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英语人教必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal 教学设计教学提纲.docx

1、英语人教必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal 教学设计教学提纲英语人教必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal 【教学设计】Unit 3 Travel Journal 教材分析 本单元的话题是旅游,学生对此话题较为熟悉,应该有较浓厚的兴趣。整个单元讲述的是主人公“王坤”以旅行日记的形式详细地记录自己沿着湄公河而下的自行车旅行。学生通过追随作者的旅行,学习及探讨与旅游相关话题和内容,如:了解旅游常识,如何设计旅行计划,如何为旅行做准备,旅行的意义等。通过本单元的学习,学生不仅能掌握与旅游及地理相关的主题词汇,理解和运用现在进行时表示将来的语法项目,还会通过探讨旅游话题了解世界

2、各地的文化,增强对祖国河山的热爱和国际意识,进而开拓学生思路,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 Warming up 部分先让学生分享国庆假期的游玩经历,引导学生探讨节假日旅行的利与弊。通过对比分析几种常见交通方式的利弊,择优选择自己旅行的最佳出行方式,并尝试为自己设计旅行计划。Reading部分先通过Pre-reading的问题,引导学生关注世界各大河流及人类对河流的利用,和理解湄公河在东南亚的地位及对东南亚各国人民的重要作用。课文主要介绍了主人公王坤和王薇的梦想及骑自行车沿着湄公河旅行的计划和准备。在整体理解课文主要内容后重点引导学生分析王坤和王薇两位主人公的性格及对旅行的不同态度。Learni

3、ng about Language以文本核心单词与词组为直接学习内容,加强学生的英英释意习惯,让学生学会利用字典及参考书进行自主归纳与学习。在本课时的词汇学习中强调在语境中正确理解和运用词汇;Using Language集听、说、读、写于一体。先通过读旅行日记的第二部分来了解其文体特征及内容、听一段关于王坤与老挝女孩的一段对话、探讨自己对老挝感兴趣的话题,写一封email询问王坤的旅行情况;Grammar是学习现在进行时表示将来的用法,并进行操练。引导学生通过观察对比例句,总结归纳现在进行时表将来的用法及规律,并在生活情境中正确运用该语法项目。在本单元的Learning Tip中给学生提出写旅

4、行日志的方法和好处,鼓励学生外出旅行时写旅游日志(travel journal).教学目标(1) 学习理解旅行日记Journey down the Mekong的行程及主人公的所见所闻;(2) 能够熟练掌握并运用现在进行时表示将来的语法项目;(3) 帮助学生掌握正确的旅游常识,及培养学生的安全意识及保护自然的责任感。教学重点(1) 本单元的单词和短语;(2) 掌握运用现在进行时表将来的用法;(3) 学会旅行计划及旅行日记的书写。教学难点(1) 学会撰写旅行计划,合理计划安排旅行;(2) 学会撰写旅行日记,分享旅行过程中的所见所闻及感受。(3) 通过各种渠道了解旅行的信息动态及形成旅行的安全意识

5、。教学过程 本单元分五课时:第一课时:Warming up & Speaking第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading, Post-reading, Comprehending第三课时:Language points and learning about language第四课时:Grammar第五课时:Using language:Reading, Listening and WritingPeriod 1 Warming up教学目标【知识目标】Know the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transpo

6、rtKnow to describe a trip【能力目标】Know to compare different kinds of transportKnow to share opinions on travelling during the National HolidayKnow to plan a trip【情感目标】Learn to express their opinions Learn to evaluate different kinds of transport教学重难点【教学重点】Different opinions of travelling during the Nat

7、ional HolidayThe advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport【教学难点】Learn to plan a trip课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia教学过程Step1. Warming up (1) Did you go travelling during the National Day holiday? (2) Where did you go ? What did you do?(3) How did you feel about your trip?【设计意图】 通过引导

8、学生分享国庆假期的旅行经历激发学生的兴趣,引入本单元的学习话题旅游。以问题引导学生描述旅行过程中的所见所闻和感受。Step2. Discussion(1) Do you like travelling during the National Day holiday? Why or why not?(2) Do you think travelling during the National Day holiday might cause problems? What might be the problems?【设计意图】让学生通过讨论,积极思考是否所有人都喜欢在节假日旅行及国庆假期旅行的利与

