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1、许昌五校高一英语联考试题含答案2016年许昌五校高一英语5月联考试题(含答案) 许昌市五校联考高一下期第二次考试英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 分值:10分本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共 1小题;每小题2分,满分30分 )阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上用铅笔将该项涂黑。A I live in a it, and I lie quiet life I hate ns (爱管闲事的) neighbrs but its ver unlu that I had ne fr

2、self The ved in a uple f nths ag and althugh I never felt that the ere a strange fail, Ive alas hated the a the get “t lse” t e, huse, garden, and even garbage ansne da, neighbrs ere ing their lan (草坪) garbage ans ere near their lan Fr se strange reasn, I fund the ife ling thrugh garbage ans I felt

3、angr but sine the ere fr a different ulture, I thught that abe it as “nral” fr their ideasThat afternn, the uple ned n frnt dr hen I pened, the gave e a plasti bag Inside ere ld dail bills, redit ards and ban stateents, and an ld birthda ard that ld unle sent The said that the ere returning the t e

4、beause these duents ntained ver private infratin that a be used b thersIve heard f it befre I ased the h thse duents an be used b thers and the started telling e their ver n experiene, hih fred the t leave their he and ve next dr t us The ife tld e that she never destred the bills The als had a “ns

5、neighbur” h led thrugh their garbage ans hih the atuall thught as prett strange Little did the n that this “ns neighbr” as lleting their persnal infratin fr their rubbish Then all their ne as taen ut fr the ban b their neighbrIt as a ver painful experiene fr all f the and the anted t leave it all be

6、hind s the left I as ver thanful The ere nt ns neighbrs The sipl didnt ant us t experiene the sae thing that the did1 hat ade the authr angr?A His neighbrs ae t n at his dr at night B His neighbrs ere ing their lan ne rning His neighbrs gt t lse t his n heD His neighbrs ife as ling thrugh his rubbis

7、h2 h did the uple e t the authrs he?A T return the duents t the authrB T get t n eah ther better T intrdue theselves t the authrD T brr se ne fr the authr3 The neighbrs ved t live next dr t the authr beause A the n lnger had ne t live in their frer he B their persnal duents ere used b their frer nei

8、ghbr the didnt ant t live in suh a nis he as befre D the thught the authr as uh better than their frer neighbr4hih f the flling an e infer fr the last paragraph?A The authr as ind and helpful t the neighbrsB The authr hanged his idea abut his neighbrs The neighbrs didnt have enugh neD The neighbrs h

9、ad t ve fr plae t plaeBhat an u iagine the life 100 ears fr n? In fat, n ne an n it fr n, but sientists studing the evlutin f the siet, huan life and the rld in general ae suh ind f preditins based n sientifi data Arding t their publiatins in sientifi urnals, lets see h the rld ight l lie in 100 ear

10、s fr nEbedded putersArding t preditins b Ian Pearsn and Patri Tuer, b 200 the huan bd ill be ebedded2 ith puters, at least in a big part f the ppulatin, and b 207 st f the itizens f the develped rld ill have se ind f hips built in their brains t ae the r faster and share thughts in the fr f puter da

11、taSuperhuan geniusesDevelpents in geneti engineering ill reate huan geniuses h ill live frever Des it sund unbelievable? It is sure that there ill be a a t influene the brain t inrease the intelligene level and ith the help f genetis it ill be pssible t aintain huan bd fr an ears Glbal urrenArding t

12、 futurists, it is ver liel that a glbal eletrni urren ill be reated The sa that the lal and natinal urrenies ill be fe until id-entur and ill graduall disappear, let alne etal urreniesThree rld languages There ill be nl three rld languages: English, Spanish and hinese ther languages ill have n hane

13、t survive thrugh tie Futurists sa that an inrit languages are alread extint and the fa t that all eduated peple in the rld spea at least ne f these languages ill help in this aeans as a fd sureIt is ne f the st “nfident” future devel pents, arding t sientists, beause if the rld ppulatin ntinues grin

14、g at the sae rate, it ill reah ten billin S the fd ill nt be enugh Thus the eans ill be used t raise fish and t prvide ppulatins ith fresh ater taen fr the sea plants urnes int spaest futurists agree n this and believe that se ind f turist attratins ill be reated in spae, althugh the ill be affrdabl

15、e nl fr ealth peple h ill there be nl English, Spanish and hinese arding t the passage? A Beause ther languages nt be iprtantB Beause peple h spea inrit languages nt be illing t spea their native languages Beause re and re eduated peple spea English, Spanish and hinese, hih ill ause an inrit languag

16、es extintD Beause in the hle rld all the peple ust nt spea ther languages6 hat urren an e use t bu gds in the future fr the passage? A lal urren B etal urren natinal urren D glbal eletrni urren7 The ain idea abut the passage is abut A hat the peple l lie 100 ears fr n B hat the life f peple is lie 1

