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words in lesson 3 Mirror of America.docx

1、words in lesson 3 Mirror of AmericaIdyllic adj.pastoral or picturesque; pleasing and simple田园诗的;田园风光的;闲适恬静的;质朴宜人的idyllic landscape田园风光Notthatit wasalwaysidyllic: lifeontheroadcouldbeharsh.不是所有的日子都田园诗般美妙,在路上的生活很艰辛。Every bit the same degree (often followed by as) 完全,同样地He is every bit as mean a

2、s she is他与她同样平庸。Cynical adj.1.believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness;denying the sincerity of peoples motives and actions,or the value of living玩世不恭的;愤世嫉俗的A cynical view of human nature 对人性的一种愤世嫉俗的观点Hewas socynicalthathesneered ateverything that madelifeworthliv

3、ing.他也太玩世不恭了,凡是对人生有意义的事,他一概加以嘲笑。2.not caring that something might not be morally right, might hurt someone etc, when you are trying to get something for yourself 无所顾忌的,不顾他人的A cynical disregard for international agreements 不顾国际协定的损人利己行为Frailty n.1.the lack of strength or health 脆弱,虚弱The frailty of he

4、r thin body 她瘦弱的身体2.something bad or weak in your character (性格上的)弱点,缺点Human frailties 人性的弱点Guerrilla n.A member of small unofficial military group that usually fights against an official army or police force 游击队(员)Guerrilla war/warfare 游击战The guerrillas threatened to kill their hostages. 游击队员们威胁要杀死

5、人质。Prospector n.A person who searches for the natural occurrence of gold, petroleum, etc 勘探者,探矿者Starry-eyed adj.with the eyes sparkling in a glow of wonder,romance,visionary dreams, etc.过于理想的;不切实际的;盲目乐观的Somepeople werestarry-eyedabouttheirinvestmentplans.一些人士不现实地憧憬他们的投资计划。Acid-tongued adj.Sharp, sar

6、castic in speech 说话尖刻的,尖嘴利舌的Artery n.One of the tubes that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body 动脉A main road, railway line, river, etc 干道,干线,干流Heartdiseaseandarterydiseasewillraiseyourriskofheart disease. 心脏病和动脉疾病会增加你患中风的风险Keelboat n.River boat with a shallow draught and a keel bu

7、t no sails; used to carry freight; moved by rowing or punting or towing 龙骨船The clubalsohostsarangeofwater sportactivitiessuch askeelboatraces and social flotillas.It is aplacenotto bemissedbywatersportlovers. 俱乐部长年主办各项水上活动,如刺激万分的帆船竞赛,亲善船队活动等,是水上运动爱好者不可错过的景点。Flatboat n.any boat with a flat bottom, us

8、ually for transporting goods on a canal or river 平底船Raft n.1.A floating platform made from large pieces of wood or other materials tied together 木排;木筏Hucklayontheraftinthe sununtilhe wasdry. 哈克在阳光下躺在木筏上,一直躺到全身都干了。2. Small rubber or plastic boat that you blow air into to make it float. (橡皮或塑料的)小型充气船T

9、he crew spent two days and nights in their raft. 船员们在他们的小充气船上度过了两天两夜。Lumber n. / v.1.Pieces of wood used for building that have been cut to specific lengths and widths 木材,木料Theforestprovideslumber,habitatandfreshwaterandit sequestersvast amountsofcarbon. 森林可以提供木材.动物栖息地和淡水,还能储备大量的碳。2. To move in a sl

10、ow, awkward way 缓慢笨拙地移动He lumbered back to his chair. 他蹒跚地坐回到椅子上。Molasses n.A thick dark sweet liquid that is obtained from raw sugar plants when they are being made into sugar 糖蜜,糖浆Cub n.1.the baby of a wild animal such as a lion or a bear 幼兽The researchersperformaphysicalexaminationona pandacub.研究

11、人员在对一只熊猫幼崽进行全身检查。 inexperienced,awkward youth阅历浅的年轻人Cosmos n.the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system宇宙Ourworldisbuta smallpartof thecosmos.我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已。Feud n. / v.1.a bitter,longcontinued,and deadly quarrel,esp. between clans of families(尤指部落或家族间的)世仇,累世宿仇,夙怨,长期不和A bitter

12、 feud over territory 领土问题上的长期激烈争执 continue quarrelling for a long time, often in a violent way 长期争斗,结仇,结怨He feuded with his ex-wife. 他与前妻争吵不休。Lynch v.Am.murder(an accused person)by mob action and without lawful trial, as by hanging 美私刑处死They were about to lynch him when reinforcements from the a

13、rmy burst into the room and rescued him. 他们正要以私刑绞死他,军队就冲进房间救了他。Soak upto receive and absorb something吸收That child soaks up new facts like a sponge! 那孩子吸收新知识像海绵似的!Teem full, as though ready to bring forth young; abound; swarm充满;富于;大量地出现;涌现For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.一

14、年的大部分时间里这个地方都挤满了游客。Flotsam n.1.broken pieces of wood and other things from a wrecked ship, floating in the sea or scattered on the shore 残骸,碎木,零碎什物2.things that people no longer want and so throw away 废弃物3.people who are very poor and do not have jobs or homes流离失所的人,无业游民Camps were set up to shelter

