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1、英语单项选择题复习资料2012年英语单项选择题复习资料九保中学该题型是依据所学的英语语法、词组、短语、习惯用法、固定搭配、句型、日常生活知识、语感、问题及答语或交际用语等英语基本知识来设计的(共30分 )。每道题给出四个答案 A、B、C、和D,其中选出一个正确的答案。要做好单项选择题就必须依据所学的英语基础知识对问题进行分析、推理、判断,最后得出正确的答案。 可从下面五个方面去找答题的方法与思路。 (1)、从语法的角度去分析找答案;(2)、从词汇、词组、短语方面去找答案;(3)、从英语习惯用法、固定搭配、句型方面去找答案;(4)从上下(或前后)关联及日常生活知识方面去答案;(5)从交际用语方面

2、去找答案。二、解题技巧与方法1. 直接法根据语感立即确定答案。有些单选题,简单易懂,仅仅考查语言点,考生往往凭已掌握的知识和语感能够直接选定正确答案。如:We often have sports after class,and I like to play _ basketball.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填本题考查冠词的用法,根据词组“ play basketball ”,中间无冠词,直接选答案 D .2. 关键词法许多题目都有一些关键词,它们对于快速而准确地判断出答案起着至关重要的作用。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。如: Is Wei Fang good a

3、t singing? Yes , she is.We often hear her _ in the next room.A. to sing B. sings C. sing D. singing此题根据感官动词 hear 的用法,先排除 A 、 B 两个选项,再根据关键词 often ,说明经常听见她在隔壁房间里唱歌,即用 hear sb. do sth. ,故选 C .3. 排除法在对四个选项难以确定的情况下,考生可以采取逐个排除法,把没有被排除的答案定为正确答案。如: How long have you _ the book? For a week.A. borrowed B. kep

4、t C. lent D. boughtBorrow,lend ,keep 都有“借”的意思,borrow 和 lend 为非延续性动词,不可接时间段,故 A 、 C 项排除; buy 是“买”的意思,也是非延续性动词,不合题意,D 项也排除,故正确答案为 B .4. 比较法有些单选题不能很快确定答案,必须对其时态、语态及同义词等方面进行比较,最后选出答案。如: Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday ? If I dont go, _ .A. so does he B. so he will C. neither will

5、he D. neither does he此题根据上文“ If I dont go ”的否定形式,确定引导词应该是 neither ,选排除 A 、 B 项,再根据主句用一般将来词,if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示,比较 C 、 D 两个选项,正确答案应为 C .5. 逻辑推理法有些题目的选项,从语法上判断答案不只一个,这时可以通过逻辑推理的方法得出正确答案。如:There are _ people in the street because it is very late .A. a few B. few C. a little D. littlea little 和 little

6、都不能修饰 people ,所以只剩下 A 、 B 项了。 a few 和 few 都可修饰 people ,此题的意思是:“因为时间晚了,所以街上几乎没有人。”若选 A ,不合逻辑,所以,只有 B 是正确的。6. 固定搭配判断法有的单选题应根据固定搭配和习惯用语选出正确答案。如:Swimming is good for our health,but _ the same time we mustnt forget the danger.A. in B. at C. on D. for答案为 the same time “在同时”是固定词组。7. 综合法有的单选题涉及到数学、理化、地

7、理、天文、生活习俗等方面的知识。解答此类单选题时宜采用综合法,注意语言知识的连贯性和各种知识的综合性。如:If H 2 burns (燃烧) in O 2 ,we can get _ .A. H 2 B. H 2 O C. O 2 D. H 2 O 2根据化学知识,氢气在氧气中燃烧,我们能得到水,故答案为 B .三、中考选择题考点归纳:A.冠词:(1)a/an 的区分:注意以“U”开头的单词。如果发字母u本身的音/ju:/,前面加a:a useful book, a university, a usual chair;如果发以外的音,前面加an:an unusual chair, an uni

8、mportant meeting, an unforgetable experience(2) 球类运动和三餐饭前不加theplay football , play table tennis乐器前加theplay the violin,play the piano(3)a一个,the那个(4)高难度竞赛题a“u”;an“h”;an “s”;an “x”用汉语拼音给字母注音,如有声母,就用a,如 Uyou;如没有声母,就用an,如Hei qi,Sai si,Xai ke siC. 连词(1) 连词现象:Although ,though 与but通常不连用because 与 so 不连用 if (

9、如果)与then 不连用(2) 就近一致连词neither.nor , either.or ,not only.but alsonot.but.(3) 连接句子与to do 形式because +句子(有完整主谓结构)because of +介词宾语(名词等)in order to do (in order not to do )in order that +句子so as to so as that +句子so.that +句子 do enough to do so good a book that +句子such a good book that+句子so good that+

