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1、健康早餐的英语演讲稿健康早餐的英语演讲稿篇一:健康早餐的英语演讲稿healthy diet there are many people who think that wealth is better than health. i used tothink so until one day i read a story about howard hughes. he was an americanbillionaire who got anything he wanted. however, in the last twenty years of hislife, his health bega

2、n to deteriorate and he was miserable. he had the best doctorsand nurses. however, he could still find no relief. i realized that health is worthall the money in the world. if you have millions of dollars but your health is poor,you will not be able to do what you want to do. so i would like to say

3、dont hurtyourself trying to make money instead of taking care of your body and be happy withwhat you do have. health is more important. so i think heath is very important. people can do nothing if they are always inpoor health, let alone happiness. no matter we are rich or not, we can not ignorethe

4、importance of ,many people cant be in good health,so,how to keep healthy is veryimportant. ill say something about food and health. more and more people arerealizing the importance of good health. but how to keep fit in my opinion, a healthy diet is very important for your health. do you know what a

5、 healthy dietis firstly, you should have a balanced diet. you may not like eatingvegetables. you think they are not so delicious. but vegetables have a lot of nutrition.they are very good for your health. secondly, youd better eat regular meals. youneed to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

6、 regular meals throughout the daygive you enough energy to carry out your daily activities. never skip breakfast. itis the most important meal of the day. eat bigger meals earlier in the day. dont havea big dinner. thirdly, most of you like eating snacks. they may affect your appetite.besides, too m

7、any snacks make you a word, if you want to be healthy, you should keep a healthy diet. it is timefor us to do something now, i think. that is, we should eat the right kinds of food,and do not eat any of the unhealthy food! let us do it right away to keep health!lets do it instead of talking about it

8、. thats all i want to say to you篇二:health关于健康的英语演讲稿health is the most important to us. 牛晨阳good afternoon, my dear teachers and my fellow students. i am very glad to standhere and give you a speech. my topic is about“health is the most important to us.”what do you think is the most important thing in

9、 our lifesome people think time is the most important thing in our life. some people thinkmoney is the most important thing in our life. some people think friendship is themost important thing in our life. but i think health is the most important thing inour life.we live in this world, maybe there a

10、re many beautiful things. we can get somethingagain and again, such as love, friendship, money and so on. but if we lose health,we can never get it back again. if you are in poor health, you will not feel thesethings and the world is always gray in your eyes. it s really serious. just as a saying go

11、es, “where there is health, there is hope. where there ishope,there is everything. ”so we can see that health is above everything. but howcan we keep in good health as we know, health lies in a good foodand water are important for us to keep healthy. different food helps us in differents more,get up

12、 early and keep doing exercise in the morning every these, taking exercise helps us build a strong body. it is the having a healthy lifestyle is very important for everyone. theres an oldsaying gose like this “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” its true. onceyou lost health ,yo

13、u will get nothing. so,my dear friends ,please realize that healthis the most important for us .thats all. thanks!篇三:英语写作英语写作1. 随着全球环境的恶化,越来越多的人选择过“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”,即减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。请写一篇英语短文,倡议你的同学们加入“低碳一族”。要点如下:1、用手洗衣服;2、多走楼梯,少用电梯;3、去超市自备购物袋;4、步行或者骑自行车上学。注意:1. 词数:120左右2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行

14、文连贯。3. 参考词汇:减少reduce key:one possible version:with the global warming getting worse, more people choose to live a low-carbonlife for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases. as students, we have theresponsibility to change our lifestyle to fit the world better. the following aresome small things th

15、at may lead to big improvement of the environment. firstly, washyour clothes by hand instead of using washing machines. secondly, dont take elevatorsunless it is necessary. using stairs does good to both your health and the environment.thirdly, remember to bring your own shopping bags when you go to

16、 the supermarket.lastly, go to school on foot or by bicycle. buses produce carbon too. lets take action and be low-carbon people!2. 假如你是李华,你的好友张帆迷上了络游戏,正好你们学校下周六将组织一次主题为“如何正确使用络” 的活动,届时一位教授将做有关方面报告。请给张帆写封邮件内容包括:1. 描述活动的目的,形式及过程并邀请请他来参加这次活动。 2.谈谈你对他的建议和希望。 字数:120 左右瘾 the internet addictionkey:0ne pos

17、sible version:dear zhangfan,i hope you can take my suggestions seriously. and get rid of the internetlihuawith ,take sth seriously, make good use of 等等,显示了作者词汇的丰富。此外,作者还用到了for one thing ,for another thing来连接句子,提高了作文的档次,3.最近,你看到某英文报社正在征集主题为“如何才能成为受人欢迎的学生”的短文,对此你很感兴趣。请你根据以下提示谈谈自己的想法,给该报社投稿。要点提示:1、衣着干净

