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天津专版高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练十一.docx

1、天津专版高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练十一题型组合练(十一).单项填空1Ken, ,but your TV is going too loud.Oh,Im sorry.Ill turn it down right now.(2016和平区三模,12)AId like to talk to youBIm really tired of thisCI hate to say thisDI need your help答案C解析由空后的“但是你的电视声音太大了”可知,选C项,意为“我不想这么说”,表示委婉的语气。2Students active performances in class will b

2、e a state of new normal teachers give them more chances.Aalthough BonceCuntil Dsince答案B解析句意为:一旦老师给学生们更多的机会,他们在课堂上积极表现将成为一种新常态。although尽管,引导让步状语从句;until直到为止,引导时间状语从句;since自从,既然,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句。once一旦,引导时间状语从句,符合句意。故选B项。3Due to some new policies,the number of Chinese students to return from abroad in

3、2016 is expected to be larger than in 2015.Athat BthisCones Dthose答案A解析句意为:由于一些新政策的出台,2016年回国的中国学生的数量有望多于2015年。that指2015年回国的学生的数量,表示单数概念。故选A。4Did you attend the meeting for the experiment project yesterday?Yes,but I dont think I because my director was there.Aneed have Bneeded toCneed to have Dneed

4、to答案 A解析句意为:你参加了昨天的工程会议吗?是的,但是我认为我本没必要去参加,因为我的主任在那儿。neednt have done指过去本没必要做某事但却做了;另外本题要注意否定词被前移至think之前了。5By doing so,you can more information and details about the topic,and better understand it.(2017天津五校联考二模,13)Akeep up with Bdo away withChave access to Dget down to答案C解析keep up with跟上;do away wit

5、h废除,消灭;have access to可以使用,有接触的机会或权利;get down to开始认真处理、对待。句意为:这样做,你能得到更多有关于话题的信息和细节,并且能更好地理解它。故选C。6That is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students bathrooms.(2016河北区三模,5)Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce答案B解析句中we can imagine是定语从句,隔断了句子。the way 后接不定式或者of doing结构作后置定语。所以选B项。7The

6、 little boy wont go to sleep his mother tells him a story.(2016河北区二模,12)Aor BunlessCbut Dwhether答案B解析句意为:如果妈妈不给讲个故事,小男孩就不会上床睡觉。由句意可知,选unless,意为“如果不,除非”。8In the face of various economic uncertainties at home and abroad,the government has carried out reforms to boost the economy.Abureaucratic Bsystema

7、ticCarbitrary Dambiguous答案B解析句意为:面对国内外各种经济的不确定因素,政府已经实施一系列的改革来促进经济的发展。bureaucratic官僚的;systematic有系统的;arbitrary任意的;ambiguous含糊的,不明确的。9The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for new Tianjin.(2017和平区三模,2)A/;the B/;aCa;a Dthe;the答案B解析第一空

8、后面people为复数名词,泛指“各行各业的人们”,前面不需要冠词,排除C和D;Tianjin为专有名词,单个的专有名词前不加冠词,但是如果有修饰语限制,往往要加不定冠词,a new Tianjin一个新的天津,故选B。10The economy of the last quarter was much stronger than predicted,driven by a rare increase in government spending.Avaguely BrandomlyCconsistently Doriginally答案D解析句意为:在政府支出增长罕见的推动下,上一季度的经济比

9、原先预测的要强劲得多。vaguely模糊地;randomly随便地;consistently一致地;originally原先,起初。故选D。11We must be in a place of peace and faith,so internal conflict and disbelief do not hold back it is possible for us to achieve.Ahow BwhatCwhy Dwhere 答案B解析句意为:我们必须在一个充满和平和信念的地方,这样内部冲突和怀疑就挡不住我们可能得到的东西。what在宾语从句中作宾语,故选B。12The singer

10、s music video nearly 9 million times since it was posted on the Internet four weeks ago.(2017天津一中5月考,4)Aviewed Bhas viewedCwas viewed Dhas been viewed答案D解析根据时间状语是 since it was posted on the Internet four weeks ago 可知主句用现在完成时态;又因为主语 The singers music video 和谓语动词 view 之间是被动关系,所以用现在完成时态的被动,故选D。13I am w

