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1、外研版小学英语第六册教案全修改(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)一、教学内容:Unit 1 We lived in a small t.We lived in a small t any buses.We lived in a small ,grandchildren,us,grandmother,lady3.能力目标:1、模仿课文语音语调,并能运用到生活当中与同伴进行准确交流。2、使学生能在真实语言环境中用英语进行交流,学会表达过去的事情。六、教学重难点:1.教学重点:(1)学习新单词:life ,different,ago,any,television,grandchild

2、ren,us,grandmother,lady(2) 学习新语言结构:There werewerentmany years ago.2.教学难点:(1)单词different的发音。(2)There werewerentmany years ago.六、教具准备:录音机、 磁带、 单词卡片、图片。七、教学程序:1.热身活动:T:I England with Sam and Amy.Does she miss China?Lets listen to the radio and find the answer.3.学习录音:(1)Listen and point. (听音指句子,整体感知课文内容

3、,并回答老师刚才提出的问题。)Yes,she does.(2)Listen and underline the new words.(听音画出新单词)教师利用单词卡学习新单词:life,类似但此有like,light,注意f的发音。ago,在短语中学习many years ago,many days ago,three weeks agotelevision,TV的缩写,Do you like watching TV?If you like,please remember television.grandmother:grandmagrandchildren: grandmothers son

4、s son or daughter.其余的单词different,any,us,lady通过单词卡片,采用集体读,个别读,男读,女读等多种方式学习。(3)Listen and read. (听音跟读)(4)Listen again and find out the changing of China.(听音跟读,找出中国的变化。) many years ago nowThere werent any buses. There are lots of buses and cars.There werent any televisions. I watch TV every dayWe lived

5、 in a small a big and now Look at the pictures and say: Then I was 14 years old. Now I am 20 years old. Then the picture four years ago. Now there is a big tree in the picture. C. There was a dog in the picture. There are three dogs in the picture. D. He : 1. Look, listen and learn: A. Learn the new

6、 words: live, livelived, life, different, many years ago, television, grandchildren, grandmother, were not= werent, missed B Listen to the tape and understand the text. C The teacher explains the text, then let the Ss answer the questions. P2 Ex1. D Read the text in the roles. 2. Listen and say: A.

7、There werent any buses. We lived in a small a big and read: 1. She ran fast many years ago. Now she walks slowly. 2. She saw well many years ago. Now she sees badly. 3. She cooked badly many years ago. Now she cooks well. 4. She was young many years ago. Now she is old. 四、Homework: 1. Read the text.

8、 2. Write the new words.Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 1 She learnt English.Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: learnt these dancer2. Sentences: She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now.3. Grammar: Talking about the past and present.4. Teaching properties:

9、 word cards photos tape.二、Teaching procedures.一、 WarmingupGreeting:T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? S: We are well.T: What day is today? S: Thursday.T: Are you ready for your English class? S: Yes. We are ready.Game: Review the past tense of some verbs.二、

10、 New teaching1. Use some pictures to learn important sentences.Did yout.He is doing .2. Learn new words and phrases.Teacher plays the tape and by all kinds of methods.3. Listen and repeat 4. Act out the test. (Give Ss some minutes to practise.)三、 Practice and consolidate.1. Show two pictures and pai

11、rs ,then act it out.四、 TaskfulfillingGame : teacher 六、 Homework:Try to describe the other persons to your parents.一)、Warmup(热身) 教师与学生相互问好,然后围绕“What is your favorite food?”展开讨论,老师和学生交流后,将学生喜欢的食物进行板书。 教师把新单词:egg、sausages、sandwiches、fish and chips作为自己喜欢的食物提出,课件出示图片教学新单词。 (二)、Presentation(新课呈现) 1、教师向学生提

12、出问题:“They are my favorite food, but I did not eat them. I 为了学生扩展学生的知识面,播放一段有关健康饮食的视频。看完之后让学生回忆一日三餐吃哪些食物有利于身体健康。(六)、Practice做一个“健康饮食”小调查:通过查找有关食品杂志或网络等途径了解最有益身体健康、最科学的饮食结构,然后根据得到的信息完成如下的一份健康饮食表: HEALTHY MENU1、 Warm up:T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher. T: Whats your favourite food? S: My fa

