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1、牛津英语模块三Unit1重点词语牛津英语模块三Unit 1 重点词语 单词讲解(上)Welcome to this unit & Reading 1. sense【点拨】n. 感觉;意义 vt. 感觉到 I had a sense of tiredness, so Id like a good rest.【拓展】 a sense of humor幽默感;have a good sense of direction有很强的方向感;a sixth sense第六感觉;make sense有意义/讲得通;lose ones sense失去理智;come to ones senses 恢复理智;The

2、re is no sense in doing sth做某事无意义;common sense 常识;in a sense在某种意义上来说;in no sense决不是/决非。 I dont think that group of numbers make any sense. He is in no sense the person as you describe.2. observe 【点拨】vi. 注意到; 观察到 Did you observe anybody take away my suitcase I left on the bench? He has been observing

3、 the newly-found star for several months.【拓展】(1)vt. 遵守;奉行(法律、习俗、规章等) All students are required to observe school rules. (2) vt.庆祝;纪念(节日、生日等) How are you going to observe your eighteenth birthday?3. deserted【点拨】adj. 丢弃的;空无一人的 They decided to spend the night in the deserted temple.【拓展】(1)desert vt. 抛弃

4、;vi. 逃跑;开小差 He shouldnt have deserted his wife and children. (2) desert n. 沙漠 The Sahara Desert is the largest one all over the world.4. sight.【点拨】n. 视野;视觉;视力 Turn right and the museum will be in sight soon. I caught sight of a man putting his hand into a passengers pocket.【拓展】in sight看见;out of sigh

5、t 看不见;catch sight of 看到;lose sight of看不到;at first sight一看见(就); come in / into sight进入视野;lose ones sight 失明;the London sights伦敦风景。如: Out of sight, out of mind. (谚)久别情疏。 The solider is a fighting hero, who lost his sight in a battle.5. beat【点拨】vi. (心)跳动;vt.(反复)击打;打败(对手) I could feel my heart beating f

6、ast with fear. Bad luck! We were beaten in the football final!【拓展】beat sb to death将某人痛打致死;beat sb black and blue将某人打得鼻青脸肿;beat sb in the basketball match在篮球比赛中战胜某人;beat against the window(雨水等)打在窗上;beat about the bush 旁敲侧击;give sb a good beating痛打某人一顿;beat down杀价;dead beat累极了;beat ones brain 绞尽脑汁。 He

7、 was given a good beating for telling his father a lie.6. fear 【点拨】n.& vt 害怕;恐惧 Hearing the sudden thunder, the girl trembled with fear.【拓展】live in fear生活在恐惧中;put fear into ones heart 使某人恐慌;for fear of/that惟恐;tremble with fear怕得发抖;be overcome by fear感到害怕。 She kept silent over this matter for fear of

8、 losing her job.7. still【点拨】adj. 静止的;不动的 Please keep still so that I can take a photo of you. Still water runs deep. 【拓展】adv. 不动地;仍然;(修饰比较级)还要;更加 He stood still on top of the mountain, lost in thought. Li Tao is tall, but his brother is still taller. conj. 可是;仍然 Only Jim failed the exam, still he ha

9、d done his best. vt.使平静 I did what I could to still my young brother.8. rare 【点拨】adj. 稀有的;罕见的 Law should be put in place to protect rare animals.【拓展】(1)adj. 煮得嫩的 rare steak 鲜嫩的牛排 (2)adj. 稀薄的 rare air稀薄的空气。(3)rarely adv.极少有地, Rarely do I eat in the restaurant alone. 9. freeze 【点拨】vt. &vi (使)僵住;(使)冻结

10、Water freezes when the temperature drops under 0 oC. 【拓展】freezing adj. 极冷的;be frozen with 因而呆住;freeze ones blood 使某人极其恐惧。 At the terrible noise, he was frozen with fear10. confidently【点拨】adv. 自信地;信心十足地 He went onto the stage confidently.【拓展】confident adj. 自信的;确信的 a confident smile自信的微笑; be / feel co