17、00 ears fr n hat the envirnent is lie 100 ears fr nD hat the ulture is lie100 ears fr nExas appeared lng tie ag and it is a a f piing ut exellent nes All taing exas ant t in S exa heatings alas g hand in hand Taing exas in a large grup setting an be stressful fr students and fr the staff ebers h are

18、 athing ver the hen lassrs are rded and dess are lse tgether, heating ight be tepting an rganizatins t easures t stp heating Nt lng ag ne universit in Thailand ae up ith an anti-heating hat that aes it alst ipssible fr students t see ther students papers The hats ere ade b stapling t piees f paper n

19、t a headband, ne t eah side f the head This aused an students anned A pht f the students earing the anti-heating hats ade its a t the internet, and the universit as als ritiized fr aing students ear thse ridiulus ling heade hats After being ritiized, senir aadei staff at asetsart Universit in Bang,

20、Thailand, released a stateent saing that the hats idea ae fr students The said that in a bid t prevent heating the ased the students fr ideas n h t prevent heating in the uping exa, hih as being taen b alst ne hundred students Students ae up ith different ideas, then the paper hat idea as seleted b

21、the as the st fit The universit lais that n-ne as fred t use the hat, but the all hse t d s “hen earing the hat during the exa, students felt re relaxed,” a leturer at the universit ,Nattadn Rungruangitrai, said “It as nt eant t indiate that asetsart students ften heat n exas I aplgize if the pht ae

22、s ther peple l at students in a negative a, Rungruangitrai added8 That the universit as ritiized n the Internet is beause ?A The heade anti-heating hat led t sipleB earing the anti-heating hat ade students l ridiulusearing the anti-heating hats uldnt prevent students fr heating in the exaD The unive

23、rsit fred students t ear the anti-heating hat 9 hats st f the asetsart Universit students attitude tards the heating hat? A areless B betive negative D supprtive10 Fr the passage e an infer that_A earing the anti-heating hat is effetive in se degreeB Se students are fred t ear the anti-heating hat I

24、ts useless earing the anti-heating hat in the exaD asetsart students are ften aught heating in the exa11 hat is the best title f the passage? A influene abut anti-heating hats f asetsart Universit, ThailandB pressure abut anti-heati ng hats f asetsart Universit, Thailand easures abut anti-heating ha

25、ts f asetsart Universit, Thailand D supprts f anti-heating hats f asetsart Universit, Thailand DHverbards are quite nvient fr peple t arr r ride n the bus street, espeiall in llege aps, re and re students hse t ride a hverbard t lassS hverbards(电动滑板)ere ang the st ppular hristas gifts f 201 The a ha

26、ve als been st dangerus gifts f 201A true hverbard ls lie a satebard ithut heels T “hver” eans t flat in the air ithut ving uh in an diretin The ppularit f hverbards began in the 1980s, ith the “Ba t the Future” vies haraters in the send and third fils used hverbards as transprtatinThis ears ppular

27、hverbards, hever, d nt atuall hver The have heels And? as it turns ut, the are nt eas t useAdults and hildren arund the rld suffered hverbard-related inuries ver the eeend an psted pitures f the daage n sial edia Titter user David Duglas psted a ph t f bth hi and a ung girl ith the bren ars the suff

28、ered n hristas Da And anther user Erin Raffert upladed a vide f her ther falling ff a hverbard, ith the aptin, “h let n the hverbard?”Falling is nt the nl ris ith se hverbards The are als a fire ris At ne stre in Texas, an eplee tried t fix a hverbard a uster brught in The hverbard then aught fireSt

29、udies suggest that se hverbard brands have defetive batteries r plugsan ar airlines rldide have banned hverbards beause f the fire ris But se passengers did nt hear the nes Australian atr Russell resaid n nda abut his disappintent that Virgin Australia Airlines did nt perit his hildren t tae their h

30、verbards n the planear retailers (零售商)are als taing steps t iprve the safet f the hverbards the sell Aazn in the United States n nl sells hverbards fr brands that have subitted safet standard duents The Us Aazn n lnger sells hverbards It has als advised usters h bught unsafe brands f hverbards t thr

31、 the aa12 hats the prble ith this ears hverbards?AThe dnt have heels BThe are diffiult t handleThe ath fire in the sun DThe ant ve in an diretin13e an infer fr the passage thatA hverbards are still ening equal ppularit as befreB hverbards are still sld n Aazn in the United States passengers are frbi

32、dden t get n planes ith hverbardsD the nuber f hverbard-related inuries is delining14The underlined rd “defetive” in the sixth paragraph prbabl eans _A dead B fault dr D spare1e an prbabl read this passage in a Asiene fitinBagazine nespaper Dvierevie第二节 阅读填句(共小题;每小题2分, 满分10分) 根据短内容, 从短后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。H an artiles are there abut aing ne nline? Thusands? illins? Enugh? Prbabl But t an f the are ust sales pithes(托辞)t nvi

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