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必修四Unit12强化演练知能闯关 同步训练.docx

1、必修四Unit12强化演练知能闯关 同步训练必修四 U12.品句填词1You will not give _(小费) because there is no waiter.答案:tip2The secretary has already _(预订)seats on the plane.答案:booked3Last year we doubled our staff and increased our work _(工作量)by three times.答案:load4I must offer her an _(道歉) for not going to her party.答案:apology5

2、Its bad _(礼貌)to chew with your mouth open.答案: manners6The _(大多数) of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.答案:majority7The black clouds _(表明) that it will rain soon.答案:indicate8Ill _(交换) my apple for your orange.答案:exchange9He _(低语)a word to her.答案:whispered10Her eyes _(盯,凝视)at what was left of the b

3、rothers dinner on the table.答案:stared.选词填空manner,consider,forgive,,insist on,at least,bring an end to,absorb,expect,request1He _ it a great honour to be invited to the party.答案:considered2Its bad _ to talk with your mouth full.答案:manners3I have _ you for what you have done to them.答案:forgiven

4、4My _ is that interest rates will go up.答案:expectation5He was _ in his conversation,not paying much attention to the road.答案:absorbed6He was present at the party at the _ of his manager.答案:request7The chairman finally _ the meeting.答案:brought an end to8Its cost _ 500 dollars.答案:at least9I went to th

5、e station to _ him _.答案:see;off10She kept _ her innocence.答案:insisting on.情景交际1(2011高考课标全国卷)Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.Well,you married one._.AYou name itBIve got itCI cant agree moreDYou should know解析:选D。考察情景交际。句意:艺术家有时挺难相处的。嗯,你嫁给了一个艺术家,应该是了解的。根据题意应选D。A.You name it全部说出来;B.Ive g

6、ot it我明白了;C.I cant agree more我完全同意。2(2012江苏启东中学测试)Do you mind if I close the window?_.We should let in more fresh air.AYes,go aheadBOf course notCI would like to close itDId appreciate it if you didnt解析:选D。句意:“你介意我关上窗户吗?”“如果你不关的话我会很感激你。我们应该让更多的新鲜空气进来。”go ahead“行”;of course not“当然不(介意)”;I would like

7、to close it“我愿意关上”;均表示赞同。只有D项符合题意。3(2011安庆一模)I think the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life.Dont you think so?Yes._.AGreat minds think alikeBEarly birds catch wormsCFacts speak louder than wordsDNo pains,no gains解析:选A。考查交际用语和谚语。根据答语中的Yes可知,答话人同意对方的观点,所以用“Great minds think alike”

8、表示“英雄所见略同”。B项“早起的鸟儿有虫吃(近水楼台先得月)”;C项“事实胜于雄辩”;D项“不劳无获”。4(2012福建厦门联考)What noise outside!_.Ill close the doors and the windows.Now,lets go on.ANot at all BThats rightCAll right DNever mind解析:选D。not at all“不用谢”;thats right“你说对了”;all right“行,好吧”;never mind“没关系”。根据上下文选D项。5I didnt do well in the last Englis

9、h contest.How about you?_.AIll do better next time BEven worseCA lot better DI like English,though解析:选B。句意:“我上次英语竞赛成绩不好。你怎么样?”“(我的)更糟糕。”根据上下文,只有B项符合题意。.语法专练本单元语法动词的ing形式和不定式1Do you mind _ alone at home?AJacks being left BJack leavingCJack having left DJack to be left解析:选A。mind后跟动词ing形式作宾语,且Jack和leav

10、e之间为被动关系,故用其被动形式。2After a months training of working long hours in the desert,we are made completely used _ in the open air.Ato eat Bto eatingCof eating Deat解析:选B。句意:经过在沙漠中一个月的数小时工作训练之后,我们已经完全习惯于在户外吃饭了。used to eating是过去分词作主语补足语,意为“习惯于”。3I cant help _ sorry because I cant help _ anything for you.Afee

11、l;do Bfeeling;doingCfeel;doing Dfeeling;do解析:选D。此题考查非谓语动词作宾语的用法区别。cant help doing意为“不禁做”,cant help(to)do sth.意为“不能帮助”。句意:我不禁感到遗憾因为我不能帮你做任何事。4He appreciated very much _ to the committee by the vice president.Ato be appointed Bto appointCbeing appointed Dappointing解析:选C。appreciate doing sth.感激做某事;appo

12、int sth.任命某人为,appoint和he之间存在被动关系,故应用being appointed。5I really like this song as it is often heard _ everywhere in China.Asinging BsungChaving sung Dto sing解析:选B。as引导的原因状语从句的主语为it,即歌曲,与sing构成被动关系,即“歌被唱”,故应用过去分词。6(2012西安八校联考)Most students expect _ more review classes before the exams.Ait to be B

13、there to beCthat to be Dto be解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:在考试之前,大多数学生期待有更多的复习课。动词expect后通常接动词不定式作宾语或接复合宾语。因此表示“期待有某种情况”就用“expect there to be sth.”结构。7If you are found _ in the schoolyard,you _ by the teachers.Asmoking;are blamedBsmoke;are punishedCsmoking;are to blameDsmoking;are to punish解析:选C。find sb.doing st

14、h.发现某人正在做某事;be to blame应受责备,用主动形式表被动,故选C。8_ in time,little Franz was afraid _ scolded.ANot having come;of beingBHaving not come;to beCHaving not come;of beingDNot having come;to being解析:选A。现在分词完成式的否定式应用not having done结构,A项和D项可能正确。而of为介词,后应跟动词ing形式,如果选D项则后一空应用to be。9Having been attacked by terrorists

