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1、考研英语阅读理解百篇练习UNIT1 Text 1无聊成为“逝去的艺术形式” 1 Text 2传媒与技术产业之间的纷争 6 Text 3从众心理与环境问题 12 Text 4经济复兴需要“业余精神” 18UNIT2 Text 1英语在欧洲的崛起 24 Text 2药物临床实验数据必须透明化 29 Text 3个体大脑中的群体智慧 34 Text 4全球经济滞涨 39UNIT3 Text 1MBA教育不应为管理高层的道德沦丧行为负责 46 Text 2网络语料库 52 Text 3道路增多可能导致交通更阻塞 57 Text 4美国的经济增长 63UNIT 4 Text 1现代农业系统与食物供应安全

2、 70 Text 2胜利和失败的姿势是进化的产物 75 Text 3美国法律保护丑闻公司 80 Text 4英国实行职业教育资格认证 85UNIT 5 Text 1对待科学的正确态度 92 Text 2高科技护照带来的问题 98 Text 3伪善是理智驱动的 104 Text 4企业如何应对突发事件 109UNIT 6 Text 1美国的濒危物种法 116 Text 2网络改变大脑构造 122 Text 3经济萧条下的工资增长和高效率 127 Text 4美国顶尖私立大学的新助学金政策 133UNIT 7 Text 1网络催生的新著作权经济 140 Text 2表达愤怒的积极效果 146 Te

3、xt 3创新的运作方式及动力 152 Text 4新养老模式:临终关怀 157UNIT 8 Text 1理性和启示之间的关系163 Text 2男性对其他同性的愤怒很敏感168 Text 3网络搜索使科学研究范围变窄 173 Text 4供应链的风险 179UNIT9 Text 1报纸社论歪曲气候真相 186 Text 2降低利率不能刺激欧元区经济 191 Text 3经济学家写无偿博客的影响 197 Text 4美国的TFA组织 203UNIT10 Text 1写博客有助自我治疗 209 Text 2网上汽车销售 215 Text 3美国食品及药物管理局受质疑 220 Text 4道德的“具

4、身”结构 226UNIT11 Text 1医疗旅游现象 233 Text 2创造力的研究发现 238 Text 3印刷版报纸的衰落 243 Text 4亚洲教育应对东西文化兼收并蓄 249UNIT12 Text 1道德思考的方法 255 Text 2获奖项认可者更长寿 260 Text 3美国社会阶层的界限依然存在 265 Text 4环保与转基因食品 270UNIT13 Text 1技术移民有利于美国经济发展 278 Text 2沃尔玛的海外市场 282 Text 3英国政府帮助年轻人就业的政策 289 Text 4城市化进程 294UNIT14 Text 1美国两大航空公司的合并 300

5、Text 2书写的用途 306 Text 3美国贫富差距扩大 311 Text 4英国教师供求失衡 316UNIT15 Text 1放弃基础研究的代价 323 Text 2在线广告新模式 329 Text 3英国的知识创新能力 334 Text 4性别、种族和智力 340UNIT16 Text 1现代艺术危害西方社会 346 Text 2美国兴起解决无家可归的行动 351 Text 3美加之间的贸易摩擦 356 Text 4经济的进化 362Unit oneText 1Our mad attempts to avoid boredom uphold a profitable corner of

6、 the entertainment industry, while the variety of books, websites, TV programs and videos aimed at children and called “Boredom Killers” suggests that ennui has no age restriction. This is no new developmentobsessive texting is hardly on a level with watching lions rip gladiators to shreds for enter

7、tainment, and, as the British public seem to be moving on to a stage where fox hunting is no longer seen as a justifiable, fun diversion, we must be doing something right. However, some experts have recently pointed out that obsessive avoidance of boredom (apart from being quite dull in itselfhave y

8、ou ever tried to have a decent conversation with an extreme sports enthusiast?) denies access to the certain kind of mental space which boredom brings and in doing so leaves us creatively and spiritually malnourished. In other words, boredom is becoming “a lost art form”. Steven Winn of the San Fran

9、cisco Chronicle puts it in a recent article:“As more and more people seem to recognize, the universal experience of being boredunengaged, detached, afloat in some private mental inactivitymay be far more precious, fruitful and even profound than a surface understanding might suggest. As ordinary as

10、grey skies and equally pervasive, boredom deserves its own sun-splashed attention and celebration.” This is a very particular understanding of what boredom is, and perhaps this very problem of definition is what lies at the root of the supposed debate. On the one hand, boredom can be defined as a st

11、ate of listlessness, a lack of interest in that which surrounds us and a general sense of ennui. Of this particular definition, Saul Steinberg wrote, “The life of the creative man is led, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.” So in this case, bo

12、redom is something we flee from in horror. Another conception of boredom is of a blank, private mental space, invaluable for relaxing and for the fermentation of creative juices. It is this type of boredom which is considered by some to be a lost art form. Informational overload from all quarters me

13、ans that there can often be very little time for personal thought, reflection, or even just “zoning out”. With a mobile that is constantly switched on and a surplus of entertainments available to distract the naked eye, it is understandable that some people find it difficult to actually get bored in

