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1、推销信英文范文写作怎么写推销信英文范文写作怎么写 推销产品,开发新客户,我们总是会发一些英文信函过去向客户介绍我们的产品。下面是我给大家整理的推销信英文写作范文,供大家参阅! 推销信英文范文篇1 Hello there. Id like to take a few minutes of your time and offer you an amazing deal. Im the sales representative of xxx company. Our company is currently offering a promotion on laptops.These are some

2、 deals you dont want to miss. Our products are priced 20% below the market average price, and we are offering you additional accessories for free. 您好。我想借用您几分钟给您推荐一个难以置信的折扣。我是xxx公司的销售代表。我们公司现在正在给笔记本电脑搞促销活动。你绝对不希望错过这些机会。我们的产品现在是以比市场价低20%的价格销售,此外我们还免费附加给您各类配件。 推销信英文范文篇2 敬启者: 顷阅星期四XXX报,获悉贵公司招聘人才。本人曾担任新世

3、界产品公司销售部高级职员四年之久,自信有充分工作经验,可担任贵公司所招聘的职务。 本人自一九八一年开始,一直担任售货业务以及函件的撰写工作。在工作期间,除正式业务范围外,与各地区客户颇有来往,并利用公余时间,学会了很多有关商业问题的处理。 在新世界公司任职前,我曾在长兄会计公司担任过秘书工作。在任职期间,学会很多有关会计名词及会计作业程序。 本人现年二十五岁,未婚,一九七四年毕业于华仁书院,我希望有机会充分利用自己工作能力,从事更大范围工作之需要,这是我急于离开现职的主要原因。本人现任职的公司老板,对我的工作雄心颇为赞许,因此,愿协助我另谋他职。 如果方便的话,我愿亲赴贵公司办公室晋见阁下,以

4、便详细说明。 XXX启 Dear sir, Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,Ibelieve,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursdays newspaper. Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,includ

5、ingwriting much of the correspondence.In the course of my work,I have become familiar withthevarious sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling businessproblems other than my proper sphere. The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Broth

6、er,anaccounting firm.There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures. I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single. I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position withwider scope. My present emplo

7、yer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place. May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can dothe work you require. Yours faithfully 推销信英文范文篇3 推销信只是销售产品或服务的诸多手段之一。推销信应该力争做到:说明确实存在或想像得到的对产品或服务的需求,引起消费者的兴趣,说服消费者从众多相互竞争的产品和推销员中做出有利于你的选择。推销

8、信也许并不能完成所有这些事情,但可以说服消费者相信这项产品或服务会对他有益。 说服对方的技巧之一就是使用“有力”的词语,商业成功的关键就是通过语言促使人行动。下面列出了一些有力的词语,能为推销信增色: able free powerful absolute great professional advantage guarantee proved brilliant hard-sell quality confidence help quickly controlled immediate results delighted impelling satisfaction detail insi

9、ght scientific different instant solved economical know stunning effective largest successful electronic latest super emphasis lowest cost today expert money-making tremendous extensive new value fact now volume fair oldest you flare persuasive yours 在书信范例中可以看到,推销信也经常使用一些视觉刺激手法,包括大写、斜体字、黑体字、引号、下划线、破

10、折号、着重号、很短的段落、像句子那样被加了标点的短语、缩排段落、表格和附言。 这些做法的目的是吸引对方的注意力,让他急于知道用如此特殊的方式表达的到底是什么有趣的内容。 有关保险的推销信和广告经常强调一种恐惧感对可能发生的不幸事件的恐惧感 “所以你最好购买我们的保险以防不测”。唤起恐惧是吸引顾客的基本方法,这类手法往往贯穿推销信的始终。类似的主题还有爱、骄傲、贪心、雄心、性、憎恨和忠诚。情感的吸引力通常比理性的表达更有效。 当通过情感来吸引顾客时,要注意不可小看对方、夸大其辞、戏弄对方、轻率无礼或谩骂竞争对手。对你的产品或服务稍做吹捧是无伤大雅的,但切不可吹到只有傻瓜才相信的地步。 不管你的顾

11、客有多么聪明,他的注意力范围也是有限的,所以一封信只提及商品的少数几个特色即可或优先写一个。试图把所有特色都说出来只会让对方迷惑不解。 信的内容应直接针对你选择的对象,例如,把刊登杰出人士意见的杂志卖给受过大学教育的人,把农具卖给农场主,把扳钳卖给机械师。从地理上说,你的顾客目标应具体到知道其邮政编码的地步。 告诉消费者为什么他应该得到这个商品或服务,它们将为消费者做什么而不是它们能做什么。可以用一个保证来加强这类陈述,如出示知名人士的证明、提供试用期或退款保证,要让顾客知道你在为他的利益着想。 一封推销信适宜的篇幅该有多长是个有争议的问题。一种理论是,没有人会去读超过一页的信,所以应限制在一

12、页之内; 另一种理论是,如果第一页吸引了读者的注意,第四页会确保推销成功。一种经典的建议是,不论长短,写到话说完了为止; 另一种经典的建议是,只说到能引起读者进一步发问的地步。最终分析结论是,推销信的适宜篇幅应由作者根据对大多数读者的反应判断来做出决定。 推销信必须以能引起你所选择的特定对象的强烈兴趣的语句开头,不论其是药剂师、会计、家庭主妇、商界管理人员、爱犬者,还是医生,而且起始句一定要和接下来的句子相关。 有许多能吸引人注意的起始句: 提及从前的一次私人接触; 一个包括谁、什么、何时、何地、为什么的句子; 一个问题; 一句不寻常的评论; 一个故事; 利用名人效应; 引用一句名言; 使用对