10、句子(4) 重要联词的应用unless(=if not)除非 or 否则(威胁,劝告)as if / as though (仿佛)even if / even though (即使)not.until (直到.才)D. 介词(1) 介词+doing 介词+ 代词宾格形式 Neither ofusislate.The book isforyou. The knife is used forcuttingthings.Tom is sitting between him andme.(禁用“I”)关联记忆:介意 Mind + doingWould youmind my smokinghere?(2

11、) on in at 的用法:表时间:on(天优先,只要涉及天的概念就用on); in(时段); at (时刻)onthe morningofApril 1st.ona rainy night 在一个雨天的夜晚atthe same time(3) 表伴随:with / without ,或doingShe is a girlwithlong hair.She is a girlwearinga new dress.(4)表方式: by bike,on foot 没有冠词“a”或名词复数What time is it by your watch?The boss pays us by week.

12、He beat herwitha book.(with后要带a或复数)speakinEnglishWriteinink(5)介词(不加the)+名词at table 在桌旁,且在吃饭(两层意思)at the table 在桌旁,具体干什么不清楚at schoolin the schoolE. 名词(1) 单复数特殊变化: 男、女、脚foot-feet、牙、鹅goose-geese、孩子people(可数名词),sheep, deer(鹿) 单复数同形中、日不变;英、法a-e; 美、德该死(加S)Amercians,Germans(2) 名词的复数重心转移:This isanoldpairof

13、shoes. I want a newpair.(3) 带性别的复合词组:women(变) doctors(变)bus lines(只变最后一词)F. 动词(1)动词变化三大黄金法则:主谓一致 ,就近一致, 双动词关系主谓一致:谓语动词跟着主语发生变化第三人称单数现象(集体名词做主语)Our classareplaying football now (与人有关的动作)Our class is a small one (整体)主谓一致之就近一致(必考):There be 句型Either orNeither.nor.not only.but also.Not only they but also

14、I amwrong.时态一致:从句与主句时态一致Hesaidhehad beenthere for an hour.He said the sunisbigger than the moon.(自然规律自然现象用一般现在时态)He said the moonis runningaround the earth.(错误,应改为一般现在时态)时态一致之时态变异(必考):A瞬间动词的-ing形式表将来The planeis taking offin an hour.The old manis dying.(将要死了)B条件状语从句:一般现在时表将来I dont knowifhe will come

15、tomorrow.If he comes, I will call you.I will ring youas soon asI finish my work.I wont go out untilmy homework is done.典型考题:AI will go swimming.BIf you go,so will I.双动词关系:单句中,若有两个动词(be动词,行为动词,不包括助动词),他们的关系有四种:and 连接动作先后或并列发生,前后形式一致改为to do动作未做,准备做改为doing动作正在做或已做改为-ed 形式后一动作被动发生特例:* 使、让(make ,let, hav

16、e)主动不带to,被动带tomake sb. do /make sb not do/be made to dolet sb. do* The teacheraskedthe studentsto stop talkingandto listento her.* I have my carrepaired.(我请人修理了我的车。车被人修)I have repaired my car.(我修理了我的车。现在完成时态)I have him repair my car.(我让他修我的车。Have ab do sth)(2)动词分类与句型转换be 动词 am, is, are, was, were助动词

17、(1)do, does, did帮助行为动词做句型转换(2)have, has, hadwill, would, shall, should 帮助表时态(3)can, may, must, need 帮助表情态行为动词 like, cry, smile.等等(占99%) 行为动词的所有句型转换均需do家族三兄弟do、does或did帮忙Be动词、助动词不需任何帮忙Idont havelunch at home. Neither doyou.(前后主语不一样,Neither do you主谓倒装)I have been here an hour. Sohaveyou.(前后主语不一样,Neith

18、er do you主谓倒装)A I bought a new book ,Tom.B So you did.(I 和you 指同一个人,主谓不倒装)(3) 初中重点动词短语四个to后接ing形式的短语(to在该短语中作介词用)preferdoingtodoingprefer to doprefer to do rather thandolike . better used to doing (习惯于.)used to do (过去通常)be used to do (被用来做.)look forward to doing 盼望make a contribution to doin

19、g 采取措施/为.做贡献重要短语或相关词turn on, turn off, turn up, turn downtake off,land on put on, wear, dress, wear out, in red eat up, sell out, put away, put off人花费spend. (in) doing sth spend on sthpay. for.payment报酬,repay报答物花费It takes. to do cost cost价值speak in English,say it in English,say a wordtell a story, t

