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本文(精心组织统筹安排扎实推动预算绩效管理培训工作深切开展.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、精心组织统筹安排扎实推动预算绩效管理培训工作深切开展精心组织 统筹安排扎实推进预算绩效管理培训工作深入开展2014年,在财政部函校的正确指导下,在财政厅党组的高度重视和支持下,广西函校精心组织,扎实推动预算绩效管理培训工作的有效开展。一、工作介绍2014年,广西函校按照财政部关于开展县级财政部门预算绩效管理工作的通知(财预20136号)精神、广西预算绩效管理培训工作三年计划(2013-2015年)和2014年度广西预算绩效管理培训计划,和财政厅预算处一路配合,同心合力,顺利完成以下预算绩效管理培训工作:(一)对自治区区直各部门及市、县财政局分管预算绩效管理的负责人普遍轮训了一次。着重帮忙局领导


3、,注册学习人数全国第三。通过培训,各部门对该项工作反映良好,普遍以为通过2014年的预算绩效管理培训,树立了预算绩效管理的理念,有效推动预算绩效管理工作的开展,全面提高全区预算绩效管理工作水平。二、工作体会 广西函校通过对预算绩效管理培训工作的实践总结,熟悉到要做好预算绩效管理培训工作,需要精心组织,统筹安排。(一)统筹谋划,计划先行2014年,广西函校结合广西的实际情况和当前财政改革和社会经济发展的新形势和新转变,按照广西预算绩效管理培训工作三年计划(2013-2015年)的要求,对预算绩效管理培训的培训内容、组织协调、师资教材建设、培训管理、经费保障作了进一步的细化和完善,为成立我区财政预



6、师资库的一个重要组成部份,师资库师资既有来自大专院校的专家学者,也有来自工作在一线具有丰硕实践经验的财政局干部,既有来自广西区内的师资,也有来自广西区外的师资。通过完善预算绩效管理师资库的建设,既减缓了预算绩效管理培训师资紧张的情况,又增强了广西区内外、区内各市县的培训经验交流。 同时,为提高预算绩效管理培训质量,2014年加大了预算绩效管理师资培训力度。(五)开阔视野,请进来和走出去相结合2014年,邀请了广西区外大专院校的专家学者和外省的财政业务骨干到广西区内举行的预算绩效管理培训班上讲课。同时,组织市县财政局领导和业务骨干到广西区外的中央财大、上海财大、上海国家会计学院和国外的新加坡南洋



9、鉴兄弟省市区的好做法,取得更大的进步。Careful organization overall arrangementsPush forward the budget performance management training depthIn 2014, under the correct guidance of the Ministry of Finance letter school, at the height of the attention and support of leading Party group of the Department of Finance, the G

10、uangxi letter carefully organize the school, and promote the effective implementation of the budget performance management training.First, the job description2014, Guangxi letter school according to Ministry of Finance regarding the development of the county finance department budget performance man

11、agement notice (FB No. 6 2013) spirit, Guangxi budget performance management training for three-year plan (2013-2015) and 2014 annual budget performance management training program in Guangxi , and together with the Department of Finance and Budget, together, successfully completed the following bud

12、get performance management training:(A) of the autonomous region straight heads of departments and city and county finance bureau in charge of budget performance management of a general rotation. Bureau focused on helping establish budget performance management philosophy, understand the basic conte

13、nts and methods of budget performance management, in order to facilitate the work carried out to promote the budget performance management.(Ii) to the city, the backbone of the county finance bureau budget business performance management training. Backbone of the business work city, county finance b

14、ureau budget performance management, budget performance in the first line management, through training, promoted the development of local budget performance management, improve the local budget performance management level.(3) to organize the city and county budget performance management teacher tra

15、ining, performance training budget for the city, county and lay a solid foundation.(Iv) organization of budget performance management of third-party experts and training agency, allowing third-party experts and the agency to clarify its mandate, as well as the main contents of the audit work evaluat

16、ion criteria.(V) organization of budget performance management training distance education. Region registered 2558 people, per capita hours 12.8 hours to complete, complete hours 59.4 hours per capita, the countrys third study enrollment.After training, the departments of the work of the good, gener

17、ally considered by the 2014 budget performance management training, performance management and establish a budget idea, promotes the development of effective budget performance management, and comprehensively improve the level of the regions budget performance management.Second, work experienceGuang

18、xi letter school budget performance management training through work practice summary, recognizing that budget performance management training to do the work, need careful organization to co-ordinate arrangements.(A) co-ordinate planning, planning in advance2014, Guangxi letter school with the actua

19、l situation and the new situation and changes in Guangxi current financial reform and social and economic development, according to Guangxi budget performance management training for three-year plan (2013-2015) at the request of budget performance training management training, organization and coord

20、ination, teacher teaching building, training management, financial security has been further refined and improved, long-term mechanism for the establishment of the district budget performance management training, and lay a solid foundation.(B) synergies, streamline workflow mechanismA clear division

21、 of labor, straighten letter and Budget Office and school department budget management in the working relationship between the budget performance management training to effectively put an end to budget performance management training prevarication and procrastination. In the interior hall of budget

22、performance management training content is determined, primarily the responsibility of the Office of Budget at the school with the letter, the specific implementation and management of budget performance management training, is mainly responsible for the letter of the school. In the next administrat

23、ion, the implementation of liaison system, finance bureau budget at all levels of a person responsible for the performance management training, performance management and training budget efficiently accountability. 14 prefecture-level cities and 107 counties Finance Bureau Finance Bureau of the Budg

24、et Section shares and letters school teaching centers or dry liaison officer, responsible for Council participants and belongs counties liaison contact to make the training work upper and lower linkage, budget performance management form a game of chess.(C) lay a solid foundation, improve standardiz

25、ed managementGuangxi letter training school in order to prevent the counties of varying quality, the development of the training process, standardize the county budget performance management training. According to evidence-based exercise class, teaching procedures, processes records, assessment stan

26、dard of training standards, the budget performance management training into the training preparation, implementation of teaching preparation, implementation of training management, quality examination and evaluation, data archiving reporting, and student tracking feedback and other six processes, ca

27、rding a process where each should contain several jobs, what content and requirements of each job, and what information should be formed after the work is completed. Through the normative standards of training, budget performance training work in a more solid and effective, the overall level of trai

28、ning of the regions budget performance has been greatly improved.(D) establish faculty library, increase teacher training effortsGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established in 2014 financial grassroots level teacher training library budget performance management faculty library as financial gra

29、ssroots teacher training library is an important part of both faculty library faculty experts and scholars from colleges and universities, but also from working in the front line with extensive practical experience in the finance bureau cadres, both from the Guangxi region of teachers, but also teac

30、hers from outside the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. By improving the performance management of teachers library construction budget, both to ease the budget performance management training teachers tense situation, but also to strengthen the training and exchange of experience inside and outside

31、 the city and county of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the region.Meanwhile, to improve the quality of budget performance management training, 2014 to increase the budget performance management teacher training efforts.(V) broaden their horizons, please come and go combined2014, invited experts a

32、nd scholars outside the universities and the financial backbone of the provinces of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to teach courses on budget performance management organized by the Guangxi region. At the same time, city and county finance bureau leadership and organizational backbone to a central fiscal Guangxi outside the big, Shanghaicaida, Shanghai National Accounting Institute and the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore foreign budget per

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