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1、湖南省汝城二中高三上期考试题英语湖南省汝城二中2014-2015年高三上期10月考试题英语第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. -Hi, Tom! Could you spare me a minute? I want to have a word with you. -Sure, Jean. _. A. You must be worried. B. It doesnt matter.C. Whats up? D. Why me?22. -Has anything caught your

2、 eye in todays newspaper? -Yes. A new eight-kilometer-long road is under _ that links the port area with the motorway system. A. consideration B. construction C. conservation D. constitution23. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action quietly, and to have it _ by accident. A. find out B.

3、finding out C. found out D. be found out24. Adrians hard work _. He graduated with good grades and got into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in life outside school. A. paid off B. paid back C. paid for D. paid out25. -Would you please repeat the grammar rules again? -Of course, but I am sur

4、e that you _ to me carefully, as I have told you twice already. A. dont listen B. wouldnt listen C. werent listening D. arent listening26. Jane is determined to go to France for further education _ all the possible consequences. A. instead of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in response to 27.

5、As a manager, I know my emotions will affect people around me, so Im going to make a _ effort to be more cheerful. A. precious B. curious C. mysterious D. conscious28. -Do you have any news about Bob? -Yeah. We _ each other quite a lot recently. A. have been seeing B. had been seeing C. see D. have

6、seen29. Officials in Victoria said on Monday that it would be days _ the fires were brought under control, even if temperatures stayed down. A. since B. when C. before D. after30. -Why couldnt you tell me how you felt about things? -Thats because I grew up in a family _ we didnt talk about feelings.

7、 A. where B. which C. when D. why31. -What did Kincaid say just now? -He said he _ a dog if he hadnt been away from home too much. A. had had B. had C. would have D. would have had32. Were looking for an English teacher, especially _ with patience and imagination. A. that B. one C. the one D. it33.

8、Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every might, no matter what we _ have done during the day. A. should B. would C. may D. must34. -_ one and a half months enough for the project to be finished? -I am afraid not. The professor is ill and only after he recovers _ go on with it.

9、A. Is; he can B. Are; he can C. Is; can he D. Are; can he35. -You should make good preparations before you set off for Nanjing next week. -Yes, I know. _. A. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail B. Failure is the mother of successC. Do nothing by halves D. Kill two birds with one stone第二节完形填空 (共20题

10、 ; 每小题 1分, 满分20分)认真阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was _36_ and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the grade in my _37_. His beaming (欢笑的) f

11、ace turned to shock. “Youre 38 my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have come in _39_ ”He didnt finish the _40_, but it was obvious that his display of honesty was _41_. He thought hed have it allpraise and the higher grade.Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade _42_ bec

12、ause all Id accomplished was to discourage him from being _43_ in the future. And every time I tell this story, some people agree with this _44_. But I cant see how I could give good reason for worsening my _45_ in grading by undermining (损害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to _46_ an error.

13、 The grade itself would be a dishonest _47_ of his knowledge and it would have been _48_to other students. How could I _49_ give a student a gift of an unearned grade? I know _50_ reporting an error in ones favor is unusual, but, like _51_ too much change, its clearly the right thing to do. People o

14、f character, those with real honesty, hate to give up _52_ as much as anyone else. The difference is that for them a good conscience and reputation is _53_enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing. Perhaps lowering the students grade did _54_ him from being honest in the future, bu

15、t bribing (贿赂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when its cost-free would have _55_him even more. The duty to be honest is about right and wrong, not risks and rewards.36. A. wiseB. rightC. rigidD. angry37. A. filesB. booksC. recordsD. notes38. A. loweringB. correctingC. changingD. ma

16、king39. A. whetherB.whichC. whatD. if40. A. sentenceB. workC. examD. lesson41. A. goodB. falseC. specialD. impressive42. A. moveB. changeC. standD. drop43. A. braveB. adventurousC. successfulD. honest44. A. remarkB. complaintC. praiseD. achievement45. A. crimeB. mistakeC. doubtD. guilt46. A. makeB.

17、findC. correctD. avoid47. A. reactionB. senseC. signD. reflection48. A. unfairB. cruelC. toughD. funny49. A. reluctantlyB. possiblyC. politelyD. patiently50. A. activelyB. secretlyC. voluntarilyD. curiously51. A. receivingB. payingC. earningD. returning52. A. benefitsB. honorsC. awardsD. gifts53. A.

18、 pleasureB. rewardC. contentD. honor54. A. protectB. influenceC. discourageD. separate55. A. improvedB. encouragedC. blamedD. ruined第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,IO四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.A Skiping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your fin

19、al mark. But some college students still try every means to escape classes. The number of these rebels may be much bigger than you think. Three students from Anhui Normal University established Itaoke. Com in June. The website quickly attracted 2 000 registered members in tlree months. On the websit

20、e, students share their experiences of skipping classes and even post ads to look for someone to stand in for them to attend courses. Its embarrassing for universities to see this shameful behavior discussed:However,its good for schools and teachers to know via the website the reasons why students s

21、kip classes,according to Professor Xiao Haitao from Shenzhen University: Xao pointed out that somestudents skip classes because of laziness.Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory,“Universities can seek improvements to give a cure to the class-skipping problem,”said Xiao.Che

22、n Yang,21,thinks that he is “forced to skip some courses because of the poor teaching. the senior,majoring in English at Yangtze University, thinks that hes wasting time in the classroom when the teacher reads the textbook word for word or hands him outdated reading materials. He would rather skip c

23、lasses to study in the library, watch online videos of Harvard or Yale lectures,or sit in on(旁听)other courses he is interested in. Chen draws a clear line between himself and those who skip classes in order to get more sleep or fool around on campus. He emphasized:“I skip classes with a clear goal,w

24、hich is to probe into areas Im interested in andbroaden my horizons.”Li Sicen,President of the National Taiwan University,seems to be on Chens side. Li claimed that he supported those students who skip classes for good reasons.However,Professor Xiao warns students that Li is not giving permission fo

25、r students to skip classes. Xiao suggests that Li was just showing his understanding of truancy in a limited number of cases.In Professor Pan Cuiqiongs opinion,students tend to jump to the conclusion that a certain course is boring and useless. To clear students misunderstanding,teachers should use

26、materials closely related to studentslives and adapt interactive teaching methods,”said Pan.Besides offering teachers more training,schools also need to give students different optional courses and ensure that they can attend the courses they are interested in,according to Professor Xiao. Many Chine

27、se students have the experience of being kicked out of an optional course because its size is limited. They are then forced to choose courses they dislike and are likely to skip them. We may learn from Sydney University in Australia. There arent any problems with numbers-if a course is popular then

28、there will be more than one class per week.56: The underlined word“rebels in Paragraph 1 refers to“ A students who embarrass their universities B: students who establish websites C, students who skip classes D. students who quarrel with their parents57. Chen Yang Skips some courses because A, his sc

29、hool is more student-centered B, he wants to get more sleep C. he wants to fool around on campus D. the teaching style needs much improvement58. According to the passage,we learn that Professor Xiao A. is giving permission for students to skip classes B, thinks its embarrassing for the three students to establish ltaoke. com C. thinks the website will help to know why students skip classes D. claimed that he supported those students who skip classes for good reasons59. Which of the followin

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