11、nfident of.对感到自信;be confident that. 确信;self-confident adj.有自信心的;self-confidence n. 自信 We are confident of success in the next match. Self-confidence plays an important role in our studies.【巩固自测】I. 单项选择。1. I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any _ to me. A meaning B. importance

12、C. sense D. sign2. Turning back, _ behind him. A. He caught sight of a dog B. a dog came into sight C. he lost his sight of a dog D. a dog was in sight3. She lay in bed, listening to the rain _ against the window. A. hurting B. knocking C. hitting D. beating4. He got to the station early,_ missing h

13、is train. A. in case of B. for fear of C. instead of D. in search of5. The next day he got _ when I talked to him. A. more tougher B. much tough C. still tougher D. quite tougherII根据汉语完成下列句子。 1. 在过去的十年里他通过望远镜来观测宇宙。He has _ _ the _ through a telescope in the past ten years.2. 你能想象出他独自在荒岛上生活了18年吗?Can

14、you imagine him _ on the _ island alone for 18 years?3. 大熊猫是珍稀动物,这就是在野外已很少见到的原因。A panda is a _ animal, thats why it is _ seen in the wild.4. 那位站岗的战士在大雪中被冻僵了。 The soldier on watch was _ _ _ in the heavy snow.5. 抬起头,表现得自信些! _ _ your head and behave _!Key: I. 1-5 CADBC II. 1. been observing; universe 2

15、. living; deserted 3. rare; rarely/seldom 4. frozen with cold 5. Hold up; confidently单词讲解(中)(Word Power, Grammar& Task )1. reduce【点拨】vt. 减少;缩小 If we reduce the production, more workers will be out of work.【拓展】reduce to减少到;reduce by 15% 减少了15%(幅度);reduce pain减轻疼痛; powder将变为粉末。 By taking reg

16、ular exercise, she has reduce her weight to 65 kilos. Because of the storm, the farmers apple harvest was reduced by 30%.2. experiment【点拨】n. v 实验;试验 Professor Li was doing an experiment in the lab when the earthquake happened.【拓展】do / carry out / perform / conduct an experiment做/实施一项实验;experiment wi

17、th a new method用新办法来实验;experiment on sth对做实验; proveby experiment通过实验证明。 The headmaster encourages his teaches to be bold to experiment with new teaching methods. 3. add【点拨】vt. 补充说;增加 He stopped and turned back, adding that he was satisfied with it. Three added to five makes eight. 【拓展】add. to.将加到上;a

18、dd up to.累计达到; add to 增添; in addition to除外。如: His schooling added up to less than a year. His unexpected coming added to our trouble.4. link 【点拨】vt. & vi 联系;连接 The two towns are linked by a new railway.【拓展】link.together将连在一起;link to/with将与连接起来;be linked to=be related to与有联系;link up联合。作名词“联系;连接环”,a l

19、ink verb一个连系动词。 There are five color rings linked together on the Olympic flag. One link broken, the whole chain is broken.5. stressed【点拨】adj. 紧张的;感到压力的 Yon are too stressed. I think you should learn to relax yourself.【拓展】stress n. 重压;着重;重音 stress vt. 重读;强调 常见搭配:lay /put stress on sth将重点放在某事上;under

20、the stress of 为所迫/压力下;be stressed (out)感到紧张的;stress the point that.着重强调说。如: The first syllable of this word should be stressed. Nowadays, many students are living under the stress of their parents and teachers.6. cant help doing【点拨】cant help doing sth表示“禁不住做某事”。如: Hearing the funny story, we couldnt

21、 help laughing loudly.【拓展】cant help (to)do sth表示“不能帮助做某事”。如: Im sorry I cant help (to) clean the classroom, for I have en important meeting to attend.7. fly【点拨】vt. 空运 (过去式flew; 过去分词flown) All these goods can be flown or shipped to Japan.【拓展】vi 飞行 fly over the high mountain 飞越高山 vt. 放飞 fly a model pl

