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1、新概念英语第三册笔记第37课资料讲解新概念英语第三册笔记 第 3 7 课Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车New words and expressi on 生词和短语1.Express n.快车;a.高速的(ad.快递地send it vt 1、表达2、(想法、情感)流露;呈现)Express way高速公路 / Express train快车Special express特快 / express coach长途汽车express service快车 express post快件 express mail快件 express delivery

2、快递express compa ny 快递公司2.Punctual a.准时的(=neither early nor late )Be punctual in doing sth 在做。事方面相当准时-I n the moder n society, we must be pun ctual in what we are doing .Be punctual to the minute 非常的准时-He is a man who is punctual to the minute.副词:Punctually反义词:Unpunctual名词: Punctuality ,p?ktj?l ?Prom

3、ptly adv.准时地pr?mptli 1、迅速地(quickly);立即(immediately) 2、及时地;准时地-He was so sleepy that he went to sleep promptly.on time 准时/ in time 及时2、 sb (into sth/into doing sth)挑衅;激怒;刺激3.Condition vt.使习惯于(二Form a habit in)(习惯于(以某种方式做事或思考)usu passive使适应;以为条件)-Society has con diti oned each one of us. 这个社会已经使我们大家都适

4、应了。Be con diti on to sth-Each one of us has bee n con diti oned toociety.-the plants have been conditioned tdhe cold weather here. ( plant做主语)-The cold weather has con diti oned the pla nts here. (cold weathd做主语)1) (专业或贬义)训练,使有反应 condition to do stheg. The an imals are con diti on ecto expect food a

5、t the sound of the bell被 训练得习惯一听至 U铃声就想吃食物。eg. People are conditionecby the society they live in.人们都习惯于适应所生活的社会空间。2) to con trol or decide 决定,取决eg. The amount of money I spend is conditioned by the amount I ear我花多少钱要看我收入多少而定。adapt v渐渐适应adapt to 适应eg. It is hard for a pers on who lives in no rther n

6、coun tries to adopt to octopus.adapt for改编,改作(他用)eg. The orig inal has bee n adapted for a soap opera.原著被改编成了一部肥皂居 9。eg. An old house was adapted for a garager 间旧房子被改成了车库。adjust v.调整,校准,以适应(to make small changes especially to its position to make it more effective)eg. My eyes haven t adjusted to the

7、 dar!介词.toeg. The desks and seats must be adjusted to the height of any chi 桌椅必须调整以适应孩子们得 高度。settle in/settle into 适应,融入新环境(to become used to a new home, job, surroundingseg. It took me 3 weeks to settle into life at college.n.条件(情况,状态,条件)on con dition that 在 条件下如果on no condition 在任何情况下都不(用在句首句子必须采用

8、倒装)-On no con dition must you be late.在任何情况下都不能迟到。in good/bad condition 情况良好(不好)in condition 健康状况好(可以特指健康)out of con ditio n健康状况不好(可以特指健康)4.un shakable a.不可动摇的(坚定不移的)adj.不可动摇的; 坚定不移的 unalterable , unpersuadableshakable可动摇的;可震动的;可摇动的shake ( shak ing, shook, shake n, shakes )vt.动摇;摇动;震动;握手 vi.动摇;摇动;发抖

9、 n.摇动;哆嗦milk shaketremble颤抖,发抖,指因寒冷、情绪变化、体弱多病而 不由自主轻微地抖动。如: A poor old woman stood at the corner, trembling with age.shake颤抖,颤动,指 任何短促而急促的摇动,有时喻指对决心,信念的动摇。女口: He was shaking with fear.(他吓得发抖。)Nothing can shake our determination.shiver战栗,寒战,指因寒冷,恐惧或体弱多病而引起的抖动。如:The old man stood shivering in the wind

10、-swept street.这位老人站在寒风凛冽的街上发抖。 ) n信任=strong belief/trust深信不疑,信仰,信心 (n.信仰;信念;信任;忠实)keep faith with sb对某人守信用put ones faith in sth 对 有信心on the faith of在 保证下,凭 信用faithful忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的faithless不忠实的;无信的;无宗教信仰的词汇比较:faith 语气较强,深信不疑,有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。信仰 (比belief程度更重一些)belief可信赖,可接受,普通用词,指单纯从主观上的相信,不着重

11、这种相信是否有根据。conviction坚定的信念,根据长期交往或实践,对某人某事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和 相信,侧重其坚定性。trust相信,依赖(强调相信、信任的 完全可靠。)credit 语气最弱,着重 以声誉为信任的基础。-I have full credit in your ability to do this job.6.can cel v.取消 (to stop sth. planned from happe ning )事先计划好的事物 reschedulecan cel an appo in tme nt -we have to can cel the appo in t