9、弊,并敢于分析问题和分享看法。引导学生从多方面多角度对问题进行分析和思考,在课堂教学中逐步培养学生的批判性思维。Step3. Making a comparison(1) Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport. (Page 17 Activity 1)TransportAdvantagesDisadvantagesbustrainshipairplane(2) Share their opinions in the class【设计思路】 让学生独立思考和分析各种旅行交通工具的利弊

10、,并且能在课堂上分享自己的观点看法,有利于打开学生的思路,让学生熟悉每种交通工具的优缺点及如何根据旅行需要选择最佳的旅行方式,为下一个活动制定旅行计划做铺垫。Step4. Plan a trip(1) Make a plan for a holiday individually_s Travel PlanDestination:Transport:Budget:Length of stay:Preparation:(2) Get into pairs and make a dialogue by using the questions on Page 17: When are you leav

11、ing? Where are you staying? How are you going to.? How long are you staying in .? When are you arriving in/ at.? When are you coming back?(3) Presentation and evaluationExcellentGoodNeed ImprovementLoud voiceFluencyPracticality of the plan【设计意图】创设真实的生活情境,让学生结合自身实际,为自己设计一次旅行,并且通过对话交流,提高学生在实际情境下积极运用英语

12、交际的能力,并能初步感知现在进行时表示将来的语法项目,通过相互评价促进学生关注口头表达的细节性问题进而提高自己的口头表达能力。Step5. Homework To write a short passage to describe your travel plan in detail.【设计意图】综合运用课堂所学,并让学生尝试用书面表达的形式重现课堂主要内容,进一步内化知识,提高书面表达的能力。教学反思略Period 2 Reading教学目标【知识目标】To learn about the words and phrases about geographyTo know about the

13、Mekong RiverTo understand the character of Wang Kun and Wang Wei【能力目标】Learn to read a map Improve Ss reading skills ( skimming and scanning)【情感目标】Know to respect and communicate with others when having different opinionsKnow to love and protect the rivers in the world教学重难点【教学重点】Help Ss to improve th

14、eir reading skillsHelp Ss to understand the authors trip down the Mekong River 【教学难点】Help Ss to understand Wang Kuns and Wang Weis attitudes to the tripHelp Ss to analyze the characters of Wang Kun and Wang Wei课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia教学过程Step1. Warm-up A competition between groups:1) Which coun

15、try is Mississippi River located in?2) Which country is Thames River located in?3) Which river is the longest river in the world?4) Which river is the second longest river in the world?5) Which river is the longest river in China?6) Which river is the most important river in Southeast Asia?【设计意图】通过小

16、组竞赛激发学生参与课堂的积极性,并让学生了解和积累世界河流的知识,为进一步阅读理解文章做准备。Step2. Pre-readingWatch a video and try to answer the questions:1) What are the countries that the Mekong River flows through?2) What do people use the Mekong for?【设计意图】通过观看视频材料,让学生学会利用地图描述湄公河的位置及流经的六个国家,知道人们在生产生活中如何有效利用湄公河。Step3. Reading1. Try to predi

17、ct the main idea of the passage through the title and the sub-title2. Skim the whole passage and try to tell which paragraphs are about their dream and which paragraphs are about their plan.【设计意图】 引导学生通过文章标题,小标题,图片等有效预测文章内容,并能从整体把握文章结构及段落间的逻辑关系,避免学生养成在阅读过程中忽略文章整体结构的习惯。3. Scan for detailed informatio

18、nParagraph 1:Their dreamWhoWhat & HowParagraph 2: (SB P19 Comprehending Ex.3)Wang Weis attitudeWang Kuns attitudeParagraph 3:The great scenery along the Mekong River【设计意图】在整体理解把握文章大意后,以小组合作的方式开展课文的阅读活动,小组的每位成员负责一个段落的信息查询和归纳,最后在组内分享交流,以此激发学生进行有效阅读积极思考,提高学生捕捉细节信息及归纳理解信息的能力。Step4. Post-ReadingDiscussio