22、ane放飞模型飞机 n. 苍蝇。常见搭配:fly to坐飞机去;fly at 猛烈攻击;fly high洋洋得意;fly off the handle (=fly into a rage/temper) 勃然大怒 let fly (at sb) 攻击/批评(某人)。 8accept【点拨】vt. 接受 Please accept my sincere apology. 【拓展】(1) 比较accept与receive:动词accept表示从主观上“接纳、收下”;receive只表示客观地收到,不涉及其结果是否收到。如: I have received his invitation, but I

23、 didnt accept it. (2) acceptable 可接受的, an acceptable reason可接受的理由。常见搭配:accept ones fate 接受命运的安排; accept an invitation接受邀请;accept ones apology接受某人的道歉; accept to be / as接纳为。如: She was accepted as a member of the reading club.【挑战自我】I. 单项选择。1. The sudden changed weather _our difficulty finishing the wor

24、k on time. A. added to B. added up to C. was added to D. adding to2. Having been educated several times, the workers have _ their errors _ 5%. A. reduced; to B. reduced; by C. increased; to D. grown; by3. The teacher _the point that homework should be finished and handed in on time. A. laid stress o

25、n B. put stress in C. was stressed on D. placed stress at4. So far, a lot of food and clothes _ to the flooded areas. A. has flied B. have flied C. has being flown D. have been flown5. I _ his letter, which said he had decided to _ my invitation. A. accepted; accept B. received; receive C. received;

26、 accept D. accepted; receiveII根据汉语完成下列句子。1. 我不会接受未经实验证明的理论。 I wont _ the theory that has not be proved _ _.2你认为饮食习惯和健康状况之间有联系吗? Do you think that ones eating habit _ _ _ ones health?3人们常常会禁不住被劝说买一些根本不需要的东西。 Often people _ _ _ persuaded to buy what they dont need at all.Key: I. 1-5 ABADCII. 1. accept

27、; by experiment 2. is linked / related to 3. cant help being 单词讲解(下)(project)1. chance【点拨】n.机会;运气;概率;可能性 Chance escapes and will never return. There is no chance that he will lose the game.【拓展】take chance to do sth 抓住机会做某事;by chance碰巧;Chances are that. 可能; leave things to chance听天由命。作形容词“偶然意外的”,a ch

28、ance meeting意外的相遇。作动词“偶然发生”、“冒险做某事”,chance to do sth碰巧做某事。 Chances are that tigers attack human beings when they are hungry.2. drown【点拨】vi & vt. 淹死 More than 20 people have drowned in this lake. 【拓展】be / get drowned 淹死;a drowning dog快要淹死的狗;drowned animals被淹死的动物;drown oneself in sth埋头于。 He was drowni

29、ng himself in his work and didnt notice me.3. likely【点拨】adj. 很可能 He is likely to come to our party this evening.【拓展】adj. 有希望的 a likely young man 一位有希望的年青人。adv. 大概;可能。常见搭配:sb be likely to do sth = Its likely that sb will do sth某人可能做某事;not likely 不可能。如: Will you go to the concert with me tonight? Not

30、likely. I have lots of homework to do.4. wound 【点拨】vt. 使受伤 & n. 伤口;受伤 The soldier was badly wounded in the leg and couldnt move at all.【拓展】a sword wound 剑伤;get wounded in.在受伤;the wounded 伤员。 His body is covered with bullet wounds. The wounded have been sent to the hospital nearby.5. avoid【点拨】vt. 避免;避开 To avoid argument, I never picked up this topic again.【拓展】avoid doing sth. 避免做某事; I dont understand why she avoided seeing me after that.6. panic 【点拨】vi. & n. 惊慌;恐慌 (现在分词panicking;过去式panicked;过去分词 panicked

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