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1、语法之词法篇专项练习4副词专题4 副词1. Fred is studying Chinese in onn加油e evening school. Is that trn加油ue? He has told me an加油bout it. A. ever n加油 B. even n加油 C. already D. never2. The n加油song Where did the time go? Tell usn加油 that our parents grow oln加油d without being noticed. n加油We should stay with them as _n加油_ a

2、s possible. A. often n加油B. soon C. little3.Imnn加油othungrybecauseIhaven加油_hadlunch. A.ever n加油 B.never C.just D.stilln加油4. My sister _ goes to bed n加油early because she needs a lot of sleen加油p every day。 A. always n加油 B. sometimes C. hardly n加油 D. never5. If my friends have ann加油y problems, my door is

3、 _ opn加油en to them. A. never B. seldomn加油 C. sometimes D. alwn加油ays6. _ does yourn加油 cousin usually go to work on fn加油oot? He says its good fon加油r his health. A. n加油Where B. When C. Whyn加油 D. How7. Can you catch n加油what I said? Sorry, I n加油can _ understand it.n加油 A. almost B. probably n加油 C. nearly

4、D. hardlyn加油8. Which jacket do you n加油prefer, this one or than加油t one? is OK. I dont can加油re too much. A. Both B. Eithn加油er C. Neither D. All9. In加油t was raining _when myn加油 sister and I got to the museum.n加油 A. badly B. softly n加油 C. hardly D. heavn加油ily10. How is Susan? Oh,n加油 I see her ben加油cause

5、 she lives abroad. A. an加油lways B. often C. n加油almost D. hardly11. Tn加油he movie covers all of Chinese hn加油istoryIt is _ worth sen加油eing again.Amainly n加油 Breally Cpossibly Dhardly1n加油2. I fell off the bike on my way to sn加油chool. _, I wasnt hurt.n加油A. Luckily B. Suddenn加油ly C. Politely D. Recentn加油l

6、y13. I _ ride a bike tn加油o school. But this morning, I wan加油lked to school. A. never n加油 B. hardly n加油C. seldom n加油D. usually14. I lost my n加油ticket, but _ the travn加油el agent gave me another one.n加油A. actually B.n加油 firstly C. n加油luckily D. exactly15. n加油 _ did you work out the prn加油oblem in such a

7、 short time? Win加油th Mr. Lis help. A.n加油 When B. Where C. How D.n加油 Which16. Alex did the projecn加油t on community servin加油ce _ better than his classmatn加油es.A. so B. very C. too Dn加油.much17.How often do the stn加油udents play sports? _.A. n加油Twice a day B. Since last nin加油ght C. For two hours D. A mon

8、thn加油 ago18. I play basketball n加油every day because I wan加油nt to play as _ as Yao Ming. n加油A. well B. better n加油 C. best D. good19. n加油 How often do you exn加油ercise? ever. Ben加油cause I am very busy with mn加油y work. A. Hardly B. Nearly C. n加油Always D. Almost20. At the sn加油ports meeting, Simon jumped

9、as_ n加油as Daniel. A. high B. hign加油her C. slow n加油 D. slower21. Mr. Smith, would you n加油please speak a little more _n加油_? Sorry! I thought yn加油ou would follow me.A. slown加油ly B. politely C.n加油 seriously D. clearly22. I _n加油_ ride a bike to school. But this mn加油orning I took a taxi becausn加油e I got u

10、p late. A. never B. sometimn加油es C. seldom D. usun加油ally23. Jane didnt dn加油o _ in the exam, but her exam rn加油esults are _ than n加油it was last year.A. bad; wn加油orse B. good; better C. well; n加油better D. well; worse24. Which n加油animal do you like _, a cn加油at or a dog?A. very much B. best n加油 C. better

11、 D. well25. n加油My brother likes watching TV vern加油y much. He stays in front of the TV n加油for _ two hours en加油very day.A. less than n加油 B. more than C. little than D. mn加油uch than26. The boy doesnt spean加油k his sister, but his writtn加油en work is very goodn加油. A. as well asn加油 B. so good as n加油 C. mor

12、e better thann加油 D. more worse than2n加油7. How will the boss be bn加油ack? In these days. A. far n加油B. soon C. long D. oftenn加油28. No matter what happens, tn加油he fact that Huangyan In加油sland belongs to China will n加油 change. A. evn加油er B. never C. still D. hardln加油y29. I dont think fast foon加油d is good

13、 for our health, so I _n加油_ go to MacDonald. A. seldn加油om B. always n加油 C. usually D. often30. Why arn加油e you driving so_. Tony? n加油Im feeling sick. Son加油rry, but the train is leavin加油ng in 20 minutes. We have to hurry.A.n加油often B. fast n加油 C. hard D. slowlyn加油31. The fire last night n加油destroyed m

14、any buildings. , non加油 one was killed. A. Actually n加油 B. Simply C. Luckily D. In加油mmediately 32. Seeing n加油a bird resting by the window,n加油 the boy moved _ to have an加油 look at it.A. politely n加油 B. quietly C. easily D. safn加油ely33.I can hardly see the words on tn加油he screen. Well, letn加油s go and t

15、ake the front seats so than加油t we may see _. A. clear B. clen加油arer C. more clearly 34. We cn加油an collect rainwater when it rains _n加油_ , and use it to water plantn加油s. A. softly B. hen加油avily C. noisily D. quien加油tly 35. We had a footban加油ll match yesterday. Our fans cheen加油red us on _ and we felt