12、me nt.can cel a meet ing词汇比较:Call off 取消,解除(可以替换can cel)Abolish 废除(to officially end a law, system especially one thah as existed for a long time)-The law was abolished. abolish racial segregation废除种族隔离Rescind r?s?id vt撤销,废止,废除,比abolish正式(非常正式的一个词,文件,公约常 用)Write off注销,勾销-Write off the name. 注销这个名字。C

13、ross out 戈U掉 -The word here is useless, please cross it out.deprive sbof sth剥夺,取消,丧失eg. The crim inal was deprived of his political The kid was deprived of pare nts in a train accide nt.7.exceptio nally adv.例外地 (异常地;特殊地;例外地)词根:exceptadj. exceptio nal异常的,例外的conj. except除了; 要不是 except that

14、除了 之夕卜上节课学的: assuming 特殊的连词 conj.假定认为assuming that considering that given that等prep.except除之夕卜8.dislocate d?sl?ke? v.打乱(计划等)(本意是vt.使脱臼(不能正常运转发挥功能):然后,使混乱,扰乱)1) to spoil a pla n, system, service etc., so that it cannot work no rmallydislocate a plan 打乱计戈U dislocate a system dislocate serviceput a pla

15、 n out of order 打乱一个计戈 Udislocate bus in ess 破坏生意 dislocate mach inery2) to put a bone out of place使 关节脱臼eg. He fell from his horse and dislocated his collar bone他从马上跌下而使锁骨脱臼了。9.blame v.责怪 (vt.责备;归咎于n.责备;责任;过失)1、归咎于Blame sb for sth 归咎于(for 后加结果 for something bad ) blame the army for the chaosBlame s

16、th on sth归咎于(on后加原因 blame something bad on sb/sth) blame the breakdown on the schedule 2、责备,责怪 blame sb for sth/doing sth I do not blame them for trying to make some money.3、 动词词组:该受责备 be to blame (for)(主动表被动)If their forces were notinvolved, then who is to blame?4、 n.责备,及引申出“严重或程度高时”的(事故、过失等的)责任” t

17、ake the blame for承担责任rm not going to take the blame for a mistake he made.10.consult v.请教,查阅1)to ask sb. for in formati on or advice as a professi onal who is supposed to know about 请教,征求意con sult his doctor 找 医生诊治 con sult a dicti onary 查字典 con sult a map 查地图2)to ask for some one s permissi on or t

18、o discuss sth. with someoryDsocttnatmake a decisi on togethercon suit with 和商议 eg. I ll con sult with my pare nt s before I make a decisi adv .径直地(without stopp ing or cha nging directi on or without deali ng with anyone else first) fly direct to Chicago 直飞芝加哥 con tact the man ager dire

19、c 直接与经理联系eg. It s usually cheaper to buy the goods direct from the wholesaler.directly直率地,直截了当地speak directly ask directly an swer directlyeg. She seems to have something on her mind, but wouldn t speak directly.这两个副词都有“直接地”之意。direct :指去目的地/人不中断,不停步、不绕道、直奔目的地/人。(直达目标物/人)The mayor goes direct to the

20、people to liste n to their complai nts.(市长亲自深入群众倾听他们的怨言。)directly :指抽象方式的“直接,正对,正面刚,直接干”以一种直接的方式。表时间时,指立刻,不拖延之意。 门I be there directly.(我马上到那儿。)另外:directly可以用作连词,表示“一 就”,只用rectly,不用direct。如:Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke.我一进门就闻到烟味。high adv. fly high (物理)highly adv. speak highly of sb对某人评

21、价特别的高 (抽象)deep adv. dig deep into the earthdeeply adv. move sb deeply深深地震撼或打动了某人12.odd a奇怪的,异常的odd adj.1、古怪的(因为少见而奇怪)(不正常的或超乎预料 的,通常让人 无法赞同或理 解)2、奇数的;单数的 (反义词even)strange adj陌生的,奇怪的(因为陌生而奇怪)(指不同寻常或令人惊讶的)queer adj奇特的(因为不同于其它的而奇怪, 程度非常之高)-Look,he is weari ng a queer hat.2、娘儿们似的;妖里妖气的 (n.同性恋男)Fan tasti

22、c adj 奇妙的weird 1、奇异的;不寻常的;怪诞的 a weird dream2、离奇的;诡异的(神秘或可怕) make weird in human sou ndsEccentric ?kentr?k adj.怪癖的(-He is an eccentric person)13 reflect v 细想(深思熟虑=co nsider carefully)深思 vi Reflect on sth -Hes reflecting on his idea. We should all give ourselves time toeflect.Reflect upon on eself反省 -