20、alk about sth. talk with sb. talk to sb.(4) 表事物特征常用一般现在时The pen writes well.The music sounds nice.The food tastes nice.G. 形容词、副词(1)比较A=Bas 原形as / not as (so). as.AB more.than.比较级标志词thanA B less.than.最高级典型标志词:in ,of , among最高级和比较级的转换:The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.The Changjiang R

21、iver is longer thanany other riverin China.The Changjiang River is longer thanany riverin India.AB 用比较级解释句子This foodisnt so delicious asthat food.This food is less delicious thanthis food.或That food is more delicious than this food.必须掌握的修饰比较级的四个词:much, a little, even, farHe ismuch tallerthan Tom.比较级

22、、最高级的不规则变化:口诀:两病两多并两好,距离老远少迟到bad/ill : worse worstmuch/many : more mostgood/well : better bestfar : farther farthestfurther furthestold : older oldestelder eldestlittle :less least(2) 后接形容词的动词be 动词感官动词:look taste smell feel sound使和让: make let变与不变: get go change turn keep remainHe looks tiredThe food

23、 tastes nice so it sells well.(3) 特殊句型:比较级 and 比较级.“越来越.”more and more 越来越多He is growing taller and taller.The +比较级,the +比较级.“越.越.”The sooner you come, the earlier we would arrive.She cant be more beautiful!(她漂亮极了。)I have never seen a more beautiful girl!She cant help crying.(cant help doing 忍不住)She

24、 cant wait to open the box.(cant wait to do 迫不及待)H. 数词分数 three sixths= 3/6three and three is six3+3=6I wanta few more.还要一点once more.再来一遍two books more 再来两本书a quarter =1/4 three quarters / three fourths = 3/4200个 two hundred几百个:hundreds ofI.代词介词/代词宾格形式all of us,each of them反身代词: help yourself to ., T

25、 yourselves to., boys.I study for myself.宾语与主语指向一致,用反身代词物主代词: yours = your bookThank you = Thanks* something nicesomething else* another是an other 的缩写others = other booksone. the other.I have two books. One is old, the other is new.(总数为2 ,2-1=1 ,后面的数量为准确的1)20. the others.There are forty people

26、 in the room. Ten of them areYoung, the others are old.(总数准确,20-10=10,后面的数量也为准确且超过1)some. others.There are a lot of people in the room. Some are Young,others are old.(总数不准确,后面的数量也为不准确)* 不定代词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数Is every one here?No,they arent.some water一些水someone 某个人* some timesometimetime 时间some timessom

27、etimestimes 次数一些次数某次* a fewfewfewerfewesta littlelittlelessleast掌握技巧:few:三个字母组成,数量少,数得清,修饰可数名词little:六个字母组成,数量多,数不清,修饰不可数a表示一个,肯定a few books 有一些书few books 没有书a little water 一些水little water 没有水too much too many much toomany too(错误书写)把前面的词划掉,后面的接什么,合起来就可以接什么英语的“两个与三个”两个都both两个都不neither两者中任何一个either三个都

28、all三个都不all三者中任何一个any两者之间between三者之间among* 也either , too,also,as well asYou like English,I like it,too.You arent right, Im not, either.He can also swim.Heas well as youis late.(注意非and连接,根据主语He决定谓语动词形式)J. 其它宾语从句*动词+8w/8h + 主 + 谓(注意主谓不倒装)正:He asked mewhere I hadbeen the day before.误:He asked mewherehad

29、Ibeen the day before.口语交际三大原则:学会道谢;学会道歉;学会欣赏和同情。礼貌原则学会道谢别人帮了忙,要感谢;别人没帮上忙,也要感谢,如说“Thank you all the same”;受到别人的称赞,也要感谢。学会道歉没帮上别人的忙,要道歉;弄错了,要道歉。学会表示祝福、欣赏和同情别人干得好,要给与赞扬;别人开始干某事,要给与祝福;别人遇到不幸的事,要表示同情,如“I am sorry to hear that”。How和what引导的感叹句宾语从句一般不用疑问语气(疑问词放在从句句首,但主谓不倒装)。there be句型就近一致原则,与have表示“有”的区别。Soshe句型、反意疑问句注意动词分类即可。单项选择做题要点:先看选项,认清是什么考点,考什语法点或知识点;再读题进行斟酌。做题速度,2题/分钟。力争15分拿14分!三大从句名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句)可用“什么”代替诀窍:缺啥补啥,啥都不缺填that从句为疑问,基

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