15、,_.Adoctors came to their rescueBthe tall building collapsedCan emergency measure was takenDwarnings were given to tourists解析:选B。现在分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,被恐怖分子袭击的不可能是an emergency measure(紧急措施)或者warnings(警告),也不可能是doctors,因为医生是来救援的,只能是the tall building。10(2012南京模拟)_the working efficiency,the boss allows

16、 the employees to have a coffee break.AImproving BTo improveCHaving improved DImproved解析:选B。考查非谓语动词的用法。根据题意可知,这里应用动词不定式表示目的。句意:为了提高工作效率,老板允许职工喝杯咖啡休息一下。A卷.单项填空1(2012兖州高三检测)I found him sitting in his chair,completely _a magazine.Aabsorbing Bbeing absorbed inCabsorbed in Dabsorbing in解析:选C。考查absorb的用法。

17、(be) absorbed in (put ones heart into)专注于;全神贯注于。句意为:我发现他坐在他的座位上,全神贯注地看一本杂志。2(2011皖南八校高三联考)If it had rained even a drop,things would be much better now and the crops in the fields _.Awouldnt die Bdidnt dieChadnt died Dwouldnt have died解析:选D。句意“如果天哪怕下一滴雨,情况比现在会好些,地里的庄稼也不会死”。很明显,本题考查虚拟语气,对过去的虚拟,主句用woul

18、d have done。3How about the book you are reading now?Excellent indeed.You can find many problems we have come across _ in it.Acovered BcoveringCare referred Dreferred解析:选A。句意“你现在正读的那本书怎么样?真的非常好,你会发现我们遇到的许多问题都包含其中”。we have come across是定语从句,修饰many problems。本题考查的是find sth.done结构,problems和cover之间构成被动关系。4

19、I hadnt seen him for 10 years but I _ him at first sight.Arealized Bspotted Cwatched Dobserved解析:选B。本题考查动词辨析。realize意识到;实现;spot发现;认出;watch注视;看;observe观察。句意:虽然我已经10年没有见他了,但我第一眼就认出了他。故只有B项符合句子需要。5(2012北京东城区示范校高三模拟)To go abroad to study,you should_master the language.Aat most Bat latestCat least Dat la

20、st解析:选C。at most至多;at latest最迟;at last最终。at least意为“至少”,符合句意“到国外读书,你最起码要掌握那种语言”。6During the summer of 2008,I was a maid in service at a large house_to a gentleman_Major Donthorne.Abelonged;calling Bbelongs;calledCwere belonged;calling Dbelonging;called解析:选D。第一空belong与名词house为主动关系,所以用belonging作定语;第二空c

21、all与名词gentleman为被动关系,所以用called作定语。句意为:2008年的夏季,我是佣人,在一所大房子里做事,这房子属于一位先生,叫Major Donthorne。7People have always been _ about how living things on the earth exactly began.Astrange Bamusing Ccurious Dconscious解析:选C。be curious about sth.意为“ 对某事好奇”。8Is your brother going camping?Hes signed up but hes consi

22、dering_.Anot to go Bnot goingCnot go Dagainst going解析:选B。consider后接动名词作宾语,在动名词前加not表示否定。9The bell_the end of the period rang,_our heated discussion.Aindicating;interrupting Bindicated;interruptingCindicating;interrupted Dindicated;interrupted解析:选A。indicating the end of the period这个现在分词短语作bell的定语;int

23、errupting our heated discussion这个分词短语作伴随状语,起补充说明作用,这两个词与主语bell是主谓关系,所以都用现在分词形式。记住,一个句子没有and,but这种连词连接的话只能出现一个动词性质的词来作谓语,多出来的动词只能转换成分词形式,比如这里rang是中心动词,所以interrupt和indicate只能变成现在分词。10It is reported that three students were_in the unexpected accident.Ainjured BwoundedCcut Dharmed解析:选A。injure主要指意外事故中损害健

24、康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。句意为:据报道有三名学生在突如其来的事故中受伤。11To the readers disappointment,the leading article in this issue of the magazine is_rubbish.Aa load of Ba great manyCmany a Da number of解析:选A。a load of可以修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。其他选项只能修饰可数名词。句意为:这期杂志上的主要文章废话连篇,使读者大失所望。12Danis is_writing a new novel and has no eye for hi

25、s wife and children.Aoccupied to Bbusied forCabsorbed in Dengaged with解析:选C。be absorbed in doing sth.意为“全神贯注干某事”,其他选项搭配错误。13In order to avoid_by the parents,the boy decided not to tell the truth to his parents.Ascolded Bto scoldCscolding Dbeing scolded解析:选D。avoid,admit,mind等动词用动词 ing形式作宾语,又因为表示被动,所以

26、用 ing的被动形式。句意为:为了避免被父母责骂,这个男孩决定不将真相告诉他的父母。14This kind of food product is natural,with no_flavors added.Aaccurate BregularCsensitive Dartificial解析:选D。artificial人造的;regular有规律的;accurate精确的;sensitive敏感的。句意为:这种食品是天然的,没有添加人造香料。15I forgot to carry my cellphone,could I use yours?_.AI wonder how BI dont won

27、derCSorry,its out of order DNo wonder,here it is解析:选C。常见的拒绝请求和邀请的应答语有:Sorry,but./Id rather you./Thank you,but./No way等。.完形填空Words:272难度系数:建议用时:16分钟(2010高考大纲全国卷)It was a busy morning,about 830,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a h

28、urry for an appointment (约会) at 930.The nurse had him take a_1_in the waiting area,_2_ him it would be at least 40 minutes _3_someone would be able to see him.I saw him_4_his watch and decided,since I was_5_busymy patient didnt _6_at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of

29、his wound,I asked him if he had another doctors appointment.The gentleman said no and told me that he_7_to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his_8_.He told me that she had been _9_for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be _10_if he was a bit late.He replied that she_11_knew

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