13、方姓名但不能放在明显不合适的地方; 使用一些小技巧,如附上邮票、铅笔、写好回信地址的纸条,或者在信封上写一个问题,在信中回答。 结尾也是重要的,推销了产品并引起顾客兴趣之后,还必须使他立刻行动。应明确告诉他该做什么,在什么时候做:“现在就寄出信中所附的明信片”、“截止日期是6月30日”,或者“马上给我们打电话:000-000-0000”。最重要的是,使顾客很方便地采取行动:“请拨打免费电话800-000-0000”、“请使用附寄的付过邮资的信封”,或“我们全周向您开放”。 复查写好的信时,请注意检查以下几点: 商品特色是否讲得简单、清晰; 为了使推销信令人信服,是否陈述了足够多的事实; 是否用

14、两三行的短句突出了重点; 引发兴趣时是否足够热情?成功的推销员能通过富于感染力的热情使对方采取行动。 写作方法 1.使用能有效吸引注意力的起始句; 2.讲出商品的一个最重要的特色; 3.赞美产品时应生动、具体; 4.为你的陈述提供依据; 5.结尾时要促使对方采取具体行动。 起始句 下面是有关推销信起头的一些建议 Its your money thats involved and the stakes are HIGH! Heres an indispensable invention for anyone who . Strength in numbers may be good for th

15、e military,but not for the fashion-conscious woman. Barbaras Exclusive Fashions promises what the name implies. This letter is unlike any we have written before. Select any three books from the list below. Ill send you two of them free. If youre not sure you want _,I can understand. If we have selec

16、ted our prospects as carefully as we think,you qualify on two accounts. Have you looked at mountain property and failed to buy because . ? We would like you to select any three important professional booksvalue to $93-for only 99 each. We nurses can never know enough about IV therapy,can we? I wonde

17、r if you have ever had an experience like this one Here are nine hard-sell secrets to triple your advertising results. This may be your last chance to . Youre hard to find,Mr. Anderson. Lyons has opened a great new store in . Just a little note to say HELLO and to let you know whats happening at Tod

18、d Valley. A mortgage is a wonderful thing. You dont know me from Eve. Today I feel like a salty sailor. I feel like the flinty old mule skinner. Has your eye ever been caught by a picture so beautiful you couldnt look away? Mark Twain once remarked. “Always do right. This will gratify some people an

19、d astonish the rest.” The two most abused words in manufacturing sales are quality and service. This letter will keep you from being fined .severely penalized . or deprived of your livelihood under the current Tax Law. You can well imagine the kind of quandary we are in. Would you like an estimate o

20、f the present value of your home? The average home is now for sale every three or four years. You couldnt have chosen a better time to request the enclosed booklet. I am most grateful to loyal customers like you who have made the past year the greatest year in our history. We live in an age where th

21、ere seems to be a club for just about every purpose you might imagine. The San Francisco area has long been known for its cosmopolitan tastes. You probably get a lot of mail like thisand it goes in the round file but dont be too hasty! Do you know Socrates chief attribute? Pertinacious curiosityand

22、with it he came to represent the highest achievement of Greek civilization. This quest for answers has drawn ZellwellChemicals into the search for relief from the common cold. You can buy a Stones lifetime battery today,next month,or probably ten years from now. But not at our special price of $85.2

23、0. That price ends February 28. Have you ever looked in the mirror in the early morning and said, “There has to be a better way”? We have said that too. And we can help you. Jones Correspondence Courses can prepare you . Did you know that the average person uses a mere 10% of his or her brain power?

24、 Why not double that,or even triple it? You can. Our new book tells you how. So many of us are tired of the day-to-day dull routine of a salaried job. Now you can do something about it! Chicken Little Franchises offers. Too many expenses have doubled in recentmonths. Why not double your income? Our

25、training course has doubled the salaries of a great many men and women. It can do the same for you. As chairman of the Board of Trustees,Id like to personally invite you to . . . When General Electric calls on us for information,that is something to be proud of. Wilcox and Associates has changed its

26、 name. We thought you might be interested in the story. 结尾句 下面是一些能使对方立刻付诸行动的建议: So do the right thing for yourselfmail the card today. Your credit is good. Just tell us what you want. Wont you take advantage of it nowto put a quick stop to costly losses? Save yourself some time.Just initial this let

27、ter and return it in the business reply envelope enclosed. Allen Albright,a fellow you are going to like,will be around Tuesday morning to show you samples and to write your order. Your copy of this interesting publication is ready for you. Just initial and mail the enclosed card. Send no money. Sim

28、ply mail the card. We take all the risk. You enjoy the food. This letter is your guarantee. Keep it but send us the cardtoday. The enclosed order blank should be mailed immediately. Do not delaysend the order blank now. Simply check the card and put it in the mail today. Remove the coupon below and

29、mail it with your order at once. Mail your check today in the convenient envelope enclosed. Weve cut all the red tapesimply mail the card. Break out of the summer slump.Return the order blank right away. Dont write a letter. The enclosed check-off card is for your convenience. Before you put it asid

30、e,sign and return the card. Just sign the card and have your secretary mail it promptly. Our supply is limited. Act now! Send no money. If not satisfied,dont pay. There are no strings attached to this offer. It is simple. Just mail the enclosed postpaid card. Put the card in the mail to start the ball rolling. Its your move. Telegraph orders are filled overnight. If for

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