19、n: 1. What kind of person do you think Wang Kun and Wang Wei are? Give your reasons.2. Imagine you and your family have different opinions on your travel plan, how would you do?【设计意图】 开放性讨论,让尝试学生根据课文的描述,推断人物的性格特征,同时创设生活情境,引导学生在面对他人的不同意见时应如何处理问题,从而引导学生正确对待身边的人和遇到的问题。Step4. Homework1. SB P19 Comprehen

20、ding Ex.4 (make up a dialogue)2. SB P20 Discovering useful words and expressions【设计意图】1. 让学生回顾课文内容,并通过知识内化后用对话的形式进行知识的再输出。2. 熟悉课文词汇,为下一节课的语言学习做准备。教学反思略Period 3 Language Points Learning教学目标【知识目标】The useful expressions from the textThe examples and practices of important words and phrasesThe important

21、 structure from the text【能力目标】To learn words and expressions in a proper wayTo conclude the use of some expressions【情感目标】To help students understand the new expressions To look for a better way of learning words and expressions教学重难点【教学重点】The different pattern of words and the related expression【教学难点

22、】To use new expressions in different situations 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia教学过程Step1. Warming Up1. Revision (Retelling of the text) The dreamwhoWhat and howTheir attitudespreparationThe great scenery2. Homework checking (Asking some group members to check and share their homework)【设计意图】调动学生的参与性,利用

23、课文复述检测学生对上一节课堂内容的掌握情况,通过词汇练习了解学生对新词汇的掌握情况。Step2. Important expressions and sentence structuresWords and expressions:(1)_ cause sb to do sth by arguing or reasoning with him(2) _ complete a course for a degree a person who holds a degree (esp the first or bachelors) from a university or polytechnic(3

24、)_ having a great liking for sb / doing sth(4) _ determined not to give way, strong-willed(5)_ with ones mind firmly made up; resolute(6)_ allow oneself to be defeated or overcome by sb / sth(7)_ a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it(8)_ to make the necessary arrange

25、ment so that an activity can happen effectivelySentence structures: 1) It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong river from where it begins to where it ends.2) Once she haas made up her mind, nothing can change it.【设计意图】通过相关词义的描述和对应选择的训练,降低学生学习词汇的难度,有助缓解学生的畏难情绪。让学生习惯通过英英互译的方法

26、理解词汇,为过渡到使用字典进行词汇的自主学习做铺垫。Step3. Learning in groups(1) Four students in a group and read the expressions and sentences (2) Look up the words or expressions in a dictionary and take notes(3) Share their notes in a group【设计意图】通过小组合作的学习方式,激发学生自主学习的主动性。学生通过查阅字典和工具书,学习新词汇的用法,不同的词性与意义。通过笔记的整理,完成知识的理解和内化过程

27、,在小组分享过程中,对自主学习的词汇进行输出,进一步巩固自主学习的成果。Step4. Presentation(1) Some groups to present their works in the class(2) To give some better suggestions (3) To draw a conclusion or give examples to students【设计意图】 提供机会让学生展示自己小组的学习成果,并引导其他小组进行评价,以帮助学生完善笔记,形成相互学习,相互评价的好习惯。Step5. HomeworkWorkbook Page 56 Using wor

28、ds and Expressions.【设计意图】 集中练习重点单词于词组的表达与使用,巩固课堂所学知识。Period 4 Grammar The Present Continuous Tense: expressing futurity教学目标【知识目标】To review the present continuous tenseTo learn about the present continuous tense for future useTo review other ways of expressing future actions【能力目标】Know to express futu

29、re actions in different waysKnow to express future actions fluently【情感目标】Know to cooperate with others 教学重难点【教学重点】The different ways of expressing future actions【教学难点】Help Ss understand the present continuous tense for future useHelp Ss apply what they learn in reality课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia教学

30、过程Step5.Warming upListen to a dialogue which is about a travel plan.Try to write down questions in the dialogue.Dialogue:A: Ive planned a trip for my holiday.B: OK. Where are you going?A: Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan.B: Lovely. How are you getting there?A: As I havent much time I think I need to travel by air.B: Thats going to be very expensive. How much is fare?A: About 1,500 yuan.B: When are you leaving?A: One week after school finishes for this year.B: Sounds good to me. Where are you staying?A: Id like to stay in local homes.B:

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