14、 that particular restlessness, introspective kind of way. 418 words 1The word “ennui”(Line 3, Para.1)most probably means . A avoiding boredom B lack of creativity C love of entertainment D the feeling of having nothing to do2Boredom is becoming “a lost art form” because people . A are deprived of de

15、ep thought B are abandoning old-fashioned amusementC indulge in entertainment D have no private space3According to Steven Winn, which of the following is true about boredom? A It is a common problem of human beings. B It is always feared by creative men.C It is important to recognize its significanc

16、e.D It is more valuable than entertainment.4From the passage, we can learn that boredom . A has two contradictory definitions B has both strong and weak pointsC is a source of art creation D is dying in the information age 5A suitable title for the passage might be . A Life without Boredom B The Inf

17、luence of Modern EntertainmentC Two Types of Boredom D The Significance of Boredom 核心词汇Celebration(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略) n.庆祝;颂扬 例:Her triumph was a cause for celebration. 她的胜利是庆祝的理由。(P2L4)detached(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)a.不带感情的,超然的 :She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical.她希望他不再那么冷酷无情,那么无动于

18、衷,那么愤世嫉俗。(P2L2)diversion(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略) n.消遣,娱乐 :The city is full of diversions. 城市里的各种娱乐活动比比皆是。(P1L5)introspective(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略) a.好内省的,好反省的intro- 向内,在内;-spect- 看 例:prospect 展望(P4L6)justifiable(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)a.有理由的,可证明是正当的 例:justifiable cirticism/pride合理的批评;无可非议的自豪感(P1L5)malnourished(因网站显示原因,本处

19、音标从略)a.营养不良的mal-(构成名词、动词和形容词)糟糕;坏;错误。例:malpractice玩忽职守;malfunction故障(P1L9)obsessive(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)a.着迷的,迷恋的;强迫性的 例:an obessive attention to detail过分注重细枝末节。(P1L3)unengaged(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)a.有空的,无事可做的。(P2L2)uphold(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)v.支持,维护(正义等) 例:We have a duty to uphold the law.维护法律是我们的责任。(P1L1)zone(因网站

20、显示原因,本处音标从略)v.将分成区(或划成带) 例:The town center is zoned for office development. 镇中心被划定为办公开发区。(P4L4)zone out 走神,不能集中注意力(P4L4)超纲词汇 ennui(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)n.无聊,厌倦,倦怠(P1L3)gladiator(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)n. (古罗马)角斗士(P1L4)fermentation(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)n.发酵(P4L2)pervasive(因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)a.遍布的,充斥各处的(P2L4) 长难句分析1. Our mad

21、 attempts to avoid boredom uphold a profitable corner of the entertainment industry, while the variety of books, websites, TV programs and videos aimed at children and called “Boredom Killers” suggests that ennui has no age restriction. 该句主干为Our mad attempts. uphold a profitable corner.。while. age r

22、estriction为时间状语从句,其主干为the variety of books, websites, TV programs and videos. suggests that.。aimed at . Killers为过去分词作后置定语,修饰状语从句的主语。从句that. no age restriction为suggest的宾语。 译文:我们逃避无聊的狂热企图为娱乐业提供了一部分丰厚的收益,各种各样为儿童设计并被称为“无聊摧毁者”的书籍、网站、电视节目、音像制品表明无聊没有年龄界限。 2. This is no new developmentobsessive texting is h

23、ardly on a level with watching lions rip gladiators to shreds for entertainment, and, as the British public seem to be moving on to a stage where fox-hunting is no longer seen as a justifiable, fun diversion, we must be doing something right. 该句的主干是This is no new development.破折号表示补充说明,其后部分为对前文的解释。破折

24、号后面部分为and 连接的并列句。后一分句的主干为we must be doing something right,as. fun diversion为原因状语从句。状语从句中,where. fun diversion为定语从句,修饰stage。 译文:逃避无聊并不是什么新现象(如今)这种强迫性地接受信息和(古代人)为了娱乐观看狮子将角斗士撕成碎片无法相提并论。而且,由于英国公众似乎正在进入一个不再视猎捕狐狸为合理的、有趣的消遣的阶段,因此我们一定要做一些更合理的事情。 3. However, some experts have recently pointed out that obsess

25、ive avoidance of boredom (apart from being quite dull in itselfhave you ever tried to have a decent conversation with an extreme sports enthusiast?) denies access to the certain kind of mental space which boredom brings and in doing so leaves us creatively and spiritually malnourished.此句主干为 some exp

26、erts have recently pointed out that. 。that. malnourished为宾语从句,其主干为obsessive avoidance of boredom. denies access to the certain kind of mental space. 。which. malnourished 为修饰the certain kind of mental space的定语从句。括号内部分是对avoidance of boredom的补充说明。 译文:然而,一些专家最近指出,强迫性的逃避无聊(首先,它本身就相当无聊,比如你是否曾经试图与一位狂热的运动爱好

27、者进行一次像样的交谈?)使人无法进入无聊带来的那种思维空间,从而导致我们在创造性和精神上都处于营养不良的状态, 4. With a mobile that is constantly switched on and a large amout of entertainments available to distract the naked eye, it is understandable that some people find it difficult to actually get bored in that particular restlessness, introspective kind of way.该句主干为it is understandable that. ,其中it为形式主语,that some peop

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