13、vourite food is2、Presentation: T: I email from Lingling. Its talk about English food. Now lets see what Lingling introduces. Then write the title.四、 Teach new lesson:Step1 Show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation.Step2 Open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, as

14、k the students to find out the new words and the name of the food. And explain some English eating to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together. Step4 Ask the students to see the pictures and play the tape, the students read after it. A

15、t last the students read the text in pairs.五、 PracticeAsk the student to see the third part of the text. Use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs.六、 HomeworkGo over the text. Pay attention to the important sentences and the name of the food.Module 4 LibraryUnit 1 Where are the books about comput

16、ers, please?教学目标:知识目标:1、 能熟练运用Where are theaboutplease?的句型,并能表演对话。2、 听、说、读、写本课的单词library find CD-ROM bring use card easy情感目标:1、 让每个学生都能积极互动参与课堂教学活动,增强他们学习英语的信心,从而更加热爱英语。2、 通过小组竞赛活动,培养学生的团结协作精神和竞争意识。能力目标:1、 让学生能用英语查找资料2、 以任务活动发展学生的语言交际能力和创新能力。教学重点、难点: “四会”单词和会话表演教具准备:单词卡片、挂图、录音机、粘贴教学过程:Step1 Warming

17、up1 、Sing a song、Play a guessing gameStep2 PresentationT: I need a book about English food. What can I do?Ss: You can buy the book.T: I can the library.学生可能不知道library这个词,这时教师板书该单词,领读单词,请学生跟读。T: Amy和Lingling 昨天也去了图书馆,我们一起来听听她们为什么借书,是怎样借的。Step3 Teach new lesson1、 教师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放课文录音,请学生边听边理解课文大意。2、 教

18、师再次播放录音,请学生边听边用笔勾画出课文中的生词、短语以及不熟悉的句子,并根据上下文和图片猜生词的意思。3、 教师将生词写在黑板上,为同学示范发音,并逐个讲解。4、 教师播放录音,请学生跟读、模仿语音语调Step4 Practice1、 让学生四人一组,分别扮演Amy, Lingling, librarian, 和Ms Smart,进行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演,比一比哪组表演的最生动,并发给每人一个小贴纸以奖励。2、 全班完成活动手册中的练习1和练习2。Step5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkAsk them to make up a dialogue with the

19、 new drills and new words.Step1:热身复习 热情地和学生们打招呼,请同桌同学相互问好。 出示食物卡片请同学认读,每个小组在黑板上相应有一个货架,读得又快又准确的小组得到食物卡片,最后看看哪个小组货架上的食物多。 Step2 : 句型操练 1.将货架上的食物卡片放于一个架上,拿出其它的卡片将四个货架摆满,操练句型Where are the - about-,please?和They are on Shelf -? 2.告诉同学们比比看,谁是合格售货员请小售货员背对黑板,其他小顾客问Where are the-about-,please?,看小售货员能不能用They

20、are on Shelf -?句型准确说出具体位置,说对的发一个贴片。 Step3:课文导入 1.教师提问学生:I need a book about English food,What can I do ?学生可能会回答:You can buy the book.也可能回答:You can the library.library这个词可以让他们说中文,教师板书library并领读。 2.教师告诉学生:library就是本模块讨论的主要话题,Amy和Lingling昨天也图书馆借书了,我们来看看,他们为什么借书,借了什么书,怎样借的书。 Step4: 课文教学 1.看书听录音理解课文大意 2.

21、再听录音,边划出文中生词、短语和不熟悉的句型,并根据上下文和插图进行猜测。 3.将本课生词、短语及句型写在黑板上,逐个讲解生词并领读。 4.播放活动2的录音,请学生跟读,注意语音语调。 5.学生理解课文内容后,教师播放领读带,请学生跟读课文。然后学生四人一组,分别扮演Amy,Lingling,librarinan和Ms Smart,进行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演,比一比哪组表演最生动。 Step5:任务完成 教师自制一个借书程序表,但顺序是混乱的。A. Take the book back the book and the library card.D. Ask the libraria