15、the flotsam and jetsam of the war.建了营地收容那些战争难民。Hustler n.A prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets 妓女Thug n.A rough, brutal hoodlum, ganster, robber, etc 恶棍,暴徒,强盗Motley adj.Having or composed of many different or clashing elements; heterogeneous 混乱的;杂乱的He needed the psychological sk

16、ills to manage his literally motley crew. 他需要心理学技巧来管理他的形形色色的船员。Stagecoach n.Large carriages pulled by horses which carried passengers and mail 驿站马车Succumb v.1.Give away; submit; yield 屈服,屈从The town succumbed after a short siege. 该城被围困不久即告失守。2.not be able to fight an illness 被压垮, 死于过度劳累Many of them s

17、uccumbed to their injuries. 他们之中的许多人受伤不治而死。Flirt v.1.To behave towards sb. as if you find them sexually attractive, without seriously wanting to have a relationship with them 调情Hell shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you. 他会在你面前毫不羞耻的跟别的女人调情。2. Trifle or toy (with) 玩弄,戏耍She flirted with t

18、he idea of becoming an actress when she was younger. 她年纪更小一些时曾闹着玩似地想当过演员。Colossal adj.So great in size or force or extent; gigantic 巨大的,庞大的The colossal monument bestrode the harbour. 巨大的纪念碑高耸于海港上。Rebuff v. / n.Rufuse to do what they suggest 断然拒绝His proposals have already been rebuffed by the governo

19、r. 他的建议已被州长拒绝了。Hone v. / n.1.A fine whetstone, esp fpr sharpening razors 磨刀石2.To develop and improve sth. esp a skill, over a period of time 磨练,训练His body was honed to perfection. 他的身体锻炼得十全十美。Scathing agj.Criticize sb. or sth. very severely 严厉批评的;无情抨击的He was scathing about the governments performanc

20、e.他尖锐德批评了政府的表现。Sloth n.The bad habit of being lazy and unwilling to work 懒散;怠惰He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth. 他承认自己缺乏动力,感觉懒散。Of sortsOf a poor or inferior type 差劲的,勉强称得上的It was a meal of sorts, but nobody enjoyed it. 这勉强算是一顿饭,谁都没有吃好。Debunk v.To show that an idea, a belief, e

21、tc is false; to show sth. is not as good as people think it is 批判;揭穿的真相debunk the claims of an advertiser 驳斥一名广告商的谎言EarnestN. something of value given by one person to another to bind a contractAdj. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinionsN. 认真;定金;诚挚adj. 认真的,热心的;

22、重要的E.g. Whileyouwork,youshouldworkinearnestMischievous英mstvsAdj.1 naughtily or annoyingly playful 2 badly behaved 3 deliberately causing harm or damage Adj 淘气的;(人、行为等)恶作剧的;有害的E.g. She rocks back and forth on herchair like a mischievous child.Ingenuity英,ndnjutN. 1 the power of creative imagination 2

23、the property of being ingeniousN. 心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置E,g, Inspecting the nest can be difficult and may require some ingenuity.Innocence英nsnsN. 1 the quality of innocent naivete 2 the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil 3 a state or condition of being innocent of

24、 a specific crime or offense N. 清白,无罪;天真无邪E.g. the sweet innocence of youth.青年时代的天真可爱。Juveniledu:vnail, -nilN. a youthful personAdj. 1 of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people 2 displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity Adj. 青少年的;幼稚的 N. 青少年;少年读物 E.g Juveni

25、le crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.Pariah英praN. a person who is rejected (from society or home)N. 贱民 社会遗弃者E.g His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.Drunkard英drkdN. achronic drinkerN.酒鬼RespectableAdj. 1 characterized by proper behavior or conventional conduct; wort

26、hy of respect 2 deserving of esteem and respect 3 large in amount or extent or degree adj. 值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的E.g He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.他来自一个非常体面的中产阶级家庭。Puritanical英pjrtnk()l Adj. 1 of or relating to Puritans or Puritanism 2 exaggeratedly proper Adj. 清教徒的;极端拘谨的 E.g H

27、e has a puritanical attitude toward sexPanoraman. 全景、全貌A picture or a series of pictures of a landscape or historical eventDeplore v. 1、express strong disapproval of 强烈反对、谴责2、regret strongly 哀叹;对深感遗憾Regularity n. 1、a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles 规则性2、the

28、quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate 整齐、均匀Clamor n. 1、a loud harsh or strident noise 喧哗2、loud and persistent outcry from many people 叫嚷 v. 1、make loud demands 喧哗2、utter or proclaim insistently and noisily 持续地喊Ingredientn. 1、a component of a mixture or compound 原料2、an abstract

29、part of something 要素3、food that is a component of a mixture in cooking 食物配料Robust adj. 1、physically strong 强壮的、健康的2、marked by richness and fullness of flavor (气味)浓的、强烈的3、strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity 坚强的4、rough and crude 粗鲁的Renew v. 1、reestablish on a ne

30、w, usually improved, basis or make new or like new 更新2、cause to appear in a new form 复兴Hauntn. a frequently visited place 常去的地点、栖息地 v. 1、follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to 出没2、haunt like a ghost; pursue 作祟、萦绕于3、be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place 经常去Pneumonia n. 1、respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants 肺炎Steamboat n. 1、a boat propelled by a steam engine 汽船Spinal meningitis n1、脊膜炎Succumb v. 1、consent reluctantly 屈服2、be fatally overwhel

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