11、riting my mother to express her thanks for your hospitality.(2016南开区二模,14)Aon behalf of Bon account ofCin view of Din honor of答案A解析句意为:我代表我的母亲写信来对您的好客表示感谢。on behalf of代表,符合句意。on account of由于;in view of由于,鉴于,基于;in honor of为了纪念。故选A。14We would join them in the dressup party .(2017天津一中3月考,15)Awhether th

12、ey invite usBshall we invite usCif they invite usDshould they invite us答案D解析当虚拟条件句的从句部分含有 were,should 或 had 时,可省略 if,再把 were,should 或 had 移到从句的句首,实行倒装。故选D。15People are the use of alternative energy sources because the rate we are now assuming fuels like gas and oil is shocking and they may run out o

13、ne day.Awrestling with;by whichBpushing for;at whichCcatching up on;at whichDaccounting for;on which答案B解析句意为:人们急切要求使用替代能源。因为我们现在正在消耗的像天然气、石油这样的燃料的速度是惊人的。这些燃料总有一天会用完。wrestle with全力对付,努力克服;push for急切、强烈地要求;catch up on赶上;account for对负责。第二个空先行词是rate,而且从句缺少状语,用whereat which,at the rate以的速度。故选B。.完形填空(2017

14、天津一中3月考)Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another Marquis de CondorcetIf you took the strengths of others,and compared them to your weaknesses,do you think this would make you feel good?The funny thing is,this is 16 most of us do at one time or anotherand some of us do pretty 17

15、.Its surely a practice for a(n) 18 in selfconfidence and for unhappiness.Lets say I take a look at someone who creates 19 artwork on their website and I look at my art,and realize I dont come 20 to being matched with him.In fact,I look pretty pitiful.But its not a fair 21 .If I looked at my strength

16、swriting useful and honest postsI can see that I have a lot to offer,a lot to be happy about.Thats so importantbeing able to look at your own strengths,and see your true 22 .Its actually one of the 23 to success and happiness.I want to talk about this issue 24 an email from a reader recently:I have

17、some teammates from very rich families.I cant stop myself comparing my lifestyle with 25 .I must say that my 26 planning is sound enough to take care of my existing family;and I can take care of new family members also,at least for 27 even if I lose my current job.But 28 I see or hear them spending

18、so much money after possessions,I start comparing 29 .How can I stop this habit,without changing jobs?This is an excellent but tough 30 .I think its 31 to compare ourselves to others,but it often makes us unhappy even if we have enough and 32 be happy with what we have.My quick advice:try to be awar

19、e of when you start comparing yourself to others.once youve developed this 33 ,stop yourself and tell yourself,“Stop that!”And then 34 thinking about all the things you do have,the things you love,the people you have and the blessings that 35 has given you.Make this a regular practice,and youll star

20、t to be happier with your life.语篇解读作者以一封读者的邮件为例,阐述了这样一个观点:珍惜你所拥有的一切,而不是与他人比较,这才是幸福和成功的关键。16A.why BthatCwhat Dhow答案C解析句意为:有趣的是,这是大多数人曾经所做过的事情,也有一些人经常这样做。at one time or another 意为“曾经,在这样或那样的时间,过去某时”。此处用来引导表语从句,由于该从句中缺少宾语,故用 what,故选C。17A.often BseldomCusually Dalways答案A解析见上题解析。故选A。18A.rise BincreaseCdr

21、op Dfailure答案C解析rise 增加;increase 增加,增长,提高;drop 下降;failure 失败。根据下文讲到:作者将在网站上看到的令人惊奇的艺术作品与自己的作品进行比对,从而感到自己很可怜,可推测出本句话的意思是:这无疑会是一种减少自信和造成不快乐的体验,故选C。19A.astonished BdisappointingCshocked Damazing答案D解析astonished 吃惊的;disappointing 令人失望的;shocked 惊愕的;amazing 令人惊奇的。根据下文可知,造成作者感到自己很可怜的原因应是:认为自己的作品无法与网站上看到的一些极

22、为优秀的艺术作品相比,故此处指的是:令人惊奇的艺术作品,故选D。20A.up BcloseCdown Dclosely答案B解析此处指的是作者认为:与别人的作品比较起来,自己的作品根本不沾边,即自己的作品比不上别人的作品;固定搭配 come close to 意为“接近”,故选B。21A.comparison BcommunicationCcompetition Dconnection答案A解析根据后一句的意思:如果我审视我的强项写有用和诚实的帖子那么我会给予很多,并且快乐很多,可推测出此处的意思应是:由于我没考虑到自己的强项,而是用自己的弱点比对他人的强项,故此处指的应是:这是不公平的对比,

