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1、英语专业八级改错题X. Proofreading and error correction (17 passages)Proofreading and error correction (10 marks)Directions: The following passage contains 10 errors. Each indicated line contains one error only. In each case, only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the fo

2、llowing manner:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “/” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an

3、unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.Your answer SHOULD be put on the Answer Sheet.Passage 2 Many of the computing patterns used today in elementaryarithmetic. Such as these for performing long 1_multiplications a

4、nd divisions, were developed so late as the 2_fifteenth century. Two reasons are usually advanced toaccount for this tardy development, named, the mental 3_difficulties and the physical difficulties encountered in suchwork. The first of these, the mental difficulties, must besomewhat discounted. The

5、 impression which the ancient 4_numeral systems are not amenable to even the simplestcalculations is largely based on lack of familiarity to these 5_systems. It is clear that addition and subtraction in a simplegrouping system require only ability to count the numbersymbols of per kind and then to c

6、onvert to higher units. No 6_memorization of number combinations is needed. In aciphered numeral system, if sufficient addition andmemorization tables have been memorized, the work canproceed much as we do it today. The physical difficulties encountered, therefore, were 7_quite real. Without a plent

7、y and convenient supply of some 8_suitable writing medium, any very extended developmentof the arithmetic process was bound to being hampered. It 9_must be remembered that our common machine-made pulppaper is little more than a hundred years old. The older ragpaper was made in hand and was consequen

8、tly expensive 10_and scarce.Answer:1. these: those 2. so: as 3. named: namely 4. which: that5. to: with 6. per: each/every 7. therefore: however8. plenty: plentiful 9. being: be 10. in: byPassage 3 It is indisputable in order to fulfill its many functions, water 1_should be clean and biologically va

9、luable. The costsconnected with the provision of biologically valuable waterfor food production with the maintenance of sufficientlyclean water, however, are primarily production costs. 2_Purely “environmental” costs seem to be on this respect 3_only costs connected with the safeguarding of cultural

10、,recreational and sports functions which the water coursesand reservoirs fulfill both in nature and in humane 4_settlement. The pollution problems of the atmosphere resemble thoseof the water only partly. So far, the supply of air has notbeen deficient like was the case with water, and the 5_dimensi

11、ons of the air-shed are so vast that a number of people still hold the opinion that air needs not be 6_economized. However, scientific forecasts have shown thatthe time may be already approaching that clear and 7_biologically valuable air will become problem No. 1. Air be ubiquitous, people are part

12、icularly sensitive about 8_any reduction in the quality of the atmosphere, theincreased contents of dust and gaseous exhalations, andparticularly about the presence of odors. The demand on 9_purity of atmosphere, therefore, emanates much more fromthe population itself than the specific sectors of th

13、e national 10_economy affected by a polluted or even biologicallyaggressive atmosphere.Answer:1. indisputable /: that 2. however: therefore 3. on: in4. humane: human 5. like: as 6. needs: need7. that: when 8. be: being 9. on: for 10. than /: fromPassage 4 During the 1970s, a grown number of scientis

14、ts started 1_wondering whether solar activity might have a direct effectin the earths weather. Research had indicated a general 2_connection between the cycle of sunspots and changes inatmosphere conditions on earth. Until recently, scientistshad been able to substantiate the link with hard data. 3_

15、 Now a consensus is developing which there is a statistical 4_correlation between sunspots and climate changes. Sunspotactivity had been tied with directional changes in certain 5_stratospheric (同温层的) winds at equator. When the 6_winds are blowing westward and sunspot activity is near an11-year peak

16、, the southeastern United States has anabnormal cold winter. The activity also seems to affect the 7_track of the North American jet stream and storms in theNorth Atlantic Ocean. As far the data has withstood the tests of skeptics. A chief 8_scientist of the . National Weather Service, whosebusiness

17、 is to subject statistical correlation to vigorousanalysis, is among the many converts to the new theory. Hebelieves that whether the correlation occurred by chance, it 9_should have failed testing by now. However, it passed withflying colors, causing meteorologists at the NationalWeather Service re

18、act with guarded optimism. As one put it, 10_“it could be the difference between a so-so forecast and apretty good one.”Answer:1. grown: growing 2. in: on 3. able: unable 4. which: that5. with: to 6. at: above 7. abnormal: abnormally8. As: So 9. whether: if 10. / react: toPassage 5 Despite of their

19、many differences of temperament and of literary 1_perspective, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, andWhitman share certain beliefs. Common to all these writers is theirhumanistic perspective. Its basic premises are that humans are thespiritual center of the universe and in them alone is the clue

20、 to 2_nature, history, and ultimately the cosmos themselves. Without 3_denying outright the existence either of a deity or of brute matter,this perspective thus rejects them as exclusive principles of 4_interpretation and prefers to explaining humans and the world in 5_terms of humanity itself. This

21、 preference is expressed most clearlyin the Transcendentalist principle that the structure of the universeliterally duplicates the structure of the individual self; however, all 6_knowledge begins with self-knowledge. This common perspective is almost always universalized. Itsemphasis is not upon th

22、e individual as a particular European orAmerican, while upon the human as universal, freed from the 7_accidents of times, space, birth, and talent. Thus, for Emerson, the“American scholar” turns to be simply “Man thinking”; while, for 8_Whitman, the “Song of Myself” merges imperceptibly into a songo

23、f all the “children of Adam,” where “every atom belonged to meas good belongs to you.” Also common to all five writers is the belief that individual virtue andhappiness depend upon self-realization, which, in turn, depends upon theharmonious reconciliation of two universal psychological tendencies:

24、first,the self-asserting impulse of the individual to withdraw, to remain unique andseparate, and be responsible only for himself or herself and second, the 9_self-transcending impulse of the individual to embrace the whole world in theexperience of a single moment and know and become one with that

25、world. 10_Answer:1. despite of: delete of 2. / in them: that 3. themselves: itself4. thus: nevertheless 5. explaining: explain 6. however: therefore7. while: but 8. turn /: out 9. for: to 10. / know: toPassage 6Hitler and his me killed over 5,000,000 people because they wereJewish or were not their

26、definition of “normal”. The Ku Klux Klanexist today and openly professes its hatred towards Jews and color 1_people. Our society is riddled with such hatred based upon peoplesbeliefs and origins and it seems millions are fighting each other in no 2_relevant reason at all. I do believe that we can gr

27、eatly reduce the amount of prejudice in our world today, yet I do not think that it will evercompletely go away. The society has seemingly come to accept all races, 3_religions, and genders, and supposedly has achieved political correctness,yet there will forever be individuals who discriminated bas

28、ed upon these 4_issues. These individuals often form large groups that recruit new membersto enforce their hatred of those with certain religion or skin tone. 5_ Obviously, no one can tell those people that they cannot have theirown opinions or beliefs, for they have the right to hate whom they like

29、. 6_However, I believe we need to raise our children to accept all people, nomatter god they do or do not believe in or what color skin they may 7_have. If children are raised around people who are not the same as theyare, then they will most likely not think anything different from people 8_who do

30、not look the same as them or believe what they believe. If weraise our children to believe all people are equal to the start, then 9_prejudice will slowly disintegrate over time. We, as the human race,need to focus on not judging people before we know them who they are. 10_Today, there are so many d

31、ifferent people in this world that stereotypesare almost always incorrect, as many people choose not to be followers,but to be individuals. Answer:1. color: colored 2. in: for 3. The society: delete the4. discriminated: discriminate 5. with / certain: a6. whom: whomever 7. no matter / god: what 8. from: of9. to the start: from 10. the

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