;differ from与不同。2quality活学活用(1)in quantity(2)Ba quantity of不可数名词单数谓语动词;a number of复数名词。3活学活用(1)At the risk of(2)Brisk doing sth.习惯用法;且lose和主语之间为主谓关系,故选B项。4anxiety活学活用(1)is very anxious about(2)Im anxious for(3)B句意为:我担心考试的结果,而我弟弟则极渴望这次考试得奖。be anxi

25、ous about相当于be worried about;be anxious for意为“渴望某事物”。5prepare活学活用(1)lunchfor(2)in preparation forpreparesforpreparations forbe preparedprepared(3)Cprepared to greet.作宾补。6observation活学活用(1)making an exact observation of(2)C句意为:很多中国人仍然遵守传统的风俗习惯。observe遵守。7varietyvary活学活用(1)various(2)varyfromto(3)C句意为:

26、我们被告诉房间大小不同但都有电视和电话。vary不同,符合句意。8limitedlimitation活学活用(1)limitationlimitlimit,limitation(1)limit指“有形或无形的东西”,如智力、时间、权力、议论、都市等的界限。(2)limitation强调能力的局限性或缺陷。(2)D句意为:每种形式的艺术都有它的局限性,只有把它们结合起来,我们才能真正领略到生活之美。9活学活用(1)in return(2)Din short简言之;in case以防万一;in doubt怀疑;in turn反过来。句意为:人们想开自己的车来避免公共交通的时间耽搁,这反过来却导致了

27、进一步的问题。10活学活用(1)taken off(2)C11活学活用(1)turned away(2)C由语境可知,下句句意为:我不是在真的阅读,只是在随便翻翻。turn over翻转,符合句意。(3)C句意为:我想为你做点事作为你对我所做的事的回报。in return for作为对的回报。12活学活用(1)get over(2)get out(3)Bget across为人理解,符合句意。make out是及物动词短语“认出,看清楚”;get through通过,完成;get in进入;收获。13活学活用(1)ran out(2)Arun out (时间、金钱等的)耗尽;give out 精疲力竭。由句意可知,A项正确。14接着漆黑的极地冬夜就开始了。活学活用(1)There goes the bell(2)There you are(3)Away went the crowd(4)A

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