23、Sometimes we n eed reflect upon ourselves.第二种意思:反射,注意 “映出倒影” -She looks at herself reflected in the water/in the mirror(常水,镜子)第三种意思:由反射出,引申出“ V-T反映出;表现出;显示出”(比如观点等)A n ewspaper report seems to reflect the view of most members of Con gres国会多数议员的观点 Deliberate故意的,有意的作为动词V-T/V-I有仔细思考和商议”的意思,及引申出第二个形容词意“

24、深思熟虑的,从容 镇定的”14.Adva ntage n.优势,长处Take adva ntage of sb欺骗,作弄,占某人的便宜(不一定是性别方面的)(欺骗某人并利用)Take adva ntage of sth利用-We must take adva ntage of what we can use.Of great/no advantageto sb/sth 对。大有益处 /毫无益处 -Smoking is of no advantage to you.To one adva ntage =to the adva ntage of s对某人有禾 Uturn sth to adva n

25、tage使发挥作用,充分利用(把什么变成优势,长处)eg. In seek ing a good job, we should tur n En glish to adva ntage.Have adva ntage over sb/sth (优于,胜过,比优秀)胜过某人,比某人有优势In terms of work ing experie nee, I have an adva ntage over him.give an advantage over (使某人)在方面比较有禾Ueg. His uni versity educati on gave him an adva ntage ove

26、r those who had n ever bee n to college.词汇比较:In terest个人的利益,好处-It to your in terest to give up smok ingBen efit通过正当手段谋求的好处-Doi ng exercises will ben efit us a lot.Profit金钱上的获利Good个人或集体的利益15.mighty a.强大的,有力的(very strong and powerful)书面用语the Mighty King Kang Xi 康熙大帝mighty nation强大的民族super power超 级大国hi

27、gh and mighty 自高自大eg. People inv ariably hold those who are high and mighty in despise.hold sth in despise 蔑视2、 adv.很;极;非常 (美国英语,非正式)eg. I m mighty fine and dandy.3、 n.有势力的人(用的非常少)16.dawdle d?d(?lv.慢吞吞地动或做或前进(磨蹭)(另有 vt&vi. “混日子,游手好闲”的意思)Eg: Elea nor will be back any mome nt, if she does nt dawdle17.

28、chug t?g v.咔嚓咔嚓的响(动画片里面的老式汽车)Vi (发动机缓慢运转时)(车辆)发着嘎嚓声吃力地行驶Vt 一口气喝完美国英语非正式eg. The boat chugged out of the harbor at dawn.creak kri?k v.吱扭吱扭,咯吱咯吱(门、木地板等)嘎吱作响)eg. The door creaked ope n and a boy slipped in.chuckle t?c(?)l v.咯咯笑cluck kl ?k v./n. the sou nd made by a hen(母鸡)咯咯叫;(表示遗憾或不赞成)发咯咯声;用舌头发出咯咯声的噪音;

29、大惊小怪)18.Lodge l?d? v.提出 =make a statemenOficially , to make a formal or official complaint, protest比 make更正式Make/lodge complai nt 提出抱怨lodge a compla int 提出投诉 lodge a protest提 出抗议 lodge an appea 提出上诉lodge aga inst sb/sth with sb就 向提出eg. Some pare nts lodged a compla int with the headmaster aga inst o

30、ne of the teach 向校长提出投诉。eg. The crim in al lodged an appeal aga inst the sentenc 罪犯不服判决而提出上诉。charge v.charge sb with sth指控犯有罪eg. He was charged with forgery and theft他被指控犯有伪造和偷窃罪。charge sb + money for sth 对收费 eg. I was charged $20 for a hairdo!accuse sb of sth指责别人犯有错或罪eg. They accused the police of

31、brutality他 们指责警察乱施暴行。eg. Dimitri immediately went to Alko s house and angrily accused him of stealing the plain of sth to sb 抱怨指责别人作了什么eg. She complained to me of her husband s in她向我抱怨她的丈夫的冷漠。in diet ?ida/it v.起诉,控诉,以罪被起诉indict sb for sth以罪名起诉某人eg. He was in dicted for fraud.他被起诉犯有诈骗罪。sue v控诉,起诉,提出索赔eg. He sued the other driver in the crash for $3000 damage他向车祸中的肇事司机提出 3000 英 镑的赔款。lodge n.乡下的茅屋和茅舍 hut h?t n.小屋 a wooden hut 小木屋ca

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