23、故选A。22A.strengths BshortcomingsCvalues Dweaknesses答案C解析根据上一句的意思可知,本句意为:这是多么的重要能够审视自己的长处,并且看到自己真正的价值,故选C。23A.reasons BkeysCcauses Dmeans答案B解析reason 理由,原因;key 关键,要决;cause 原因,动机;means 方法,手段。此处指的是:这是成功和幸福的关键之一,the key to sth.的关键,故选B。24A.because of Bregardless ofCin spite of Din case of答案A解析because of 因为

24、,由于,基于;regardless of 不管,不顾;in spite of 虽然,尽管;in case of 万一,如果。本句的意思是:基于最近的一封来自读者的电子邮件,所以我想谈谈这个问题;此处表示因果关系,故选A。25A.them BtheirCthemselves Dtheirs答案D解析本句的意思是:我有一些来自非常富裕的家庭的队友,我总是不断地将自己的生活方式与他们的(生活方式)进行比较。此处用在句末作宾语,指代的是:他们的,故用名词性物主代词,故选D。26A.annual BfinancialCspecial Dbeneficial答案B解析根据下文“But I see or h

25、ear them spending so much money after possessions.(但是每当我看到或听到那些来自非常富裕的家庭的队友挥霍钱财)”可知此处指的应是财务方面的问题,故选B。27A.sometime Bsome timeCsome times Dsometimes答案B解析sometime 来日,在某一时候;some time 在未来的某时,一段时间;some times 好几次;sometimes 有时。承接上一句:由于作者的财务规划足够周全足以照顾自己目前的家庭,可知本句的意思是:即使我失去了现在的工作,至少我还能支撑一段时间;此处指的是“一段时间”。故选B。

26、28A.however BwhateverCwherever Dwhenever答案D解析however 无论以何种方式,不管怎样;whatever 无论什么;wherever 无论什么地方;whenever 无论何时,每当。本句的意思是:但是每当我看到或听到他们花了这么多钱后,故选D。29A.then BlaterCagain Dthus答案C 解析then 那时;later 过后,后来;again 再,又;thus 于是,因此。根据上文“I cant stop myself comparing my lifestyle with”提到的:那位读者总是不断地将自己的生活方式与来自非常富裕的家

27、庭的队友进行比较,可知此处的意思应是:但是每当我看到或听到他们花了这么多钱后,我便又开始进行比较了,故选C。30A.question BpersonCphenomenon Dreader答案A解析根据下文作者对自己所存在的问题进行了深刻的剖析,可知此处的意思应是:这是一个极好但却又很棘手的问题,故选A。31A.strange BnaturalCdifficult Dimportant答案B解析句意为:我认为将自己与别人进行比较是很自然的事情,故选B。32A.must BcanCmay Dshould答案D解析must 必须;can 能,能够,可能;may 可以,也许;should 应该。根据前

28、半句的意思:“即使我们拥有的足够多并且,但我们往往也会高兴不起来”,可知此处指的应是:并且应该对我们所拥有的感到高兴,故选D。33A.awareness BhobbyCtradition Dcustom答案A解析根据前半句提到的某种意识,即:尝试着意识到当你开始将自己与他人进行比较的时候,以及后一句的句意:你应该阻止并告诉自己,可推测出此处的意思应是:一旦你发展了该意识,故选A。34A.stop BhelpCcome Dstart答案D解析承接上文作者提出的建议,可知此处的意思是:然后开始考虑你所拥有的一切,你所爱的东西此处意为“开始”,故选D。35A.happiness Bconfidenc

29、eCsuccess Dlife答案D解析承接上一句可知,此处指的还是你所拥有的一切:你所拥有的人和生命给予你的祝福,故选D。.阅读理解(2016天津一中月考)I was waiting in a checkin line at Arlanda International Airport.The man ahead of me was quite a big guy.As an airport baggage handler checked through a customer at the roadside,he accidentally knocked over the mans lugga

30、ge.He quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for his mistake.However,the traveler burst into anger,shouting at the baggage handler for his carelessness.The baggage handler calmly apologized and smiled all the time.The customer continued to berate(痛斥) the man,even as he turned away and headed for his gate.Through it all the baggage handler smiled and remained calm.The other customers in line witnessed the incident and admired the baggage handlers professionalism and selfcontrol.“

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