18、、整齐,保持微笑 2、诚实,乐于助人3、懂得与人合作4、其他key:how to be popularmost people would like to be popular with others, but what is the secret toachieve popularity in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that wedress well and smile warmly.i am sure well be po

19、pular with others if we can do all of the above. elephant and the fly题文:“an elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. a small fly came,flying and buzzing (嗡嗡叫) near his ear. the elephant waved it away with his longears. then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more. t

20、his was repeated several times. then the elephant asked the fly, “why are youso restless and noisy why cant you stay for a while in one place ”the fly answered, “i am attracted to whatever i see, hear or smell. my five sensespull me constantly in all directions and i cannot resist themwhat is your s

21、ecrethow can you stay so calm and still”【写作内容】1、以约30个词概括短文的内容;2、然后以约120个词就“专注”这一主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:(1)看完故事后的感受及启发;(2)描述一段你或他人因受太多干扰而使学习、生活或工作受到影响的不愉快经历;(3)你打算在高三这一年里如何保持专注、专心。 key:an elephant was constantly disturbed by a restless fly, who wondered about thesecret of remaining calm. the elephant revea

22、led that calmness would be obtained when ones senses andattention were focused. after reading the story, i was inspired by what the elephantsaid. the ability to focus ones attention is the key to success in doing anything.just like the fly, a person who is easily distracted by the surroundings will

23、feelrestless and tired, is unable to achieve his reminds me of what happened when i entered high school as a senior one student.i was so excited to find that there were various student organizations and after-classactivities intended for us students. it seemed that many groups were suited to me.duri

24、ng the first term, i was attracted whenever there was a notice from a studentgroup and i was eager to find out more about it. as a result, i didnt spend enoughtime on my studies. nor could i settle down on my homework every day. consequently,i fell behind my classmates and failed in an important exa

25、m. i have learned a lesson from this experience that one should focus on one thingat a time before he can get it well done. as a senior three student, i intend to seta clear goal for myself first. then i will give priority to what i will be doing andkeep it up, trying to resist the temptation of oth

26、er events. i am fully aware thatonly when i have a clear and determined mind can i achieve my goal in the end.5. 厦门方特梦幻王国(xiamen fangte magic kingdom)是我国新建的一座大型主题公园。假设你叫张娟,请根据以下内容给外国朋友凯特写一封邮件,介绍这一主题公园,并邀请她暑假一起到那里游玩。公顷 hectare科幻 science fiction 互动interaction 高科技 high-tech写作要求1.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数;2.必须用

27、5个句子表达全部所给的内容;3.将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 dearkate , im very glad to have a chance to introduce a wonderful theme park to you zhang juankey:dear kate,im very glad to have a chance to introduce a wonderful theme park to you. zhang juan6.写作:明天的英语课轮到你进行课前英语小演讲。请根据以下信息,以“健康早餐”为主题写一份演讲稿。写作内

28、容 1. 现象: 有些同学不吃早餐; 有些同学吃早餐,但营养不均衡。2. 后果: 严重影响身体健康; 影响学习效率。3. 建议: (1)早起,吃营养均衡的早餐。(2)营养均衡的早餐包括:含有碳水化合物的谷类,以提供每天所需的能量; 鸡蛋、牛奶等提供蛋白质; 蔬菜、水果等帮助消化。谷类:grain;碳水化合物:carbohydrates;蛋白质:protein; 消化:digestion im very much honored to give you a speech on healthy breakfast._key:one possible version:im very much hon

29、ored to give you a speech on healthy breakfast. some studentsin our class often go to school without breakfast while others do have breakfast butnot a well-balanced one. consequently, their health and study efficiency arenegatively affected. a healthy and well-balanced breakfast should consist of wh

30、olegrains, eggs and milk, fruits and vegetables. the grain which contains carbohydratescan provide the energy we need every day. eggs and milk supply protein and fruitsand vegetables are good for healthy digestion. therefore, i strongly suggest thatwe should get up early and have a well-balanced bre

31、akfast before going to school.7. 请根据右边的漫画,结合你自己的切身体会,以how to face the college entranceexaminations为题,用英语写一篇短评。篇二:“健康早餐”为主题写演讲稿*明天的英语课轮到你进行课前英语小演讲。请根据以下信息,以“健康早餐”为主题写一份演讲稿。谷类:grain;碳水化合物:carbohydrates; 消化:digestion评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Im very much honored to give you a speech on healthy breakfast._ 范文 Im very much honored to give you a speech on healthy breakfast. Some students in our class o

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