22、n,Where can I find books about -?E. Bring back the book in due time. 请学生四人一组为教师给出的借书程序表排序,完成后,请一个学生公布案(,),其他学生核对并订正。五、Homework:1. 抄写生词。2.英语达标训练:Unit 4第V1题。教学反思:活动3的句型Where are the books,please?和They are on shelf A?。学生比较容易掌握,先练习这个句型可以降低重点句型的难度。适当运用奖励,学生很乐意扮演顾客和售货员,活动练习比较到位。一、Warming up:1. little teac

23、her teach a sentence.(Tlille Your pronunciation is very good. Thank you . )2. Greeting. T: Hello ,boys and girls. How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And you? T:Im fine too. Are you short short short.My bag nice nice nice.(2) Well done, class,thank you ! Today we are going to learn M5, U1. At first

24、, lets review some words :(tall short , big - small, long - short, fat-thin, new old, cute,beautiful,cleve r,shy.图片配单词,) .引导学生说句子。【设计意图:课前用英语和学生进行简单的日常会话,可以拉近学生与老师的距离。对已学的词组进行复习,为接下来的新课教学打下了良好的基础。】(二)New words learing(单词,句子学习) 1 T: (出示两个包 )T: look ,I say : The black bag is big and describe something

25、 like this.Who try?S2S3S4(评价学生)T: (举起黑包)Can you find that :Its got two -T-S5 Clever! Your pronunciation is very good.I think you can be little teacher. come you teach the sentence? S5教Its got two pockets.T(You did a good job. Thank you )This word? Who can be little teacher?S6 teach: brokenTS6. Your

26、pronunciation is very good(通过“我”当小老师及学生之间用英语互评的教学活动,师生共同创设了一种民主和谐的英语学习气氛,较好地形成了师生互动和生生互动.教师把课堂真正还给学生,让学生成为学习的主人,教师成为学生平等的对话者. 进一步体现正在研究的课题(评价课题)在课堂上的生成效果。)2 巩固:把全部单词再读一遍(三)Text learing (课文学习)1 T : Our good friend Lingling will come back China .Ms Smart will buy a new bag for to the tape recorder , T

27、hen answer some questions : (1). What does Lingling need?why ( 2)Which bag )(T: now, please answer some questions; NO.1who try? (she need a new bag) NO.2(The blue one) NO.3(The blue one. Because its big and light. Itll be easy for pair (小组比赛的形式进行课文朗读,并由学生对此环节进行评价)Make a dialogue.3 T: Im so glad that

28、you speak English very well. . Now please describe something with your good friend . or by yourself.For example: The elephant is big and , , .nice, beautuful) 1What did you eat for breakfastlunchsupper. or What are you going to eat for breakfastlunchsupper2Whats your favourite foodfruittoysportskirt

29、animal.3 Do you like (4)好朋友相互介绍。(五) Class is over. T: Time is up ,boys and girls. You did a good job. Im proud of you .Thats all for today.BB.1课结束.一、教学目标:1. 知识技能目标:a)语言功能:选择适合自己的物品并陈述理由b)学习任务:单词-light, , pocket,wheel 重点句型-This black bag is This blue one is Its big and light. Its gotpockets wheels. c

30、)运用任务:比较两种事物,发现其特点和优缺点;选择适合自己的物品并说明理由;描述一个物品;根据描述找出物品。2. 情感态度:培养学生与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,要求学生能够在小组中与他人交流、学会评价他人。3. 学习策略:培养学生积极与他人合作、主动向他人学习、积极运用英语进行表达和交流、与同学共同完成学习二、 教学重点: a) 语言功能:描述事物特征;选择适合自己的物品并陈述理由。 b) 学习任务:Its big and light. Its got 三、教学难点:比较两种事物,发现并描述他们的优缺点。四、教学用具:CAI Director, pictures, cards,

31、 three books ,a bag, etc.五、教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up(热身活动)1. 师生问候,唱“彩虹歌”2. 通过卡片复习颜色。3. 看图复习形容词。4. 游戏:Say opposite words.(说反义词) Step 2. Presentation and New Teaching(呈现和新授课)1. 呈现学习任务: Today well learn English. And Ms Chen will take you to the world of animals, and lets see who can be “The Best Reporter”2. 幻灯片呈现两张风筝图片,并要求学生描述出它们的特征: eg. Its blue. Its small.-This blue kite is small. Its red. Its big

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