16、mn加油ore confident. A. slowly n加油 B. loudly C. nearly n加油 D. carelessly 36.Thn加油ere are many beautiful places tn加油o visit in Anhui, _n加油 Mount Huang in autumn. A. simply n加油 B. finally C. luckily n加油 D. especially37. Can anyn加油one suggest to go for n加油lunch?A.why B. what Cn加油. who D. where38. Hon加油w

17、is your second-hand con加油mputer? ,so good.An加油. As long B. so far C. So mun加油ch D. As for39. Would n加油you like some green ten加油a. No, thanks. I _n加油_ drink green tea. It hun加油rts my stomach.A. almost Bn加油. seldom C. only D. stin加油ll40. You are speaking too fast. Cn加油an you speak a little n加油_?A. mor

18、e slowly B. most sln加油owly C. more loudly D. most loudly41. n加油Last Saturday, I got ton加油 the station late because of n加油the heavy traffic, but _ thn加油e train was still there.A. exan加油ctly B. mostly C. luckilyn加油 D. slowly42. Fire isn加油 very dangerous. You cant ben加油 _ careful win加油th it!A. very B.

19、qun加油ite C. so n加油 D. toon加油43.Sleeping is a good thin加油ng, but some people sleep_.n加油A. easily B. badly C. n加油quickly D. well28. Its best ton加油 stay indoors, _ when PM2.5 n加油reaches dangerous levels. n加油A. exactly B. possibly C. n加油especially D. generallyn加油44. Another person was hurt by the n加油tig

20、er in the zoo. What a pitn加油y! That is a lesson to us; we n加油must take rules _n加油_ . A. quickly B. clen加油arly C. carefully n加油 D. seriously 45.I heard you n加油made a new family rule n加油“Put away your phone while at home”.Yen加油s. We were _ busy checkn加油ing our mobile phones before, but now wn加油e enjoy

21、 communicating withn加油 our family.A. always B. never n加油 C. seldom D. sometimes 46. n加油Ive read through this book sen加油veral times, but I wiln加油l read it _ so as to get n加油better understanding.A. more bravely n加油 B. less easily C. less confiden加油ntly D. more carefuln加油ly47. _ we n加油work at English,

22、the ben加油tter grades we will get.A. n加油Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest n加油 D. The harder48. What do youn加油 think of Wilsons sn加油peaking?No one does _ in oun加油r school. A. good n加油 B. well n加油 C. better D. best4n加油9. It rained _ and lastedn加油 for a long time yesterday.Tn加油oo bad! Even some streets w

23、ere full of wn加油ater. A. hardly B.n加油 strongly C.n加油 terrible D.n加油 heavily50. Can you can加油tch what the speaker is saying, Tinn加油a? Sorry. He speaks n加油so fast that I can n加油 understand him. An加油. nearly B. hardlyn加油 C. probably n加油 D. exactly51. Skimming is a kind of n加油reading strategy. It mean加油

24、ns reading an article_ to find tn加油he main idea without reading every wordn加油. A. quickly B. carefully C. clearn加油ly52. Well have to say goodbye, myn加油 dear friends! But I will _n加油_ forget the days we spent tn加油ogether.A. always n加油 B. often C. never D. usun加油ally53. Joan has madn加油e great progress

25、 in speaking Chinese.n加油She _ works hard at it, youn加油 know. A. never B.n加油 seldom C. alwayn加油s54. Jimmy, where are my glassen加油s? I have looked everywhere.Oh,n加油 Granny. They are _n加油_ on your nose. A. even B. n加油well C. right n加油 D. ever 55.Have n加油you visited Shanghai Disney Land? n加油Yes. It was

26、wonderful! I took _ a n加油few photos there. A. very B. qn加油uite C. really D. hard n加油 56. When I was on my way home, it sudn加油denly started to rain _n加油_. A. heavily B. quicn加油kly C. hardly 57. There n加油was a big fire yesterday. _n加油, no one was hurt. A. Luckily n加油 B. Loudly C. Angrily D. Bn加油adly58

27、. The pizza looks n加油_. It is my favorite. A. lon加油vely B. sweetly C. softn加油ly D. healthily Ill be an加油way for a long time.Dont worrn加油y. She can look after yourn加油 pet _.A. careful enough n加油 B. enough careful Cn加油. carefully enough n加油 D. enough carefulln加油y59. You are driving tn加油oo fast. Safety

28、 is the first.Sorry. n加油Ill drive _.A.more slowly n加油 B.much slowly C.most slon加油wly 60. Could you tn加油ell me how to behave politely in publin加油c in the UK? Yes. _ , yon加油u should keep your voice down and alwn加油ays queue.A. After all B. Firsn加油t of all C. In all D. At all61n加油. I have _ been to Tibe

29、t. Hon加油w about you? Me, neither.A. n加油never B. ever n加油 C. already62. Annie decides to workn加油 _ harder and get better grn加油ades next year. A. many B. mn加油uch C. very 63.Amanda read the n加油article _, and fn加油ound something important in it.A. enoun加油gh careful B. carefully enough n加油 C. enough carefully D. can加油reful enough64. The bn加油oys are talking about the football matn加油ch .Yes. They have so n加油many fun things to share.A. easiln加油y B. happily C. sadly n加油 D. angrily 65. Its k

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